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Books by Stuart MacBride

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    by Stuart MacBride
    £6.99 - 15.49

    Et fejltrin kan koste dig alt. Kriminalkommissær Logan McRae er blevet forflyttet til det mørkeste Aberdeenshire, hvor han tilbringer dagene med at fange butikstyve og løbsk kvæg. Men stilheden og forudsigeligheden brydes, da kroppen af en lille pige skyller op på en strand. Et opklaringsteam tilkaldes fra Aberdeen og McRaes tidligere chef, vil have hans hjælp. Snart bliver han trukket dybere og dybere ind i sagen, og en ting er sikkert: nabolaget er ikke så idyllisk, som det ser ud. Og det er ikke sikkert, at alle kommer igennem denne opklaring i live. "Mød den øldrikkende og baconsandwich-spisende politiassistent (endelig en underordnet kriminalbetjent) Logan McRae hos den spændende Stuart MacBride, der har gjort Aberdeen, denne grå, kolde og vindblæste nordskotske by, til skueplads for sine tartan noir-romaner – her passer betegnelsen perfekt!”– Sven Hakon Rossel, Professor i skandinavisk litteratur i Berlingske

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    by Stuart MacBride
    £3.99 - 15.49

    Den mest solgte thriller af den prisbelønnede Stuart MacBride. En blodig, strålende og brutal historie om mord, kidnapning og hævn.Politiassistent Ash Henderson har en mørk hemmelighed For fem år siden forsvandt hans datter Rebecca, lige inden hendes 13 års fødselsdag. Et år senere modtog han det første kort: Hjemmelavet, med et polaroidbilledet på forsiden – Rebecca, bundet til en stol med knebel i munden, skræmt fra vid og sans. Hvert år kommer der et nyt kort, hvert år er det værre end det forrige. Medierne kalder ham for ”Birthday Boy”. Han har kidnappet piger igennem 12 år, altid lige inden deres 13 års fødselsdag. Hvert år sender han sine hjemmelavede fødselsdagskort, som viser hvordan han langsomt torturerer pigerne til døde, til familierne. Men Ash har ikke fortalt nogen om Rebeccas’ fødselsdagskort – alle tror bare at hun er stukket af hjemmefra. For hvis nogen finder ud af sandheden, får han ikke længere lov til at arbejde med sagen. Han har ofret for meget, for bare at give op inden hans datters morder får hvad han fortjener.

  • Save 22%
    by Stuart MacBride
    £13.99 - 20.99

    Stuart MacBride er ond, original og sjov. På samme tid. Læs! - Helle VincentzNogle gange er det værste, du kan forestille dig, kun begyndelsen.Velkommen til Kludderkorpset.Det er her, Skotlands politi dumper de udstødte betjente, de helst ville være foruden – betjente som Callum MacGregor, der på grund af en skæbnesvanger beslutning, nu sidder i bunden af hierarkiet og skal trækkes med alt rugbrødsarbejdet.Men da en antik mumie bliver fundet på en losseplads, får Callum pludselig en hovedrolle, da han opdager en forbindelse mellem mumien og tre forsvundne mænd. Ingen forventer, at Callum og kollegerne kan opklare sagen, men uret tikker, og nogen skal forhindremorderens ofre i at lide en langsom og smertefuld død. Spørgsmålet er blot, om de kan bevise deres værd, før morderen slår til igen.

  • Save 13%
    by Stuart MacBride
    £6.99 - 15.49

    For otte år siden blev fire kvinder myrdet og tre af dem blev lemlæstet. Maverne på dem var blevet skåret op, og en plastikdukke var placeret i dem. Gerningsmanden blev aldrig fundet. kriminalbetjenten Ash Henderson, som har ledt efterforskningen i de sidste otte år, har kun mødt modgang. Hans familie er gået i opløsning, hans karriere ligger i ruiner og en af Oldcastles værste forbrydere har sikret, at Ash nu selv er i fængsel … formentlig for resten af hans liv. Men da en sygeplejerske bliver fundt død, med en dukke i maven ser det ud til, at Ash’ held vender. Nu har han chancen for oprejsning. For at få sin frihed og hævn. Andet og selvstændige bind i serien om Ash Henderson

  • by Stuart MacBride

    A collection of interlinked tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season - from the No. 1 bestseller Stuart MacBride

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    - The New Logan Mcrae Crime Thriller from the No.1 Bestselling Author
    by Stuart MacBride

    The stunning new thriller from No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller Stuart MacBride.

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    by Stuart MacBride

    I den kolde, mørke jord Der er problemer på vej … Kriminalassistent Logan McRaes team finder et lig efterladt i skoven – det ligner et gangstermord, men er det hele sandheden? Sagerne bliver ikke bedre af, at hans tidligere chef overtager efterforskningen, en ny politiinspektør er på nakken af ham, og både hans arbejdsliv og privatliv hænger i laser. Men det bliver værre endnu ... Aberdeens kriminelle overhoved, Wee Hamish Mowat, ligger for døden, og rivaler fra hele Storbritannien har øjnene stift rettet mod hans territorium. Der er en hårdkogt krig undervejs, og Logan er fanget lige i midten, om han så vil det eller ej.

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    by Stuart MacBride

    The third DS Logan McRae thriller in the No.1 bestselling crime series from Stuart MacBride. A crime of passion ... or cold-hearted murder? 'MacBride is a damned fine writer' Peter James

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    by Stuart MacBride

    The second crime thriller in the No.1 bestselling Logan McRae series from Stuart MacBride. Even the darkest crimes will come to light... 'Stuart MacBride is a damned fine writer' Peter James

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    by Stuart MacBride

    The very first Logan McRae novel in the No.1 bestselling crime series from Stuart MacBride. DS Logan McRae and the police in Aberdeen hunt a child killer who stalks the frozen streets.Winter in Aberdeen: murder, mayhem and terrible weather...It's DS Logan McRae's first day back on the job after a year off on the sick, and it couldn't get much worse. Three-year-old David Reid's body is discovered in a ditch: strangled, mutilated and a long time dead. And he's only the first. There's a serial killer stalking the Granite City and the local media are baying for blood.Soon the dead are piling up in the morgue almost as fast as the snow on the streets, and Logan knows time is running out. More children are going missing. More are going to die. And if Logan isn't careful, he could end up joining them.

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    by Stuart MacBride

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    by Stuart MacBride
    £8.99 - 17.99

  • by Stuart MacBride

    A gripping serial killer thriller with a twist - from No. 1 bestseller Stuart MacBride This time the serial killer picked the wrong family... 'MacBride is a damned fine writer' Peter James

  • by Stuart MacBride

    Blodvejen En vej, der fører til mord … Logan McRae har ikke ligefrem nogen pletfri fortid, men som ansat i disciplinærnævnet er det nu hans job at sætte barren for sine politikollegers arbejde. Da kriminalkommissær Duncan Bell findes død på førersædet i en forulykket bil, kommer det som et chok for hele politistyrken. Bell blev nemlig begravet for to år siden – det troede de i hvert fald alle. En efterforskning bliver skudt i gang, og Logan begynder at grave i Bells fortid. Hvor har han været i al den tid? Hvorfor forsvandt han? Og hvad var så vigtigt, at han vovede at vende tilbage fra de døde? Men jo mere de graver, des flere knogler kommer frem i lyset – og der er nogen, som vil slå ihjel for, at skeletterne forbliver begravet. Og hvis Logan ikke kan stoppe dem, så bliver Bell ikke den eneste, der dør ...

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    by Stuart MacBride

    What drives someone to murder? The No.1 Sunday Times bestselling author returns with the much anticipated new Logan McRae thriller.

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    by Stuart MacBride

    A detective no one believes in. A killer with nothing to lose...A gripping standalone thriller from the Sunday Times No.1 bestselling author of the Logan McRae series.Beware of the dark...Welcome to the Misfit Mob - where Police Scotland dumps the officers it can't get rid of, but wants to. Officers like DC Callum MacGregor, lumbered with all the boring go-nowhere cases. So when an ancient mummy is found at the Oldcastle tip, it's his job to track down its owner.But then Callum uncovers links between his mummified corpse and three missing young men, and life starts to get a lot more interesting.No one expects the Misfit Mob to solve anything, but right now they're all that stands between a killer's victims and a slow lingering death. Can they prove everyone wrong before someone else dies?

  • Save 14%
    by Stuart MacBride

    She can't prove he did it. But she might die trying... From the Sunday Times No.1 bestselling author of the Logan McRae series, comes a standalone spinoff featuring DS Roberta Steel

  • by Ann Cleeves, Denise Mina, Stuart MacBride, et al.

    Crime fiction inspired by Scotland's iconic buildings: in Bloody Scotland twelve of Scotland's best crime writers use the sinister side of the country's built heritage in stories that are by turns gripping, chilling and redemptive.

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    by Stuart MacBride

    THE SUNDAY TIMES NO. 1 BESTSELLER The new Logan McRae novel from the No. 1 bestselling author of THE MISSING AND THE DEAD and A SONG FOR THE DYING.

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    by Stuart MacBride

    A heart-stopping crime thriller and the fourth consecutive No. 1 Bestseller from the author of the Logan McRae series and Birthdays for the Dead.He's back...Eight years ago, 'The Inside Man' murdered four women and left three more in critical condition - all of them with their stomachs slit open and a plastic doll stitched inside.And then the killer just ... disappeared.Ash Henderson was a Detective Inspector on the initial investigation, but a lot can change in eight years. His family has been destroyed, his career is in tatters, and one of Oldcastle's most vicious criminals is making sure he spends the rest of his life in prison.Now a nurse has turned up dead, a plastic doll buried beneath her skin, and it looks as if Ash might finally get a shot at redemption. At earning his freedom.At revenge.

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    by Stuart MacBride

    The ninth Logan McRae thriller from the No. 1 bestseller Stuart MacBride. 'Dark and griping. A riveting page-turner' Independent on Sunday

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    by Stuart MacBride

    The eighth Logan McRae novel in the No.1 bestselling crime series from Stuart MacBride. Every murder tells a story. But not every victim tells the truth. 'A terrific writer ... McRae is a delight' The Times

  • Save 11%
    by Stuart MacBride

    Twelve years. Twelve dead girls. Thirteen will be unlucky for some.The No.1 bestselling crime thriller from the award-winning Stuart MacBride. A bloody, brilliant and brutal story of murder, kidnap and revenge.Detective Constable Ash Henderson has a dark secret...Five years ago his daughter, Rebecca, went missing on the eve of her thirteenth birthday. A year later the first card arrived: home-made, with a Polaroid picture stuck to the front - Rebecca, strapped to a chair, gagged and terrified. Every year another card: each one worse than the last.The tabloids call him 'The Birthday Boy'. He's been snatching girls for twelve years, always just before their thirteenth birthday, killing them slowly, then torturing their families with his homemade cards.But Ash hasn't told anyone what really happened to Rebecca - they all think she ran away - because if anyone finds out, he'll be taken off the investigation. And he's sacrificed too much to give up before his daughter's murderer gets what he deserves...

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    by Stuart MacBride

    The 4th thriller in the Number One bestselling crime series from the award-winning Stuart MacBride. Panic grips The Granite City as DS Logan McRae heads up a manhunt for 'The Flesher' - one of the UK's most notorious serial killers.

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    by Stuart MacBride

    A bestseller from the award-winning Stuart MacBride. The seventh DS Logan McRae thriller is a gripping page-turner in which fame and fortune crash head-on with crime and punishment. No suspects. No clues. No rest for the wicked.

  • by Stuart MacBride

    A brilliantly twisty, 80-page novella from the No. 1 bestselling author of the Logan McRae series. Including an extract from his new Logan novel, THE MISSING AND THE DEAD.It's the night of the big Referendum, and all Acting Detective Inspector Logan McRae has to do is find a missing 'No' campaigner. Should be easy enough...But, as usual, DCI Steel has plans of her own. As the votes are counted there's trouble brewing in the pubs and on the streets of Aberdeen.Logan's picked up a promising lead, but all is not quite what it seems, and things are about to go very, very wrong...

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    by Stuart MacBride

    The sixth gripping thriller in the No.1 bestselling crime series from the award-winning Stuart MacBride. Scotland's finest see first-hand how starting again can be murder...'MacBride is a damned fine writer' Peter JamesEveryone deserves a second chance...Richard Knox has done his time and seen the error of his ways. He wants to leave his dark past behind, so why shouldn't he be allowed to live wherever he wants?Detective Sergeant Logan McRae isn't thrilled about having to help a violent rapist settle into Aberdeen. Even worse, he's stuck with the man who put Knox behind bars, DSI Danby, supposedly to 'keep an eye on things'.Only things are about to go very, very wrong.Edinburgh gangster Malk the Knife wants a slice of Aberdeen's latest development boom. Local crime lord Wee Hamish Mowat has ominous plans for Logan's future. And Knox's past isn't finished with him yet...

  • Save 14%
    by Stuart MacBride

    The first thriller in the No.1 bestselling DS Logan McRae series. Nothing keeps a crime hidden like fear...'Stuart MacBride's thrillers just keep getting better' Express'You can't be an eyewitness if I cut out your eyes...'Someone's preying on Aberdeen's growing Polish population. The pattern is always the same: men abandoned on building sites, barely alive, their eyes gouged out and the sockets burned.With the victims too scared to talk, and the only witness a paedophile who's on the run, Grampian Police is getting nowhere fast. The attacks are brutal, they keep on happening, and soon DS Logan McRae will have to decide how far he's prepared to bend the rules to get a result.The Granite City is on the brink of gang warfare; the investigating team are dogged by allegations of corruption; and Logan's about to come to the attention of Aberdeen's most notorious crime lord...

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    by Stuart MacBride

    From the No. 1 bestselling author of THE MISSING AND THE DEAD comes the short novel: 22 DEAD LITTLE BODIES, plus two short stories: STRAMASH and DI STEEL'S BAD HEIR DAY, and a novella: THE 45% HANGOVER, all featuring his most popular characters - DS Logan McRae and DCI Roberta Steel.They say 'small is beautiful', but as Stuart MacBride demonstrates in these four tales, it can also be dark, violent, disturbing, and sometimes really quite rude.So pour yourself a wee dram, curl up on the sofa and enjoy DS Logan McRae and his sometime boss, friend, mother substitute, and nemesis, DCI Steel at their best.Here you'll find Logan's week from hell; Steel's own personal nightmare before Christmas; an explosive shootout on a remote Scottish island; and the ultimate test of their relationship...

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