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Looks at which specific aspects of climbing and methods of coaching are important - together with some aspects of sports science.
Den konverterede muslim Wahid Abu Svensson - med øgenavnet ´Imamen´ - bliver halshugget i sit gamle hus, dybt inde i en skov i det nordlige Halland. Opklaringen prioriteres imidlertid lavt hos Göteborgs politi, da de fleste tror, at forbryderen er den lokale nazist, og at han nok snart vil tilstå. Sådan kommer det imidlertid ikke til at gå.Kort tid efter det første mord myrdes endnu en imam i Århus, og efter karrikatur-krisen vækker mordet straks international opmærksomhed, og de danske myndigheder sætter alle til rådighed stående midler ind på at finde gerningsmanden. Man frygter naturligvis, at det skal hedde sig i Mellemøsten - og i Sverige, at det er den danske stat, som har myrdet den unge imam fra Grimhøjmoskeen i forstaden Gellerup. Eksporten er følsom, og tanken om erhvervslivets fleksible topfolk fremkalder nervøse trækninger hos ordensmagtens ledende kommissærer.Udsigten til at opklare mordene er ikke gode, ingen i Göteborgs politi er meget for at tage til Århus. Derfor hyres den tidligere kriminalopdager Jan Åkesson til opgaven. Han taler dansk og udfører af og til specialopgaver for svensk politi, efter at han sammen med sin kæreste, Helena Maria Cirio, opklarede mordet på Olof Palme.
A landmark publication that captures the beautiful richness of every aspect of trees and their importance for science, culture and the future of humankind. Trees feed us, shelter us, inspire us and heal us. In a world facing the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and a pressing climate emergency, the importance of these primeval beings in shaping our future is hard to understate. Generously illustrated and organized according to tree lifecycle - from seeds, leaves and form to wood, flowers and fruit - this book celebrates the great diversity and beauty of the 60,000 tree species that inhabit our planet. Exquisite details are rendered by surprising photography and infographics: intricate bark and leaf patterns, intertwined ecosystems, colourful flower displays, archaic wooden wheels and timber houses. Integral to science, art and culture, fundamental and fragile, dependent and depended on, the vitality of trees is revealed like never before.
AN ESSENTIAL GAZETEER. Rare and previously unpublished photographs of the railways that served East Sussex during the final years of steam locomotion.
Vi har de døde med os handler om de sidste halvandet år af besættelsen. Forfatteren og historikeren Paul Smith lader de små historier træde frem, komiske og underfundige. De små og større fortællinger væves sammen og en af de vigtigste epoker i Danmarkshistorien bliver fortalt på en ny og vedkommende måde.Et eksempel: den unge Viggo Kampmann fulgte tit med statsministeren, den 62-årige Vilhelm Buhl, hjem fra Finansministeriet, når de skulle med linje 5 til Amager. De var blevet venner og ifølge Kampmann var der opstået en slags far-søn-forhold. På bagperronen med maskinstøj og rystelser kunne de tale frit om det meste uden at vække opmærksomhed. På Amagerbrogade stod Buhl af, mens Kampmann fortsatte 4-5 stoppesteder til villaen på Luganovej som også var mødested for Frit Danmark og i resten af krigen blev der med Wilhelm Buhls viden trukket store beløb fra Finansministeriets kasse, som finansierede modstandsbevægelsens arbejde.Sådanne velfortalte historier fra dagbøgernes inderste mørke er typiske for Smiths tre bøger, der tilsammen tegner et forrygende og uundværligt billede af det danske liv og en danske måde under det som historikerne kalder de fem forbandede år.
You're 43, cruising through life when suddenly you're diagnosed with cancer. What do you do next? When Paul Smith found himself facing that question he decided to swim 2.4 miles, cycle 112 more and then run a marathon. If you think completing an ironman triathlon is an impossible dream, read this truly inspirational story and think again.
WINNER - AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS BOOK AWARDS 2019 (BEST LEADERSHIP BOOK)BONUS OFFER - For a limited time, purchase any digital or print copy of the book and receive complimentary access to Paul's Board Kickstarter Course. Visit for more information. "Finally, a book that answers not only the 'how-to' of getting a board seat but asks the reader to truly understand why they would bother taking on the responsibility that follows and what kind of legacy they want to leave. The world is craving leadership at every level. If you want to be tomorrow's leader, please read Paul's Right Seat Right Table." Cassandra Kelly - Global Board Director, Top 10 Australian Chair, US Director to Watch, Founding Member of EU Global Tech Panel"Since 1991, I have worked with young people in over 70 countries. Once they understand the problems, once we listen to their voices, once we empower them to act, their energy and determination is amazing. They are our greatest hope for the future. We must encourage them to believe in themselves and grow into leaders in their chosen way of life. This includes a position in the boardroom. My advice to anyone reading Paul's much-needed book is, "never give up". Changing the world takes persistence, passion and purpose, as well as a belief in yourself." Jane Goodall PhD, DBE - UN Messenger of Peace, Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute Paul Smith is founder & CEO of the Future Directors Institute, who provide diverse next generation leaders a pathway to greater impact, influence and performance from value-aligned board roles. Paul is an international keynote speaker, experienced non-executive chair, board director coach, host of the Future Directors podcast and co-creator of Decision84, the world's leading virtual governance summit.BOARDROOMS are experiencing major transformation and disruption as we transition into a world that demands greater transparency, digitalisation and social accountability. The old ways of doing business are becoming less relevant.DIRECTORS now need different skills, a sense of purpose and capabilities that far exceed being well connected and experienced. There is an increasing demand for a new type of board member to help govern companies and organisations in the 21st century. But, where will the next generation of directors come from? And, how do you become a non-executive board director, especially if you consider yourself an 'outsider'?RIGHT SEAT, RIGHT TABLE offers a practical yet inspiring 'how-to' guide for getting a seat in the contemporary boardroom. In the book, you'll:Follow a proven and universal methodology for finding and securing your ideal (first) board role.Be inspired by the impactful boardroom journeys of people just like you.Understand how to overcome the challenges faced by new directors trying to make a difference.Ultimately learn what it takes to become an effective, successful, and influential non-executive board director.
