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During his prolific career, Oscar Wilde also wrote several stories for children and fairy tales. In these stories Wilde really expressed his affection for aesthetic writing. His children''s tales are assembled in his two short story collections: The Happy Prince and Other Tales: The Happy Prince The Nightingale and the Rose The Devoted Friend The Selfish Giant The Remarkable Rocket A House of Pomegranates: The Young King The Birthday of the Infanta The Fisherman and His Soul The Star-Child
During his prolific career, Oscar Wilde also wrote several stories for children and fairy tales. In these stories Wilde really expressed his affection for aesthetic writing. The Happy Prince and Other Tales is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde first published in May 1888. It contains five stories: "The Happy Prince", "The Nightingale and the Rose", "The Selfish Giant", "The Devoted Friend", and "The Remarkable Rocket".
The novel tells of a young man named Dorian Gray, the subject of a painting by artist Basil Hallward. Dorian is selected for his remarkable physical beauty, and Basil becomes strongly infatuated with Dorian, believing that his beauty is responsible for a new mode of art. The Picture of Dorian Gray is considered one of the last works of classic gothic horror fiction with a strong Faustian theme. It deals with the artistic movement of the decadents, and homosexuality, both of which caused some controversy when the book was first published. However, in modern times, the book has been referred to as "one of the modern classics of Western literature.
The Importance of Being Earnest is the final play of Oscar Wilde, and it is considered his masterpiece. The play is a farcical comedy with the theme of switched identities: the play''s two protagonists engage in "bunburying" (the maintenance of alternative personas in the town and country) which allows them to escape Victorian social mores. Working within the social conventions of late Victorian London, the play''s major motives are the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.
B.J. Harrison reads "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" which consists of various children’s stories by Oscar Wilde. Originally published in 1888, the work includes five memorable stories: "The Happy Prince", "The Nightingale and the Rose", "The Selfish Giant", "The Devoted Friend" and "The Remarkable Rocket". It features unforgettable characters, such as the happy prince who has never experienced sorrow and a nightingale who accepts a rose for the ultimate sacrifice. These tales have inspired countless different adaptations, including the 1974 animated film "The Happy Prince", featuring Christopher Plummer as the voice of the prince himself.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish author, poet and playwright, who became one of the most famous – as well as scandalous – playwrights in London in the late 19th century. Wilde is remembered for his witty plays, such as "The Importance of Being Earnest" and his Gothic novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray", set in the Victorian era. His works have lived on in stage and film adaptations. Recent adaptations of his stories include the film "Dorian Gray"(2009), with Ben Barnes as the famous main character.
B.J. Harrison breathes life into one of Oscar Wilde’s first short stories, "The Canterville Ghost". The American Hiram B. Otis and his family move to a castle in Canterville Chase in the English countryside. They soon discover that they are not alone in the castle and that the ghost of an old tenant, Sir Simon de Canterville, is with them. Yet the family is not so easily scared, even if the ghost can take many shapes and forms.The short story from the late 19th century mixes humor with the macabre. It has seen countless stage and screen adaptations, including the 1974 film adaptation "The Canterville Ghost", featuring James Whitmore.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish author, poet and playwright, who became one of the most famous – as well as scandalous – playwrights in London in the late 19th century. Wilde is remembered for his witty plays, such as "The Importance of Being Earnest" and his Gothic novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray", set in the Victorian era. His works have lived on in stage and film adaptations. Recent adaptations of his stories include the film "Dorian Gray"(2009), with Ben Barnes as the famous main character.
"The Devoted Friend" from the 19th century is an unconventional classic for children and adults alike. The Water-rat tells the story of Big Hugh and his friend Hans, whose friendship is not what it seems, and certainly not easy. This story within the story tells of friendship, its importance and how it can go wrong. This ageless fairy tale is a dark and funny short story created by Oscar Wilde is now read by B.J. Harrison. It was also adapted into an animated TV movie in 2003 called "Wilde Stories: The Devoted Friend."B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish author, poet and playwright, who became one of the most famous – as well as scandalous – playwrights in London in the late 19th century. Wilde is remembered for his witty plays, such as "The Importance of Being Earnest" and his Gothic novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray", set in the Victorian era. His works have lived on in stage and film adaptations. Recent adaptations of his stories include the film "Dorian Gray"(2009), with Ben Barnes as the famous main character.
