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Books by William Shakespeare

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    - De lystige koner i Windsor / Julius Cæsar / Som man behager / Hamlet / Helligtrekongersaften / Troilus og Cressida
    by William Shakespeare

    Bind 4 indeholder flere af Shakespeares allermest berømte skuespil. De store tragedier Hamlet og Julius Cæsar behøver ingen nærmere præsentation, ligesom komedien De lystige koner i Windsor nok også er kendt af mange. Det er den, hvor den tykke ridder Falstaff ser sine snedige planer krydset af et par borgerkoner, der ganske rigtigt har sans for humor – de får ham både båret ud i en vasketøjskurv og klædt ud som en gammel kælling. De elegante, underfundige komedier Som man behager med skildringen af livet i Ardennerskoven og med Shakespeares mest indtagende ”bukserolle”, den forklædte Rosalinde, og Helligtrekongersaften med narren Feste og den sure hushovmester Malvolio og kærlighedstrekanten mellem grevinde Olivia, hertug Orsino og den unge Viola, hører til Shakespeares bedste i den genre. Og som sjette stykke i bindet kommer Troilus og Cressida, en sjældent spillet, men interessant, bitter tragikomedie om hvordan en langvarig krig, den trojanske, forgifter både heltemod og kærlighed.

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    - Lige for lige/Othello/Når enden er god, er alting godt/Timon fra Athen/Kong Lear/Macbeth
    by William Shakespeare

    Femte og næstsidste bind af Niels Brunses nye, komplette Shakespeareoversættelse, som Gyldendal udgiver i seks bind. De seks skuespil i dette bind V omfatter både nogle af de bedst kendte Shakespeare-tragedier: Othello, Kong Lear og Macbeth, de sjældnere opførte komedier Lige for lige og Når enden er god, er alting godt og det meget sjældent spillede Timon fra Athen, der er en mellemting mellem tragedie og moralsk satire. Alle stykkerne er formodentlig skrevet i tidsrummet 1604-1606, hvor Shakespeare havde nået den fulde udfoldelse af sin dramatiske kunnen og sin sprogkunst, der undertiden udfordrede hans modersmål på helt nye måder. Niels Brunses oversættelser af Kong Lear, Macbeth og Lige for lige har været brugt til diverse opførelser på danske teatre – de er dog alle tre revideret i større eller mindre grad i denne udgave, Kong Lear mest – mens de tre andre i skrivende stund ikke har været opført og altså præsenteres her for første gang.

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    - Richard II / Købmanden i Venezia / Henry IV, 1-2 / Stor ståhej for ingenting / Henry V
    by William Shakespeare

    Bind 3 af Shakespeares Samlede Skuespil i Niels Brunses nyoversættelse indeholder først og fremmest de fire kongedramaer, der handler om Englands stormfulde historie fra Richard II til Henry V. Mellem de to skuespil, der bærer disse kongers navne, ligger de to dele af Henry IV, som ikke mindst er berømte for figuren Sir John Falstaff, den tykke, umoralske og grandiost morsomme ridder. Falstaff er en af Shakespeares mest uforglemmelige skikkelser og måske den mest berømte næst efter Hamlet. Desuden rummer bindet Købmanden i Venezia, et mangefacetteret stykke, hvor den romantiske kærlighedshistorie mellem Bassanio og Portia blandes ind i historien om den foragtede jøde Shylock, der er træt af at blive hundset og hånet og glæder sig, da tilfældet giver ham en chance for at hævne sig på de kristne – men som må se sig overtrumfet af den intelligente Portia, forklædt som dommer. Det sjette skuespil i samlingen er komedien Stor ståhej for ingenting, den elegant og let komponerede fortælling om Beatrice og Benedikt, der nærmest bliver narret til at forelske sig i hinanden (selv om de nok ikke har så meget imod det). Kontrasten til deres kærlighed er forholdet mellem Hero og Claudio, hvor Claudio narres til at forstøde Hero foran selve alteret ved deres bryllup – men også den historie når ad kringlede omveje til en lykkelig slutning.

