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Books by Vladimir Nabokov

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    A novel constructed around the last great poem of a fictional American poet, John Shade, and an account of his death. The poem appears in full and the narrative develops through the lengthy, and increasingly eccentric, notes by his posthumous editor.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov
    £7.99 - 13.49

    'Lolita is comedy, subversive yet divine ... You read Lolita sprawling limply in your chair, ravished, overcome, nodding scandalized assent' Martin Amis, ObserverPoet and pervert, Humbert Humbert becomes obsessed by twelve-year-old Lolita and seeks to possess her, first carnally and then artistically, out of love, 'to fix once for all the perilous magic of nymphets'. Is he in love or insane? A silver-tongued poet or a pervert? A tortured soul or a monster? Or is he all of these? Humbert Humbert's seduction is one of many dimensions in Nabokov's dizzying masterpiece, which is suffused with a savage humour and rich, elaborate verbal textures. Filmed by Stanley Kubrick in 1962 starring James Mason and Peter Sellers, and again in 1997 by Adrian Lyne starring Jeremy Irons and Melanie Griffith, Lolita has lost none of its power to shock and awe.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Poet and pervert, Humbert Humbert becomes obsessed by twelve-year-old Lolita and seeks to possess her, first carnally and then artistically, out of love, 'to fix once for all the perilous magic of nymphets'.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Self-satisfied, delighting in the many fascinating quirks of his own personality, Hermann Hermann is perhaps not to be taken too seriously. But then a chance meeting with a man he believes to be his double reveals a frightening 'split' in Hermann's nature. With shattering immediacy, Nabokov takes us into a deranged world, one full of an impudent, startling humour, dominated by the egotistical and scornful figure of a murderer who thinks himself an artist.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Written in mischievous and magically flowing prose, this is Nabokov's 'other' great love story; with some of Lolita's perversity and much more playfulness. Romance follows Ada and Van from their first childhood meeting through eight years of rapture, in a book which is regarded by many to be Nabokov's richest and most ambitious.

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    - An Autobiography Revisited
    by Vladimir Nabokov

    'Speak, memory', said Vladimir Nabokov. And immediately there came flooding back to him a host of enchanting recollections - of his comfortable childhood and adolescence, of his rich, liberal-minded father, his beautiful mother, an army of relations and family hangers-on and of grand old houses in St Petersburg and the surrounding countryside in pre-Revolutionary Russia. Young love, butterflies, tutors and a multitude of other themes thread together to weave an autobiography, which is itself a work of art.Part of a major new series of the works of Vladimir Nabokov, author of Lolita and Pale Fire, in Penguin Classics.

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    - Med forord af Naja Marie Aidt
    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Den midaldrende europæer Humbert Humberts ’forelsker’ sig i sin 12-årige amerikanske steddatter, Dolores Haze, kaldet Lolita. Emigranten Humbert har altid været besat af ’nymfetter’, og han gifter sig med moren til Lolita for at kunne fortsætte sommerfuglejagten på hende.  Da moren dør i en bilulykke, i ophidselse efter at have fundet Humberts hemmelige dagbog, drager stedfaren Humbert og Lolita på rejse rundt i USA, og det lykkes ham at forføre pigen – eller omvendt.Vladimir Nabokovs LOLITA fra 1955 er et epokegørende værk i moderne amerikansk litteratur; sjældent har en roman haft så stor kulturel indflydelse som Nabokovs berygtede studie i erotisk besættelse - som i denne udgave er nyoversat af Claus Bech.   

