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In a decrepit, Scottish castle overlooking the sea, Edgar Ravenswood dreams of revenge. Years ago, his father’s rival conspired to strip the Ravenswoods of their fortune. But fate is about to play a cruel trick. After a chance encounter, Edgar falls for the beautiful Lucy. Her father is the very man behind his downfall. Can love heal the wounds of the past, or is the romance doomed from the start? Moody and gothic, "The Bride of Lammemoor" is set amidst the upheaval caused by the 1707 Act of Union. But Scott also lightens the atmosphere with satirical depictions of Scottish stereotypes. A great read for fans of the Brontes or Daphne Du Maurier. Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) was a Scottish novelist, historian and poet. He became a key figure within Romanticism—an artistic movement that revered nature, emotion and spontaneity. A prolific author across genre and form, Scott pioneered historical fiction with novels like "Waverley", "Rob Roy" and "Ivanhoe". These books married exciting adventures with real events from Britain’s turbulent past. Among his best known poems are the epic "The Lady of the Lake".Scott’s works remain a touchstone of Scottish and European literature. They’ve also inspired numerous movies, including 1995’s "Rob Roy" starring Liam Neeson.
Scottish lord Nigel Olifaunt is more than a little naive. So when he arrives in London, he’s soon sucked into the chaos of the big city. Pinballing between a lively cast of petty criminals, Templers, and loan sharks, Nigel has to keep his eyes on the ultimate prize: an audience with King James I. Set in the period following the Union of the Crowns, "The Fortunes of Nigel" takes us into the heart of 17th century London—a sometimes lawless metropolis brimming with possibility. It’s an intricate tale that transports you back in time. And its many larger-than-life characters are catnip for fans of Dickens. Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) was a Scottish novelist, historian and poet. He became a key figure within Romanticism—an artistic movement that revered nature, emotion and spontaneity. A prolific author across genre and form, Scott pioneered historical fiction with novels like "Waverley", "Rob Roy" and "Ivanhoe". These books married exciting adventures with real events from Britain’s turbulent past. Among his best known poems are the epic "The Lady of the Lake".Scott’s works remain a touchstone of Scottish and European literature. They’ve also inspired numerous movies, including 1995’s "Rob Roy" starring Liam Neeson.
Witchcraft and revolution collide in Walter Scott's thrilling "e;Woodstock"e;.King Charles I has been beheaded, and the English Civil War is finally over. His son, Charles Stuart, must flee for his life. He disguises himself as a lowly servant and hides out at a hunting lodge. But not only is this lodge now in the hands of Oliver Cromwell's forces, it's also plagued by supernatural happenings. Alongside these strange events, Charles finds himself involved in a love triangle. In "e;Woodstock"e;, Scott blends real events and legends of the time. It makes for a richly imagined alternative history-and one that will keep you gripped until the final page. -
Against the backdrop of the Porteous Riots, one woman must give everything to save her sister. It’s 1763, and there’s pandemonium on the streets of Edinburgh. Innocent protesters have been gunned down, and an angry mob is baying for the blood. Jeanie Deans is hoping for another form of justice. Her sister, Effie, has been wrongly sentenced to death. And the one thing that can save her is a royal pardon. So Jeanie sets out an epic journey to London to plead Effie’s case to the queen. A classic work of historical fiction, "The Heart of Midlothian" is an incisive commentary on the malleable nature of justice. And at its center is one of literature’s most appealing and courageous heroines. Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) was a Scottish novelist, historian and poet. He became a key figure within Romanticism—an artistic movement that revered nature, emotion and spontaneity. A prolific author across genre and form, Scott pioneered historical fiction with novels like "Waverley", "Rob Roy" and "Ivanhoe". These books married exciting adventures with real events from Britain’s turbulent past. Among his best known poems are the epic "The Lady of the Lake".Scott’s works remain a touchstone of Scottish and European literature. They’ve also inspired numerous movies, including 1995’s "Rob Roy" starring Liam Neeson.
