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Books by Willa Cather

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  • by Willa Cather

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    by Willa Cather

    ‘A Lost Lady’ is Willa Cather’s brilliant depiction of the decline of the American pioneer spirit and the bleakness of frontier life. In it, socialite Marrian Forrester lives with her husband, the ageing industrial magnate Captain Forrester, in the small town of Sweet Water.To the young, adoring narrator Niel Herbert, she is both bewitching and beautiful. The very definition of a lady. But Marrian Forrester is not what she seems and sparked by the death of her husband; her social decline lays bare her contradictions to the town.Published in 1923, Cather’s revered novel is an elegy to the pioneer west. The writer F. Scott Fitzgerald acknowledged its influence on his famous work ‘The Great Gatsby’ and the character of Daisy Buchanan in particular.Willa Cather (1873-1947) was an American writer who won acclaim for her novels that captured the American pioneer experience. Her books include ‘O Pioneers!’ (1913), ‘The Song of the Lark’ (1915), ‘My Ántonia’ (1918) and Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927) which was an instant critical success.In 1923, Cather gained widespread international recognition when she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for ‘One of Ours’, a novel set during World War I.Willa Cather was granted honorary degrees by Princeton, Berkeley and Yale and in 1931 she graced the cover of Time Magazine. The American Academy of Arts and Letters awarded her a gold medal for fiction in 1944.

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    by Willa Cather

    Myra Driscoll e il marito Oswald Henshawe fanno ritorno nella natia Parthia, Illinois. La loro storia d’amore è ancora sulle bocche di tutti: Myra, infatti, ha rinunciato ad una cospicua eredità solo per fuggire insieme ad Oswald, sposandolo in gran segreto. Ora, a distanza di anni, Myra inizia a chiedersi quale sia stato, a conti fatti, il valore di quel gesto: emanciparsi dalle opprimenti prospettive famigliari, assaporando la vita come un’avventura, l’ha portata ad una relazione ordinaria, ad una felicità che non ha assolutamente niente di nobile o di eccezionale. In questo romanzo dai contorni drammatici, Willa Cather ci offre uno spaccato della monotona vita di provincia, riflettendo al contempo sulle illusorie velleità giovanili, che spingono una persona a scelte provocatorie che nascondono, forse, solo l’intrinseca impossibilità di conoscere sé stessi... Da cosa si fugge, infatti, se non dalla propria incapacità di essere felici?Wilella Sibert Cather (1873-1947) nasce nei dintorni di Winchester (Virginia) da una famiglia di origini gallesi. Ancora bambina, si trasferisce in Nebraska, dove compie i suoi studi, e poi a Pittsburgh. Nel 1906, infine, si stabilisce a New York, che rimarrà da allora in poi la sua città d’elezione. Per i successivi quarant’anni vi abiterà e vi scriverà, condividendo vita e lavoro con Edith Lewis, editor e copywriter di successo. Willa Cather è considerata una delle voci più autorevoli della letteratura americana del Novecento: narratrice impeccabile di quella Frontiera che rappresentava allora il motore – economico e morale – di una nazione in rapida crescita. L’immigrazione, la vita nelle Grandi Pianure e le discrepanze sociali sono da lei raccontate con piglio intimista, secondo stilemi introspettivi che risentono della coeva letteratura modernista europea. Fra le sue opere più famose, si possono citare "O Pioneers!", "The Song of the Lark" e "Shadows on the Rock".

