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Books by Rudyard Kipling

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  • by Rudyard Kipling
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    A classic story of friendship between man and beast.Saved from the jaws of the evil tiger Shere Khan, young Mowgli is adopted by a wolf pack and taught the law of the jungle by lovable old Baloo the bear and Bhageera the panther. The adventures of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi the snake-fighting mongoose, little Toomai and the elephant's secret dance, and Kotick the white seal are all part of Mowgli's extraordinary journey with his animal friends.Brilliantly introduced by bestselling author, Christopher Paolini.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) is often regarded as the unofficial Laureate of the British Empire. Yet his writing reveals a ferociously independent figure at times violently opposed to the dominant political and literary tendencies of his age. Arranged in chronological order, this diverse selection of his poetry shows the development of Kipling's talent, his deepening maturity and the growing sombreness of his poetic vision. Ranging from early, exhilarating celebrations of British expansion overseas, including 'Mandalay' and 'Gunga Din', to the dignified and inspirational 'If -' and the later, deeply moving 'Epitaphs of the War' - inspired by the death of Kipling's only son - it clearly illustrates the scope and originality of his work. It also offers a compelling insight into the Empire both at its peak and during its decline in the early years of the twentieth century.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text and a Glossary of Victorian and Literary Terms. Also includes the Second Jungle Book.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    For fans of all ages, legendary British writer Rudyard Kipling's complete collection of enchanting fables set in India?the basis of the beloved animated Disney film and a modern cinematic retelling from director Jon Favreau?now available in a deluxe four-color illustrated collectible edition. The Jungle Book features stunning artwork and nine 3-D interactive elements crafted by MinaLima Design, the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise and the illustrated classic Peter Pan.Since its publication in 1894, Rudyard Kipling's beloved masterpiece The Jungle Book has been celebrated by generations of readers. Composed of seven tales, each one accompanied by a poem, The Jungle Book is a coming of age fantasy that introduces a lush, colorful world full of adventure and danger. The first three tales include some of the most charming and unforgettable characters in literature?the man-cub Mowgli, the black panther Bagheera, the wise brown bear Baloo, the ruthless tiger Shere Khan, and the hypnotic python Kaa. The other four tales each tell the story of a different animal, such as the travels of the white seal Kotick; the battle between the courageous mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and the deadly cobra Nag; Toomai and the elephant dance; and the camp animals of the queen's guard.The second volume in Harper Design's newest series of deluxe reimagined children's classics, this beautiful unabridged edition takes readers deep into the heart of the Indian jungle with specially commissioned four-color illustrations and nine exclusive interactive features that will delight readers, including a map of the lost Indian city where Mowgli is taken by the monkeys; a trifold detailing the Laws of the Jungle; a spinning dial of the elephant dance; and a map of Kotick's route to find a new home.Beautifully designed, this keepsake illustrated edition will be treasured by readers of all ages.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    The story of a half-caste boy, part Indian part Irish who journeys throughout the subcontinent with an aged lama in search of religious enlightenment, the nominal plot revolves around the Great Game: the struggle between Britian and Russia for control of Afghanistan.

  • by Rudyard Kipling

    This edition of the poetry of Rudyard Kipling contains all of his verse. His poetry uses many rhythms and popular forms of speech, ranging from dramatic monologues to extended ballads. Often mistakenly branded as a fascist, Kipling's attitudes changed over the years, revealing a darker side.

  • - The Original 1902 Edition With Illustrations by Rudyard Kipling
    by Rudyard Kipling

  • by Rudyard Kipling
    £5.99 - 8.99

  • by Rudyard Kipling
    £8.49 - 12.49

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    First published by Macmillan in 1894, The Jungle Book is the classic collection of animal tales that shows Rudyard Kipling's writing for children at its best. The short stories and poems include the tale of Mowgli, a boy raised by a pack of wolves in the Indian jungle. We meet the tiger Shere Khan, Bagheera, the black panther, Baloo, the 'sleepy brown bear', and the python, Kaa. Other famous stories include the tale of the fearless mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, and that of elephant-handler Toomai of the Elephants. With a beautiful foiled cover, this edition from the original publisher of Rudyard Kipling's much-loved classic is a book to treasure.