"Yet each man kills the thing he loves / By each let this be heard / Some do it with a bitter look / Some with a flattering word/ The coward does it with a kiss, /The brave man with a sword!"Oscar Wilde’s poem "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" depicts an execution and the harsh circumstances of life in prison. Based on Wilde’s own experience in prison, the poem contains details that do not judge but simply describe, in poetic terms, that which both horrifies and moves. The famous ballad from the late 19th century has lived on in popular culture and been quoted in famous works, such as the cult novel "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess from 1962. Hear the epic lines now read by B.J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish author, poet and playwright, who became one of the most famous – as well as scandalous – playwrights in London in the late 19th century. Wilde is remembered for his witty plays, such as "The Importance of Being Earnest" and his Gothic novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray", set in the Victorian era. His works have lived on in stage and film adaptations. Recent adaptations of his stories include the film "Dorian Gray"(2009), with Ben Barnes as the famous main character.
In "The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People", our main characters Algernon and Jack are tired of social obligations and have decided to lead a double life instead. However, nothing is simple when it comes to keeping secrets and several fates get entangled with the men’s questionable endeavours. This late-19th-century play by Oscar Wilde is considered a satire of its time, offering a critique of Victorian institutions, such as marriage. The play has seen numerous radio, film, opera and musical adaptations. These include the 1992 film "The Importance of Being Earnest", starring Reese Witherspoon and Colin Firth. Hear the classic as read by B.J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish author, poet and playwright, who became one of the most famous – as well as scandalous – playwrights in London in the late 19th century. Wilde is remembered for his witty plays, such as "The Importance of Being Earnest" and his Gothic novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray", set in the Victorian era. His works have lived on in stage and film adaptations. Recent adaptations of his stories include the film "Dorian Gray"(2009), with Ben Barnes as the famous main character.
B.J. Harrison reads the classic that has puzzled and delighted readers for over two centuries. Dorian Gray is a beautiful man, who has been immortalized in a painting. As he comes to the realization that his beauty will eventually fade, he makes a wish to never lose his beauty and retain eternal youth. Meanwhile, his age and sins continue to live on in his portrait.The late-19th-century classic by Oscar Wilde, a charming yet horrifying Gothic novel, has been adapted countless times to the screen. Recent adaptations include the 2009 film "Dorian Gray", with Ben Barnes as the main character.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish author, poet and playwright, who became one of the most famous – as well as scandalous – playwrights in London in the late 19th century. Wilde is remembered for his witty plays, such as "The Importance of Being Earnest" and his Gothic novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray", set in the Victorian era. His works have lived on in stage and film adaptations. Recent adaptations of his stories include the film "Dorian Gray"(2009), with Ben Barnes as the famous main character.
"… alle dræber vi jo den, som vi har kær. – Én gør det med et giftigt blik, én just ved kærlig færd. – Den feje gør det med et kys, den tapre med sit sværd!"Sådan lyder nogle af de mest berømte linjer i Oscar Wildes sidste værk. Forfatteren sad i fængsel to år i 1890'er for "stærkt uanstændig opførsel", og under sit fængselsophold iagttog han dødsdømt morder, som gjorde et stærkt indtryk på ham. Det blev senere til "Kvadet om Reading Tugthus", et stærkt indlæg om forholdene i samtidens engelske fængsler og den uværdige måde, dødsstraffen blev gennemført på.Oskar V. Andersen gendigtede i 1910, hvad der er blevet kaldt "en meditation over dødsstraffen" på dansk med bevarelse af originalens rytme og rim, og selv om det som al anden poesi ved oversættelse kun kan være en afglans af originalens storhed, var hans udgave levedygtig nok til at opnå 3 oplag mellem 1910 og 1944.
«El retrato del Sr. W. H.» es una historia escrita por Oscar Wilde, publicada por primera vez en la revista «Blackwood's Magazine» en 1889. Fue posteriormente añadida a la colección «El crimen de lord Arthur Savile y otras historias».En esta novela corta Oscar Wilde intenta descubrir la identidad de la persona a la que van dedicados los sonetos de Shakespeare, un secreto que los expertos intentan averiguar sin éxito desde hace quinientos años. Hay múltiples teorías al respecto y Wilde se decanta por la teoría de que el autor de estos es Willie Hughes.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) fue un escritor, ensayista, poeta y dramaturgo irlandés. Su única novela, «El retrato de Dorian Gray», es considerada una de las mejores obras de terror gótico de la historia. Después de la represión que sufrió en Inglaterra por su orientación sexual se exilió en Francia.
Con un lenguaje desenfadado y mordaz, Wilde propone que la labor del crítico es más meritoria que la del artista y aprovecha para escandalizar a la sociedad de su época con provocaciones y epigramas. Establece que la diferencia entre periodismo y literatura radica en que «el periodismo es ilegible y la literatura no se lee»; afirma que el público inglés «se siente mucho más a gusto cuando le habla un mediocre», y defiende los libros de memorias porque están escritos por personas que «han perdido por completo la memoria o nunca han hecho nada digno de ser recordado».Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) fue un escritor, ensayista, poeta y dramaturgo irlandés. Su única novela, «El retrato de Dorian Gray», es considerada una de las mejores obras de terror gótico de la historia. Después de la represión que sufrió en Inglaterra por su orientación sexual se exilió en Francia.
