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Books by W. G. Sebald

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  • by Robert Walser, W. G. Sebald & Susan Bernofsky

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    by W. G. Sebald
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    Austerlitz is W. G. Sebald's haunting novel of post-war Europe.In 1939, five-year-old Jacques Austerlitz is sent to England on a Kindertransport and placed with foster parents. This childless couple promptly erase from the boy all knowledge of his identity and he grows up ignorant of his past. Later in life, after a career as an architectural historian, Austerlitz - having avoided all clues that might point to his origin - finds the past returning to haunt him and he is forced to explore what happened fifty years before. Austerlitz is W.G. Sebald's melancholic masterpiece.'Mesmeric, haunting and heartbreakingly tragic. Simply no other writer is writing or thinking on the same level as Sebald' Eileen Battersby, Irish Times'Greatness in literature is still possible' John Banville, Irish Times, Books of the Year'A work of obvious genius' Literary Review'A fusion of the mystical and the solid ... His art is a form of justice - there can be, I think, no higher aim' Evening Standard'Spellbindingly accomplished; a work of art' The Times Literary Supplement 'I have never read a book that provides such a powerful account of the devastation wrought by the dispersal of the Jews from Prague and their treatment by the Nazis' Observer'A great book by a great writer' Boyd Tonkin, IndependentW . G. Sebald was born in Wertach im Allg u, Germany, in 1944 and died in December 2001. He studied German language and literature in Freiburg, Switzerland and Manchester. In 1996 he took up a position as an assistant lecturer at the University of Manchester and settled permanently in England in 1970. He was Professor of European Literature at the University of East Anglia and is the author of The Emigrants, The Rings of Saturn, Vertigo, Austerlitz, After Nature, On the Natural History of Destruction, Campo Santo, Unrecounted, A Place in the Country. His selected poetry is published in a volume called Across the Land and the Water.

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    by W. G. Sebald

    På jernbanestationen i Antwerpen – sådan begynder denne fortælling – står en mand: ung, lyshåret, med kraftige vandrestøvler, blå arbejdsbukser og en gammel rygsæk. Austerlitz hedder han; engelsk og arkitekturhistoriker af profession. Skridt for skridt afdækkes denne melankolske omrejsendes livshistorie. Austerlitz, der har levet i England i mange år, er ikke englænder. Som jødisk flygtningebarn kom han i 1940’erne fra Prag til Wales. Her vokser han som enebarn op i en calvinistisk præstefamilie i en lille landsby uden at vide, hvem han er, og uden at kende til sine forældres endeligt i henholdsvis Theresienstadt og det besatte Frankrig. Den tysk-engelske forfatter W.G. Sebald er en samler med et arkiv af livsberetninger. Hans romaner er en slags erindringens og mindernes arkæologi. De er båret af viljen til at komme glemslen og fortrængningen af fortiden til livs – og til at generobre og genskabe det tabte. I den henseende blev Austerlitz – Sebalds sidste roman – det absolutte højdepunkt.   W.G. Sebald (1944-2001) blev født i en landsby i det sydlige Tyskland. Han studerede både i Tyskland, Schweiz og England, og fra 1970 og frem til sin død underviste han ved University of East Anglia. I 1980’erne begyndte han at udgive litteratur skrevet på tysk, men oversat til engelsk, og med udgivelsen af Austerlitz (2001) vandt han bred international berømmelse. Han døde samme år i en bilulykke. På dansk er udkommet de tre skønlitterære værker De udvandrede (1995), Saturns ringe (2011) og senest Højde. Skræk. (2012), samt essayet Luftkrig og litteratur (2014). Campo Santo, der kombinerer fragmenter af et større prosaværk med en række essays om litterære emner, udkommer 22. september 2016. Da Austerlitz første gang udkom på dansk i 2003, skrev pressen: ”Austerlitz af W.G. Sebald er en smuk og rystende bog om smertefuld erindring.” (fem stjerner) Berlingske ”Den tyske forfatter W.G. Sebald skrev før sin død romanen Austerlitz, som meget vel kan tænkes at blive stående som et mesterværk.” Weekendavisen ”Men har man først fundet vej gennem Sebalds sproglabyrint og ind til centrum af hans litteraturunivers, så venter der læseren en fantastisk spændende historie om en mand, der forsøger at finde sig selv og komme til bunds i sit eget liv.” Kristeligt Dagblad

