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Books by Sophie Hannah

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    - The New Hercule Poirot Mystery
    by Sophie Hannah

    The world's most beloved detective, Hercule Poirot - the legendary star of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express and most recently The Monogram Murders and Closed Casket-returns in a stylish, diabolically clever mystery set in 1930's London.

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    - En ny Hercule Poirot krimi
    by Sophie Hannah

    Vi er i London. Året er 1929 – i starten af Poirots karriere som privatdetektiv. Under en frokost bliver Poirot forstyrret af en ung dame, som fortæller, at hun vil blive myrdet. Hun er bange, men beder ham alligevel indtrængende om ikke at afsløre morderen, eftersom hun har fortjent sin død, og drabet er retfærdigt. Den dødsensangste unge kvindes forsvinden sætter alligevel Poirot i gang med jagten på en seriemorder, som efterlader en guldmanchetknap med initialerne PIJ i munden på sine ofre.”Nej. Åh, jeg har sagt for meget! Hvor er jeg dog dum! Jeg fortalte Dem det kun fordi De ser så venlig ud, og jeg troede De ikke kunne gøre noget. Hvis De ikke havde sagt at De var pensioneret og fra et andet land, ville jeg ikke have sagt et ord! Lov mig det her: Hvis jeg bliver fundet død, skal De sige til Deres ven, politimanden, at han ikke må lede efter min morder.”Hun klemte øjnene i og foldede hænderne. ”Åh, lad ikke nogen åbne deres munde! Denne forbrydelse må aldrig blive opklaret. Lov mig at De vil sige det til Deres ven, politimanden, og få ham til at være enig? Hvis De er interesseret i retfærdighed, så gør som jeg beder Dem om.”Sophie Hannah (født 1971 i Manchester) er en gudsbenådet forfatter. Hun har skrevet lyrik, noveller, børnebøger, romaner og krimier og er blevet oversat til 20 sprog. To af hendes krimier er blevet filmatiseret.Agatha Christies arvinger har specifikt valgt Sophie Hannah til at føre Poirots arv videre og hædre et elsket forfatterskab, der snart kan fejre 125 års jubilæum.

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    by Sophie Hannah
    £8.99 - 13.49

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    by B.A. Paris, Holly Brown, Clare Mackintosh & et al.
    £14.49 - 17.49

    En medrivende thriller om mødre og døtre, løgne og ambitioner. Et internationalt hit skrevet i fællesskab af fire topsælgende krimiforfattere.Hvor langt ville du gå for at beskytte din datter?Carolyn, Bronnie, Elise og Kendall har én ting til fælles: Deres teenagedøtre er bedste veninder på Orla Flynn Academy, en prestigefuld og konkurrencepræget dramaskole i London. En dag starter en ny pige på skolen, og en række mystiske hændelser begynder at følge i hendes kølvand. Står den nye pige bag, eller kan det være en af de fire veninder? Da et mordforsøg finder sted, og sagen tager en dødbringende drejning, peger alting på den nye pige. Men hun har et alibi, og hvem er så den skyldige? Pigernes mødre er i oprør og vil gøre alt for at finde frem til sandheden og beskytte deres døtre. Men er de også parat til at risikere, at deres egne hemmeligheder kan blive afsløret?”De fire forfattere lykkes suverænt, og de har helt sikkert haft en fest med at skrive bogen.” – The Guardian

  • Save 15%
    - And 66 Attempts to Solve It
    by Sophie Hannah

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    - The New Hercule Poirot Mystery
    by Sophie Hannah

    The world's greatest detective, Hercule Poirot-legendary star of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile-returns to solve a fiendish new mystery.

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    by Sophie Hannah

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    - From Resentment to Contentment - the Power of Grudges to Transform Your Life
    by Sophie Hannah

    The ultimate guide on how to use grudges to be your happiest, most optimistic and most forgiving self!

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    by B A Paris, Holly Brown, Clare Mackintosh & et al.

