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Books by U S Army

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  • by U S Navy, U S Army & U S Air Force

    CONTENTSIntroductionGeneral --- Joint Service Responsibility --- Maintenance Standards, Policies, and Criteria --- Terminology --- Planning --- Preparation for Work --- Access to Work --- SafetyTimber StructuresPreservation of Wood --- Inspection --- MaintenanceConcrete StructuresConcrete Technology --- Causes and Types of Deterioration --- Methods of Inspection --- Repair Methods Stone Masonry StructuresIntroduction --- Method of Inspection --- Methods of Repair Rubble-Mound StructuresStructural Components --- Causes and Types of Deterioration --- Inspection --- Methods of RepairStructures Involving SoilSoil Description --- Soil Placement --- Inspection --- RepairSteel StructuresCorrosion --- Protective Coatings --- Cathodic Protection --- Substitute Materials for Steel --- Inspection --- Maintenance of Steel StructuresPlastic and Elastomeric StructuresTypes of Materials --- Construction TechniquesReferencesGlossaryAppendicesDiver Inspection of Structures --- Inspection, Documentation, Maintenance, and Certification of Graving DocksIndex

  • - New, Improved and Remastered
    by U S Army
    £13.49 - 19.99

  • - Comprising a voyage from St. Louis, on the Mississippi, to the source of that river, and a journey through the interior of Louisiana, and the north-eastern provinces of New Spain
    by U S Army & Zebulon Montgomery Pike

  • - Tactical Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques and Procedures - Full-Size 8.5x11 Edition - FM 3-05.302 (MCRP 3-40.6B)
    by U S Army

    "TO SUBDUE THE ENEMY WITHOUT FIGHTING IS THE ACME OF SKILL" (Sun Tzu) Book 3 of 3 in the C.M.L. U.S. Army PSYOP series. Discover how to execute successful psychological warfare - PSYWAR - operations at the tactical level. Learn how to change opinions, win hearts and minds, and convert people to your cause via mass communication! Full-size edition - large 8.5" x 11" format: clear, detailed text & illustrations. Complete & Unabridged. "Batteries last hours, books last decades: get the print edition!"Often misunderstood by the general public, psychological operations (PSYOP) enable U.S. forces to influence a target population's opinions and behavior by affecting their impressions, thoughts and emotions.Psychological operations take many forms. They may be overt or covert; they may involve media as diverse as radio, television, loudspeaker broadcast, leaflet drop or social media. They may seek to influence combatant groups, civilian populations or a combination thereof. Whatever their form, effective psychological operations take control of the information received by the target, inserting the required memetic payload into the consumed media in a manner the target cannot easily ignore.In that regard, military psychological operations share many similarities with a wide variety of marketing operations, and the information contained within this series of U.S. Army manuals will be useful to media professionals in all fields, particularly those tasked with building and operating influence organizations and campaigns.Similarly, a general audience will find much of value here. It is our individual responsibility to safeguard our own minds from potentially-malicious external influence, and this can best be achieved by developing an understanding of the techniques used by the ever-increasing number of entities engaged in influence activities. These entities' intentions range from the benign - convincing us of which soap powder to use - to the dangerously malign - enticing us to form positive opinions of foreign enemy powers and political systems, or undermining our confidence in ourselves and our way of life.This is book 3 of 3 in the C.M.L. U.S. Army PSYOP series, which is written for an audience of PSYOP personnel, providing guidance on executing effective PSYOP activities at the tactical level.Also available: PSYOP Book 1: Psychological Operations Handbook (ISBN: 978-1-949117-08-0, FM 3-05.30) covers the fundamentals of military psychological operations in support of the national interest and is the Army's keystone publication for PSYOP principles and activities. It is written not exclusively for PSYOP personnel but for a wide military audience in order to provide a general appreciation for PSYOP potential and value. PSYOP Book 2: Implementing Psychological Operations (ISBN: 978-1-949117-09-7, FM 3-05.301) builds on the previous publication to provide PSYOP commanders and planners with the information required to implement PSYOP activities at the operational level."THERE ARE BUT TWO POWERS IN THE WORLD, THE SWORD AND THE MIND. IN THE LONG RUN THE SWORD IS ALWAYS BEATEN BY THE MIND." (Napoleon Bonaparte)Search for "CARLILE MILITARY LIBRARY" to find more TOP-FLIGHT, SQUARED-AWAY publications for your professional bookshelf!Information purposes only.Proudly published in the U.S.A. by CARLILE MEDIA.