Kniha od Waltera Scotta obsahuje dva romány. Je jím rozsáhlejší Talisman a o něco kratší příběh Nebezpečný hrad. V obou případech se jedná o historické romány na pozadí válečných událostí, které jsou ochuceny romantickým kořením – tedy láskou mezi udatnými rytíři a šlechetnými dámami. Talisman: Vyprahlá a smutná poušť rozprostírá se v krajích, kde se Jordán vlévá do Mrtvého moře. Tam, kde kdysi rostla květena, není nic než rozpukaná a neplodná země. V této krajině dojde k setkání dvou velice odlišných lidí, které jakoby zázrakem neskončí krveprolitím, ale přátelstvím. Kenneth obléká šat s našitým křížem a v pravici pevně svírá meč - je to skotský bojovník, jenž se přidal ke křižácké výpravě do Palestiny. Jeho druhem je saracén Emir s turbanem na hlavě a oštěpem připraveným k hodu, který ve své víře následuje Proroka. Jejich cesty se ale brzy zase rozdělují. Kenneth má důležitý úkol od samého krále Anglie - Richarda I. Lví srdce. Na své cestě se nečekaně setkává křižácký rytíř s dámou, které zasvětil své srdce a meč, a řadou dobrodružství, při kterých je znovu potřeba dobrých přátel.Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) byl skotský spisovatel – básník a romanopisec – a patřil svého času k nejčtenějším autorům a představitelům romantismu. Vyrostl v právnické rodině a sám vystudoval práva v Edinburku. Jeho jméno a dílo - především historické romány – se zapsalo na seznam klasické literatury.
In Restoration England, two young lovers must battle against a wild conspiracy. Julian and Alice's love has survived a lot. For one thing, their families supported different sides in the English Civil War. But now the monarchy has been restored, bringing with it a terrifying new danger-the Popish Plot, which alleges the country's Catholics are planning a coup. And Julian is one of the accused. Walter Scott's "e;Peveril of the Peak"e; shows an England riven with intrigues, religious hatred, and senseless violence. And at its center, a heart-wrenching 'wrong side of the tracks' romance that echoes "e;Romeo and Juliet"e;. A compelling drama for historical fiction fans. -
Dopisní korespondence je ve své kráse a rozvinutosti schopná popsat příběh lépe, než by se to povedlo sebe lepšímu vypravěči. I když neobsahuje pokaždé všechny detaily z člověčího života, které příběh dokreslují, přesto je schopna autenticky a věrně popsat pocity a myšlenky v celé jejich hloubce. K psacímu stolu a dopisnímu papíru často zasedají dobří přátelé, kteří mají touhu předávat si své dojmy, zážitky, dobré a špatné zprávy. Ti, kteří se dokážou u svých dlouhých psaní potěšit i nazlobit. Přesně takovými přáteli jsou i Alan Fairford u jednoho stolu a Darsie Latimer u stolu druhého. Alan je právník, kterému je pilnost a trpělivost pro studium vlastní. Darsie je trochu neusazeným a veselým mladým mužem. Oba muže spojuje dlouhé přátelství, které započalo tak dávno, že už nikdo ani už neví, kdy to přesně bylo. Takové spojení nemůže zpřetrhat žádná vzdálenost, ani snahy Alanova otce, kterému není jejich přátelství po chuti. Když se tedy dostává přítel do nesnází, neváhá se Alan přes otcův odpor vydat na cestu, aby Darsiemu pomohl ven.Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) byl skotský spisovatel – básník a romanopisec – a patřil svého času k nejčtenějším autorům a představitelům romantismu. Vyrostl v právnické rodině a sám vystudoval práva v Edinburghu. Jeho jméno a dílo - především historické romány – se zapsalo na seznam klasické literatury.
Podobně jako dopisy, tak i deník zachycuje věrným způsobem svědectví o lidské mysli. Jeho prostřednictvím je možné dále vyprávět započatý příběh, přestože se v porovnání s dopisy nedostává pisateli na vznešené otázky odpovědí. Deník je navíc výtečným společníkem, pokud se člověk zrovna nachází ve vězení. A přesně tam se ocitl Darsie Latimer, aniž v podstatě tuší proč se dostal do rukou žalářníků. A zatímco Darsie Latimer vydává pomocí svého deníků svědectví o svém nepochopeném zajetí a matoucích otázkách svých věznitelů, vydává se mu jeho přítel Alan Fairford na pomoc. Vyprávění obou přátel je plné dobrodružství a napínavých zvratů. Tak i Darsie konečně odkrývá tajemství, kterým byl doposud opředený jeho původ. To, že je členem pradávné rodiny Železných pěstí, na kterou je uvalena kletba, se dozvídá ze rtů své sestry, o které doposud nevěděl, že existuje.Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) byl skotský spisovatel – básník a romanopisec – a patřil svého času k nejčtenějším autorům a představitelům romantismu. Vyrostl v právnické rodině a sám vystudoval práva v Edinburghu. Jeho jméno a dílo - především historické romány – se zapsalo na seznam klasické literatury.
