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Devins Hjerteblod De syndigt sexede MacKade brødre er tilbage! New York Times’ bestsellerforfatter nummer et: Nora Roberts får igen alle kvindelige læseres hjerter over hele verden til at længes og sukke. Sherif Devin MacKade har gennem et helt årti stået på sidelinjen og set til — med tålmodighed og stor smerte — mens den kvinde, han i hemmelighed elskede, var fanget i et rædselsvækkende, dystert ægteskab. Nu er den smukke Cassie Connor fri … men sårbar. Devin ved, han skal træde varsomt, alt imens han prøver skridt for skridt at finde ud af, om hans hjerte og kærlighed kan blive gengældt.
Stolt og stædig Forfatteren Nora Robert fra New York Times bestseller-liste er tilbage igen med de uimodståelige MacKade-brødre. Atter engang vil mange kvindehjerter blive knust på brødrenes færden gennem livet. Advokat Jared MacKade kan vælge og vrage mellem alle de kvinder, han lyster. Hans forhold til Savannah Morningstar er udelukkende arbejdsrelateret, men hans tanker om den frække, direkte og syndigt sexede kvinde gør, at han har svært ved at holde sig væk. Men kombinationen af Savannahs flammende attitude og Jared MacKades indgroede stolthed kan ikke undgå at føre til, at noget godt eller skidt vil blive skabt.
Shanes overgivelse De syndigt sexede MacKade brødre er tilbage! New York Times’ bestsellerforfatter nummer et: Nora Roberts får igen alle kvindelige læseres hjerter over hele verden til at længes og sukke. Shane MacKade falder i fælden Den yngste MacKade var en mand af jorden, så den sidste kvinde, han forventede kunne fange hans erfarne, dameelskende ungkarleøjne, var den veluddannede professor med verdens højeste IQ. Men Rebecca Knight havde indfanget langt mere end det. En enkelt, smuk kvinde var dog ikke det samme, som at Shane for evigt var faldet i fælden og dermed ude af ungkarlelivet … men det var en ret pæn sandsynlighed…
Du kan aldrig føle dig sikker… … når truslen stadig lurer i skyggerne.Hvad der skulle have været en helt almindelig fredag aften i biografen for Simone Knox ændres brat, da tre mænd træder ind i salen og begynder at skyde. Det varer otte uvirkelige, blodige minutter, men efterdønningerne af tragedien sætter dybe spor i Simone.Reed Quatermaine er også til stede i samme bygning, og også for ham ændrer skyderiet hans liv. Han beslutter sig for at arbejde i politiet, og da han mange år senere møder Simone på den lille, idylliske ø udenfor Maine, hvor de begge er flyttet til, er Reed blevet politichef. Efter nogle turbulente ungdomsår har hun kastet sig over kunsten, mens hun stadig prøver at forlige sig med fortiden.Tiltrækningen vokser mellem Reed og Simone, men fortiden kommer pludselig tæt på, da de resterende overlevende fra skyderiet begynder at blive slået ihjel – én efter én …En sikker havn er endnu en romantisk og spændingsmættet roman fra den populære bestsellerforfatter Nora Roberts, som har solgt mere end 400 mio. bøger verden over.
The perfect facade can hide dark undercurrents... the brand-new standalone novel from global superstar Nora Roberts
Sydney Hayward er en klassisk skønhed, der er blevet dybt såret. Hun er led og ked og træt af sit overfladiske overklasseliv, så da hun arver Haywardfamiliens virksomhed efter sin bedstefar, kaster hun sig ud i et nyt liv - nu som direktør på toppen af New Yorks erhvervsliv. Sydney har succes og er iskold, når det kommer til forretninger ... og på overfladen ser det også ud til, hun er lige så kold og kynisk, når det handler om forholdet til mænd. Men det er inden, hun møder Mikhail Stanislaski ...
