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Books by Peter Bang

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  • - Skandinavien for 9000 år siden
    by Peter Bang

    "Tilbage til Stenalderen" henvender sig alle, som interesserer sig for menneskers urgamle rødder i naturen. Bogen tager læseren med på en opdagelsesrejse tilbage til Skandinaviens ældre jægerstenalder for 9000 år siden, der var en tid med store udfordringer, herunder dramatiske klimaændringer med voldsomme havstigninger og indvandrende jægerfolk fra øst. Blandt meget andet fortælles om jagt og fiskeri, dyreverden, shamanisme, arkæologi, forhistorisk håndværk og praktisk fremstilling og anvendelse af forskelligt grej og udstyr. Velegnet til undervisning, samt inspiration til bushcraft, friluftsliv, lystfiskeri, eksperimentel arkæologi, research og spændende oplevelsesture mv. Let læst og rigt illustreret med 150 fotos i sort-hvid og farve. Bogens forord er skrevet af Nationalmuseets direktør Rane Willerslev.

  • Save 35%
    by Hans Fogtdal, Peter Schradieck & Peter Bang

    1. udgaven af nærværende bog udkom i 2020 og udgjorde en kommentar tilhvidvaskloven (lov nr. 651 af 8. juni 2017) som den så ud efter ikrafttrædelsenaf lov nr. 553 af 7. maj 2019, hvilket skete d. 10. januar 2020. Der er sidensket en række ændringer til hovedloven, hvorfor der har været behov foren ajourføring af lovkommentaren med de nye bestemmelser og praksis.Der kan henvises til lov nr. 1940 af 15. december 2020, hvor der bl.a. blevindført en mulighed for påbud om stop for nye kundeforhold, en skærpelse afstrafansvaret og en forlængelse af den strafferetlige forældelsesfrist for groveovertrædelser af hvidvaskloven og lov om finansiel virksomhed. Yderligerekan der henvises til lov nr. 1155 og 1163 af 8. juni 2021, hvorefter bl.a. kundekendskabsprocedurerneblev skærpet. Senest er der sket ændringer somfølge af LFF nr. 12 og 14 begge af 6. oktober 2021.

  • - Endangered Native People in Micronesia - Black and white edition.
    by Peter Bang

  • - Endangered Native People - Black and white edition.
    by Peter Bang

  • - Kesaksian seorang fotografer di Papua Barat yang lebih dari 30 tahun
    by Peter Bang

    Buku "Papua Berdarah" adalah sebuah akunt yang membawa pembaca melewati bagian barat dari pulau New Guinea. Interval waktu selama tiga tahun, Peter Bang, yang adalah seorang penulis dan photographer mengambarkan pengalamannya diantara orang pribumi Papua Barat dari sebuah sejarah ancaman kepunahan atau genoside yang berkelanjutan. PAPUA BERDARAH is a documentary eyewitness account taking the reader through the western part of the island of New Guinea. Over an interval spanning three decades the Danish author and photographer Peter Bang describes his experiences among the indigenous people of West Papua, who are threatened by a continuing history of extinction. The book is an Indonesian/Bahasa translation of the English edition of the book Papua Blood - A Photographers Eyewitness Account of West Papua over 30 Years.

  • - Endangered Native People in Micronesia - Black and white edition.
    by Peter Bang

    "The Last Turtle Party" is a tale for children about Mau who travels in a canoe with his father to the neighboring island to participate in the annual turtle party. Mau is nine years old and lives on the outer islands in State of Yap in Micronesia. He belongs to an island people, which lives on some of the smallest and most isolated islands in the Pacific. This edition is a black and white edition. The book is an updated edition of the original Danish version of the book published in 1994 by Borgen Publishing, Copenhagen/Denmark supported by the Danish Beckett-Fund. Published by Remote Frontlines 2018. 48 pages. Size 21x21 cm. 60 black and white photos. Read more about the outer islands in State of Yap / Micronesia in this book by the same author: FAR ISLANDS - A Documentary Account in Black and White of FAR Islands in Micronesia Over 30 Years

  • - Endangered Native People in Micronesia
    by Peter Bang

    "The Last Turtle Party" is a tale for children about Mau who travels in a canoe with his father to the neighboring island to participate in the annual turtle party. Mau is nine years old and lives on the outer islands in State of Yap in Micronesia. He belongs to an island people, which lives on some of the smallest and most isolated islands in the Pacific. The book is an updated color photo edition of the original Danish version of the book published in 1994 by Borgen Publishing, Copenhagen/Denmark supported by the Danish Beckett-Fund. Published by Remote Frontlines 2018. 48 pages. Size 21x21 cm. 60 color photos.

  • - A Photographer´s Eyewitness Account of FAR Islands in Micronesia Over 30 Years
    by Peter Bang

    "Far Islands" is a photo documentary account of some of the world´s most isolated tropical islands and the people who live there.After three decades of absence the author and photographer Peter Bang returned to the outer islands in State of Yap. Here he revisited the tiny Micronesian paradise islands of his youth, which are now disappearing due to rising sea levels caused by climate change.

  • - A Documentary Account in Black and White of FAR Islands in Micronesia Over 30 Years.
    by Peter Bang
    £8.49 - 23.99

    "Far Islands" is a photo documentary account of some of the world´s most isolated tropical islands and the people who live there. After three decades of absence the author and photographer Peter Bang returned to the outer islands in State of Yap. Here he revisited the tiny Micronesian paradise islands of his youth, which are now disappearing due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. Note: This edition is published in black & white with over 150 photos on the basis of the color edition of the book ``FAR ISLANDS - A Photographer´s Eyewitness Account of FAR Islands in Micronesia Over 30 Years´`` by Peter Bang / published 2018 by Remote Frontlines.

