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Scaramouche er en gammel italiensk komedieklovn, på linie med Pjerrot og Harlekin. I denne eventyrroman fra Frankrigs revolutionsdage, kommer han til at spille en helt særlig rolle.
Harry Latimer og Myrtle Carey eru ástfangin, en Latimer lendir á andstæðri hlið við föður hennar á tímum Bandarísku byltingarinnar. Latimer hefur samstarf með uppreisnarhópum Suður-Karólínu, sem verður að ógn við samband hans og Carey. Mun hann fórna öllu fyrir ástina eða þarf samband þeirra að lúta lægri hlut fyrir byltingunni?Ást, svik og njósnir á tímum frelsisstríðsins gefur góð mynd af sögu byltingarinnar þar sem margir karakteranna eru byggðir á raunverulegum persónum sem áttu stóran þátt í henni, eins og John Rutledge. Sögur karakteranna fléttast listilega vel saman í gegnum söguþráð sem á sér stað í uppbyggingu hins Nýja heims, frá árunum 1775-1779.Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950) var ítalskur-enskur höfundur, sem er best þekktur fyrir rómantískan ævintýraskáldskap. Sabatini er þekktur fyrir að skrifa spennusögur sem halda leseadna vel við efnið, með stórum pólitískum karakterum sem auðvelt er að snúast gegn. Atburðir eru settir fram þar sem gjörða karaktera reyna á skoðanir lesandans. Nostalgía og rómantík koma gjarnan við sögu, þar sem skáldaðir atburðir fléttast við þann mikla metnað í sögulegar staðreyndir. Á meðal þekktustu verka hans eru Scaramouche (1921) og Sea Hawk (1915).
Bellarion on kasvanut luostarissa, mutta vartuttuaan nuorukaiseksi han lahtee opiskelemaan Pavian kaupunkiin. Saattamaan lahtenyt fransiskaanimunkki paljastuu kuitenkin matkalla konnaksi, ja Bellarionia epaillaan hanen apurikseen. Nuorukainen pakenee laheisen palatsin katveeseen ja paatyy avoimesta ovesta itse Montferratin prinsessa Valerian huoneeseen. Kaunis prinsessa erehtyy luulemaan Bellarionia viestintuojaksi. Jutellessaan Valerian kanssa Bellarion saa selville likaisia salaisuuksia, jotka uhkaavat prinsessan korkea-arvoista enoa. Vaara vaanii aivan prinsessan lahipiirissa, eika kehenkaan voi luottaa. Yllattavat, kiperat kaanteet seuraavat toisiaan ennen kuin Bellarion onnistuu selvittamaan totuuden ja ansaitsemaan ihanan Valerian luottamuksen.Sadunhohtoinen, romanttinen seikkailu johdattaa 1400-luvun alun Pohjois-Italiaan. Suurin osa hahmoista on oikeita, historiallisia henkiloita, mutta nokkela paahenkilo on kirjailijan mielikuvituksen tuotetta.-
Cesare Borgia, detto il Valentino, racchiude in se e nel suo cognome uno scrigno di misteri e illazioni. I Borgia, una famiglia tra le piu oscure del Rinascimento italiano, la famiglia papale oggetto di leggende e dicerie. Prendendo spunto dalla figura storica di Cesare, Sabatini trarra un romanzo d'avventura che si diramera tra inganni di corte, macchinazioni di potere e tradimenti politici. Un romanzo d'alta tensione, di colpi di scena e di verita storiche annebbiate dalle finzioni narrative. -
"Cavaliere della taverna" è il soprannome che, a ragion veduta, si è beccato Sir Chrispin Galliard, ex soldato scelto dell’esercito e attuale ubriacone nelle osterie del Regno d’Inghilterra. Dopo un passato glorioso con le armi, il suo presente sgangherato è il risultato di un crimine compiuto molto tempo prima. Son passati diciotto anni, infatti, da quando sua moglie e suo figlio sono stati assassinati — Galliard non si è ancora ripreso, e ormai non ha altri pensieri se non il bere e la vendetta. Finito in carcere per le solite ragioni, questa potrebbe essere la volta buona che il "cavaliere della taverna" scopra qualcosa sugli assassini.Tra osterie malconce e un’Inghilterra cavalleresca e paesana, un romanzo di avventura che rapirà gli appassionati di genere mostrando loro la maestria di Sabatini nel raccontare storie sempre attuali.Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950) è stato uno scrittore italo-britannico. Nato in Italia, Sabatini viene esposto sin da bambino a moltissime lingue. Trasferitosi in Inghilterra, Sabatini deciderà di cominciare la sua produzione letteraria proprio in inglese, la lingua della madre. Autore di romanzi d’avventura e d’amore, molto spesso storici, tra le sue opere più importanti ricordiamo "The Sea Hawk" e "Captain Blood".