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    by W. G. Sebald

    From the author of the critically-acclaimed Austerlitz and Across the Land and Water comes A Place in the Country, the much anticipated translation of one of W.G. Sebald's most brilliant works.When W. G. Sebald, the prize-winning author of Austerlitz, travelled to Manchester in 1966, he packed in his bags certain literary favourites which would remain central to him throughout the rest of his life and during the years when he was settled in England. In A Place in the Country, he reflects on six of the figures who shaped him as a person and as a writer, from Jean-Jacques Rousseau to Jan Peter Tripp. Fusing biography and essay, and finding, as ever, inspiration in place - as when he journeys to the Ile St. Pierre, the tiny, lonely Swiss island where Jean-Jacques Rousseau found solace and inspiration - Sebald lovingly brings his subjects to life in his distinctive, inimitable voice.A Place in the Country is a window into the mind of this much loved and much missed writer.Praise for W.G. Sebald:'A new kind of writing, combining fiction, memoir, travelogue, philosophy and much else besides . . . greatness in literature is still possible' John Banville, Irish Times'When you read Sebald you are transported to another realm. Reading him is a truly sublime experience' Literary Review'Is literary greatness still possible? One of the few answers available to English-Language readers is the work of W.G. Sebald' Susan SontagW.G. Sebald was born in Wertach im Allgau, Germany in 1944. He studied German language and literature in Freiburg, Switzerland and Manchester. In 1966 he took up a position as an assistant lecturer at the University of Manchester, and settled permanently in England in 1970. He was Professor of European Literature at the University of East Anglia, and the author of Austerlitz; The Emmigrants, which won a series of major awards, including the Berlin Literature Prize, the Heinrich Boll Prize, the Heinrich Heine Prize and the Joseph Breitbach Prize.

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    - Selected Poems 1964-2001
    by W. G. Sebald

    Across the Land and the Water is a stunningly beautiful selection of poetry by W. G. Sebald.Across the Land and the Water brings together poems from throughout W. G. Sebald's life as well as additional works found after his death. Arranged chronologically, from his student days in the 1960s to the longer narratives he worked on in the 1980s, these poems are suffused by the themes which dominated Sebald's books. Here you will find subtle vignettes on nature and history, death and memory, journeys and landscapes, each short piece filled with insight, sensitivity and brilliance.'An important book . . . full of things that are beautiful and fascinating' Andrew Motion, Guardian'When you read Sebald you are transported to another realm. Reading him is a truly sublime experience' Literary Review'Gracefully unsettling. The poems invest every landscape with an archaeologist's sense of the pain, toil and loss secreted in each layer of soil' Independent'One of the most important writers of our time' A. S. Byatt'Delightful' Economist'Show a humane and complex intelligence and deserve a place next to Sebald's prose output' New StatesmanW. G. Sebald was born in Wertach im Allg u, Germany, in 1944 and died in December 2001. He studied German language and literature in Freiburg, Switzerland and Manchester. In 1996 he took up a position as an assistant lecturer at the University of Manchester and settled permanently in England in 1970. He was Professor of European Literature at the University of East Anglia and is the author of The Emigrants, The Rings of Saturn, Vertigo, Austerlitz, After Nature, On the Natural History of Destruction, Campo Santo, Unrecounted, A Place in the Country.

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    by W. G. Sebald

    A book of poems and images from one of the most admired European writers.

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    by W. G. Sebald

    Campo Santo is a collection of essays by W. G. SebaldWhen W.G. Sebald died tragically in 2001 a unique voice was silenced. Campo Santo is a collection of the pieces he left behind - none of them previously published in book form - which provide a powerful insight into the themes that came to dominate his life. Four pieces pay tribute to Corsica, weaving elegiacally between past and present. Sebald also examines the works of writers such as Kafka, Nabokov, and G nter Grass, showing both how literature can provide restitution for the injustices of the world and how such literature came to have so great an influence on him. Campo Santo is a fitting memorial to W.G. Sebald, who himself studied the shifting nature of memory and time with such sensitivity.'A precious addition to the canon' Independent'Will come to be seen as indispensable to an understanding of his work' Sunday Times'Full of a sense of liberation and lightness ... these [pieces] abound in energy and work the authentic Sebaldian magic' Literary Review'We have become suspicious, rightly, of claims for literary greatness, but in Sebald's case the claim was triumphantly justified. He was, he is, the real thing' John Banville, Guardian'Sebald was probably the greatest intellect and voice of the late twentieth century' Anthony Beevor, The Times'A writer whose explorations of time and memory make him arguably the closest author modern European letters has to rival Borges' Sunday TimesW . G. Sebald was born in Wertach im Allg u, Germany, in 1944 and died in December 2001. He studied German language and literature in Freiburg, Switzerland and Manchester. In 1996 he took up a position as an assistant lecturer at the University of Manchester and settled permanently in England in 1970. He was Professor of European Literature at the University of East Anglia and is the author of The Emigrants, The Rings of Saturn, Vertigo, Austerlitz, After Nature, On the Natural History of Destruction, Campo Santo, Unrecounted, For Years Now and A Place in the Country. His selected poetry is published in a volume called Across the Land and the Water.