"La sfinge senza segreti" è un racconto apparso per la prima volta su The World nel 1887 e poi incluso nell'antologia "Lord Arthur Savile's crime and other stories", pubblicata nel 1891. In questa breve storia ritroviamo compendiate in maniera paradigmatica alcune delle caratteristiche tipiche della narrativa di Wilde, quali il gusto per l'aforisma e per il paradosso, esemplificate nelle battute iniziali e soprattutto finali, che in un certo qual modo ne racchiudono il senso stesso. La Sfinge senza segreti verte tutto su una donna che misteriosamente ogni settimana in un dato giorno e in una data ora si reca in un appartamento e vi esce solo dopo alcune ore. Il tutto viene fatto con tale segretezza e precisione, da far pensare al protagonista che la donna nasconda per l'appunto un segreto inconfessabile (è ricattata? ha un amante? vede un parente in difficoltà finanziarie e non può dirlo al marito?). Le ipotesi si sprecano, finché il protagonista non parla con un vicino che gli svela l'arcano. La donna non ha nessun amante o parente o ricattatore, siede per alcune ore vicino alla finestra e basta, per poi tornare a casa sua.Oscar Wilde, nato e cresciuto a Dublino in un ambiente colto e spregiudicato, studiò a Oxford dove ebbe come maestri J. Ruskin e W. Pater. Il suo ingegno brillante, i suoi successi letterari e le sue pose eccentriche lo imposero come una delle personalità dominanti nei circoli artistici e nei salotti mondani sia inglesi che francesi. Visse prevalentemente tra Parigi e Londra, ma con frequenti viaggi in Italia, Grecia e Nordafrica. Nel 1884 sposò Constance Lloyd, da cui ebbe due figli, ma ben presto il matrimonio naufragò. Tutta l’aristocrazia e la classe dirigente di cui era stato fino a poco prima l’idolo lo abbandonarono a causa della sua relazione con lord Alfred Douglas, che in particolare gli mise contro il padre di questi, marchese di Queensberry. In un processo che suscitò enorme scalpore, fu condannato per omosessualità a due anni di lavori forzati (1895). Scontata la pena, in miseria e abbandonato da tutti, si rifugiò in Francia dove morì tre anni dopo. Nel 1891 uscì il suo romanzo più celebre Il ritratto di Dorian Gray (The picture of Dorian Gray), massima espressione del decadentismo e dell’estetismo. La sua opera è inseparabile dalla sua vita. Non solo predicò l’estetismo, ma volle vivere la propria vita come un’opera d’arte. Il tentativo di conciliare istanze di ribellione e mondanità si riflette nell’atteggiamento verso la società vittoriana, criticata ferocemente ma anche blandita.
Lo scrittore britannico Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), accanto alle sue celebri opere teatrali e al romanzo "The picture of Dorian Gray", autentico (o quasi) manifesto del movimento letterario decadentista, è autore di un pugno di raccolte di racconti, due dei quali, "La sfinge senza segreti" (The sphinx without a secret) e "Il milionario modello" (The model millionaire), vengono qui presentati. Questi due racconti apparvero entrambi per la prima volta su The World nel 1887 e furono poi raccolti nell'antologia "Lord Arthur Savile's crime and other stories", pubblicata nel 1891. In queste due brevi storie si trovano compendiate in maniera paradigmatica alcune delle caratteristiche tipiche della sua narrativa, quali il gusto per l'aforisma e per il paradosso, esemplificate nelle battute iniziali e soprattutto finali di entrambi i racconti, che in un certo qual modo ne racchiudono il senso stesso.Questa raccolta contiene : "La sfinge senza segreti" e "Il milionario nodello"Oscar Wilde, nato e cresciuto a Dublino in un ambiente colto e spregiudicato, studiò a Oxford dove ebbe come maestri J. Ruskin e W. Pater. Il suo ingegno brillante, i suoi successi letterari e le sue pose eccentriche lo imposero come una delle personalità dominanti nei circoli artistici e nei salotti mondani sia inglesi che francesi. Visse prevalentemente tra Parigi e Londra, ma con frequenti viaggi in Italia, Grecia e Nordafrica. Nel 1884 sposò Constance Lloyd, da cui ebbe due figli, ma ben presto il matrimonio naufragò. Tutta l’aristocrazia e la classe dirigente di cui era stato fino a poco prima l’idolo lo abbandonarono a causa della sua relazione con lord Alfred Douglas, che in particolare gli mise contro il padre di questi, marchese di Queensberry. In un processo che suscitò enorme scalpore, fu condannato per omosessualità a due anni di lavori forzati (1895). Scontata la pena, in miseria e abbandonato da tutti, si rifugiò in Francia dove morì tre anni dopo. Nel 1891 uscì il suo romanzo più celebre Il ritratto di Dorian Gray (The picture of Dorian Gray), massima espressione del decadentismo e dell’estetismo. La sua opera è inseparabile dalla sua vita. Non solo predicò l’estetismo, ma volle vivere la propria vita come un’opera d’arte. Il tentativo di conciliare istanze di ribellione e mondanità si riflette nell’atteggiamento verso la società vittoriana, criticata ferocemente ma anche blandita.