  • by Rudyard Kipling

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    Kim (1901) is one of Kipling's masterpieces. Through the story of the young orphan Kimball O'Hara, and his vocation in the Secret Service, Kipling presents a vivid picture of India, its teeming populations, religions, and superstitions, and the life of the bazaars and the road.

  • by Rudyard Kipling

    These witty stories were originally told by Kipling to his own children. In them he gives fanciful accounts of how and why things came to be as they are. Stories include how the leopard got his spots, and the beginning of armadillos.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    Fortællingen om det modige desmerdyr Rikki-Tikki-Tavi er én af de mest kendte og elskede historier fra Junglebogen (1894). Historien handler om Rikki-Tikki-Tavi og hans kamp mod slangerne i menneskenes have i Indien. For at beskytte menneskebørnene må han træffe en stor og modig beslutning.Bogen er skrevet i og med samtidens sprog og retskrivning.

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    by Rudyard Kipling
    £7.99 - 6.99

    Junglebogen er Rudyard Kiplings højt elskede klassiker om drengen Mowgli, der vokser op i en ulveflok i junglens dyb. Fra første færd er tigeren Shere Khan hans fjende, mens bjørnen Baloo og panteren Bagheera beskytter ham og lærer ham alt om dyrenes liv i junglen. Historierne om Mowgli udkommer i en uforkortet oversættelse i forbindelse med den nye live action filmatisering fra Disney med blandt andre Scarlett Johansons stemme som Kaa og Idris Elba som Shere Khan.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    Kiplings roman KIM er en mærkværdig, underholdende og folkloristisk fortælling fra de Indiske områder omkr. år 1900. Drengen KIM, der er halvt engelsk/indisk flakker forældreløs rundt og møder stort set alle typer i det daværende samfund. Hvis man vil vide noget om netop de områder, hvor der idag hersker stor uro og terror, - ja, så er dette lige sagen.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    Rudyard Kiplings roman ”Havets helte” fra 1897 handler om en rig og forkælet dreng der bliver skyllet overbord fra en damper, og samles op af en fiskerbåd. Her lærer han det barske liv på søen at kende idet han tvinges til at indfinde sig med livet blandt barske Newfoundland-fiskere.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    Just So stories is a classic of children's literature, and one of Rudyard Kipling's best known books. It was published in 1902, as a collection of the stories he told his daughter Josephine at bedtime; the little girl insisted that the stories be told "just so" or she would wake up and add the missing sentence, eventually making all these stories like charms, effective if untouched. They depict how one animal or another acquired its distinctive features: delight your children with the tale of how the camel got his lump, how the leopard got his spots, and why rhinos have folds in their skins and bad tempers, among many others read by Katie Haigh.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    La protagonista di questa racconto dalle tinte futuristiche è una nave mercantile di nome Dimbula, perno di un insolito racconto che ha al suo centro le tematiche della tecnologia e del progresso scientifico. All'interno del racconto, Kipling si diverte a dar voce al ponte, ai chiodi, ai bagli, agli argani, in un gioco di dialoghi surreali che alla fine daranno vita a una voce sola: quella della nave Dimbula che troverà se stessa nel suo primo viaggio da Liverpool a New York.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    "Pane nell’acqua" è un racconto comparso per la prima volta nel 1895 sulla rivista Graphic, successivamente incluso nella raccolta "Il diavolo e l’abisso".Il racconto è narrato in prima persona dall'autore, presente nel racconto in veste di amico del protagonista, McPhee, effettivamente conosciuto da Kipling come capo macchinista della Breslau, una nave della compagnia di navigazione di Holdock, Steiner e Chase. Anni dopo il loro primo incontro, le strade dei due s'incrociano nuovamente, quando ormai McPhee ha alle spalle una significativa fortuna e una storia lunga e avvicente da raccontare, fatta di tante avventure quante sono le cicatrici presenti sul suo volto. Da qui la volontà di Kipling di mettere per iscritto la storia del vecchio amico, fissandola per sempre nel tempo e consegnandola così ai suoi lettori e alle generazioni a venire.