  • by Willa Cather
    £7.99 - 12.99

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    by Willa Cather

    Born in a small Colorado town, Thea Kronborg's aspirations to be a famed musician makes it difficult for her to fit in. With the reputation of being different and strange, Thea has a challenging time getting along with her siblings and peers, though her mother and Aunt are supportive of her dreams. When Thea's piano instructor is run out of town over a scandal, Thea takes over his business at age fifteen. She is also forced by her father to play the organ at their church because he believes this new devotion to a job would make her less pious. Despite her new jobs and outlet for her musical ability, Thea feels unsatisfied in Colorado, but when tragedy strikes, she finally gets an opportunity to chase her dreams. After the death of a local conductor that had been enamored by her, Thea inherits enough money to pursue a formal music education in Chicago. During her piano training, and with the help of some of her Chicago friends and mentors, Thea realizes that she has an impressive singing voice. After feeling inspired by a visit to the orchestra, Thea decides to pursue a career as an opera singer. With a new dream and drive, Thea struggles to achieve her goals without compromising her values and independence. Willa Cather's The Song of the Lark breaks the conventions of its time with the depiction of an independent woman protagonist with aspirations outside of the home. Cather also challenged the typical depiction of small-town country life by presenting realities such as the common uniformity and intolerance sometimes expressed within rural communities. The Song of the Lark remains to be a fascinating look into 19th century rural life, with an unadulterated view on the journey of an artist. This edition of The Song of the Lark by Willa Cather is accommodating to a contemporary audience with a modern font and stunning new cover design.

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    by Willa Cather

    Anno 1851. Jean-Marie Latour, un giovane sacerdote francese dotato di un’acuta intelligenza, viene inviato in New Mexico in veste di vicario apostolico. Il paese ha appena subito l'annessione al territorio degli Stati Uniti d'America e, secondo la Chiesa di Roma, è governato da parroci dalla condotta immorale, nonché profondamente provato dalla contrapposizione tra gli interessi dei colonizzatori e la lotta dei nativi americani per mantenere la propria identità. Qui, Latour viaggerà di villaggio in villaggio, intenzionato a riportare l’armonia e la fede nell‘animo degli abitanti.Willa Sibert Cather (1873 – 1947) è stata una scrittrice statunitense, insignita del premio Pulitzer nel 1923 grazie al romanzo "Uno dei nostri". Willa Cather si approccia alla letteratura in seguito a una collaborazione con un giornale locale di Pittsburgh, carriera che in seguito dedicherà a tematiche di stampo esistenziale e culturale. Tra le sue opere principali, oltre a "Uno dei nostri", ricordiamo "La casa del professore", "Il mio mortale nemico" e "La morte viene per l’arcivescovo".

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    by Willa Cather

    Les derniers bateaux ont leve les voiles et disparu de l'horizon. Pas un navire ne reviendra avant huit mois. De octobre a juillet, les colons seront seuls sur ce rocher eloigne de l'Europe, cette terre nouvelle appelee Quebec.Pour la plupart, le Quebec est synonyme d'exil, d'hiver rude, de forets vierges et de nature sauvage. Mais pour Cecile Auclair, une fillette de douze ans arrivee au Canada depuis son plus jeune age, ce rocher grisatre et isole est sa maison et son unique raison d'etre.Au fil des pages, Cecile prouve que le courage et la devotion sont a l'origine des plus grandes nations. A travers son histoire, c'est celle du Quebec du XVIIe siecle que l'on decouvre. Willa Cather restitue la fondation d'un pays aux paysages grandioses. Le livre a remporte le Prix Femina americain.-

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    by Willa Cather

    After the death of his parents, Jim Burden is sent to live with his grandparents in Nebraska, where he meets his first and most prominent love, Antonia Shimera. As pioneers in Nebraska, the Shimera family expected hardships, but none as devastating as a death in the family. Narrated by Jim Burden, an orphan living with his grandparents next door to the Shimeräs, My Antonia follows the coming of age and life of Jim and Antonia, the eldest daughter in the Shimera family. Starting when Jim and Antonia were young kids, the Burdens and the Shimeräs live as neighbors in the plains of 19th century Nebraska. While the weather was often harsh and the untamed land made it difficult to yield crops, the Shimera family worked hard to maintain a content life. However, when a tragic death strikes the Shimera family, they fall into poverty despite the aid Jim¿s grandparents try to offer. As her family¿s farm fails, Antonia has to quit school to help out with manual labor. Antonia gets a job as a town girl, helping care for children and households in order to support her family. Meanwhile, Jim moves into town as well for higher education, and is able to reconnect with Antonia, though she does not have as much leisure time as he does. As they both grow into adulthood, Jim witnesses the Shimeräs and Antonia to make difficult choices and somber sacrifices, contrasting their hardships to his own comfortable life. My Antonia earned commercial and critical acclaim soon after its publication, and has inspired film and stage adaptations since. With themes of feminism, insight on lower class Americans, and the use of deep metaphors, Willa Cather¿s My Antonia is a classic gem worthy of even more recognition. Now redesigned with an eye-catching cover and printed in an easy-to-read font, this edition of Willa Cather¿s My Antonia restores the classic novel to create an engaging experience for modern audiences.