Composed after his release from the titular prison whilst he was in exile in Berneval-le-Grand, this poem deals with the hanging at Reading Goal of Charles Thomas Wooldridge, a 30-year-old man who was imprisoned for cutting his wife's throat. Within the poem, Wilde narrates the execution in full and explores the brutal nature of the punishment t...
This book contains a brand-new collection of some of Wilde's best poetry, including the titular "My Voice". A fantastic collection of poetry by one of the nineteenth century's most notable poets.
Brimming with the counter-intuitive wit with which Wilde's name is synonymous, the play follows two young men, Algernon and Jack, as they come to grips with one another's lies, which spiral out of control and culminate in a hauntingly brilliant scene with a cast of characters dripping with satire, a lost manuscript and an unforgettable handbag.
As the painter looked at the gracious and comely form he had so skilfully mirrored in his art, a smile of pleasure passed across his face, and seemed about to linger there. But he suddenly started up, and closing his eyes, placed his fingers upon the lids, as though he sought to imprison within his brain some curious dream from which he feared he might awake. "It is your best work, Basil, the best thing you have ever done," said Lord Henry languidly...
Die Verganglichkeit der Schont und der Wunsch nach ewiger Jugend: Der schone junge Dorian bezaubert den Maler Basil Hallward. Als Basil ein Portrat von Dorian anfertigt, wunscht dieser sich selbstverliebt, dass nicht er, sondern das Portrat altern soll. Sein Wunsch wird erfullt. Dorian fuhrt ein zugelloses Leben, sturzt Menschen in Abgrunde und lebt selber alterslos und unbeschadet weiter - zumindest eine Zeit lang...-
La storia, descritta con uno stile velatamente ironico ma delicato, è anche improntata a un certo raffinato decadentismo, tipico di Wilde. Il breve racconto (non più di quattro o cinque pagine) narra la storia di un giovane bello e di modeste risorse che, grazie ad un incredibile, quanto inaspettato colpo di fortuna, riesce ad arricchirsi ed a coronare il suo sogno d’amore. Il gioco della narrazione sta proprio nel finale totalmente a sorpresa che ribalta improvvisamente le prospettive che avevano fino ad un instante prima ingannato il lettore. Con uno stile scorrevole e delicato, non privo di qualche francesismo qua e lа, Wilde ci dà in questo racconto un buon saggio della sua prosa ironica e raffinata al tempo stesso.Oscar Wilde, nato e cresciuto a Dublino in un ambiente colto e spregiudicato, studiò a Oxford dove ebbe come maestri J. Ruskin e W. Pater. Il suo ingegno brillante, i suoi successi letterari e le sue pose eccentriche lo imposero come una delle personalità dominanti nei circoli artistici e nei salotti mondani sia inglesi che francesi. Visse prevalentemente tra Parigi e Londra, ma con frequenti viaggi in Italia, Grecia e Nordafrica. Nel 1884 sposò Constance Lloyd, da cui ebbe due figli, ma ben presto il matrimonio naufragò. Tutta l’aristocrazia e la classe dirigente di cui era stato fino a poco prima l’idolo lo abbandonarono a causa della sua relazione con lord Alfred Douglas, che in particolare gli mise contro il padre di questi, marchese di Queensberry. In un processo che suscitò enorme scalpore, fu condannato per omosessualità a due anni di lavori forzati (1895). Scontata la pena, in miseria e abbandonato da tutti, si rifugiò in Francia dove morì tre anni dopo. Nel 1891 uscì il suo romanzo più celebre Il ritratto di Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray), massima espressione del decadentismo e dell’estetismo. La sua opera è inseparabile dalla sua vita. Non solo predicò l’estetismo, ma volle vivere la propria vita come un’opera d’arte. Il tentativo di conciliare istanze di ribellione e mondanità si riflette nell’atteggiamento verso la società vittoriana, criticata ferocemente ma anche blandita.
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