    Four authors at the top of their game come together on this pacey, suspenseful novel of secrets, betrayal and motherhood

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    by Sophie Hannah
    £16.49 - 19.99

    Verdens mest elskede detektiv, Hercule Poirot – den legendariske stjerne fra Agatha Christies Mordet i Orientekspressen og i nyere tid Monogram-mordene og Skæbnesvangert testamente – vender tilbage i en velskrevet, diabolsk snedig krimi, der foregår i 1930‘ernes London.Da Hercule Poirot kommer hjem fra frokost en dag, bliver han mødt af en vred kvinde, der venter uden for hans dør. Hun kræver at få at vide, hvorfor Poirot har sendt hende et brev, hvor han anklager hende for mordet på Barnabas Pandy – en mand, som hun aldrig har mødt eller hørt om.Poirot har heller aldrig hørt om Barnabas Pandy og har ikke anklaget nogen for mord. Rystet går han ind i sit hjem, for blot at opdage, at han har en gæst, der venter på ham – en mand, som også hævder at have modtaget et brev fra Poirot samme morgen, hvori han anklages for mordet på Barnabas Pandy.Poirot spekulerer på, hvor mange flere breve af den slags, der er blevet sendt i hans navn. Hvem har sendt dem, og hvorfor? Og vigtigere endnu: Hvem er Barnabas Pandy? Er han død? Og hvis det er tilfældet, blev han så myrdet? Og kan Poirot finde svarene uden at bringe flere menneskeliv i fare?"Er man fan af Hercule Poirot, vil man ikke blive skuffet her." - DBCSophie Hannah (født 1971 i Manchester) er en gudsbenådet forfatter. Hun har skrevet lyrik, noveller, børnebøger, romaner og krimier og er blevet oversat til mere end 30 sprog.Agatha Christies arvinger har specifikt valgt Sophie Hannah til at føre Poirots arv videre og hædre et elsket forfatterskab, der i 2015 kunne fejre 125 års jubilæum.

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    - The stunning page turner from the Queen of Psychological Suspense
    by Sophie Hannah

    'Outstandingly brilliant' Clare MackintoshDid she really see Melody?The stunning new pageturner from the Queen of Psychological Suspense. Pushed to breaking point, Cara Burrows abandons her home and family and escapes to a five-star spa resort she can't afford. Late at night, exhausted and desperate, she lets herself into her hotel room and is shocked to find it already occupied - by a man and a teenage girl.A simple mistake on the part of the hotel receptionist - but Cara's fear intensifies when she works out that the girl she saw alive and well in the hotel room is someone she can't possibly have seen: the most famous murder victim in the country, Melody Chapa, whose parents are serving life sentences for her murder.Cara doesn't know what to trust: everything she's read and heard about the case, or the evidence of her own eyes. Did she really see Melody? And is she prepared to ask herself that question and answer it honestly if it means risking her own life?******What people are saying about DID YOU SEE MELODY?'I was hooked!...there was a cracking ending!' GoodReads reviewer'Really good reading that moved at a fast pace and kept me engaged throughout. Highly recommended.' GoodReads reviewer'Oh superb. Excellent. All the other expletives. Ms Hannah still showing us how twisting a plot is done properly.' GoodReads reviewer

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    - Culver Valley Crime Book 10
    by Sophie Hannah

    A must-read for fans of Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins.'Sophie Hannah is genuinely Christie's heir' The Scotsman'Hugely entertaining, full of uncomfortable truths' London Evening StandardWhat if having a best friend was the most dangerous thing you could do?A killer that the police are calling 'Billy Dead Mates' is murdering pairs of best friends, one by one. Before they die, each victim is given a small white book... For months, detectives have failed to catch Billy, or work out what the white books mean. And then a woman, scared by what she's seen on the news, comes forward.Stand-up comedian Kim Tribbeck has one of Billy's peculiar little books. A stranger gave it to her at a gig she did a year ago. Was he Billy, and does he want to kill her? Kim has no friends and trusts no one, so how - and why - could she possibly be Billy Dead Mates' next target?This is the next chilling novel from the queen of psychological crime - a literary puzzle set to unlock the dark side of the mind . . .