Den tryllebundne stjerne Det skulle have været en let sag. Det eneste, han skulle gøre, var at indfange en lille køn sag, der var stukket af fra sin kaution, og som ikke en gang gjorde sig den ulejlighed at skjule sig. Men den kyniske dusørjæger Jack Dakota skulle snart finde ud af, at der ikke var noget som helst, der var let, når det kom til den ildspyende M.J. O’Leary – eller hele den sag, hun var blevet rodet ind i. Nogen havde lokket dem begge i en fælde. Nu var de låst sammen i håndjern og på flugt fra to lejemordere. Og M.J. ville ikke fortælle noget – ikke engang da Jack finder en gigantisk, blå diamant gemt i hendes taske. Alt i ham siger ham, at han ikke kan stole på denne besnærende rappenskralde – alt, undtagen hans tryllebundne hjerte.
Den hemmelige stjerne DEN MYRDEDE MILLIONØSE Han stod ansigt til ansigt med en død kvinde … og hun pegede en pistol lige mod ham. Politikommissær Seth Buchanans mordefterforskning – og hans hjerte – bliver kastet ud i kaos, da Grace Fontaine pludselig dukker op – og ikke er den mindste smule død – men til gengæld i besiddelse af en af de store, blå diamanter kaldet Mithras Stjerner. Den kølige, kontrollerede kommissær lader sine følelser komme i vejen for sit arbejde, selvom alt, hvad han havde hørt og læst om den berygtede millionøse siger ham, at han bør holde sig langt væk. Men når han er sammen med hende, er det svært at huske på, at han har andre mysterier at løse end det mysterium, som Grace udgør.
Kvinderne i Bodine Longbows familie har i generationer drevet et resort i det stille, naturskønne Montana. Men idyllen brydes brat, da en ung kvindes lig bliver fundet, og en frygt spreder sig gennem lokalsamfundet Kort efter dukker en dybt traumatiseret kvinde op ud af det blå. Hun viser sig at være Bodines moster Alice, der forsvandt sporløst for 25 år siden.Har mordene noget med Alices mystiske forsvinden at gøre? Hvem iblandt dem er i stand til den slags ondskab?Samtidig er Bodines teenagecrush, Callen, tilbage i byen og gamle, uafklarede følelser vokser frem, mens de i fællesskab forsøger at afdække sandheden – før morderen slår til igen.Når solen går ned er endnu en stemningsfyldt, romantisk spændingsroman af bestsellerforfatteren Nora Roberts.“Det, der gør denne roman så fængslende, er Roberts’ evne til at fylde sin fortælling med et rigt detaljeret familieliv, sydende romantik og spænding.” – Publishers Weekly“I Når solen går ned er handlingen dybere, mysteriet har flere lag, og med Alice rammer Roberts et nyt niveau, når hun udforsker fysiske og psykiske traumer og familiens og kærlighedens kraftfulde, helende kraft. Roberts bevæger sig som forfatter ud i mere komplekst og mørkere land med fantastisk effekt.” – Kirkus Reviews“Når solen går ned er indbegrebet af Nora Roberts med sin jordbundne heltinde, en medrivende handling krydret med hverdagsliv og sine lige dele nervepirrende spænding og sexet romantik.” – Booklist
The final thrilling instalment in the Dragon Heart Legacy
The bestselling author of the epic Chronicles of The One trilogy, returns with the first in a brand new trilogy where parallel worlds clash over the struggle between good and evil.
Den søde og uskyldige Rowan Murray føler sig tiltrukket af den mystiske Liam Donovan med en kraft, som hun aldrig før har kendt til. Og det åndeløse kys de deler gør hende overbevist om, at han føler det samme. Men Rowan må snart indse, at hendes gådefulde nabo er lige så svær at indfange som den mystiske ulv, hun har set lure omkring sin hytte.
As this world ends, a new one begins. From number one New York Times bestseller Nora Roberts - an epic, apocalyptic tale of good and evil, love and loss.
