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Books by Slavoj Zizek

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    by Slavoj Zizek

    Looks at the question of human agency in a postmodern world. This book explores the ideological fantasies of wholeness and exclusion which make up human society.

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    by Slavoj Zizek

    Argues that the physical violence we see is often generated by the systemic violence that sustains our political and economic systems. With the help of eminent philosophers and frequent references to popular culture, this title examines the causes of violent outbreaks like those seen in Israel and Palestine and in terrorist acts around the world.

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    - (Did you hear the one about Hegel and negation?)
    by Slavoj Zizek

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    by Slavoj Zizek

    Slavoj Zizek (f. 1949) er en af verdens fremmeste intellektuelle. Han er filosof, psykoanalytiker og samfundsrevser, han er tidligere præsidentkandidat i Slovenien og udgav sin første bog som 22-årig. Han synes altid at være ét skridt foran sine læsere og modstandere og sparker konstant døren ind til nye overraskende indsigter i vores postmoderne kultur. Hans karismatiske og udfordrende stil - han taler lige så gerne om Kant, Kierkegaard og Lacan, som om toiletkultur og Hollywood-film - har gjort ham til en dansende stjerne på den akademiske himmel.I bogen Vold udfordrer Zizek vores forståelse af voldens væsen og opfordrer os til at kigge bag om den umiddelbare vold, som vi møder til daglig. Den umiddelbare vold kalder han for subjektiv vold. Den vold, som udgør baggrunden for denne subjektive vold, og som faktisk har et meget større omfang, kalder han for objektiv vold. Med dette analytiske våben går Zizek nu i kødet på de nyeste repræsentanter for skrupelløs, kapitalistisk udbytning, nemlig 'de liberale kommunister'. Han fortsætter med en gennemgang af en række fænomener, som på det seneste har rystet den vestlige verden: Oprørene i de parisiske forstæder i 2005, de muslimske fundamentalisters terrorangreb og kaoset efter orkanen Katrinas hærgen i New Orleans. Et særligt kapitel vier han til sagen om de danske Muhammed-karikaturer. Som altid er Zizek forbløffende skarp i sine samtidsdiagnoser og slår eksempelvis hårdt ned på begrebet om 'tolerance'.I de sidste dele af bogen overrasker Zizek endnu en gang i sit forsvar for et begreb om guddommelig vold. Der findes ifølge Zizek en form for vold, som bringer retfærdighed til de millioner af ofre for den objektive vold, som Zizek primært identificerer med kapitalismen og egoismen i de vestlige samfund. Guddommelig vold er ikke terror, simpel hævn eller ideen om Dommedag. Den Franske Revolution er for eksempel et tilfælde af guddommelig vold. I dag kunne guddommelig vold bestå i at trække sig tilbage fra et samfund, som blot bliver mere og mere forskruet.

  • by Agon Hamza, Frank Ruda & Slavoj Zizek
    £17.99 - 53.49

  • by USA, University of London, New York University, et al.
    £13.99 - 35.99

  • by Slavoj Žižek, Herta Müller & Klaus-Dieter Lehmann

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    - Power in the Era of Post-Humanity
    by Slavoj Zizek

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    by Slavoj Zizek

    Den slovenske filosof og sociolog Slavoj Žižek er en af vor tids mest markante intellektuelle og en iøjnefaldende skikkelse i såvel akademiske kredse som i offentligheden. Han er forfatter til en lang række bøger og artikler, hvor analyser af populærkultur og politik blandes med teoretiske landvindinger - ofte med fokus på den franske psykoanalytiker Jacques Lacan.Ideologiens sublime objekt udkom første gang i 1988 og er Žižeks gennembrudsværk. Bogen er et af Žižeks absolutte hovedværker og sætter fokus på ideologi - de ofte skjulte og automatiserede regler for, hvad der anses for godt og normalt. Žižek sætter sig for at analysere, ikke alene hvordan ideologier virker, men også hvorfor de virker. Det giver anledning til en række banebrydende analyser af, hvorfor mennesker har en tendens til at tilslutte sig normer, uanset hvor ubehagelige de måtte forekomme - hele tiden med Žižeks karakteristiske sans for hverdagsfænomener som film og litteratur.Ideologiens sublime objekt er oversat fra engelsk af Morten Visby.Slavoj Žižek er seniorforsker på Institut for Sociologi, Ljubljana Universitet. Desuden er han tilknyttet en lang række førende universiteter verden over.