  • - Tactics, Techniques and Procedures - Full-Size 8.5x11 Edition - FM 3-05.301 (MCRP 3-40.6A)
    by U S Army

    "TO SUBDUE THE ENEMY WITHOUT FIGHTING IS THE ACME OF SKILL" (Sun Tzu) Book 2 of 3 in the C.M.L. U.S. Army PSYOP series. Discover how to plan and prepare psychological warfare - PSYWAR - operations at the operational level. Learn how to change opinions, win hearts and minds, and convert people to your cause via mass communication! Full-size edition - large 8.5" x 11" format: clear, detailed text & illustrations. Complete & Unabridged. "Batteries last hours, books last decades: get the print edition!"Often misunderstood by the general public, psychological operations (PSYOP) enable U.S. forces to influence a target population's opinions and behavior by affecting their impressions, thoughts and emotions.Psychological operations take many forms. They may be overt or covert; they may involve media as diverse as radio, television, loudspeaker broadcast, leaflet drop or social media. They may seek to influence combatant groups, civilian populations or a combination thereof. Whatever their form, effective psychological operations take control of the information received by the target, inserting the required memetic payload into the consumed media in a manner the target cannot easily ignore.In that regard, military psychological operations share many similarities with a wide variety of marketing operations, and the information contained within this series of U.S. Army manuals will be useful to media professionals in all fields, particularly those tasked with building and operating influence organizations and campaigns.Similarly, a general audience will find much of value here. It is our individual responsibility to safeguard our own minds from potentially-malicious external influence, and this can best be achieved by developing an understanding of the techniques used by the ever-increasing number of entities engaged in influence activities. These entities' intentions range from the benign - convincing us of which soap powder to use - to the dangerously malign - enticing us to form positive opinions of foreign enemy powers and political systems, or undermining our confidence in ourselves and our way of life.This is book 2 of 3 in the C.M.L. U.S. Army PSYOP series, which builds on the previous publication to provide PSYOP commanders and planners with the information required to implement PSYOP activities at the operational level.Also available: PSYOP Book 1: Psychological Operations Handbook (ISBN: 978-1-949117-08-0, FM 3-05.30) covers the fundamentals of military psychological operations in support of the national interest and is the Army's keystone publication for PSYOP principles and activities. It is written not exclusively for PSYOP personnel but for a wide military audience in order to provide a general appreciation for PSYOP potential and value. PSYOP Book 3: Executing Psychological Operations (ISBN: 978-1-949117-10-3, FM 3-05.302) is written for an audience of PSYOP personnel, providing guidance on executing effective PSYOP activities at the tactical level."THERE ARE BUT TWO POWERS IN THE WORLD, THE SWORD AND THE MIND. IN THE LONG RUN THE SWORD IS ALWAYS BEATEN BY THE MIND." (Napoleon Bonaparte)Search for "CARLILE MILITARY LIBRARY" to find more TOP-FLIGHT, SQUARED-AWAY publications for your professional bookshelf!Information purposes only.Proudly published in the U.S.A. by CARLILE MEDIA.

  • - Psychological Operations Fundamentals - Full-Size 8.5"x11" Edition - FM 3-05.30 (MCRP 3-40.6)
    by U S Army