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Lolita, der både er en af de mest berømte og mest kontroversielle romaner i det 20. århundrede, fortæller om den midaldrende intellektuelle europæer Humbert Humberts fatale erotiske besættelse af den 12-årige forførende amerikanske nymfe Dolores. Det er historien om en tragisk og grufuld kærlighed fortalt med et både hjerteskærende og ætsende vid. Et studie i erotisk besættelse.Lolita udkom i 1955 i Paris, da intet amerikansk forlag ville udgive den, og samtidens anmeldelser var negative og fordømmende. Det var også de fleste af de danske anmeldelser, da den i den første udgave på et andet sprog udkom på dansk i 1957. Kun Tom Kristensen havde øje for romanens storhed:"Det mærkelige er imidlertid, at man begriber de to mennesker. Man frastødes af dem, ligesom man frastødes af hele emnet. Man drages af dem og af medlidenhed med dem. De udvikler sig konsekvent ... Men man må ikke læse denne roman alt for naivt. Der er dobbeltbund i den." – Tom Kristensen, PolitikenOg siden fik anmelderne et andet syn på Lolita, og den kom på top 100-listen over det 20. århundredes bedste romaner:"Den eneste overbevisende kærlighedshistorie fra vores århundrede." – Vanity Fair

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Awarded as the Guardian Books of the Year 2014, this title tells a forty-six year-long love story.

  • by Vladimir Nabokov

    "Once upon a time there lived in Berlin, Germany, a man called Albinus. He was rich, respectable, happy; one day he abandoned his wife for the sake of a youthful mistress; he loved; was not loved; and his life ended in disaster." Thus begins Vladimir Nabokov's Laughter in the Dark; this, the author tells us, is the whole story-except that he starts from here, with his characteristic dazzling skill and irony, and brilliantly turns a fable into a chilling, original novel of folly and destruction. Amidst a Weimar-era milieu of silent film stars, artists, and aspirants, Nabokov creates a merciless masterpiece as Albinus, an aging critic, falls prey to his own desires, to his teenage mistress, and to Axel Rex, the scheming rival for her affections who finds his greatest joy in the downfall of others.Published first in Russian as Kamera Obskura in 1932, this book appeared in Nabokov's own English translation six years later. This New Directions edition, based on the text as Nabokov revised it in 1960, features a new introduction by Booker Prize-winner John Banville.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Nikolai Gogol was one of the great geniuses of nineteenth century Russian literature, with a command of the irrational unmatched by any writer before or since. His strange tales, though often read as forceful demands for social change, were displays of the fantasies of the human spirit. In this ideal marriage of subject and critic, Nabokov analyses his endlessly inventive compatriot, focusing on the masterpieces Dead Souls, 'The Overcoat' and 'The Government Inspector'.Misunderstood by his contemporaries, mishandled by theatre directors and ending his life mistreated by doctors - with medicinal leeches hanging from his exceptional nose - it took Nabokov to give Gogol, 'the oddest Russian in Russia', the critical biography he and his singular, brilliant work deserve.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    When Lolita was first published in 1955 it created a sensation and established Nabokov as one of the most original prose writers of the twentieth century. This annotated edition, a revised and considerably expanded version of the 1970 edition, does full justice to the textual riches of Lolita, illuminating the elaborate verbal textures and showing how they contribute to the novel's overall meaning. Alfred Appel, Jr. also provides fresh observations on the novel's artifice, games and verbal patternings and a delightful biographical vignette of Nabokov. The annotations themselves were prepared in consultation with Nabokov while newly identified allusions were confirmed by him during the final years of his life.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    In Berlin there lived a man called Albinus. He was rich, respectable and happy but one day he abandoned his wife for the sake of a youthful mistress he loved. He was not loved in return, however, and his life ended in disaster. The original Russian text of this novel was published in 1933.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov
    £8.99 - 13.49

    Professor Timofey Pnin, late of Tsarist Russia, is now precariously perched at the heart of an American campus. Battling with American life and language, Pnin must face great hazards in this new world: the ruination of his beautiful lumber-room-as-office; the removal of his teeth and the fitting of new ones; the search for a suitable boarding house; and the trials of taking the wrong train to deliver a lecture in a language he has yet to master.Wry, intelligent and moving, Pnin reveals the absurd and affecting story of one man in exile.