The book discusses the party's course of evolution in its Disraelian period by focusing on a central theme of 'Disraelian' Conservatism -- social reform.
This is the iconic international fashion designer Sir Paul Smith's very first children's picture book - and the first book in a new and exciting series.
En dokumentarisk roman om Danmark under besættelsen.Romanen udspiller sig i tidsrummet november 1940 til august 1943, selvstændig fortsættelse af romanen "Kampen om Staunings stol".I cirka 100 kapitler skildrer Paul Smith besættelsestidens historie og følger en række af tidens hoved- og bipersoner på tænderne – og følger dem ud ad historiens skæve gang.Blandt de gennemgående personer er politimedarbejder Bergstrøm på Politiken. Bergstrøm vil gerne skrive, men må ikke for udenrigsminister Scavenius, der spiller en aktiv hovedrolle i bestræbelserne på at have et godt forhold til besættelsesmagten. Både Hitler, Stalin og Churchill kommer til orde i romanen. Blandt kulturlivets fremtrædende personligheder ses Hal Koch og Løgstrup samt den mere og mere patriotiske præst fra Vestjylland Kaj Munk.Paul Smith (f. 1948) er forfatter, journalist og cand.mag. i historie og filosofi. Han har været vidt omkring i sin karriere, blandt andet som talsmand for Sammenslutningen af Bevidst Arbejdssky Elementer og spindoktor for komikeren Jacob Haugaard og digteren Yahya Hassans opstillinger til Folketinget. Han har skrevet flere bøger og har de seneste år beskæftiget sig med politiske emner.
Drabet på den svenske statsminister Olof Palme i 1986 er et nationalt traume i Sverige. Mordet er aldrig blevet opklaret, hvilket har givet anledning til talrige konspirationsteorier om hvem der stod bag. I denne bog giver Paul Smith sit forsøg på at opklare sagen. Hvem var de hovedmistænkte og hvilke motiver havde drabsmanden?Paul Smith (f.1948) er forfatter, journalist og cand.mag. i historie og filosofi. Han har været vidt omkring i sin karriere, blandt andet som talsmand for Sammenslutningen af Bevidst Arbejdssky Elementer og spindoktor for komikeren Jacob Haugaard og digteren Yahya Hassans opstillinger til Folketinget. Han har skrevet flere bøger og har de seneste år beskæftiget sig med politiske emner.
Record Breakers: The Inside Story of Notts County's Momentous 1997/98 Title Triumph delves into the inner sanctum of a basement-league dressing room in the 90s, as its inhabitants attempt to write themselves into the history books. Led by future England boss Sam Allardyce, taking some of his first managerial steps, Record Breakers is the inspirational tale of how the world's oldest Football League club fought back from a plunge down the divisions, falling attendances and financial strife to become the first side in post-war English football to win a title in March. The momentous feat is relived by the players themselves, lending a unique insight into their record run. It's packed with characters and anecdotes, and augmented with memories of supporters who lived through this season of tumbling records. From training ground punch-ups to transfer tales and unforgettable celebrations, Record Breakers is a remarkable winners' story in what now seems a bygone era.
This book is an introduction to the history of - and current measurement practice of - inflation for the United Kingdom.
The essays in this study provide an account not only of the major decision-making of warfare but also of the changes in organization and control of the Armed Forces during the years 1856 to 1990.
A process of dementia makes the experience of day-to-day living an acute challenge. It proposes a method of using environmental and social psychology to maximise function in the individual and to minimise the negative and destructive elements of the perceived and real environment.
The focus of this work is unionization in the road haulage industry, in particular the role of leadership in determining the quality of union organization. It assesses theories of unionization and democracy and utlizes oral and documentary sources, including archives of the TGWU.
A clear and concise introduction to moral and political philosophy which critically analyses arguments about controversial and topical practical issues - drug laws, justifications of punishment, civil disobedience, whether there is a duty to obey the law, and global poverty.
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