    "TO SUBDUE THE ENEMY WITHOUT FIGHTING IS THE ACME OF SKILL" (Sun Tzu) Book 1 of 3 in the C.M.L. U.S. Army PSYOP series. Discover the fundamentals of psychological warfare - PSYWAR. Learn how to change opinions, win hearts and minds, and convert people to your cause via mass communication! Full-size edition - large 8.5" x 11" format: clear, detailed text & illustrations. Complete & Unabridged. "Batteries last hours, books last decades: get the print edition!"Often misunderstood by the general public, psychological operations (PSYOP) enable U.S. forces to influence a target population's opinions and behavior by affecting their impressions, thoughts and emotions.Psychological operations take many forms. They may be overt or covert; they may involve media as diverse as radio, television, loudspeaker broadcast, leaflet drop or social media. They may seek to influence combatant groups, civilian populations or a combination thereof. Whatever their form, effective psychological operations take control of the information received by the target, inserting the required memetic payload into the consumed media in a manner the target cannot easily ignore.In that regard, military psychological operations share many similarities with a wide variety of marketing operations, and the information contained within this series of U.S. Army manuals will be useful to media professionals in all fields, particularly those tasked with building and operating influence organizations and campaigns.Similarly, a general audience will find much of value here. It is our individual responsibility to safeguard our own minds from potentially-malicious external influence, and this can best be achieved by developing an understanding of the techniques used by the ever-increasing number of entities engaged in influence activities. These entities' intentions range from the benign - convincing us of which soap powder to use - to the dangerously malign - enticing us to form positive opinions of foreign enemy powers and political systems, or undermining our confidence in ourselves and our way of life.This is book 1 of 3 in the C.M.L. U.S. Army PSYOP series, which covers the fundamentals of military psychological operations in support of the national interest and is the Army's keystone publication for PSYOP principles and activities. It is written not exclusively for PSYOP personnel but for a wide military audience in order to provide a general understanding of and appreciation for PSYOP potential and value.Also available: PSYOP Book 2: Implementing Psychological Operations (ISBN: 978-1-949117-09-7, FM 3-05.301) builds on the previous publication to provide PSYOP commanders and planners with the information required to implement PSYOP activities at the operational level. PSYOP Book 3: Executing Psychological Operations (ISBN: 978-1-949117-10-3, FM 3-05.302) is written for an audience of PSYOP personnel, providing guidance on executing effective PSYOP activities at the tactical level."THERE ARE BUT TWO POWERS IN THE WORLD, THE SWORD AND THE MIND. IN THE LONG RUN THE SWORD IS ALWAYS BEATEN BY THE MIND." (Napoleon Bonaparte)Search for "CARLILE MILITARY LIBRARY" to find more TOP-FLIGHT, SQUARED-AWAY publications for your professional bookshelf!Information purposes only.Proudly published in the U.S.A. by CARLILE MEDIA.

  • - Techniques, Training and Safety Procedures for Rappelling from Towers, Cliffs, Mountains, Helicopters and More - Full-Size 8.5"x11" Current Edition - TC 21-24
    by U S Army

    TECHNIQUES, TRAINING AND SAFETY PROCEDURES FOR RAPPELLING FROM TOWERS, CLIFFS, MOUNTAINS, HELICOPTERS AND MORE Learn military rappelling skills that could help save lives - including your own! Current U.S. Army training doctrine. Full-size edition - large 8.5" x 11" format: clear, detailed text & illustrations. Complete & Unabridged. Supersedes the old TC 21-24 (1997). "Batteries last hours, books last decades: get the print edition!"Rappelling or abseiling has many and varied applications, both military and civilian, not limited to gaining rapid entry to unfriendly or otherwise-inaccessible areas in combat. Law enforcement officers, firefighters, rescue personnel, and of course mountaineers - all benefit from the skill of rappelling in the course of their duties and activities.Similarly, a knowledge of rappelling theory and practice is a valuable asset for anyone who wishes to be prepared for any eventuality - be it escaping from a burning building, rescuing others from disaster, or any of numerous other potential predicaments.Rappelling is not only exhilarating to perform and dramatic to watch, it can be extremely perilous if conducted improperly. This book contains the U.S. Army's combined knowledge, experience and best practices to ensure that its Soldiers and leaders are capable of conducting rappelling operations effectively and safely, whether in training or in combat.INFORMATION YOU CAN DEPEND ON!Search for "CARLILE MILITARY LIBRARY" to find more TOP-FLIGHT, SQUARED-AWAY publications for your professional bookshelf!Information purposes only.Proudly published in the U.S.A. by CARLILE MEDIA.Warning: This material is intended as an aid to training, not as a substitute for it. Any action you take is at your own risk.