  • Save 22%
    - Antonius og Cleopatra / Pericles / Coriolanus / Vintereventyret / Cymbelin / Stormen / Henry VIII
    by William Shakespeare

    Sjette og sidste bind i William Shakespeare. Samlede skuespil i ny oversættelse af Niels Brunse. De syv skuespil i dette bind stammer fra den sidste periode af Shakespeares forfatterliv og kan dateres fra ca. 1606 til 1613. Fire af dem er de ”eventyrspil” eller ”romantiske komedier” – genrebetegnelserne er svære og aldrig helt rammende – som Shakespeare udviklede i disse sidste år: Pericles, Cymbelin, Vintereventyret og Stormen; to af dem vender tilbage til det romerske stof, som havde optaget Shakespeare tidligere: Antonius og Cleopatra og Coriolanus; og det sidste, Henry VIII, er en sen tilføjelse til rækken af Shakespeares kongedramaer, dog på en ny måde, idet hovedvægten ligger på historierne om personer i kongens nærhed, der forstødes eller falder fra magtens tinder – dronning Katherine og kardinal Wolsey. Det er rimelig sikkert, at Shakespeare havde medforfattere til Pericles (George Wilkins) og Henry VIII (John Fletcher), men hans egen andel i teksterne er tilstrækkelig stor til, at man medregner de to stykker blandt de 37 ”kanoniske” titler. Antonius og Cleopatra har været opført en enkelt gang, på Det Kongelige Teater; Stormen og Vintereventyret har været benyttet til adskillige opsætninger. Alle tre er blevet grundigt revideret til denne udgave. De fire øvrige dramaer publiceres her for første gang.

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    by William Shakespeare

    The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions) is an exquisite compilation of the timeless tales and sonnets penned by William Shakespeare, one of the most revered playwrights in history. This edition, published by Union Square & Co. in 2015, is a must-have for any literature enthusiast. Shakespeare's works, which span various genres from tragedies to comedies, are renowned for their profound insights into human nature and their eloquent language. This collection allows you to immerse yourself in his creative genius, and experience the power of his storytelling in its entirety. It's a testament to Shakespeare's enduring legacy and an opportunity to explore his world in depth. Published by Union Square & Co., this edition is a valuable addition to any bookshelf.

  • by William Shakespeare

    For fans of the Bard comes a deluxe box set of our three classic Shakespeare mini books: Shakespeare: The Bard's Guide to Abuses and Affronts, William Shakespeare: The Complete Plays in One Sitting , and Love Sonnets of Shakespeare . In this collectible slipcase edition, readers will have access to comprehensive summaries of each of Shakespeare's 36 famous plays, the most eloquent of Shakespeare's insults, and love sonnets to woo the most sought-after lover.

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    by William Shakespeare

    It's 11th century Scotland. Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, is one of King Duncan's greatest war captains. Upon returning from a battle with the rebellious Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth and Banquo encounter three witches, who prophecy that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and then King.

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    by William Shakespeare
    £7.99 - 13.49

    When this volume of Shakespeare's poems first appeared in 1609, he had already written most of the great plays that made him famous. The 154 sonnets - all but two of which are addressed to a beautiful young man or a treacherous 'dark lady' - contain some of the most exquisite and haunting poetry ever written, and deal with eternal subjects such as love and infidelity, memory and mortality, and the destruction wreaked by Time. Also included is A Lover's Complaint, originally published with the sonnets, in which a young woman is overheard lamenting her betrayal by a heartless seducer.

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    by William Shakespeare

    Shakespeare skrev tre såkaldte romerske skuespil, der alle foregår i det gamle Rom med Plutarchs ""Levnedsbeskrivelser"" som kilde. Tragedien Julius Cæsar handler om forholdet mellem magt, idealisme og politik beskrevet gennem sammensværgelsen mod Cæsar, Brutus’ mord på ham, og hvordan dette mord hævnes. ""Julius Cæsar"" var et af de første stykker, der blev opført på Shakespeares oprindelige Globe-teater i London. Skuespillet foreligger her i Henning Krabbes bearbejdning (opr. udg. 1976) af Edvard Lembckes klassiske oversættelse. Ebogen er forsynet med introduktion og noter samt nyt forord af udgiveren. Den engelske skuespilforfatter William Shakespeare (1564-1616) er bredt anerkendt som verdens største dramatiker. Hans skuespil er oversat til alle moderne sprog og bliver opført mere end nogen anden skuespilforfatters stykker. Udover virket som forfatter arbejdede Shakespeare som skuespiller, og han er endvidere en af Englands allerstørste digtere nogensinde. Han står bag 39 skuespil, 154 sonetter og flere andre digte.