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    by Sophie Hannah

    'One of the great unmissables of this genre - intelligent, classy and with a wonderfully Gothic imagination' - The Times He's not your son. It's not up to you to save him. But you have to try. After escaping London and a career that nearly destroyed her, Justine plans to spend her days doing as little as possible in her beautiful home in Devon.But soon after the move, her daughter Ellen starts to withdraw when her new best friend, George, is unfairly expelled from school. Justine begs the head teacher to reconsider, only to be told that nobody's been expelled - there is, and was, no George. Then the anonymous calls start: a stranger, making threats that suggest she and Justine share a traumatic past and a guilty secret - yet Justine doesn't recognise her voice. When the caller starts to talk about three graves - two big and one small, to fit a child - Justine fears for her family's safety. If the police can't help, she'll have to eliminate the danger herself, but first she must work out who she's supposed to be...

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    - The New Hercule Poirot Mystery
    by Sophie Hannah

    Hercule Poirot returns in another brilliant murder mystery that can only be solved by the eponymous Belgian detective and his 'little grey cells'. 'What I intend to say to you will come as a shock . . .' Lady Athelinda Playford has planned a house party at her mansion in Clonakilty, County Cork, but it is no ordinary gathering. As guests arrive, Lady Playford summons her lawyer to make an urgent change to her will - one she intends to announce at dinner that night. She has decided to cut off her two children without a penny and leave her fortune to someone who has only weeks to live . . . Among Lady Playford's guests are two men she has never met - the famous Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, and Inspector Edward Catchpool of Scotland Yard. Neither knows why he has been invited . . . until Poirot starts to wonder if Lady Playford expects a murderer to strike. But why does she seem so determined to provoke, in the presence of a possible killer? When the crime is committed in spite of Poirot's best efforts to stop it, and the victim is not who he expected it to be, will he be able to find the culprit and solve the mystery? Following the phenomenal global success of The Monogram Murders, which was published to critical acclaim following a co-ordinated international launch in September 2014, international best-selling crime writer Sophie Hannah has been commissioned by Agatha Christie Limited to pen a second fully-authorised Poirot novel. The new book marks the centenary of the creation of Christie's world-famous detective Hercule Poirot, introduced in her first book The Mysterious Affair at Styles.

  • - And other ghost stories
    by Sophie Hannah

    'Tension, thy name is Sophie Hannah' Independent 'Sophie Hannah just gets better and better. Her plots are brilliantly cunning and entirely unpredictable.' The Guardian 'Intelligent, classy and with a wonderfully gothic imagination' The Times In this small but perfectly formed collection of supernatural short stories, bestselling author, Sophie Hannah, takes the comforting scenes of everyday life and imbues them with a frisson of fear. Why is a young woman so unnerved by the presence of a visitors book in her boyfriend's inner-city home? And whose spidery handwriting is it that fills the pages? Who is the strangely courteous boy still lingering at a child's tenth birthday party when all the parents have gathered their children and left? And why does the presence of a perfectly ordinary woman in a post office queue leave another customer pallid and quaking with fear?

  • Save 14%
    by Sophie Hannah

    The Poetry of Sex - a raucous, highly enjoyable anthology by acclaimed poet Sophie Hannah 'We've been at it all summer, from the Canadian border to the edge of Mexico . . .'It's hard to imagine a more fruitful subject for poets than sex, in all its glorious manifestations: from desire and hope, through disappointment and confusion, to conclusion and consequence. And little has changed over the centuries, as Sophie Hannah's anthology vividly demonstrates, from Catullus pleading with Lesbos to Walt Whitman singing the body electric. Moods and attitudes may vary but the drive persists as does the desire to write about it.Sophie Hannah's selection ranges from ancient Rome to modern New York, from gay to straight, but her principle has been to go low on the sugar and high on the excitement. It is essential reading for poetry lovers and romantics everywhere. Sophie Hannah has published five collections of poetry. Her fifth Pessimism for Beginners was shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Award in 2007. Her Selected Poems is published by Penguin (revised edition, 2013). She is also the writer of bestselling psychological crime fiction, most recently The Carrier. Her novels have been translated into 24 languages. Born in Manchester, she now lives in Cambridge with her husband and children, and is a Fellow Commoner of Lucy Cavendish College.