Krouviritari eli Sir Crispin Galliard on langennut upseeri, joka janoaa kostoa menetettyaan perheensa ja tilansa kuningas Cromwellin takia. Kun han kohtaa nuoren Kennethin, han keksii keinon kostonsa toteuttamiseen, hinnalla milla hyvansa. Voiko sir Crispin kuitenkaan pelastaa itsensa silta katkeruudelta, jonka valtaan han on joutunut?Englannin sisallissotaan sijoittuva Kuninkaan miekkamies on Rafael Sabatinin kertomus kunniasta ja menetyksesta. Huumorilla hoystetty seikkailuromaani on yhden miehen kostoretki, joka sukeltaa ihmisyyden ja etiikan teemoihin.-
Laakari ja sotilas Peter Blood pidatetaan kuningas Jaakon toimesta. Han saa syytteen maanpetoksesta autettuaan kapinallista Bridgewaterin kaupungissa Englannissa. Blood kuljetetaan Barbadokselle suorittamaan rangaistuksensa orjana. Kun espanjalaiset hyokkaavat paikkaan, Blood onnistuu pakenemaan, ja loppu on historiaa. Taman jalkeen hanet tunnetaan kapteeni Bloodina, merirosvona, joka miehistoineen joutuu mita jarisyttavimpiin seikkailuihin muita auttaakseen.Rafael Sabatinin Kapteeni Bloodin vaiheet on historiallinen seikkailuromaani oikeudenmukaisuudesta ja rohkeudesta, joka ei tunne rajoja.-
Perijätär Valerie de La Vauvraye joutuu asemansa takia hengenvaaraan, ja hänet on saatava pikimmiten turvaan. Suojanaan hänellä on keski-ikäinen ja jokseenkin vastahakoinen Martin Marie Rigobert de Garnache. Garnache joutuu tekemään kaikkensa suojellakseen perijätärtä ja siten pitääkseen lupauksensa kuningattarelle.Rafel Sabatinin historiallinen romaani Kuningattaren lähetti on romanttinen seikkailu, jossa epätavalliset kohtalot kietoutuvat yhteen 1600-luvun Ranskassa, ajoittain jopa humoristissa olosuhteissa. Rafael Sabatini (1875–1950) oli italialais-englantilainen kirjailija, joka tunnettiin erityisesti romanttisista seikkailuromaaneistaan. Hänen tunnetuimpia teoksiaan ovat Scaramouche (1921) ja Merihaukka (1915).
Oppinut ja kuninkaan suosima markiisi de Bardelys on viettämässä seurueensa kanssa iltaa, kun paikalle ilmaantuu hänen kilpailijansa kreivi de Chatelleraut. Kaikki ovat tietoisia kreivin hiljattain pieleen menneestä kosinnasta, joka herättää yleistä hilpeyttä. Asia johtaa toiseen, ja pian markiisi huomaa lyövänsä vetoa lähes koko omaisuudestaan siitä, että onnistuu voittamaan kyseisen naisen, Roxalanne de Lavédanin, itselleen. Tämä osoittautuu kuitenkin kaikkea muuta kuin helpoksi tehtäväksi.Rafael Sabatinin historiallinen romaani Loistava markiisi sekoittaa romantiikkaa ja seikkailua Ludvig XIII:n hallitsemassa 1600-luvun Ranskassa.Rafael Sabatini (1875–1950) oli italialais-englantilainen kirjailija, joka tunnettiin erityisesti romanttisista seikkailuromaaneistaan. Hänen tunnetuimpia teoksiaan ovat Scaramouche (1921) ja Merihaukka (1915).