  • - En beretning fra Mikronesien
    by Peter Bang

    "Fjerne øer" er en fotodokumentarisk beretning fra nogle af de mindste og mest isolerede øer i Stillehavet, hvor der endnu lever oprindelige folk. Efter tre årtiers fravær vendte den danske forfatter og fotograf Peter Bang tilbage til de ydre øer i lilleputstaten Yap i Mikronesien, hvor han boede på FAR Islands hos Uwapei stammen, der lever på den yderste kant "on the frontline of climate change". Bogen kan læses af alle og er også egnet som inspiration og oplæg til bl.a. undervisning og temaarbejde om klimaforandringer og global opvarmning. Udover den skrevne beretning indeholder bogen 156 farvefotos. Bogen er udarbejdet på grundlag af den engelske udgave, der er udgivet i 2018 af Remote Frontlines under titlen "FAR ISLANDS - A Photographer´s Eyewitness Account of FAR Islands in Micronesia Over 30 Years" by Peter Bang.

  • - Et truet naturfolk i Mikronesien
    by Peter Bang

    Mau er ni år og bor på en koral-atol i lilleputstaten Yap i Mikronesien. Han tilhører et ø-folk, som lever på nogle af de mindste og mest isolerede øer i Stillehavet. "Den sidste skildpaddefest" fortæller om Mau, der sammen med sin far rejser i udriggerkano til naboøen for at deltage i den årlige skildpaddefest.

  • - Orang Pribumi Yang Terancam Punah
    by Peter Bang

    DUNIANYA PUWUL - Buko ini bercerita kepada anak tentang perjumpaan pertama Puwul dengan dunia lain di balik gunung-gunung. Puwul berumur Sembilan tahun dan tinggal di bagian barat daerah pegunungan pulau terbesar kedua dunia, New Guinea. Dia berasi dari suku Yali, salah satu suku pribumi di Papua Barat yang hidup dengan kampak batu ketika gambar-gambar di buku ini diabadikan. 48 halaman, 50 foto (hitam/putih). Diterbitkan oleh Remote Frontlines 2018. DUNIANYA PUWUL is the Indonesian edition of the childrens book PUWUL´S WORLD (black and white photos) about Puwul´s first meeting with the world on the other side of the mountains in the western part of the second largest island in the world, New Guinea. He belongs to the Yali tribe, an indigenous people in West Papua who lived in a stone age culture when the pictures for this book were taken. Peter Bang: PUWUL´S WORLD - Endangered Native People (48 pages, 50 color photos, size 21x21 cm). Published 2018 by Remote Frontlines.

  • - Et truet naturfolk
    by Peter Bang

    "Puwuls verden" er en beretning for børn, der fortæller om Puwuls første møde med verden på den anden side af bjergene. Puwul er ni år og bor i bjergene på den vestlige del af verdens næststørste ø Ny Guinea. Han tilhører Yali stammen, et naturfolk der levede i stenalderen, da billederne i bogen blev taget. Bogen er udgivet af Remote Frontlines 2018 (48 sider, 50 farvefotos). Læs også af samme forfatter bogen: PAPUA BLOD - En beretning fra West Papua (248 sider, 200 farvefotos, udgivet 2018).

  • - An account of West Papua
    by Peter Bang
    £7.49 - 20.49

    "Papua blood" is a documentary eyewitness account taking the reader through the western part of the island of New Guinea. Over an interval spanning three decades the author and photographer Peter Bang descibes his experiences among the indigenous people of West Papua who are threadened by a continuing history of genocide and extinction. "... Exelent written ... from a culture that one day will be gone. The author enlightens and entertains while delivering a deeply engaged statement for West Papua´s independence ..." - Jorgen Bjerre / journalist, former Chief Editor. Note: This edition in 128 pages is updated with a few black & white photos on the basis of the photographic edition of the book "PAPUA BLOOD - A Photographer´s Eyewitness Account of West Papua Over 30 Years" by Peter Bang (248 pages, 200 color photos) / published by Remote Frontlines.

  • - Endangered Native People
    by Peter Bang

    "Puwul´s World" is a tale for children about Puwul´s first meeting with the world on the other side of the mountains. Puwul is nine years old and lives in the mountains in the western part of the second largest island in the world, New Guinea. He belongs to the Yali tribe, an indigenous people in West Papua who lived in a stone age culture when the pictures for this book were taken (48 pages / 50 color photos. Published by Remote Frontlines 2018). Read more about West Papua / by the same author: PAPUA BLOOD - A Photographer´s Eyewitness Account of West Papua Over 30 Years.

  • - A Photographer´s Eyewitness Account of West Papua Over 30 Years
    by Peter Bang

    "Papua Blood" is a documentary account taking the reader through the western part of the island of New Guinea. Over an interval spanning three decades the author and photographer Peter Bang describes his experiences among the indigenous people of West Papua, who are threatened by a continuing history of genocide and extinction. "... Excellent written with outstanding and valuable photos from a culture that one day will be gone. The author enlightens and entertains while delivering a deeply engaged statement for West Papua's independence ... " - Jorgen Bjerre / journalist, former Chief Editor.

  • - En beretning fra West Papua
    by Peter Bang

    "Papua Blod" er en dokumentarisk beretning, der tager læseren med på en rejse ind bag de fjerneste bjerge på verdens næststørste ø Ny Guinea. Over et interval på tre årtier beskriver forfatteren og fotografen Peter Bang sine oplevelser blandt den oprindelige befolkning i West Papua, der er truet med udslettelse.

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