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En rejse i tre akter er en kort analyse af Ridley Scotts film Thelma og Louise der på en enkel og let forståelig måde viser hvordan en god film er struktureret
Et godt manuskript er den første forudsætning for enhver god film. Men hvordan skriver man en god historie? Hvordan skaber man levende og troværdige karakterer? Hvordan strukturerer man forløbet så det bliver både spændende og bevægende? Hvordan får man replikkerne til at fungere som en naturlig del af historien, karaktererne og dramatikken? Hvordan fanger fastholder og forfører man sit publikum? "FILM – Fortælling og Forførelse 2" handler om det dramatiske, psykologiske og fortællemæssige håndværk der ligger bag en hver god fortælling. Bogen sigter mod at give læseren en indgående viden om den dramatiske fortælling og dens virkemidler. "...jeg bliver slået med ydmyghed over den indsigt og det overblik Breum lægger for dagen ... bogen er uforskammet godt skrevet og spækket med fantastisk fagkundskab." Kim Bruun, Pråsen 2011 "Finally it is here - the book the professional community has looked out for, the educational institutions has begged for and the general well-informed public will find useful, enlightening and in-expendably informative" Kjeld Veirup, tidligere Script editor på DreamWorks i California og leder af den Europæiske Filmhøjskole. "... lad det være klart fra starten – det er en uddybende og inspirerende metodebog. Breum er en smittende og inciterende læser af film og TV-serier" Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken 2001 "Det er på alle måder en fornøjelse som retoriker at læse en bog der ubekymret og ubesværet beskæftiger sig med den store kunst at forfører" Christina Matthiesen,RetorikMagasinet 2001
Hvis dit liv var en film... gad du så godt selv se den?Med udgangspunkt i filmen Shrek gennemgås den klassiske fortællings paralleller til det terapeutiske forløb
I mange år hed det sig at der kun fandtes syv forskellige konflikter man kunne bygge sin filmhistorie op over - men i virkeligheden findes der måske kun to ...
Intet drama uden konflikt. Ingen konflikt uden uenighed. Derfor har enhver god dramatisk fortælling brug for to modsatrettede viljer. En helt og en skurk. Men en helt er ikke bare en helt...
I once met a psychologist who had a passion for movies. We spoke among other things, about dramatic structure. I asked him how it is possible for us to continually watch movies based on essentially the same blueprint without being bored to death. The therapist glanced at a diagram of the classical three-act-structure typifying most movies and said; "Because the process is basically the same as you experience in therapy, and exactly here", he said as he pointed to the crucial midpoint af the classic movie, "is the point when most people experience an overwhelming urge to quit therapy, rather than crossing the point of no return and facing their problems. In movies however, one inevitably struggles through to the bitter end - otherwise there would be no story to tell" ...
FILM – Narration & Seduction gives a comprehensive insight in the essential elements of the modern Scandinavian screenwriting and filmmaking – it so to speak maps the newly discovered land. Through this book the reader will understand and learn more about modern film making than from any other book.FILM – Narration & Seduction goes several steps further and deeper in the psychological and dramaturgical aspects of screenwriting than other books and goes far further in dealing with the practical implications of professional work in the early stages of development.From the reviews:“Finally it is here - the book the professional community has looked out for, the educational institutions has begged for and the general well-informed public will find useful, enlightening and in-expendably informative”Kjeld Veirup, former Script editor at DreamWorks in California and leader of the European Film collage in Denmark.“… let it be clear from the beginning – it is an elaborating and inspiring book of methods. Breum is a contagious and stimulating reader of film and television … Everything is delicately and convincingly described and arranged, and in the repeatedly pedagogical way that characterizes a textbook. You can use her book - and learn from it.”Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken”Written with considerable gusto, inspiring and easy to comprehend.”Mette Damgaard-Sørensen, former consultant at the Danish Film institute“I am overwhelmed the insight and overview Breum possess … the book is damned good written and packed with great expertise”Kim Bruun, Pråsen
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