Questo romanzo storico eambientato nei primi anni del Settecento, durante il regno della regina Anna di Scozia. Tratto da una storia vera, il dramma narra della tragica storia d'amore tra Edgar e Lucy Ashton, figlia di Sir William. La crudele manipolatrice lady Ashton e intenzionata ad annullare il matrimonio per costringere sua figlia a sposare il signore di Bucklaw. Lucy non ha scelta e deve accettare a malincuore la decisione della genitrice. Tuttavia, il carattere della giovane si rivela tutt'altro che docile e la reazione che ha nei confronti del marito appare davvero come un fulmine a ciel sereno per tutta la sua famiglia... -
Il medioevo, quello vero. Quello dei cavalieri, delle dame, delle giostre, dei castelli; ma anche quello delle casate rivali, dell'Inghilterra divisa tra Sassoni e Normanni, delle guerre sante, delle difficolta, della poverta. E in questo scenario che prende vita la storia di Wilfred di Ivanhoe, un rampollo diseredato dal padre per amare una dama promessa in sposa a un altro cavaliere, spedito oltre il Mediterraneo per combattere una Crociata e tornato in patria con un solo obiettivo, quello di risolvere tutte le avversita.Il libro che ha ravvivato, nella cultura occidentale, l'interesse per il medioevo. Capostipite dei romanzi storici, i ritratti di personaggi storici che si trovano all'interno di "e;Ivanhoe"e; hanno aiutato a definire l'immagine di figure quali Robin Hood, Riccardo Cuor di Leone e Re Giovanni.-
Henry Morton si trova al centro di due fuochi. Da un lato i Covenanti, un gruppo nazionalista Scozzese dagli ideali religiosi estremamente radicali; dall'altro l'esercito di Carlo II d'Inghilterra, intento a imporre la volonta della corona anche sul sud-ovest della Scozia. Dapprima deciso a schierarsi con l'esercito del Re, nel momento cruciale Morton si trovera combattuto. Come presto scoprira, l'esercito reale non si attiene a nessun codice di guerra, e si abbatte con violenza e crudelta ingiustificata contro il suo popolo, uccidendo gli scozzesi senza processo, torturandoli senza ritegno. D'altro canto, i Covenanti sono accecati da un fanatismo religioso che ugualmente disgusta Morton, il quale si trovera, quindi, a dover scegliere il male minore. Un romanzo storico tra i piu fedeli mai scritti. Una storia di castelli arroccati, scogliere sul Mare del Nord, foreste e cavalieri, spade e scudi frantumati: un libro imperdibile per gli amanti del genere.-
"A Legend of Montrose" is part of Scott’s "Waverley" series and takes place during the English Civil War in the 1640s. Sir Dugald, one of the protagonists, gets involved into a strange and violent conflict, and through a series of vicissitudes and action-packed situations, manages to escape more serious consequences. The rest of the story revolves around a love triangle and the wars between Scottish clans. Mysterious births, political and personal intrigues, as well as memorable character developments and bizarre revelations – all this makes the novel an entertaining and compelling read for everyone.Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. A jurist by formation, he was also judge, and an active member of the Highland Society, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. He also played a major role in bringing the Sturm und Drang literary movement to the United Kingdom, both through translations, but also through his own creations. He wrote numerous well-known historical novels, including "Waverley," "Rob Roy", and "Ivanhoe", which have inspired countless authors ever since.
"e;Kenilworth"e; is a historical novel by Walter Scott that centres on the royal court romance, intrigue, and mystery between Queen Elizabeth I and the Earl of Leicester. Once again, Scott talks a lot about historical places - here, the Kenilworth Castle, and describes them in perfect detail, adding to the overall air of authenticity of his narrative. A compelling storytelling and the enjoyable, often humorous and heroic adventures makes this novel a must for connoisseurs of historical romances and Walter Scott's works.-
Dværgen Elshender - "den sorte dværg" eller "kloge Elshie", som folk på egnen kalder ham, lever alene i en selvbygget stenhytte på Mucklestane Moor i nærheden af den gamle grænse mellem Skotland og England. Stedet er ifølge de lokale hjemsøgt, og Elshie selv er en menneskefjendsk og misantropisk størrelse, hvis herkomst ingen rigtig har rede på, og hvis påståede forbindelse med selveste Djævelen han ikke gør noget forsøg på at dementere.Tiden er lige efter Englands og Skotlands forening i 1707, og gnidninger mellem skotter, englændere og almindelige opportunister, der udnytter situationen hører til dagens orden. Så da en lokal røver plyndrer og nedbrænder en skotsk lavadelsmands – Hobbie Elliot – ejendom, er der sådan set ikke noget bemærkelsesværdigt i det. Men da det også viser sig, at sammes forlovede, Grace Armstrong, tilsyneladende ved samme lejlighed er blevet bortført, er det mere end Hobbie kan finde sig i, og sammen med en ung kavaler, lairden af Earnscliff, og en flok af egnens håndværkere og bønder forfølger han røveren. Hos røveren finder de imidlertid ikke Grace, men Isabella Vere, Earnscliffs elskede.Gennem en indviklet intrige om kærlighed, uforrettet hævn, forræderi, et jakobitisk komplot og et politisk betinget tvangsægteskab viser det sig efterhånden, at "den sorte dværg" og hans fortid rummer mere, end man umiddelbart skulle tro efter hans nuværende levevis.
