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ANGELICA CYNSTER is certain she'll recognise the love of her life at first sight. When her eyes meet those of a mysterious nobleman across a candlelit ballroom, and her pulse begins to quicken, she knows beyond doubt that he's the one. But her heart is soon pounding for an entirely different reason, when this same man abducts her, whisking her out of London; into the wild and untamed Scottish highlands. Angelica had always considered herself an expert in the art of assessing gentlemen - could she have really been so wrong? The eighth Earl of Glencrae has no choice but to kidnap Angelica. To save his castle and his clan, he must persuade her to assist him - and he's prepared to offer marriage to seal the deal . . .
The Cynsters are back in a brilliant new series from USA Today and New York Times bestseller Stephanie Laurens! Fans adore Laurenss irrepressible fictional family of sexy scoundrels and passionate ladies and their amorous Regency Era exploits. In Laurenss sensational new Cynster historical romance, its Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue when feisty Heather Cynster steps out of her safe, dull social circle in search of a dashing hero to wedand ends up kidnapped, scandalized and whisked out of London, with her only hope for salvationand loveresting with a notorious rogue lord.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens returns with the next in her Cynster Sisters series...The Honorable Miss Mary Cynster always gets what she wants. As the last unwed Cynster of her generation, she is determined to remain in charge of her life and of the man she will marry. At the very bottom of her list of potential husbands is Ryder Cavanaugh, the daring and devastating Marquess of Raventhorne, an overwhelming and utterly unmanageable lion of the ton. But destiny has a different plan.Ryder needs Mary as his wife, not just because she is delightful, fiery, and tempting, but because he values all she could be. When fate and circumstance hand him the chance, he claims Mary as his marchioness...only to discover what he truly desires is not just to take her hand in marriage, but to capture her heart.
A nobleman wedded to the lady he loves strives to overwrite five years of masterful pretence and open his wife's eyes to the fact that he loves her as much as she loves him.
"At Hartington Manor in the village of Little Moseley, Therese, Lady Osbaldestone, and her household are once again enjoying the company of her intrepid grandchildren, Jamie, George, and Lottie, when they are unexpectedly joined by her ladyship's youngest and still-unwed son, also the children's favorite uncle, Christopher. As the Foreign Office's master intelligencer, Christopher has been ordered into hiding until the department can appropriately deal with the French agent spotted following him in London. Christopher chose to seek refuge in Little Moseley because it's such a tiny village that anyone without a reason to be there stands out. Neither he nor his office-appointed bodyguard expect to encounter any dramas. Then Christopher spots a lady from London he believes has been hunting him with matrimonial intent. He can't understand how she tracked him to the village, but determined to avoid her, he enlists the children's help. The children discover their information-gathering skills are in high demand, and while engaging with the villagers as they usually do and taking part in the village's traditional events, they do their best to learn what Miss Marion Sewell is up to."--
1347. Calais has finally fallen and Alaun de Montisfryth, first Earl of Montisfryn, powerful Marcher lord and companion of Edward III, is dispatched back to England with orders to secure the Welsh border. Halfway home, pride tempts Montisfryn to attend a tournament held by his family''s old foes at Versallet Castle. Eloise de Versallet, the widowed Lady de Cannar, rules her father''s castle with a tongue sharper than any sword. She has no great opinion of men in general and of knights in particular. Montisfryn and Eloise meet and sparks fly. He is intrigued. She is irritated. He is under royal edict to wed. An experienced lady, well-born, still young, and exceedingly well-endowed with both wealth and beauty, Eloise is a matrimonial prize beyond compare-and has vowed to remain unwed. Potent and powerful, will Montisfryn be able to breach her walls, storm her castle, and succeed where all others have failed? Or will Eloise, haughty and defiant to the last, prevail? The gauntlet is flung, the challenge accepted. And desire enters the fray. A Novel of 140,000 words. A medieval historical romance in the classic style, this work contains multiple explicit love scenes. "When it comes to dishing up lusciously sensual, relentlessly readable historical romances, Laurens is unrivalled." Booklist "Laurens''s writing shines." Publishers Weekly "One of the most talented authors on the scene today...Laurens has a real talent for writing sensuous and compelling love scenes." Romance Reviews "Stephanie Laurens never fails to entertain and charm her readers with vibrant plots, snappy dialogue, and unforgettable characters." Historical Romance Reviews. "Stephanie Laurens plays into readers'' fantasies like a master and claims their hearts time and again." Romantic Times Magazine