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    by Slavoj Zizek

    A iA ek analyses the end of the world at the hands of the 'four riders of the apocalypse'.

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    - Refugees, Terror and Other Troubles with the Neighbours
    by Slavoj Zizek

    One of our best-known living philosophers Guardian How do we respond to the refugee crisis - by opening our doors, or pulling up the drawbridge? Both solutions, argues Slavoj Zizek, offer ideological blackmail, and both are wrong. He proposes that instead we see the crisis as an opportunity: a unique chance for Europe to redefine itself and its future. Zizek identifies the refugee crisis as one of the major global challenges of our time ...he argues for a politics of solidarity The Times Literary Supplement

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    by Slavoj Zizek

    In this combative major new work, philosophical sharpshooter Slavoj iek looks for the kernel of truth in the totalitarian politics of the past.Examining Heidegger's seduction by fascism and Foucault's flirtation with the Iranian Revolution, he suggests that these were the ';right steps in the wrong direction.' On the revolutionary terror of Robespierre, Mao and the bolsheviks, iek argues that while these struggles ended in historic failure and horror, there was a valuable core of idealism lost beneath the bloodshed.A redemptive vision has been obscured by the soft, decentralized politics of the liberal-democratic consensus. Faced with the coming ecological crisis, iekk argues the case for revolutionary terror and the dictatorship of the proletariat. A return to past ideals is needed despite the risks. In the words of Samuel Beckett: ';Try again. Fail again. Fail better.'

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    - From the End of History to the End of Capitalism
    by Slavoj Zizek

    Setting out to diagnose the condition of global capitalism, the ideological constraints we are faced with in our lives, and the bleak future promised by this system, this book explores the possibilities - and the traps - of new emancipatory struggles.

  • - Three Inquiries in Political Theology, with a new Preface
    by Slavoj Zizek

    Shows how the problem of neighbor love opens questions that are fundamental to ethical inquiry and suggest a new theological configuration of political theory. This title explores today's central historical problem: the persistence of the theological in the political.

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    - Inversions of Apocalypse
    by Slavoj Zizek

    A brilliant dissection and reconstruction of the three major faith-based systems of belief in the world today, from one of the world's most articulate intellectuals, Slavoj Zizek, in conversation with Croatian philosopher Boris Gunjevic. In six chapters that describe Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in fresh ways using the tools of Hegelian and Lacanian analysis, God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse shows how each faith understands humanity and divinity--and how the differences between the faiths may be far stranger than they may at first seem. Chapters include (by Zizek) (1) "Christianity Against Sacred," (2) "Glance into the Archives of Islam," (3) "Only Suffering God Can Save Us," (4) "Animal Gaze," (5) "For the Theologico-Political Suspension of the Ethical," (by Gunjevic) (1) "Mistagogy of Revolution," (2) "Virtues of Empire," (3) "Every Book Is Like Fortress," (4) "Radical Orthodoxy," (5) "Prayer and Wake."

  • Save 14%
    - Philosophy in Transit
    by Slavoj Zizek

    An Event can be an occurrence that shatters ordinary life, a radical political rupture, a transformation of reality, a religious belief, the rise of a new art form, or an intense experience such as falling in love. This book examines the new and highly-contested concept of Event.

  • by Slavoj Zizek
    £40.99 - 164.49

  • by Slavoj Zizek

    Starting from the premise that 'everything has meaning', this title analyzes Hitchcock's films, ranging from "Rear Window" to "Psycho", and their ostensible narrative content and formal procedures to discover a proliferation of ideological and psychic mechanisms at work.

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    by Slavoj Zizek

    Explores the relations between fantasy and ideology and the antagonism between the ever greater abstraction of our lives - whether through digitalization or the market - and the deluge of pseudo-concrete images which surround us.

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