  • Save 23%
    by William Shakespeare
    £15.49 - 24.99

    A compact edition of the complete works of William Shakespeare. It combines impeccable scholarship with beautifully written editorial material and a user-friendly layout of the text. Also included is a foreword, list of contents, general introduction, essay on language, contemporary allusions to Shakespeare, glossary, consolidated bibliography and index of first lines of Sonnets.

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    - Campfire Graphic Novels
    by William Shakespeare

    A concise, highly enjoyable adaptation of the classic Shakespeare drama; one of more than 85 titles Campfire has published since their introduction to North America in 2010.Once upon a time on a dark winter night, a ghost appears on the ramparts of Castle Elsinore in Denmark. It closely resembles the recently deceased king of Denmark. The guards see it first, and then the scholar Horatio confronts it. But it doesn't speak to them. Impatient to know what the ghost's appearance means, they summon Hamlet, the prince of Denmark. Hamlet has returned to Denmark to attend his father's funeral. Yet, he finds himself also attending his mother Gertrude's wedding to his uncle Claudius, who has inherited the throne. What will the ghost tell Hamlet? One of the most intense and intriguing tragedies of all time is built upon the answer to this question. William Shakespeare's Hamlet is not just a story of a mad prince out to avenge his father's death. It is also the story of the struggle of a nation against Fate. It is the story of human willpower battling the odds. It is not only the story of a man at war with the world around him, but also the story of a man in conflict with his own mind. It is the story of a time when something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

  • by William Shakespeare

    Oxford School Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet is an exceptional piece of literature by the renowned author, William Shakespeare. This classic tale of love and tragedy was published by Oxford University Press on the 12th of September, 2008. The book belongs to the genre of drama and romance, and it beautifully captures the timeless story of two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, whose families are embroiled in a bitter feud. This edition by Oxford School Shakespeare makes the play more accessible to students with its clear and comprehensive notes. The book is a must-have for Shakespeare enthusiasts and students alike. It provides a deeper understanding of the text and the context in which it was written. The publisher, Oxford University Press, is known for its high-quality educational publications, and this book is no exception. It is a valuable addition to any literature lover's collection.

  • by William Shakespeare

    No Fear Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream Read& nbsp; A Midsummer Night's Dream in all its brilliance and actually understand what it means. & nbsp; No Fear Shakespeare gives you the complete text of A Midsummer Night's Dream on the left-hand page, side-by-side with an easy-to-understand translation on the right.

  • by William Shakespeare

    Edited, Introduced and Annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex.The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The Textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal.Hamlet is not only one of Shakespeare's greatest plays, but also the most fascinatingly problematical tragedy in world literature.First performed around 1600, this a gripping and exuberant drama of revenge, rich in contrasts and conflicts. Its violence alternates with introspection, its melancholy with humour, and its subtlety with spectacle. The Prince, Hamlet himself, is depicted as a complex, divided, introspective character. His reflections on death, morality and the very status of human beings make him 'the first modern man'.Countless stage productions and numerous adaptations for the cinema and television have demonstrated the continuing cultural relevance of this vivid, enigmatic, profound and engrossing drama.

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    by William Shakespeare

    Published to mark the 400th anniversary of the book's original publication, this facsimile edition faithfully reproduces one of the finest copies held in the British Library collections.

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    by William Shakespeare

    Shakespeare everyone can understand--now in new DELUXE editions! Why fear Shakespeare? By placing the words of the original play next to line-by-line translations in plain English, these popular guides make Shakespeare accessible to everyone. They introduce Shakespeare's world, significant plot points, and the key players. And now they feature expanded literature guide sections that help students study smarter, along with links to bonus content on the Sparknotes.com website. A Q&A, guided analysis of significant literary devices, and review of the play give students all the tools necessary for understanding, discussing, and writing about King Lear. The expanded content includes: Five Key Questions: Five frequently asked questions about major moments and characters in the play. What Does the Ending Mean?: Is the ending sad, celebratory, ironic . . . or ambivalent? Plot Analysis: What is the play about? How is the story told, and what are the main themes? Why do the characters behave as they do? Study Questions: Questions that guide students as they study for a test or write a paper. Quotes by Theme: Quotes organized by Shakespeare's main themes, such as love, death, tyranny, honor, and fate. Quotes by Character: Quotes organized by the play's main characters, along with interpretations of their meaning.