  • by U S Army

    Designated as a light truck, the Jeep was the primary four-wheel drive vehicle for the U.S. Army during WWII. The Jeep's design owed a great deal to Karl Probst, a freelance designer employed by the American Bantam Car Co. Probst's prototype "Blitz Buggy" was built in a mere 49 days. It clearly impressed the Army in head-to-head competition against a design submitted by Willys-Overland. However the Buggy's engine failed to meet requirements, and the Army determined that Bantam could not produce the vehicle in quantity. As a result, the Army bought the Bantam design and asked both Willys and Ford to improve it. The Willys model MB, equipped with a L134 straight-4 "Go Devil"engine, was eventually accepted as the standard. Ford models built to Willys specifications were designated GPW ("G" for government vehicle, "P" designating the 80" wheelbase, and "W" indicating the Willys engine design). (Notably, the "GP" part of the designation is often misinterpreted to mean "General Purpose", and some have suggested this is the reason the vehicle wasnick-named the "Jeep". In reality it was probably named after a character in the Popeye cartoons). Roughly 640,000 Jeeps were built during WWII by Ford and Willys, and used on every front. Utilitarian, rugged, and easy to maintain, Jeeps saw service as scout cars, ambulances, firefighting vehicles, as tractors for artillery, and more. The vehicle so impressed war correspondent Ernie Pyle that he called it one of the "two most important pieces of non-combat equipment ever developed" - the other being the pocket stove. Jeeps remained in service for the U.S. military in Korea and in the Vietnam War. Created in 1944, this technical manual reveals a great deal about the Jeep's design and capabilities. Intended as a manual for those charged with operation and maintenance, this manual shows many aspects of its engine, cooling, power, drive train and other systems. Originally labeled restricted, this manual was declassified long ago and is here reprinted in book form. Care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.

  • by United States Marine Corps & U S Army

    There are currently more than 200,000 active-duty U.S. Marines and another 40,000 in the reserves. These Marines depend on the skills and techniques taught in this concise manual—and now you can, too! This fully illustrated guide features the LINE (linear in-fighting neural-override engagement) system, which is designed to be learned and memorized through repetition. Once the techniques are fully acquired, they should be applied instinctively. The U.S. Marine Close Combat Fighting Handbookexplains the methods to quickly neutralize any attacker in close quarters and teaches you how to use any part of the human body as a weapon. It covers breaking a fall, defending against headlocks and chokes, protecting against punches and kicks, surviving encounters with armed attackers, and more.

  • - Final report of the Bureau of Free Labor, Department of the Gulf, to Major General E.R.S. Canby
    by U S Army, Dept Of the Gulf & Bureau of Free Labor

  • by U S Army & 572nd Military Intelligence Company

  • - The United States Army and the Forging of a Nation, 1775-1917
    by Center of Military History & U S Army

  • - The United States Army in a Global Era, 1917-2010
    by U S Army & Center of Military History

  • by U S Army & Center of Military History

  • by U S Army & Military Intelligence Service

  • by U S Army

    This manual, originally published in 1958, covers methods of camouflaging fixed installations such as airfields, supply facilities, transportation facilities, buildings, and other objects and installations of a permanent or semipermanent nature. The material presented herein is applicable to nuclear and non-nuclear warfare. The basic principles of camouflage, factors of recognition, construction methods, and the geographic factors effecting camouflage are applicable to the camouflage of fixed installations, the primary difference being larger and more detailed camouflage construction of a more permanent nature. Terms used in this manual are general. For example, the camouflage of buildings is described in general terms to include all types of buildings regardless of their use or purpose, because the use or function of the installation being camouflaged has only an indirect bearing on the type of camouflage except where a specific problem is presented. When planning camouflage for a specific building the activity occupying the building will, in many instances, dictate changes in the application of camouflage. In the same way the surrounding terrain will have a direct bearing on the type of camouflage used. The camouflage of areas, concentration of activities, and emplacements for active defense are also described in general terms. Consequently it will be necessary for the camouflage planner to assemble the necessary information from this text to guide him in the designing of camouflage for a specific combination of buildings, areas, or emplacements.CONTENTS:Large Scale Camouflage PlanningIntroductionCamouflage PlanningCamouflage OperationsCamouflage Methods and ConstructionMethodsRear Area InstallationsMaintenanceIndex