The Poetical of Works of Sir Walter Scott, - Vol. VIII- The Lady of the Lake, Miscellaneous Poems is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1861.Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.
The Fair Maid Of Perth - Vol. II is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1894.Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.
Old Mortality - Vol. I is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1895.Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.
Old Mortality - Vol. II is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1895.Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.
Quentin Durward is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition .Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.
The talisman: - A tale of the crusaders and co is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1863.Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.
Eletaan kolmannen ristiretken aikaa 1100-luvun Lahi-idassa. Ristiretken sankareiden leirissa kuohuu, eika edes pyhan sanan levittaminen riita hillitsemaan vihollisten valisia kaunoja. Johtajista vaikutusvaltaisin, Richard I Leijonamieli, on sairastunut. Samaan aikaan koyha ristiretkelainen Sir Kenneth on lahetetty tehtavalle kauas leirista. Siella han ystavystyy vihollisen puolella taistelevaan emiiriin. Palattuaan omaan leiriinsa Sir Kenneth joutuu vihollisten juonittelujen keskelle, ja han epaonnistuu tehtavassaan suojella Englannin lippua. Kennethin on palautettava kunniansa keinolla milla hyvansa - ja kaiken aikaa mielessa pyorii ihastuttava Lady Edith.Talismaani on yksi Sir Walter Scottin suosituimmista romaaneista. Teos ihastuttaa yha uudelleen kiehtovilla henkilohahmoillaan ja seikkailuntayteisilla tapahtumillaan. -
In this first volume of Sir Walter Scott's famous historical novel "e;Redgauntlet"e; you will meet Darsie Latimer and Alan Fairford, two very good friends who have grown up together. Darsie must not set foot in England until he is 25 because of his background, which he knows almost nothing about. While he discovers more about his past, Darsie is brought into conspiracy and his life is endangered. Will Alan manage to warn his friend on time? Will they meet someone who can throw light over Darsie's past? The story continues and becomes more tangled in the second volume of this book.-
Eveline is a 16-year-old girl, who is betrothed to Sir Hugo de Lacy – the constable of Chester. The arranged marriage, however, does not take place according to the plans. Sir Hugo is required by the Church to become a part of the Third Crusade and departs for three years. His nephew, Damian de Lacy, is tasked to protect Eveline from all the men who seek to gain possession of her.Is Sir Hugo able to accomplish the mission and preserve his life at the same time? Will Damian save Eveline from all the lurking dangers? Who is going to marry the young girl in the end?The story takes place in the era of the Third Crusade – times of violence, chivalry and romance. Published in 1825, "The Betrothed" is the first of two "Tales of the Crusaders" by Sir Walter Scott.Sir Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet and historian who is considered as the creator of the historical novel. By profession Scott was a lawyer and legal administrator, but the fascinating history and culture of his native Scotland inspired him to become a writer. Some of his most popular titles are "Waverley", "Ivanhoe", "The Lady of the Lake" and "Redgauntlet", which has also served as an inspiration for many authors.
"Castle Dangerous" is the last of Walter Scott’s "Waverley" cycle of historical novels. The story takes place shortly after the death of William Wallace in the Scottish War of Independence. Basically a romantic tale, the narrative follows a fair lady and her pledge of marriage. With romantic triangles, mysterious identities, battles, and sword duels, "Castle Dangerous" is a satisfying conclusion to Scott’s longish tradition of historical novels. Despite being his "swan song", it still remains a pleasant and highly recommendable read.Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. A jurist by formation, he was also judge, and an active member of the Highland Society, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. He also played a major role in bringing the Sturm und Drang literary movement to the United Kingdom, both through translations, but also through his own creations. He wrote numerous well-known historical novels, including "Waverley," "Rob Roy", and "Ivanhoe", which have inspired countless authors ever since.
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