  • by Rudyard Kipling

    Quattro racconti – introvabili da tempo in Italia e mai raccolti insieme – caratterizzati da un preciso senso dell’avventura e da un graffiante umorismo venato di aspetti satirici. Uno dei lati meno noti e tuttavia originalissimi dell’autore di "Kim", "Il libro della giungla", "Capitani coraggiosi" e "L’uomo che volle farsi Re". A "Il diavolo e l'abisso", primo straordinario e travolgente racconto lungo, in una nuova traduzione, se ne aggiungono altri tre: "La nave che trovò se stessa", "La mia domenica in patria" e "Pane nell’acqua", dai quali emerge la sapienza narrativa di un autore che per lungo tempo è stato celebre e amato quanto Dickens e Conrad.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    "La mia domenica in patria" è uno dei quattro racconti appartenenti alla raccolta "Il diavolo e l’abisso", dove emerge uno dei lati meno conosciuti e, tuttavia, estremamente originali di Rudyard Kipling, autore noto soprattutto per "Il libro della giungla".In questo insolito racconto è lo stesso autore a narrare ai lettori la storia in prima persona. Tutto ha inizio da un viaggio in treno in compagnia di un medico, figura singolare che innescherà una catena di eventi fatta di errori, sviste ed equivoci che la penna dell'autore ha voluto fissare nel tempo.Per lungo tempo quest’opera è stata introvabile in Italia: questa è l’occasione giusta per non lasciarsela scappare!

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    "Il diavolo e l'abisso" è uno straordinario e appassionante racconto lungo, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1895 sul numero natalizio del settimanale The Graphic. Il racconto narra dell'avventura finale di un grande piroscafo adoperato per missioni piuttosto dubbie, che cambia continuamente nome. Un giorno, infatti, camuffato da baleniera e battente bandiera britannica, viene intercettato e, infine, braccato da una cannoniera nei mari dell'Indonesia, dove di balene, per l'appunto, non se ne sono mai viste. Ne seguono scontri, vicende giudiziarie, e la fuga dei pirati che nascondevano all'interno della nave un prezioso carico.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    Charlemagne's wars in Italy, Spain and Saxony formed part of the common epic material, and there are references to his wars against the Slavs; but especially he remained in the popular mind as the great champion of Christianity against the creed of Mahomet, and even his Norman and Saxon enemies became Saracens in current legend. He is the Christian emperor directly inspired by angels; his sword Joyeuse contained the point of the lance used in the Passion; his standard was Romaine, the banner of St Peter, which, as the oriflamme of Saint Denis, was later to be borne in battle before the kings of France; and in 1164 Charles was canonized at the desire of the emperor Frederick I. Barbarossa by the anti-pope Pascal III. Discover the epic story of this legendary ruler in a clear and practical format.

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    by Rudyard Kipling

    " Il fouilla dans l'épaisseur des loques qui entouraient sa taille tordue, retira un sac de crin noir bordé de fil d'argent, et en secoua sur la table la tête desséchée et flétrie de Daniel Davrot ! Le soleil matinal, car depuis longtemps les lampes avaient pâli, frappa la barbe rouge, les yeux aveugles dans les orbites creuses, de même que le lourd cercle d'or incrusté de turquoises brutes que Carnehan plaça tendrement sur les tempes blêmies.- Vous contemplez maintenant l'empereur en son appareil ordinaire, comme il vivait - le roi du Kafiristan avec la couronne en tête. Pauvre vieux Daniel qui fut monarque une fois ! "

  • by Rudyard Kipling

    Mowgli, l'enfant-loup a été rejeté par le clan des Hommes, il retrouve le peuple de la jungle. Sa victoire sur le tigre Shere Khan, l'implacable ennemi de ses frères l'a fait reconnaître comme le chef incontesté du clan. Pourtant Mowgli a le coeur lourd, parmi ses amis les bêtes, la panthère Bagheera, le serpent Kaa, l'ours Baloo, il se sent devenir un homme...Voici les chapitres du " Le Second Livre de la jungle " : Comment vint la crainte (avec Mowgli) ; La Descente de la jungle (avec Mowgli) ; Les Croque-morts ; L'Ankus du roi (avec Mowgli) ; Quiquern ; Chien rouge (avec Mowgli) ; La Course de printemps (avec Mowgli).

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