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    - Gensyn med en selvbiografi
    by Vladimir Nabokov

    SIG FREM, ERINDRING er Vladimir Nabokovs selvbiografi fra 1966. Det er en betagende og varm fortælling, som begynder i det trygge, velhavende Sankt Petersborg-aristokrati. Beskrivelsen af en lykkelig barndom og privilegeret ungdom i zartidens Rusland er fyldt med forelskede, klartskuende portrætter af forældrene, søskende, guvernanter og huslærere, rammende iagttagelser og indlevede skildringer af alt fra fødselsdagsselskaber til sommerfuglejagt, fra barnekærester til skak. Som tyveårig kom Nabokov til Cambridge, som han forlod tre triste år senere med eksamen. Ved revolutionen i 1917 var familien blevet ludfattige emigranter, og han sluttede sig nu til dem i Berlin. Her levede han af at skrive og af at videregive sin barndoms færdigheder i engelsk og tennis. Fra 1937 blev eksilet henlagt til Paris, og selvbiografi en slutter, da Nabokov i 1940 flyttede til USA med kone og barn. SIG FREM, ERINDRING er et klart og levende selvportræt af en ung mands liv og tanker i nogle af Europas mest turbulente år. Et klassisk erindringsværk, som regnes blandt det 20. århundredes bedste selvbiografier.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Franz Bubendorf rejser fra sin lille provinsby for at søge arbejde i sin rige onkels varehus i Berlin. Skæbnen vil, at Franz’ onkel, Kurt Dreyer, og dennes unge hustru, Martha, er med samme tog som Franz, og de tre deler en kupé på turen. Franz bliver øjeblikkeligt fortryllet af Marthas skønhed, og snart efter Franz’ ansættelse i varehuset indleder de to en affære.Men Martha er træt af sin mand, og sammen med Franz begynder hun at planlægge mordet på onkel Kurt. Frantz er modvillig i starten, men Marthas vedholdenhed og Franz’ fysiske udmattelse, som opstår ved det opslidende arbejde og den megen opslidende elskov, gør ham efterhånden mør. Selvom han efterhånden finder Martha afskyvækkende, går han alligevel med til at myrde sin onkel og dele hans efterladte formue med Martha. De tre tager på ferie sammen, og det er meningen, onklen skal skubbes i vandet fra en båd og drukne, men da Martha hører om en kæmpe formue, som er på vej til Kurt for salget af hans nyeste opfindelse, en mekanisk mannequin, spidser trekantsdramaet til.Konge, dame, knægt er skrevet i 1928 på russisk og udkom i Dmitri Nabokovs oversættelse til engelsk med omskrivninger af Vladimir Nabokov selv i 1968. Konge, dame, knægt fortæller en relativt munter historie på trods af det alvorlige emne, og den er en både net og lystig roman, der passer perfekt til læseren, som også kunne lide hans Latter i mørket.VLADIMIR NABOKOV (1899-1977) var en russiskfødt amerikansk forfatter kendt for bl.a. Lolita, Bleg ild, Pnin og Latter i mørket. Konge, dame, knægt er en af Nabokovs tidligste romaner og er kendt som en af hans bedste bøger. Fortællingen om den unge Franz Bubendorf, der indvilger i at slå sin onkel ihjel uden videre anger, er af flere blevet set som et tidligt billede på den spirende nazismes sjæl og metode.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov
    £7.99 - 10.49