  • by U S Navy, U S Army & U S Air Force

    This manual provides criteria and guidance for the design of structures to resist the effects of earthquakes. It takes a general approach for the seismic design of buildings, including architectural components, mechanical and electrical equipment supports, some structures other than buildings, and utility systems. Primary emphasis is given to the equivalent static force design procedure.

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    by U S Army

  • by U S Army

  • by U S Army

    This manual establishes criteria for improving the engineering properties of soils used for pavement base courses, subbase courses, and subgrades by the use of additives which are mixed into the soil to effect the desired improvement. These criteria are also applicable to roads and airfields having a stabilized surface layer.This manual prescribes the appropriate type or types of additive to be used with different soil types, procedures for determining a design treatment level for each type of additive, and recommended construction practices for incorporating the additive into the soil.

  • by U S Navy, U S Army & U S Air Force

    This field manual provides commanders and staffs with general information and technical data concerning chemical and biological agents and other compounds of military interest. It discusses the use; the classification; and the physical, chemical, and physiological properties of these agents and compounds. It also discusses protection and decontamination of these agents. In addition, it discusses their symptoms and the treatment of those symptoms.

  • by U S Navy & U S Army

    This manual covers the various types of auxiliary power generating systems used on military installations. It provides data for the major components of these generating systems; such as, prime movers, generators, and switchgear. It includes operation of the auxiliary generating system components and the routine maintenance which should be performed on these components. It also describes the functional relationship of these components and the supporting equipment within the complete system.The guidance and data in this manual are intended to be used by operating, maintenance, and repair personnel. It includes operating instructions, standard inspections, safety precautions, troubleshooting, and maintenance instructions. The information applies to reciprocating (diesel) and gas turbine prime movers, power generators, switchgear, and subsidiary electrical components. It also covers fuel, air, lubricating, cooling, and starting systems.

  • by U S Army

    The two most important ingredients of combat stress are physical fatigue and mental stress. Combat stress is a result of exposure to battle conditions, just as injury and physical disease are results of battle conditions. In past wars, it was revealed that there was one combat stress casualty (identified as a neuropsychiatric casualty) for every four wounded in action - one for every three wounded during lengthy periods of intense combat. In a war characterized by continuous operations on a high-intensity integrated battlefield, the relationship of stress casualties to wounded in action is expected to be at least one to three and conceivably even greater. However, combat stress is not solely a medical problem. It is also a command problem - both in terms of numbers lost from duty and reduced performance of duty. It is command responsibility to take actions to increase the individual soldier's resistance to combat stress and to manage stress in units. In the past, leaders have not paid sufficient attention to mental stress. This field manual informs leaders that stress is a command problem. Dealing with stress reaps dividends during combat, and stress can be tolerated and managed. Victory on the battlefield is the ultimate goal of the Army. To achieve victory with the lowest cost of health and lives, soldiers must be well trained for battle. A significant part of such training must be learning to cope with stress. It cannot be overemphasized that leaders, too, must learn to cope with stress and, additionally, to manage stress in their units. Using stress-coping and stress-managing techniques in combat helps to conserve the fighting strength.

  • by U S Army

    CONTENTSIntroductionExcavating, Preparing Bases, Filling, and BackfillingForms and ReinforcementPreparing and Placing ConcretePrecast ConcreteConcrete Slabs and FloorsMaintenance and Waterproofing of Concrete WallsRepair and Waterproofing of Underground StructuresBrick and Concrete MasonryGlass Block MasonryMaintenance and Waterproofing of Masonry WallsCleaningSafetyAppendix References Specifications for Concrete Specification for Masonry Specification for Waterproofing, Bituminous Membrane Specification for DampproofingIndex

  • by U S Air Force & U S Army

  • by U S Army

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