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Books by Thomas Mann

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    by Thomas Mann
    £7.99 - 6.99

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    by Thomas Mann

    This European masterpiece from the Nobel prizewinner explores the lure and degeneracy of ideas in an introverted community on the eve of World War I. Hans Castorp is 'a perfectly ordinary, if engaging young man' when he goes to visit his cousin in an exclusive sanatorium in the Swiss Alps.

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    by Thomas Mann

    A portrayal of genius possessed, through the biography of the composer Adrian Leverkuhn, narrated by his friend Zeitblom in the years 1943-45, as Germany faces ruin.

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    - The Decline of a Family
    by Thomas Mann

    Thomas Mann's first great novel, written at the age of 25, is an epic study of decadence among the merchant families of Hamburg at the end of the nineteenth century. The novel is based on Mann's own experience as the son of a German merchant prince, but it goes far beyond his own experience in its sweep and comprehensiveness.

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    - Forord ved Ursula Andkjær Olsen
    by Thomas Mann

    Doktor Faustus er Thomas Manns fascinerende omskrivning af den gamle historie om Faust, der sælger sin sjæl til Djævelen for at opnå udødelighed. I Manns moderne version er det historien om komponisten Adrian Leverkühns tragiske liv og fortællingen om den tyske kulturs dæmonbesættelse og undergang. Et af litteraturhistoriens store værker med inspiration fra Nietzsche, Goethe, Kierkegaard og Shakespeare.I denne nye udgave indledes bogen med et forord af Ursula Andkjær Olsen.

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    by Thomas Mann

    A masterpiece of German modernism and one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century. Adrian Leverkuhn is a young man destined for success.

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    by Thomas Mann
    £4.00 - 7.99

    Thomas Manns udødelige klassiker om digteren Aschenbachs rejse til Venedig.

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    by Thomas Mann

    Discover Thomas Mann's comic novel of deception and misplaced confidence - back in print for the first time in over twenty years. Waiter by day, man about Paris by night;

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    by Thomas Mann

    Thomas Mann's meditation on the power of literary representation and the tyranny of the writer's imagination, published in Vintage Classics for the first time.

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    - 1893-1912
    by Thomas Mann
    £4.00 - 4.99

    De fleste kender Thomas Manns store romaner Buddenbrooks og Dr. Faustus - og Døden i Venedig. Men den sidstnævnte er faktisk ikke en roman, men en fortælling. Thomas Mann begyndte sin forfatterkarriere som attenårig i 1893 med en fortælling, og han skrev sin sidste fortælling kun to år før sin død i 1955. 33 publicerede fortællinger blev det til, hvoraf mange har opnået klassikerstatus - det gælder ikke mindst Døden i Venedig, men også historier som Tonio Kröger, De forbyttede hoveder og Loven. Ca. halvdelen af fortællingerne er for mange år siden udkommet på dansk, men det er først nu, alle fortællingerne oversættes sammen. For opgaven står det rutinerede oversætterpar Judyta Preis og Jørgen Herman Monrad, som har roste oversættelser af bl.a. Frankz Kafka og Joseph Roth bag sig. Døden i Venedig afslutter dette første bind, Tidlige fortællinger 1893-1912, som også byder på perler som Den lille Hr. Friedemann og Tonio Kröger. Andet bind, Sene fortællinger 1919-1953, udkommer i forsommeren 2013. Thomas Manns fortællinger er formfuldendte, psykologisk skarpe og sprogligt gnistrende. Det vil glæde mange, at de nu alle bliver tilgængelige på dansk.

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    by Thomas Mann

    Discover Mann's Nobel Prizewinning semi-autobiographical and sweeping family epic. The Buddenbrook clan is everything you'd expect of a nineteenth-century German merchant family - wealthy, esteemed, established.

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    by Thomas Mann
    £7.99 - 6.99

    Gregorius synes fra fødslen dømt til en uhellig skæbne: Han er nemlig barn af et incestuøst søskendeforhold og ender, trods sine forsøg på at hæve sig over sit ophav, med selv at reproducere samme synd. Ganske uvidende om deres familieforhold, bliver han gift og får børn med sin biologiske mor. Men selv denne grotesk-nedarvede, skyldløse synd ændrer ikke ved, at Gregorius er den guddommeligt udvalgte, der ad de mest snørklede stier som pave skal føre kirken ind i en ny højtid.Den Udvalgte er et sent mesterværk af den aldrende Mann. Her gennemspiller han i et lystigt, til tider nærmest komisk tonefald, forfatterskabets grundtema: Skæbnens og de hylende drifters evige triumf over det civiliserede liv. Men også det enestående individs mulighed for med sin charme og kløgt at puste moral og fremskridt ind i verden.Den Udvalgte er en stor og kompleks fortælling om skyld og nåde, synd og tilgivelse. Romanen er skrevet med Manns eminente psykologisk indsigt og skarpe filosofiske blik for at skildre eksistensens brudflader. Bogen er et stilistisk kunststykke i sin sproglige transformation af middelaldereposset til moderne prosa  – mesterligt nyoversat af Per Øhrgaard, der også har skrevet bogens efterskrift.

  • - Translated From The German Of Thomas Mann By A. Cecil Curtis
    by Thomas Mann

    Royal Highness: Translated From The German Of Thomas Mann By A. Cecil CurtisThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

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    by Thomas Mann

  • by Thomas Mann

  • by Thomas Mann Jr
    £13.49 - 23.49

  • - An English Translation of the 1929 French Novelization of the Lost Lon Chaney Film (hardback)
    by Thomas Mann

    Thomas Mann, who discovered the long-lost 1928 Boy's Cinema literary version of the film (published by BearManor Media), now offers a new and comparably important discovery: an English translation of an equally "lost" French novelization of the story dating from 1929, written by someone who actually saw the film.

  • - An English Translation of the 1929 French Novelization of the Lost Lon Chaney Film
    by Thomas Mann

    Thomas Mann, who discovered the long-lost 1928 Boy's Cinema literary version of the film (published by BearManor Media), now offers a new and comparably important discovery: an English translation of an equally "lost" French novelization of the story dating from 1929, written by someone who actually saw the film.

  • - Novelle (1944)
    by Thomas Mann

    Rechtsgeschichte ist ein Teil der Kulturgeschichte. Rechtsentwicklungen werden in Kunstwerken reflektiert, mitunter auch vorweggenommen. Umgekehrt vermogen juristisches Handwerk und juristische Reflexion haufig bei der Erschlieung literarischer Werke Hilfestellung zu leisten. Die Abteilung Recht in der Kunst"e; bietet diese Hilfestellung an. Sie enthalt neben sekundarwissenschaftlichen Textsammlungen und Abhandlungen vor allem Textausgaben literarischer Werke, in deren Mittelpunkt Fragen des Rechts stehen und die mit je einem Kommentar aus literaturwissenschaftlicher Sicht und aus rechtlicher und / oder rechtshistorischer Sicht versehen werden.

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