In this spellbinding novel about a woman whose past is catching up with her, #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts dazzles readers 'a story you won't be able to put down' (Library Journal)Naomi Carson is a survivor. As a child, her family was torn apart by a shocking crime. It could have destroyed her, but Naomi has grown up strong, with a passion for photography that has taken her all around the world.Now, at last, she has decided to put down roots. The beautiful old house on Point Bluff needs work, but Naomi is looking forward to making a home of her own.But as Naomi plans for the future, her past is catching up with her. Someone in town knows her terrifying secret - and won't let her forget it... 'A read to be savored . . . Roberts has an unparalleled ability to paint a picture with words . . . and the story is expertly executed.' -Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Branna O'Dwyer has a rich and remarkable life. Her little shop in County Mayo is thriving and her close circle of friends and family have found love and happiness. But Branna's own heart remains closed - to protect herself and the man she loves from a terrible threat.She reached out once to Finbar Burke - and it almost destroyed them both. Fin and Branna have both inherited a gift for magic, but Fin shares his blood with an old and terrible enemy. And so the two friends have kept their distance, both secretly yearning for the impossible.That distance has kept them safe - and unhappy. But as a final battle draws close, Branna and Fin are brought irresistibly together. And while they succumb to the heat between them, there can be no promises for tomorrow . . .
Darcy Gallagher has always believed in fate, the magic of legend... and the power of money. Working all hours in the family pub, she can't help dreaming of a man who could sweep her away into a world of luxury and adventure.But she knows better than to expect lasting love from wealthy businessman Trevor Magee. Trevor has arrived in the picturesque village of Ardmore to build a theatre, and uncover the secrets of his family's past. Darcy and Trevor are drawn to each other, but neither is convinced they've found the one. But Ardmore has a way of weaving its magic, and the forces of destiny can only be resisted for so long...
Talented songwriter Shawn Gallagher works as the cook in the family pub. With no responsibilities and no ties, Shawn seems happy with his life.No one understands why he doesn't put his musical gifts to profitable use - least of all Brenna O'Toole. Tough and independent, Brenna has also been secretly in love with Shawn for years. When she finally admits her true feelings, Shawn rejects her advances, protective of his single life. But Brenna doesn't give up that easily. And there are other forces at work in the enchanting village of Ardmore. Perhaps fate will step in with a helping hand...
Jude Murray isn't given to dramatic decisions. So she's as surprised as anyone when she quits her job in Chicago and takes refuge in the picturesque village of Ardmore. Surrounded by the beautiful Irish scenery and refreshed by a more relaxed lifestyle, Jude becomes fascinated by the local folklore.Aidan Gallagher happens to be an expert in Ireland's haunting myths. After years of travelling, he's returned home to devote himself to the family business. But as he shares his country's legends with Jude, Aidan can't help wondering if they could create a passionate history of their own...
The Montgomery brothers have been the talk of Boonsboro, ever since they decided to renovate the old Inn into an intimate and handsome new Bed and Breakfast.Beckett and Owen have both found love in the process, but what of Ryder, the third Montgomery brother? Can the Inn Boonsboro weave its magic one more time?Ryder is the hardest Montgomery brother to figure out - with a tough-as-nails outside and possibly nothing too soft underneath. He's surly and unsociable, but when he straps on a tool belt, no woman can resist his sexy swagger. Except, apparently, Hope Beaumont, the innkeeper of his own Inn BoonsBoro. Hope may not be perfect, but could she be the perfect match for Ryder...? The Inn BoonsBoro trilogy comes to a triumphant and richly satisfying close in this warm, witty and captivating novel.
The historic hotel in BoonsBoro has endured war and peace, changing hands, even rumored hauntings. Now it's getting a major facelift from the Montgomery brothers and their eccentric mother... and they are uncovering secrets from the hotel's past. The new manager of the Inn starts work - and sparks fly with one of the brothers ...
The historic hotel in Boonsboro has endured war and peace, changing hands, even rumored hauntings. Now it's getting a major facelift from the Montgomery brothers and their eccentric mother. Beckett is the architect of the family, and his social life consists mostly of talking shop over pizza and beer. But there's another project he's got his eye on: the girl he's been waiting to kiss since he was fifteen.After losing her husband and returning to her hometown, Clare Brewster soon settles into her life as the mother of three young sons while running the town's bookstore. Busy, with little time for romance, Clare is drawn across the street by Beckett's transformation of the old inn, wanting to take a closer look . . . at the building and the man behind it.With the grand opening inching closer, Beckett's happy to give Clare a private tour - one room at a time. It's no first date, but these stolen moments are the beginning of something new - and open the door to the extraordinary adventure of what comes next . . .