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    by W. G. Sebald

    After Nature is the very first literary work by W. G. Sebald, author of AusterlitzAfter Nature by W.G. Sebald, author of Austerlitz, is his first literary work and the start of his highly personal and brilliant writing journey. In this long prose poem, Sebald introduces many of the themes that he explores in his subsequent books. Focusing on the conflict between man and nature, each of the three distinct parts of After Nature give centre stage to a different character from a different century - the last being W.G. Sebald himself.'A deeply intelligent book, but also a marvellously warm, exciting and compassionate one' Andrew Motion'A d but of rare poetic grandeur' Irish Times'Astonishing writing. A true poet at work' Evening Standard'Graceful, allusive, serious, but also immensely readable' Sunday Telegraph'When you read Sebald you are transported to another realm' Literary ReviewW . G. Sebald was born in Wertach im Allg u, Germany, in 1944 and died in December 2001. He studied German language and literature in Freiburg, Switzerland and Manchester. In 1996 he took up a position as an assistant lecturer at the University of Manchester and settled permanently in England in 1970. He was Professor of European Literature at the University of East Anglia and is the author of The Emigrants, The Rings of Saturn, Vertigo, Austerlitz, After Nature, On the Natural History of Destruction, Campo Santo, Unrecounted, For Years Now and A Place in the Country. His selected poetry is published in a volume called Across the Land and the Water.

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    by W. G. Sebald

    Da Sebald påbegyndte det, der skulle blive hans hovedværk, romanen Austerlitz, lagde han et andet projekt til side – den om muligt endnu mere ambitiøse fortælling Campo Santo, som skulle begynde på øen Korsika og derfra forgrene sig ud til hele modernitetens Europa. Han nåede ikke at genoptage projektet før sin død i en bilulykke i 2001, året hvor Austerlitz udkom. De fire fragmenter af værket, der er samlet her, mere end antyder, hvad vi er gået glip af. Sebalds særegne blanding af vitalitet og melankoli, empati og pessimisme, hans sans for såvel historiens store linjer som den sigende detalje, fornægter sig ikke. Bogen indeholder desuden en række tekster fra årene 1975-2001, der på forskellig vis tager livtag med hans yndlingsforfattere: Franz Kafka, Vladimir Nabokov, Peter Handke og Bruce Chatwin, m.fl. Teksterne tillader os samtidig at følge Sebalds udvikling fra traditionel akademisk litteraturkritiker til den store lyrisk-melankolske essayist, han endte med at blive.

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    by W. G. Sebald

    Som i alle W. G. Sebalds bøger romaner som essays er temaet i Luftkrig og litteratur hukommelse og hukommelsestab: Hvad der huskes og hvad der forsøges slettet fra erindringen. Her gælder det helt specifikt de allieredes bombning af Tyskland under Anden Verdenskrig. Over en million tons bomber blev kastet fra ikke mindre end 400.000 RAF-fly og krævede 600.000 civile ofre. Hvad er der blevet af denne katastrofe i den tyske efterkrigslitteratur? Da W.G. Sebald i efteråret 1997 for første gang afholdt en forelæsning om Luftkrig og litteratur på universitetet i Zürich var reaktionen forargelse. Sebald talte om en hel generation af tyske forfattere som ikke formåede at skrive om det de havde set og fastholde det i vores erindring. Det stod klart at han havde berørt et sår i efterkrigslitteraturen der efter et halvt århundrede endnu ikke var helet. Tyske forfattere tysk litteratur har fortiet den gru af hvilken Forbundsrepublikken opstod. W.G. Sebald (1944-2001) blev født i en landsby i det sydlige Tyskland. Han studerede både i Tyskland Schweiz og England og fra 1970 og frem til sin død underviste han ved University of East Anglia. I 1980 erne begyndte han at udgive litteratur skrevet på tysk men oversat til engelsk og med udgivelsen af Austerlitz (2001) vandt han bred international berømmelse. Han døde samme år i et biluheld.På dansk er udover romanen Austerlitz bl.a.udkommet de to store reflekterende rejseskildringer Saturns ringe (2011)og senest Højde. Skræk. (2012).

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