"e;Siina, mita han teki, ei ollut mitaan mieskohtaista vastuunalaisuutta, eika ollut hanen asiansa heltya tunteisiin ja liikutuksiin teoista, jotka eivat olleet hanen omiaan. Han oli vain aani, ei muuta: tuomioistuimen huutava aani."e; Ranskan vallankumouksen aikana kehenkaan ei voi luottaa ja vankeja teloitetaan yksi toisensa jalkeen. Yksi mies kuitenkin paattaa nousta puolustamaan yksilon oikeuksia ja pelastamaan ihmisia varmalta kuolemalta.Rafael Sabatinin historiallinen romaani Corbalin vihkiaiset sijoittuu Ranskan poliittisen kuohunnan aikaan, joka alkoi 1700-luvun lopulla. Oikean ja vaaran seka yksilon ja valtion valisia rajoja kasittelevassa teoksessa yhdellakin ihmisella voi olla todellista valtaa.-
Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was a prolific writer; he produced a new book approximately every year. He consciously chose to write in his adopted language, because, he said, "all the best stories are written in English. " In all, he produced thirty-one novels, eight short story collections, six nonfiction books, numerous uncollected short stories, and a play. He is best known for his world-wide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk (1915), Scaramouche (1921), Captain Blood (1922) and Bellarion the Fortunate (1926).
The celebrated historical novelist writes a life of Cesare Borgia and his family - and a case for the defense, in an age in which it was customary to draw the Borgias as devils incarnate.
Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was a prolific writer; he produced a new book approximately every year. He consciously chose to write in his adopted language, because, he said, "all the best stories are written in English. " In all, he produced thirty-one novels, eight short story collections, six nonfiction books, numerous uncollected short stories, and a play. He is best known for his world-wide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk (1915), Scaramouche (1921), Captain Blood (1922) and Bellarion the Fortunate (1926). Other famous works by Sabatini are The Lion''s Skin (1911), The Strolling Saint (1913) and The Snare (1917).
Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was a prolific writer; he produced a new book approximately every year. He consciously chose to write in his adopted language, because, he said, "all the best stories are written in English. " In all, he produced thirty-one novels, eight short story collections, six nonfiction books, numerous uncollected short stories, and a play. He is best known for his world-wide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk (1915), Scaramouche (1921), Captain Blood (1922) and Bellarion the Fortunate (1926). Other famous works by Sabatini are The Lion''s Skin (1911), The Strolling Saint (1913) and The Snare (1917).
Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was a prolific writer; he produced a new book approximately every year. He consciously chose to write in his adopted language, because, he said, "all the best stories are written in English. " In all, he produced thirty-one novels, eight short story collections, six nonfiction books, numerous uncollected short stories, and a play. He is best known for his world-wide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk (1915), Scaramouche (1921), Captain Blood (1922) and Bellarion the Fortunate (1926). Other famous works by Sabatini are The Lion''s Skin (1911), The Strolling Saint (1913) and The Snare (1917).
Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was a prolific writer; he produced a new book approximately every year. He consciously chose to write in his adopted language, because, he said, "all the best stories are written in English. " In all, he produced thirty-one novels, eight short story collections, six nonfiction books, numerous uncollected short stories, and a play. He is best known for his world-wide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk (1915), Scaramouche (1921), Captain Blood (1922) and Bellarion the Fortunate (1926). Other famous works by Sabatini are The Lion''s Skin (1911), The Strolling Saint (1913) and The Snare (1917).
Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic collection. He wrote short stories in the 1890s, and his first novel came out in 1902. Sabatini was a prolific writer; he produced a new book approximately every year. He consciously chose to write in his adopted language, because, he said, "all the best stories are written in English. " In all, he produced thirty-one novels, eight short story collections, six nonfiction books, numerous uncollected short stories, and a play. He is best known for his world-wide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk (1915), Scaramouche (1921), Captain Blood (1922) and Bellarion the Fortunate (1926). Other famous works by Sabatini are The Lion''s Skin (1911), The Strolling Saint (1913) and The Snare (1917).
The Sea Hawk is a novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1915. The story is set over the years 1588-1593 and concerns a retired Cornish seafaring gentleman, Sir Oliver Tressilian, who is villainously betrayed by a jealous half-brother. After being forced to serve as a slave on a galley, Sir Oliver is liberated by Barbary pirates. He joins the pirates, gaining the name "Sakr-el-Bahr" (the hawk of the sea), and swears vengeance against his brother.
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