When Nell Channing arrives on Three Sisters Island, she dares to hope she's found refuge from the life of terror she has left behind. But even in this quiet sanctuary, Nell remains alert to danger. Concealing her true identity, she takes a job at the local bookstore-caf - and begins to explore her feelings for Sheriff Zack Todd. As Nell starts her new life, she discovers that the island suffers under a terrible curse. It can only be lifted by the descendants of the Three Sisters, the witches who settled on the island in 1692. Haunted by her past, and with the help of two gifted women, Nell must find the power to save her home, her love and herself...
Ripley Todd has a great life. Her job as a sheriff's deputy keeps her busy and she has no trouble finding a man when she wants one. She's perfectly content, except for one thing: she has special powers. And though she tries hard to hide them, she just can't get them under control. Distraction arrives in the handsome form of researcher MacAllister Booke. He's come to Three Sisters Island to investigate rumours of witchcraft, and he quickly realises there's something extraordinary about Ripley .But before they can dream of a future, the must confront the pain of the past. The island shelters centuries of secrets - and a legacy of danger that could destroy all their dreams.
Will Parker and Mal ever get their Happy Ever After...?Childhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel and Emmeline have formed a very successful wedding planning business together but, despite helping thousands of happy couples to organise the biggest day of their lives, all four women have struggled to find love.But now, with her three best friends happily settled in relationships, only workaholic Parker remains single. Her business is her life and she devotes all her energies to it. But someone is about to divert her focus...
Childhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel and Emmaline have formed a very successful wedding-planning business together but, despite helping thousands of happy couples organise the biggest day of their lives, all four women are unlucky in love.Chef Laurel McBane has worked hard all her life to secure her dream - to be an award-winning baker. Now, her wedding cakes are as close as anyone can get to edible perfection - stunning creations that complement Mac's beautiful photographs and Emmaline's floral bouquets. Because Laurel has worked so hard to overcome her tough upbringing, she is wary about letting anything, or anyone, get in the way of her work. But a slowly simmering chemistry with Parker's brother Del has suddenly become too hot to ignore . . .
Childhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel and Emmaline have formed a very successful wedding planning business together but, despite helping thousands of happy couples to organise the biggest day of their lives, all four women are unlucky in love.Photographer Mackensie Elliot has suffered a tough childhood and has a bad relationship with her mother, which makes her wary of commitment. But when she meets Carter Maguire, she can't stop herself falling for him, although his ex-girlfriend is prepared to play dirty to keep him. Mackensie soon realises she has to put her past demons to rest in order to find lasting love . . .
Emmaline Grant has always loved romance, so it's really no surprise that she has found her calling as a wedding florist. And she gets to work with her best friends Mackensie, Parker and Laurel - she couldn't ask for a better job. Yet while men swarm around her, she still hasn't found Mr Right. But the last place Emma's looking is right under her nose.And that's just where Jack Cooke is. He's been best friends with Parker's brother for years, which makes him practically family. Now the architect has begun to admit to himself that his feelings for Emma have developed into much more than friendship, and when she returns his passion - kiss for blistering kiss - things start to get complicated. Jack has never been big on commitment. Emma yearns for a lifelong love affair. And if the two are to find common ground, they must trust in their history - and in their hearts . . .
Den skjulte stjerne Hun kunne intet huske, ikke engang hvem hun selv var. Men én ting var sikker; Bailey James havde problemer. Store problemer! Og hun havde desperat brug for Cade Parris’ hjælp til at holde sig længe nok i live til at finde ud af, hvad det var for problemer, hun havde skaffet sig på halsen. I det øjeblik den koldblodige privatdetektiv så den skrøbelige skønhed, fik hun ham næsten til at glemme, hvem han var. Hvis Bailey var kriminel, ville han trække sig tilbage som detektiv for altid. Men hvad lavede hun med en taske fuld af penge og en diamant på størrelse med et barns knytnæve? Og hvordan skulle han løse mysteriet uden samtidig at miste sit hjerte?
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