    Latter i mørket er en både morsom og dyster fortælling om et gensidigt parasitiskforhold, der udvikler sig til det ekstreme. Latter i mørket er tematisk en forløber for Lolita, og Nabokov har selv udtalt, at det er en af de romaner, han er mest stolt af. Den purunge skuespillerinde Margot Peters indleder et forhold til den midaldrende kunstskribent Albert Albinus, der snart forlader kone og datter for at være sammen med den unge forførerske. Hun vil have hans penge og magt for at kunne skabe sig et navn i filmbranchen, mens han vil have sex, hendes ungdom og hendes skønhed, og han lader hende gøre hvad som helst for at få det. Men Margots elsker, Axel Rex, som Albert tror er homoseksuel, følger med i købet. Snart indledes en heftig kærlighedstrekant, som forværres, da Albert efter en ulykke bliver blind. Margot tager sig af ham, men lader samtidig Axel flytte ind i deres fælles hus. Nu går han musestille rundt, så den blinde ikke skal opdage, at han er der. Han håner og driller ham, mens Margot og Alberts parasitiske kærlighed buldrer af sted mod en dramatisk afslutning.

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    - Experiments with Time by Vladimir Nabokov
    by Vladimir Nabokov

    First publication of an index-card diary in which Nabokov recorded sixty-four dreams and subsequent daytime episodes, allowing the reader a glimpse of his innermost life.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    "man ser vitterligt verden på en ny måde efter at have læst Nabokov." – 6 stjerner, Kristeligt Dagblad"Smukt oversat romanmesterværk" – Weekendavisen"Læs for guds skyld Nabokov, læs for guds skyld Pnin" – AtlasPnin fra 1957 af Vladimir Nabokov er tredje bind i Turbines nye serie af oversatte skønlitterære klassikere.Den sindige, 55-årige Timofey Pnin lever et stille liv i Amerika, hvor han underviser i russisk sprog og litteratur på Waindell College. Pnin er både hos sine studerende og ved det amerikanske ægtepar, han lejer et værelse hos, en komisk figur, kendt for sin excentricitet og pudsige indfald. Men indeni den russiske klovn lever dramaet, både i det små og i det store, og det har det med at vise sig i stadig større sprækker i Pnins facade. Som 17-årig flygtede han med forældrene fra den russiske revolution, han kæmpede kortvarigt for den hvide hær, men landede til sidst i Paris, hvor begge forældre omkom af tyfus. Da Hitler kommer til magten må Pnin igen flygte, denne gang med en utro kone, som udnytter ham til sin egen flugt, over Atlanten til Amerika, hvor han klæder sig pænt på og forsøger at skjule sit traumefyldte liv. Men da Pnin skal holde et foredrag for en gruppe Ruslands-interesserede kvinder, kigger han ud over publikum og ser sine forældre sidde i forrådnet tilstand, skolekammeraten, som blev skudt gennem hovedet i Odessa af de røde, og ungdomskæresten, som døde i en koncentrationslejr, vinker til ham fra første række; og Pnins stivnede smil og høflige manerer kan ikke længere skærme et indre, som er ved at bryde sammen. Vladimir Nabokov blev født i Sankt Petersborg i 1899. Hans familie måtte flygte fra revolutionen i 1917 og endte først i Berlin og siden Paris, hvorfra Nabokov flygtede videre til Amerika ved starten af 2. Verdenskrig. Nabokovs bror Sergei omkom i Neuengamme. Nabokov har skrevet sine romaner på både russisk, tysk og, efter at være ankommet til Amerika, på engelsk. Mesterværket Lolita udkom på fransk, da ingen amerikanske forlag ville antage den. Pnin blev i 1957 Nabokovs helt store gennembrud på den litterære scene med sin fortælling om et traumefyldt liv.

  • by Vladimir Nabokov

    'The illegible signature of teetering disaster'Three great stories--The Aurelian, Signs and Symbols and Lance--the last both a derisive attack on science-fiction and an attempt to imagine the real pain and horror that would accompany space travel.Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    Smurov, a fussily self-conscious Russian tutor, shoots himself after a humiliating beating by his mistress' husband. Unsure whether his suicide has been successful or not, Smurov drifts around Berlin, observing his acquaintances, but finds he can discover very little about his own life from the opinions of his distracted, confused fellow- migr s. Nabokov's shortest novel, The Eye is both a satirical detective story and a wonderfully layered exploration of identity, appearance and the loss of self in a world of word-play and confusion.