A Magazine Celebrating Romance: Love romance? Love discovering the best new writers with bite-sized stories? Or maybe you prefer to treat yourself by escaping into a sure-to-please favorite author's world now and again, but don't have the time to read a full-length novel. Heart's Kiss magazine offers delicious variety and more. Each issue has 70,000 plus words of fiction from names readers will recognize, to newly discovered writers, including interviews and articles talking about what romance readers love most-the books they love, why romance is important in today's world, their love of the genre and what to enjoy next. Heart's Kiss is filled with a sweet-spicy-erotic mix of historical, contemporary, paranormal, suspense and futuristic romance stories that will be sure to make you yearn for more. IN THIS ISSUE: OPENING EDITORIAL by Tina SmithHEART'S KISS INTERVIEWS STEPHANIE LAURENS by Lezli RobynA WINTERY TAIL by Petronella GloverWOMAN HOLLERING CREEK by Meghan EwaldJUST ONE LOOK by Jacqueline SeewaldA REAL ACE V-DAY PRESENT by Rei RosenquistLATE TO VALENTINE'S by Alice FarisBEFORE I BREAK (Part One) by L. PenelopeI'LL CRY IF I WANT TO by Julie PitzelRECOMMENDED BOOKS by C.S. DeAvillaTHE TEMPTRESS PRESENTS: CHOCOLATE BARS Raw, Vegan & Gluten Free by Andrea AbediHEART'S KISS INTERVIEWS JULIET MARILLIER by Lezli RobynCLOSING EDITORIAL by Lezli Robyn
Dumdristig leg Kaptajn Caleb Frobisher, den yngste søn af et søfarende dynasti, vil gerne tages alvorligt. Så han tager kommandoen over en hemmelig mission, som hans brødre ellers har styret. Han har succes og sikrer missionens mål. Men han kan ikke lade det ligge, og han forbliver i junglen for at sikre, at missionens ultimative mål nås. Hun vil risikere alt. Katherine Fortescue flygtede fra et liv i fattigdom og kom til Freetown som guvernante, kun for at blive kidnappet og tvunget til at passe børnene i en mine. Bevogtet af bevæbnede, veltrænede lejesoldater har fangerne mistet ethvert håb om at undslippe. Men så møder Katherine en kaptajn, og han medbringer det søde håb om at blive reddet. Sammen vil de gå fremtiden i møde. Den sadistiske lejesoldat, der styrer minen, har andre planer, men Calebs sande styrke ligger i at finde fordele i modgang, og igennem den modgang, de oplever, bliver han til den leder, som han altid var bestemt til at blive. Den slags mand, som Katherine kan betro sin krop, sit liv og sin kærlighed.
We joyfully request your attendance at the wedding of Miss Angelica Cynster ... but not until she and her hero lay to rest an ancient grudge in the Scottish Highlands!Headstrong Angelica Cynster is certain she'll recognize her fated husband at first sight. And when her eyes meet those of a mysterious nobleman, she knows beyond a doubt that he's the one. But her heart is soon pounding for an entirely different reason?when her hero abducts her! The eighth Earl of Glencrae has no choice but to kidnap Angelica, the one Cynster sister with whom he hadn't wanted to tangle. But to save his castle and his clan, he must persuade her to assist him?and he's prepared to offer marriage to seal the deal!
To eventyrlystne hjerter I 10 år har kaptajn Robert Frobisher stået i spidsen for diplomatiske sørejser for sin families firma, mens han sideløbende har udført hemmelige missioner for kongemagten. Nu har han besluttet sig for, at den næste udfordring skal være at finde en hustru og skabe et hjem. Men pludselig dukker en uventet mission i Vestafrika op, og han rejser omgående til Freetown. Miss Aileen Hopkins befinder sig allerede i Freetown, hvor hun leder efter sin yngre bror Will, en søløjtnant, der er forsvundet på mystisk vis. Hun er fast besluttet på at finde ham, og hun tillader ikke andre at stå i vejen for hendes planer. Men alt for hurtigt fører planen hende i fare. Selvom Robert er vant til at håndtere diplomater og bureaukrater, må han sande, at han ikke har den fornødne ekspertise til at håndtere en 27-årig pebermø. I sit behov for at beskytte Aileen indser han, at han vil kunne klare alle sine udfordringer, hvis bare slår dem sammen: At få fuldført missionen, holde Aileen i sikkerhed og få sig en kone. Men skurkene slår til og forpurrer deres plan – nu har Robert og Aileen ikke andet valg end et sidste desperat forsøg på at fuldføre hans mission og komme hendes bror til undsætning.
Under ladyens kommando I det øjeblik, kaptajn Declan Frobisher fik øje på lady Edwina Delbraith, var han ikke i tvivl om, at hun var den kvinde, han skulle giftes med. Som efterkommer til et søfarende dynasti var han vant til at få succes, men det overraskede ham alligevel, hvor nemt det var at gøre kur til Edwina – ikke mindst fordi hun gjorde det klart, at hun ville have ham lige så meget, som han vil have hende. Bag Edwinas prinsesseagtige ydre gemmer der sig en vilje af stål, der nok kan bøjes, men aldrig knækkes. Skønt hun er født til storhed og har blåt blod i årene, er hun fast besluttet på at tage kontrollen over sit eget liv. Nu, hvor hun har Declans ring på sin finger, må hun finde en måde, så begge deres behov kan blive opfyldt i ægteskabet. De når kun at nyde et par uger af deres bryllupsrejse, før Declan bliver nødt til at sejle til Vestafrika, og Edwina beslutter sig for at tage med ham. Mens Declan og Edwina bliver udsat for uventede farer på den hemmelige mission opdager de samtidig, at for at få deres utraditionelle ægteskab til at fungere, kræver det noget, de begge besidder – nemlig et modigt og eventyrlystent hjerte.
New York Times bestselling historical romance superstars Stephanie Laurens and Mary Balogh, along with beloved fan favorites Jacquie DAlessandro and Candice Hernthe four authors who brought you It Happened One Nightare back with It Happened One Season. Even more inventive than their bestselling first anthology, It Happened One Season presents four love stories set during an unforgettable Regency social seasoneach passion-rich novella based on the same themes chosen by readers during a month-long online contestyet each one surprisingly, delightfully unique!
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