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    by Willa Cather

    On his deathbed, John Bergson, the head of a Swedish American family, decided to will the family farm to his daughter, Alexandra, instead of her two older brothers. Though it upset his sons, John was firm in his decision, knowing that the conditions in Nebraska required discipline and strength to strive. Alexandra, already a strong-willed woman, accepted the farm and devoted herself to it. Through droughts and depression, Alexandräs neighbors give up and move away, but Alexandra is determined to make the farm succeed and prove that her father made the right decision. A time jump in the narrative affirms Alexandräs goals, but invites troubles to rival those presented by the harsh realities of the Nebraska plains. Carl Lindstrum, an old friend and neighbor, comes back into town after his abrupt departure years before, stirring an old flame between he and Alexandra. Emil, Alexandräs younger brother, also returns home after going to a state college. The two Bergson siblings, Alexandra and Emil, soon find themselves in forbidden relationships. With the pressure of secret love, unpredictable weather, murder, and scandal, Alexandra and Emil must persevere to protect their family and preserve their happiness. Separated into five sections, The Wild Land, Neighboring Fields, Winter Memories, The White Mulberry Tree, and Alexandra, Willa Cather¿s O Pioneers! depicts neighborly disputes, forbidden love, family drama, and murder, all to the backdrop of pioneer Nebraska. With themes of feminism and innovation, O Pioneers inspires perseverance and participation in new inventions and ideas. O Pioneers! is the first of the critically acclaimed and commercially praised Great Plains trilogy, entertaining with its drama and sentiment while enlightening audiences with visceral depictions of pioneer life in the early origins of midwestern America. With a new eye-catching cover design and reprinted in an easy-to-read font, this edition of O Pioneers! , written by the esteemed author Willa Cather, is now accessible and appealing for a modern audience.

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    by Willa Cather

    With seven short stories, The Troll Garden is a comprehensive exploration of American artists, and the trials they face. In Flavia and Her Artists, a young woman named Imogen goes to visit her friend Flavia, who is a patron of artists. Joining Flaviäs group of artists, Imogen becomes immersed in the drama and gossip of the group. As Imogen witnesses the animosity of the group steadily grow, she realizes that it stems from Flaviäs own insecurities and arrogance. The Sculptor¿s Funeral depicts the funeral of a successful sculptor, Harvey Marrick. When his body is returned to his hometown for his burial, there is a mix of emotions from his family and old acquaintances. Only Jim Lavid, Harvey¿s old friend, truly mourns the death. However, Jim must wrestle with both grief and jealousy when he considers that Harvey was able to leave their small town, something Jim himself never could. With a similar tone, A Death in the Desert follows a man as he wrestles with his identity. Sharing a strong physical resemblance to his prodigy brother, Everett Hilgarde feels haunted by his brother¿s shadow, robbing him of his sense of self. As the last story in the collection, Paul¿s Case creates an echo that stays in the reader¿s mind long after the tale is finished. When Paul, a young boy who has trouble fitting in, steals money from his father, he decides to run away to New York, pretending to be rich and fulfilling the life he¿d always wanted. The Troll Garden by Willa Cather explores the melancholy tales of tortured artists without dwelling on the sorrow, instead focusing on the relatable instances and decisions that lead to such predicaments. Though first published one-hundred and fifteen years ago in 1905, Cather explores ever-present issues of identity, failure, and dreams that have remained to be relevant to a current audience. As her debut work of fiction, The Troll Garden marks a capstone in Willa Cather¿s prolific career. Now presented in an easy-to-read font and with a striking new cover design, this edition of Willa Cather¿s The Troll Garden is modern and relevant to a contemporary audience.