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    - Culver Valley Crime Book 9
    by Sophie Hannah

    Perfect for fans of Agatha Christie's mysteries, as well as Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins, the ninth psychological thriller from Sophie Hannah is a literary mystery and a puzzle that's impossible to solve . . . 'Fiendishly clever' Sunday Express'Exceptional' Elle Knowing the secret will kill you.All she wanted to do was take her son's forgotten sports kit to school.So why does Nicki Clements drive past the home of controversial newspaper columnist Damon Blundy eight times in one day? Blundy has been murdered, and the words 'HE IS NO LESS DEAD' daubed on his wall - in red paint, not blood. And, though Blundy was killed with a knife, he was not stabbed. Why?Nicki, called in for questioning, doesn't have any of the answers police are looking for. Nor can she tell them the truth, because although she is not guilty of murder, she is far from innocent. And the words on the wall are disturbingly familiar to her, if only she could remember where she has heard them before . . .

  • Save 19%
    by Sophie Hannah

    Her seven-year-old son Joseph has been sent away to boarding school against her wishes, and she misses him desperately.And the neighbour from hell is keeping her awake at night by playing loud, intrusive music. Except this time it's choral music, sung by a choir of children that only she can see and hear ...

  • Save 10%
    - The New Hercule Poirot Mystery
    by Sophie Hannah

    The new Hercule Poirot novel - another brilliant murder mystery that can only be solved by the eponymous Belgian detective and his `little grey cells'.

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    - Culver Valley Crime Book 8
    by Sophie Hannah

    *** WINNER OF THE SPECSAVERS NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR CRIME THRILLER OF THE YEAR 2013 ***He swore he was a killer. The truth was worse. An overnight plane delay is bad.Having to share your hotel room with a stranger is worse.But that is only the beginning of Gaby Struthers' problems.Gaby has never met Lauren Cookson before. So how does Lauren know so much about her? How does she know that the love of Gaby's life has been accused of murder? Why is she telling her that he is innocent? And why is she so terrified of Gaby?If you loved Gone Girl, you'll find this chilling domestic thriller impossible to put down.

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    by Sophie Hannah

    Includes a selection from Pessimism for Beginners.

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    - Culver Valley Crime Book 7
    by Sophie Hannah

    The brilliantly chilling seventh crime thriller from the queen of psychological suspense - a must-read for fans of Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins.'Utterly chilling' Observer'Truly hair-raising' Independent on Sunday Some secrets are so dark you keep them even from yourself . . .When Amber Hewerdine consults a hypnotherapist as a desperate last resort, she doesn't expect that anything much will change.She doesn't expect it to help with her chronic insomnia . . .She doesn't expect to hear herself, under hypnosis, saying words that mean nothing to her: 'Kind, cruel, kind of cruel' - words she has seen somewhere before, if only she could remember where . . .She doesn't expect to be arrested two hours later, as a result of having spoken those words out loud, in connection with the brutal murder of Katharine Allen, a woman she's never heard of . . .

  • by Sophie Hannah

    Would you trust a complete stranger?After Chloe and her daughter Freya are rescued from disaster by a man who seems too good to be true, Chloe decides she must find him again to thank him. But instead of meeting her knight in shining armour, she comes across a woman called Nadine Caspian who warns her to stay well away from him. The man is dangerous, Nadine claims, and a compulsive liar. Alarmed, Chloe asks her what she means, but Nadine will say no more. Chloe knows that the sensible choice would be to walk away - after all, she doesn't know anything about this man. But she is too curious. What could Nadine have meant? And can Chloe find out the truth without putting herself and her daughter in danger?

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    - Culver Valley Crime Book 6
    by Sophie Hannah

    The unnervingly good sixth psychological thriller from bestselling crime writer Sophie Hannah, not to be missed for readers of Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins.'Jaw-droppingly assured' Daily Express'A first-class whodunnit' Scotsman Don't go into the other woman's house . . . It's 1.15 a.m. Connie Bowskill should be asleep. Instead, she's logging on to a property website in search of a particular house: 11 Bentley Grove, Cambridge. She knows it's for sale; she saw the estate agent's board in the front garden less than six hours ago.Soon Connie is clicking on the 'Virtual Tour' button, keen to see the inside of 11 Bentley Grove and put her mind at rest once and for all. She finds herself looking at a scene from a nightmare: in the living room, in the middle of the carpet, there's a woman lying face down in a huge pool of blood. In shock, Connie wakes her husband Kit. But when Kit sits down at the computer to take a look, he sees no dead body, only a pristine beige carpet in a perfectly ordinary room . . .

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    - Culver Valley Crime Book 4
    by Sophie Hannah

    The fourth psychological suspense novel from the phenomenal, bestselling Sophie Hannah. A must-read for fans of Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins.'Utterly gripping' The Times'Thrilling' Sunday TelegraphWhy would anyone confess to a murder that never happened?Ruth Bussey knows what it means to be in the wrong and to be wronged. She once did something she regrets, and her punishment nearly destroyed her. Now Ruth is rebuilding her life, and has found a love she doesn't believe she deserves: Aidan Seed. Aidan is also troubled by a past he hates to talk about, until one day he decides he must confide in Ruth. He tells her that years ago he killed someone: a woman called Mary Trelease.Ruth is confused. She's certain she's heard the name before, and when she realises why it sounds familiar, her fear and confusion deepen - because the Mary Trelease that Ruth knows is very much alive . . .

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    - Culver Valley Crime Book 5
    by Sophie Hannah

    Critically acclaimed queen of psychological crime Sophie Hannah's fifth suspense novel - a must-read for those who love Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins.'Beautifully written' Daily Express'Terrifying' Heat Murder begins at home . . . TV producer Fliss Benson receives an anonymous card at work. The card has sixteen numbers on it, arranged in four rows of four - numbers that mean nothing to her.On the same day, Fliss finds out she's going to be working on a documentary about miscarriages of justice involving cot-death mothers wrongly accused of murder. The documentary will focus on three women: Helen Yardley, Sarah Jaggard and Rachel Hines. All three women are now free, and the doctor who did her best to send them to prison for life, child protection zealot Dr Judith Duffy, is under investigation for misconduct. For reasons she has shared with nobody, this is the last project Fliss wants to be working on. And then Helen Yardley is found dead at her home, and in her pocket is a card with sixteen numbers on it, arranged in four rows of four . . .

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    - Culver Valley Crime Book 3
    by Sophie Hannah

    Agatha Christie fans will love Queen of Crime Sophie Hannah's third stunning psychological suspense novel. Also perfect for fans of Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins.'Addictive' Marie Claire'Irresistible' GuardianIt began with an affair. And ended in murder.Sally is watching the news with her husband when she hears a name she ought not to recognise: Mark Bretherick. Last year, a work trip Sally had planned was cancelled at the last minute. Desperate for a break from her busy life juggling work and a young family, Sally didnt tell her husband that the trip had fallen through. Instead, she booked a week off work and treated herself to a secret holiday. All she wanted was a bit of peace - some time to herself - but it didn't work out that way. Because Sally met a man. Mark Bretherick. All the details are the same: where he lives, his job, his wife Geraldine and daughter Lucy. Except that the man on the news is a man Sally has never seen before. And Geraldine and Lucy Bretherick are both dead . . .

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