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    - Thirteen Stories
    by Vladimir Nabokov

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    by Vladimir Nabokov
    £24.99 - 58.99

    Two appendixes from Nabokov's famous edition of Eugene Onegin: his study of versification in English and Russian poetry, and his "e;term paper"e; on Pushkin's Ethiopian ancestor.Originally published in 1965.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

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    - The Nabokov-Wilson Letters, 1940-1971, Revised and Expanded Edition
    by Vladimir Nabokov & Edmund Wilson

    This edition of the letters between Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson has been expanded and revised to include 59 letters discovered after the book's original publication in 1979. The additional letters and new annotations clarify the correspondence and illuminate the writers' friendship.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    This landmark new collection brings together the best of the poetry of Vladimir Nabokov, one of the twentieth century's greatest writers and author of Lolita and Pale Fire. It includes an extensive number of poems that have never appeared in English before, newly translated from the Russian by his son Dmitri Nabokov.These masterly poems span the decades of Nabokov's career, from 'Music', written in 1914 and probably Nabokov's first recorded poem, to the short, playful 'To Vera', composed in 1974. 'The University Poem', one of Nabokov's major poetic works, is here in English for the first time: an extraordinary autobiographical poem looking back at his time at Cambridge, with its dinners, games, girls and memories, it is suffused with rich description, wit and verbal dexterity. Included too are the surreally comic 'A Literary Dinner', the enchanting, lyrical 'Eve', the wryly humorous 'An Evening of Russian Poetry' and a meditation on the act of creation, 'Tolstoy', as well as verse written on America, lepidoptery, sport, love and Nabokov's Russian homeland.

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    - (Dying Is Fun) A Novel in Fragments
    by Vladimir Nabokov

    The Original of Laura is Vladimir Nabokov's final, incredible unfinished novel in fragments. Dr Philip Wild, a man of brilliance, wit, fortune and tremendous bulk, is used to suffering humiliations at the hands of his wife, the younger, slender, and rudely promiscuous Flora. But in a novel, a 'maddening masterpiece' documenting her infidelities, written by one of her lovers and given to the doctor, she appears as My Laura. Dishonoured, Wild still finds pleasure in life, by indulging in self-annihilation, beginning with the removal of his toes.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    The darkly comic Transparent Things, one of Nabokov's final books, traces the bleak life of Hugh Person through murder, madness, prison and trips to Switzerland. One of these was the last journey his father ever took; on another, having been sent to ingratiate himself with a distinguished novelist, he met his future wife. Nabokov's brilliant short novel sinks into the transparent things of the world that surround this one Person, to the silent histories they carry.Remarkable even in Nabokov's work for its depth and lyricism, Transparent Things is a small, experimental marvel of memories and dreams, both sentimental and malign.Part of a major new series of the works of Vladimir Nabokov, author of Lolita and Pale Fire, in Penguin Classics.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    'He did us all an honour by electing to use, and transform, our language' Anthony Burgess'Look at the harlequins ... Play! Invent the world! Invent reality'. This is the childhood advice given by an aunt to Russian born writer Vadim Vadimovich, who emigrates to England, then Paris, then Germany and then the US, and, now dying, reconstructs his past. He remembers Iris his first wife, Annette his long-necked typist and Bel his daughter, as well as his own bizarre 'numerical nimbus syndrome'.

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    by Vladimir Nabokov

    'Nabokov can move you to laughter in the way that masters can - to laughter that is near to tears' GuardianLev Ganin is a young officer sharing a boarding house in Berlin with a host of Russian migr s. Alone in his room, he dreams of his first love, Mary. Awash with memories of youth and idyllic scenes of pre-Revolution Russia, Ganin becomes convinced that Mary is in fact the wife of a fellow-boarder, due to arrive at this very house soon. He longs for her arrival, when he can whisk her away and leave everything behind ...

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