  • by Willa Cather

    This bittersweet tale about a professor's desire to stay in his old study and cling to what used to be on the eve of moving into a new house sparks deep introspection in a story that explores a mid-life crisis and family life in a 1920s Midwestern college town.

  • by Willa Cather

  • - Song of the Lark, Spanish edition
    by Willa Cather

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    by Willa Cather

    De to unge, franske præster, idealisten Jean-Marie Latour og realisten Joseph Vaillant, beordres af paven på en mission i det nordlige Mexico for at sikre, at den katolske tro kommer på fode igen. Sammen tilbagelægger de tusindvis af mil på heste- og muldyrryg gennem bortgemte landsbyer, hvor både beboernes og præsternes tro er stærkt svækket og sammenblandet med oldgamle indianske skikke og myter. Inspireret af sin barndoms kirker hjemme i Auvergne, sætter Fader Latour kronen på sit livsværk og får bygget en domkirke i Santa Fé.Den amerikanske forfatter og journalist Willa Cather (1873-1947) voksede op i Nebraska og blev i sin litteratur ved at vende tilbage til den vestlige stats emigrantmiljø og øde prærielandskaber. Hun skrev hele sit liv, og hendes roman "One of Ours" blev tildelt en Pulitzer pris i 1922. Når forfatterskabet vandt fornyet popularitet blandt feminister i 1970’erne, så var det måske fordi der er mange kvindelige pionerer i Cathers fortællinger.

  • by Willa Cather

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    by Willa Cather

    Som attenårig drager Lucy Gayheart fra det landlige Nebraska til storbyen Chicago for at studere musik og kunst. Hun er en smuk, godtroende og talentfuld ung kvinde og disse egenskaber tiltrækker Clement Sebastian, en aldrende, men karismatisk sanger med en mørk og dyster fortid. Deres forhold er dødsdømt fra begyndelsen og langsomt, men sikkert føler Lucy sig mere og mere fremmedgjort over for sig selv og sit ophav."Lucy Gayheart" er en dragende og uhyggelig fortælling om en uskyldig ung kvinde fra den amerikanske prærie, der bliver forført af alt, hvad storbyen tilbyder hende, indtil hun næsten glemmer, hvor hun kommer fra.Den amerikanske forfatter og journalist Willa Cather (1873-1947) voksede op i Nebraska og blev i sin litteratur ved at vende tilbage til den vestlige stats emigrantmiljø og øde prærielandskaber. Hun skrev hele sit liv, og hendes roman "One of Ours" blev tildelt en Pulitzer pris i 1922. Når forfatterskabet vandt fornyet popularitet blandt feminister i 1970’erne, så var det måske fordi der er mange kvindelige pionerer i Cathers fortællinger.

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    by Willa Cather

    Professor Gofrey St. Peter er i halvtredserne og har opnået meget af det, mange drømmer om. Han har en succesfuld karriere og et familieliv, der udadtil ser lykkeligt og velfungerende ud. Men i løbet af de år, fortællingen forløber, hvor St. Peter-familien flytter fra deres gamle hus til et nyt, afsløres det, at Gofreys tilværelse er langt fra lykkelig. Hans akademiske succes og rigdommen, der fulgte med, beror på hans afdøde elev og svigersøn Tom Outlands forskningsresultater. Gofreys forhold til hustruen og børnene er overfladisk, og familielivet forgiftes af jalousi og bitterhed.Professorens hus er en roman fuld af modsætninger – ungdom og alderdom, frihed og ansvar, spiritualisme og materialisme – men der er sjældent et enten-eller. Gofreys livskrise fører ham ud i farlige situationer og et oprør, der efterhånden bliver mere og mere omfattende.Den amerikanske forfatter og journalist Willa Cather (1873-1947) voksede op i Nebraska og blev i sin litteratur ved at vende tilbage til den vestlige stats emigrantmiljø og øde prærielandskaber. Hun skrev hele sit liv, og hendes roman "One of Ours" blev tildelt en Pulitzer pris i 1922. Når forfatterskabet vandt fornyet popularitet blandt feminister i 1970’erne, så var det måske fordi der er mange kvindelige pionerer i Cathers fortællinger.