  • - Third Series
    by William Shakespeare
    £10.49 - 78.99

    The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare's most problematic plays, largely because of what is seen as its inherent anti-semitism. At the centre of the play is one of the most famous anti-heroes in Shakespeare: Shylock 'the Jew'. How to interpret Shylock baffles critics as they divide on whether Shakespeare is prejudiced or sympathetic.

  • by William Shakespeare
    £9.99 - 69.99

    The New Cambridge Shakespeare appeals to students worldwide for its up-to-date scholarship and emphasis on performance. The series features line-by-line commentaries and textual notes on the plays and poems. Introductions are regularly refreshed with accounts of new critical, stage and screen interpretations. This second edition of Macbeth provides a thorough reconsideration of one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. In his introduction, A. R. Braunmuller explores Macbeth's immediate theatrical and political contexts, particularly the Gunpowder Plot, and addresses such celebrated questions as: do the Witches compel Macbeth to murder; is Lady Macbeth herself in some sense a witch; is Macduff morally culpable? A new and well-illustrated account of the play in performance examines several cinematic versions, such as those by Kurosawa and Roman Polanski, as well as other dramatic adaptations. Several possible new sources are suggested and the presence of Thomas Middleton's writing in the play is also proposed.

  • by William Shakespeare

    'The man who of all modern, and perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul' John DrydenAntonio, a Venetian merchant, wishes to help his friend get money to impress a rich heiress. But he is forced to borrow the sum from a cynical, abused Jewish moneylender, Shylock, and signs a chilling contract to honour the debt with a pound of his own flesh. An ambiguous, complex and controversial comedy, The Merchant of Venice explores prejudice, marriage, money and the true nature of justice in an unforgiving world.Used and Recommended by the National TheatreGeneral Editor Stanley WellsEdited by W. Moelwyn Merchant Introduction by Peter Holland

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    by SparkNotes

    Why fear Shakespeare? By placing the words of the original play next to line-by-line translations in plain English, this popular guide makes Shakespeare accessible to everyone. And now it features expanded literature guide sections that help students study smarter.

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    by William Shakespeare

    A collector's edition of Shakespeare's wonderful Sonnets, based on the Arden Shakespeare edition. All 154 sonnets are included here in this handsome hardback. A must for all Shakespeare and poetry lovers everywhere.

  • by William Shakespeare

    Oxford School Shakespeare: Macbeth is an exceptional literary work penned by the legendary playwright, William Shakespeare. Published by Oxford University Press in 2009, this book is a part of the esteemed Oxford School Shakespeare series. This rendition of Macbeth is a must-have for every literature enthusiast. It delves into the dark and intriguing world of Macbeth, a brave Scottish general whose life takes a dramatic turn when he receives a prophecy from a trio of witches. The book brilliantly captures the essence of human ambition and the devastating consequences it can lead to. The genre of this masterpiece is drama, but it also incorporates elements of tragedy, making it a thrilling read. The Oxford University Press has done a commendable job in publishing this book, making Shakespeare's work accessible and enjoyable for school students and literature lovers alike. This English version of the book is a great addition to any personal library.

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    by William Shakespeare

  • by William Shakespeare

    Blends the supernatural and the mundane, the illusory and the substantial. This work treats love as tragic, poignant, absurd and farcical.

  • by William Shakespeare

    Desdemona's love for Othello, the Moor, transcends racial prejudice; but the envious Iago conspires to devastate their lives. This novel renders racism, sexism, contested identities, and the savagery lurking within civilisation.

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    by William Shakespeare

    Et af litteraturens mest berømte og tragiske kærlighedsdramaer om de to unge elskende, der ikke må få hinanden, fordi deres familier strides. Først med Romeo og Julies alt for tidlige død vågner familiefædrene op og slutter fred. Men stykket handler også om, hvor galt det går, når magt og præstige går forud for ægte kærlighed. Romeo og Julie har inspireret billedkunstnere, filminstruktører, komponister og balletdansere over hele verden.Shakespeares klassiske tragedie foreligger her i Henning Krabbes bearbejdning (opr. udg. 1976) af Edvard Lembckes klassiske oversættelse. Ebogen er forsynet med introduktion og noter samt nyt forord af udgiveren.Den engelske skuespilforfatter William Shakespeare (1564-1616) er bredt anerkendt som verdens største dramatiker. Hans skuespil er oversat til alle moderne sprog og bliver opført mere end nogen anden skuespilforfatters stykker. