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Books by Steve Foxe

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  • Save 19%
    by Steve Foxe

    "Everyone's favorite '90s incarnations of the X-Men have returned.. rything is different! Mutantkind is taking a huge leap forward by founding their own nation on the island of Krakoa, guided by Professor X, Magneto, and a mysterious long-lived woman who knows much more than she should. Mutantkind is ready to protect their new homeland from threats of all kinds. they knew the truth about the mutant whose secret power of resurrection was the key to it all, would they be so eager to sacrifice everything to defend their founders' dream?"--

  • by Steve Foxe

    "Legendary director Alfred Peacock has acquired the rights to bring Spider-Ham's spectacular story to the silver screen. There's only one, itsy-bitsy problem: Spider-Ham didn't sell those rights, and Peacock is getting the origin all wrong--making our hero out to be a monstrous menace! Once he catches wind of the perilous production, Peter Porker uses his Daily Beagle connections to secure on-set credentials, where he not so subtly tries to improve the film's depiction of his alter ego and fix all the 'continuity errors' in the movie. Behind the scenes, Porker soon discovers that some very shady characters are bankrolling the entire operation, in a bid to convince the residents of New Yolk City that their porcine protector is a threat who must be eliminated. Now, Spider-Ham must face down an army of ninja production assistants and some truly shoddy CGI to prevent this box-office bomb from blowing up his reputation! Will everyone's favorite pig clear his name? Or is this porky protector headed for the cutting room floor?"--

  • by Steve Foxe

    Beth doesn't really have friends until she meets Lizzie, the girl who's just moved into the flat upstairs. At first it seems like a perfect match. Lizzie likes all the same stuff and wants to hang out constantly. But the friendship turns creepy when Lizzie starts copying Beth's style down to the smallest detail, and Beth can't shake the strange feeling that she's being silently studied. Did Beth find a BFF . . . or something more sinister? In this Scary Graphics tale, easy-to-read text and eerie, full-colour art combine to deliver just-right scares for kids who crave chills and thrills.

  • by Steve Foxe

    The last thing Louis wanted was to spend summer vacation on a family road trip. They hit the usual tacky tourist stops, and to top it all off is a stay at a hotel boasting a Prehistoric Action Park, complete with outdated dinosaur statues. But when Louis goes out during the night to search for his toddler sister after she wanders away under his watch, even he has to admit the dinosaurs look spookier beneath the fluorescent lights. And are they . . . moving? In this Scary Graphics tale, easy-to-read text and eerie, full-colour art combine to deliver just-right scares for kids who crave chills and thrills.

  • - A Graphic Novel
    by Steve Foxe

    Animals in Barnyard Meadows are glued to their phones. But Little Red Hen doesn't just want to watch internet videos. She wants to make them too! Unfortunately, her friends aren't eager to put in the hard work of creating an online baking show. When each step of the process reveals the wild side of their quiet town, will Red's friends realize all the fun they're missing, and can the hen become a video star? In this Far Out Fables adventure, "The Little Red Hen" is retold with a modern twist to create an exciting graphic novel for kids!

  • Save 11%
    by Steve Foxe
    £7.99 - 12.49

  • Save 11%
    by Steve Foxe
    £7.99 - 12.49

  • Save 11%
    by Steve Foxe
    £7.99 - 12.49

  • by Steve Foxe

    Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham (and breakout character from Into the Spider-Verse), arrives in this all-new, original graphic novel for younger readers!

  • Save 11%
    by Steve Foxe
    £7.99 - 12.49

  • by John Sazaklis & Steve Foxe
    £2.99 - 4.99

    Optimus Prime befinner sig i Primernas rike. Tillsammans med sin mentor Micronus tränar han på att slåss mot de onda decepticonerna för att vara redo att besegra dem i nästa stora strid. Men plötsligt verkar det som att någon annan lägger sig i Optimus träning! Någon som dessutom gillar att skoja med Bumblebee och hans vänner nere på jorden. Kommer de lyckas lista ut vad det är som händer innan den mystiska skojaren hunnit orsaka totalt kaos? Och hur lång tid kommer det egentligen ta innan Optimus är redo att återvända? HASBRO och dess logga, TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE och alla tillhörande karaktärer är Hasbros varumärken och används med tillåtelse. © 2020 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. Licensierad från HASBRO.Följ med Bumblebee och autoboterna på fartfyllda äventyr när de försöker beskydda mänskligheten från de skräckinjagande decepticonerna och deras försök till världsherravälde.Böckerna är baserade på den nya tv-serien, känd från bl.a. Netflix.

  • by Steve Foxe & John Sazaklis
    £2.99 - 3.99

    W Królestwie Prime’ów Optimus przechodzi szkolenie przed ważną misją. On i Bumblebee nie zdają sobie sprawy, że ich przyjaźń testuje Liege Maximo, który marzy o tym, aby ci dwaj nawzajem się zniszczyli. Czy uda im się przed nim obronić, czy będzie to koniec dzielnych Autobotów? HASBRO oraz logo HASBRO, TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE oraz wszystkie powiązane znaki są znakami towarowymi należącymi do Hasbro i wykorzystanymi za zgodą producenta. © 2020 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. Licensed by Hasbro.Dołącz do niezwykłych przygód Bumblebee i Autobotów i pomóż im w walce o ochronę ludzkości przed przerażającymi stworami. Nie pozwól im na przejęcie władzy nad światem!Książka oparta na nowym serialu Netflixa.

  • by Steve Foxe

    Andy isn't excited about going camping. Things go downhill when the older boys start telling stories of mysterious fairy circles hidden in the ancient woods. If you disturb a circle, they say, you'll be snatched away forever by vicious creatures. Andy assumes it's a made-up tale to frighten newbies, but when he kicks over a circle made of stones and bones, he'll find out there may be some truth to the legends after all... In this Scary Graphics tale, easy-to-read text and eerie, full-colour art combine to deliver just-right scares for kids who crave chills and thrills.

  • Save 13%
    by Steve Foxe & John Sazaklis
    £3.49 - 5.99

    Optimus harjoittelee tärkeää tehtävää varten Primejen valtakunnassa. Optimus ja Bumblebee eivät kuitenkaan arvaa, että juonitteleva Liege Maximo testaa heitä. Maximo haluaa varmistaa hinnalla millä hyvänsä, että ystävykset tuhoavat toisensa. Onnistuvatko Optimus ja Bumblebee päihittämään pahantahtoisen vastustajansa vai onko tämä Autobottien loppu?Tule mukaan jännittävään seikkailuun, kun Bumblebee ja Autobotit taistelevat ihmiskunnan turvallisuuden puolesta Decepticoneja vastaan! Tarina perustuu TV-sarjaan "Transformers: Robots in Disguise".HASBRO ja sen logo, TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE sekä kaikki siihen liittyvät hahmot ovat Hasbron tavaramerkkejä, ja ne ovat käytössä Hasbron luvalla. © 2020 Hasbro. All rights reserved. Licensed by Hasbro.

  • by Steve Foxe

    Mr Kazarian has a problem ... his evil cousin, Kronkhold, is threatening to consume the galaxy with his new device, a black-hole generator. Mr K's four favourite students are in the library researching Albert Einstein when they see Mr K heading out on his mission to stop Kronkhold. What better way to learn about black holes and Einstein's theories than to ride along? Oh, and hopefully help save their home in the Milky Way. Bravely facing Kronkhold and his space-pirate flunkies, Mr K and the students get a little too up-close and personal with a black hole and must outwit the evil scientist to save the galaxy and themselves!

  • by John Sazaklis & Steve Foxe
    £2.99 - 5.49

    Im Reich der Primes trainiert Optimus für eine wichtige Mission. Doch Optimus und Bumblebee ahnen nicht, dass sie von Liege Maximo getestet werden. Der Prime will um jeden Preis dafür sorgen, dass die zwei Freunde einander vernichten. Können sie ihren boshaften Gegner zerstören oder ist dies das Ende der Autobots?HASBRO und das Logo TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE sowie alle dazugehörenden Charaktere sind Markenzeichen von Hasbro und werden mit Zustimmung verwendet. © 2020 Hasbro. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Lizenziert von Hasbro.Komm mit und begleite Bumblebee und die Autobots bei ihren spannenden Abenteuern im Kampf, die Menschheit vor den furchteinflösenden Deceptions zu beschützen. Die Geschichten basieren auf der neuen TV-Serie, u.a. bekannt von Netflix.

  • by Steve Foxe

    All of the children love Mr Kazarian the librarian. What they don't know is that Mr K is actually an alien, sent to Earth to study the habits of these bizarre creatures called humans. When four of his pupils discover his human hologram disguise, Mr K's research is in jeopardy ... A science-fiction graphic adventure with lots of actual science!

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