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    by Willa Cather

    Willa Cather bringer 1600-tallets Quebec til live i romanen Skygger på klipperne, som især følger den franske nybygger Euclide Auclair og hans 12-årige datter Cécile. Mens Euclide har svært ved at tilpasse sig de nye omgivelser langt fra Frankrig, føler Cécile sig hjemme i de vidtstrakte landskaber af klipper og viltre skove. Gennem barnets fantasifulde blik udforskes det nordamerikanske kontinent med lige dele ærefrygt og fortryllelse, og Cather væver sideløbende historiske begivenheder ind i fiktionen.Den amerikanske forfatter og journalist Willa Cather (1873-1947) voksede op i Nebraska og blev i sin litteratur ved at vende tilbage til den vestlige stats emigrantmiljø og øde prærielandskaber. Hun skrev hele sit liv, og hendes roman "One of Ours" blev tildelt en Pulitzer pris i 1922. Når forfatterskabet vandt fornyet popularitet blandt feminister i 1970’erne, så var det måske fordi der er mange kvindelige pionerer i Cathers fortællinger.

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    by Willa Cather

    Ántonia Shimerda vokser op på en gård i Nebraskas øde og vindblæste prærielandskab, og som datter af immigrantforældre fra Bøhmen opdager hun tidligt, at livet på den amerikanske frontier kan være både ensomt og fattigt. På nabogården vokser den forældreløse dreng Jim Burden op hos sine bedsteforældre, og de to bliver venner. Gennem Jims øjne udfolder Ántonias livhistorie sig, og mens hun gennem årene kæmper for at overleve i de barske omgivelser, hvor det ikke kun er langskabet, der er råt men også de sociale forhold, vokser Jims fascination af hende.Ántonia Shimerda er blevet hyldet som en åndsstærk heltinde i amerikansk litteraturhistorie, og Willa Cathers roman om hendes liv er bredt anerkendt som et mesterværk.Den amerikanske forfatter og journalist Willa Cather (1873-1947) voksede op i Nebraska og blev i sin litteratur ved at vende tilbage til den vestlige stats emigrantmiljø og øde prærielandskaber. Hun skrev hele sit liv, og hendes roman "One of Ours" blev tildelt en Pulitzer pris i 1922. Når forfatterskabet vandt fornyet popularitet blandt feminister i 1970’erne, så var det måske fordi der er mange kvindelige pionerer i Cathers fortællinger.

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    by Willa Cather

    I romanen "Sapphira" undersøger Willa Cather det grufulde forhold mellem slaver og slaveejere i Sydstaterne før Den amerikanske borgerkrig. Bogens hovedperson Sapphira Dodderidge Colbert er en slaveejer, der trods sine åbenlyse privilegier føler, hun har fået for lidt givet i livet. Hendes bitterhed transformeres efterhånden til indædt jalousi overfor den smukke afroamerikanske slave Nancy. Sapphiras mand Henry er ikke tilpas i sin position som slaveejer og deres fælles datter Rachel, der er abolitionist, forfærdes over morens mere og mere ondskabsfulde chikane af Nancy. Igennem Rachel får Nancy mulighed for at flygte fra Virginia til Canada, og hun vender først tilbage 40 år senere."Sapphira" var Willa Cathers sidste roman, og det er en gribende og mesterligt fortalt historie om det komplicerede indre liv i viljefaste kvinder og Amerikas mørke slavehistorie.Den amerikanske forfatter og journalist Willa Cather (1873-1947) voksede op i Nebraska og blev i sin litteratur ved at vende tilbage til den vestlige stats emigrantmiljø og øde prærielandskaber. Hun skrev hele sit liv, og hendes roman "One of Ours" blev tildelt en Pulitzer pris i 1922. Når forfatterskabet vandt fornyet popularitet blandt feminister i 1970’erne, så var det måske fordi der er mange kvindelige pionerer i Cathers fortællinger.

  • by Willa Cather
    £14.49 - 22.49

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