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Books by Ransom Riggs

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    - Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children
    by Ransom Riggs

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    by Ransom Riggs

    TheNew York Times#1 best-selling series.Includes 3 novels by Ransom Riggs and 12 peculiar photographs.Together for the first time, here is the #1New York Timesbest sellerMiss Peregrine's Home for PeculiarChildrenand its two sequels,Hollow CityandLibrary of Souls.All three hardcovers are packaged in a beautifully designed slipcase. Also included: a special collector's envelope of twelve peculiar photographs, highlighting the most memorable moments of this extraordinarythree-volumefantasy.MISS PEREGRINE'S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN:A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. A strange collection of very curious photographs. It all waits to be discovered in this groundbreaking novel, which mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling new kind of reading experience.As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob Portmanjourneying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home forPeculiar Children.HOLLOW CITY: September 3, 1940. Ten peculiar children flee an army of deadly monsters. And only one person can help thembut she's trapped in the body of a bird. The extraordinary adventure continues as Jacob Portman and his newfound friends journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world. There, they hope to find a cure for their beloved headmistress, Miss Peregrine. But in this war-torn city, hideous surprises lurk around every corner.LIBRARY OF SOULS: A boy, a girl, and a talking dog. They're all that stands between the sinisterwights and the future of peculiar children everywhere.Jacob Portman venturesthrough historyonelasttime to rescue the peculiar childrenfrom a heavily guarded fortress. He's joined bygirlfriend and firestarterEmma Bloom, canine companionAddison MacHenry, and some very unexpected allies.

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    by Ransom Riggs
    £7.99 - 13.49

    A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. And a strange collection of very curious photographs. It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children who once lived here - one of whom was his own grandfather - were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a desolate island for good reason. And somehow - impossible though it seems - they may still be alive.

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    - Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children
    by Ransom Riggs

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    by Ransom Riggs
    £8.99 - 13.49

    This second novel begins in 1940, immediately after the first book ended. Having escaped Miss Peregrine's island by the skin of their teeth, Jacob and his new friends must journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world. Along the way, they encounter new allies, a menagerie of peculiar animals, and other unexpected surprises. Complete with dozens of newly discovered (and thoroughly mesmerizing) vintage photographs.

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    by Ransom Riggs

    The deluxe companion guide to the #1 bestselling Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series.A gloriously rich and utterly delightful handbook perfect for longtime fans and new readers alike, covering everything from how to blend in with suspicious normals to the most popular time loops to visit as a temporal tourist. This essential volume is the ideal primer for anyone curious about the world of Miss Peregrine: an overview of its strange history, curious practices, fascinating places, the most famous (and infamous) members of its peculiar families, and much more. Written in Miss Peregrine's inimitable style, it's also a dramatic expansion of the universe fans have already come to love, introducing countless new peculiars, enemies, time loops, stories, and secrets, in addition to hundreds of never-before-seen vintage found photographs and select illustrations.

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    - Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children
    by Ransom Riggs

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    by Ransom Riggs

    *A new set of stories from the world of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children*In this collection of fairy tales, Ransom Riggs invites you to uncover hidden legends of the peculiar world. A fork-tongued princess, a girl who talks to ghosts, and wealthy cannibals who dine on the discarded limbs of peculiars are just a few of the characters whose stories will have you hooked.Featuring stunning illustrations from world-renowned artist Andrew Davidson, this compelling, rich and truly peculiar anthology is the perfect gift for fans - and for all lovers of great storytelling.See the movie! Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, directed by the visionary Tim Burton and starring Judi Dench, Eva Green and Samuel L Jackson, will be released Summer 2016.Praise for Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children:'A tense, moving, and wondrously strange first novel. The photographs and text work together brilliantly to create an unforgettable story.' John Green, author of The Fault in Our Stars

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    by Ransom Riggs
    £11.99 - 13.49

    Time is running out for the Peculiar Children. With a dangerous madman on the loose, and their beloved Miss Peregrine still in danger, it's up to Jacob Portman to channel his newfound abilities and defeat Caul before he loses his friends--and their world--forever. This action-packed adventure features all-new Peculiar photographs from times and places all over the world.

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    - Images and Messages Rescued from the Past
    by Ransom Riggs

    A collection of found images from the past-men, women, and children pulled from obscurity, posing for unknown cameraman. It shows us how a few scribbled lines can turn a blurry black-and-white snapshot of people who seem a million miles and a million years away into an intensely personal sliver of experience that anyone can relate to.

  • Save 19%
    - The Methods and Mysteries of the World's Greatest Detective
    by Ransom Riggs

    Full of fascinating how-to skills and evocative illustrations, this must-have guide will appeal to Baker Street Irregulars of all ages.This reader's companion to the casework of Sherlock Holmes explores the methodology of the world's most famous consulting detective. From analyzing fingerprints and decoding ciphers to creating disguises and faking one's own death, readers will learn how Holmes solved his most celebrated casesplus an arsenal of modern techniques available to today's armchair sleuths. Along the way, readers will discover a host of trivia about the master detective and his universe: Why did Holmes never marry? How was the real Scotland Yard organized? Was cocaine really legal back then? And why were the British so terrified of Australia?Fordie-hardSherlockians and amateur investigators alike, this handbook is nothing less than. . .elementary.

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    by Ransom Riggs
    £7.99 - 6.99

    I tredje og sidste bind i den fantastiske fortælling om frøken Peregrines sælsomme børn, undslipper Jacob, Emma og den talende hund Addison, som de eneste, de onde gejster. Sammen rejser de fra nutidens London tilbage til den victorianske tid for at redde Frøken Peregrine og deres venner og bekæmpe gejsterne, der vil stjæle sælsomme kræfter fra Sjælenes bibliotek.

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    by Ransom Riggs
    £7.99 - 6.99

    HOLLOW CITY er Ransom Riggs’ anden bog i serien om frøken Peregrines sælsomme børn. Her fortsætter fortællingen om drengen Jacob og hans sælsomme rejse gennem af tid og sted. Jacob og hans nye sælsomme venner er flygtet fra øen Cainholm. De beslutter sig for at rejse gennem en tidssløjfe til sælsomhedens hovedstad, London, for at befri Frøken Peregrine fra den fuglekrop, som hun er fanget i. Med hollower og gejster i hælene bevæger børnene sig gennem 1940’ernes krigsramte landskab, hvor både nye allierede og rædselsvækkende oplevelser venter dem.

  • Save 22%
    by Ransom Riggs
    £7.99 - 6.99

    En mystisk ø. Et forladt børnehjem. En samling besynderlige fotografier. Efter en hårrejsende familietragedie drager den 16-årige Jacob ud på en rejse, der fører ham til en fjern ø ud for Wales. Her finder han ruinerne af Frøken Peregrines hjem for sælsomme børn, og da Jacob begynder at undersøge stedet, går det op for ham, at de tidligere beboere var meget mere end blot sælsomme. De var muligvis farlige, og der kan have været gode grunde til, at de var isolerede på en øde ø. Hvad værre er: De er muligvis stadig i live …

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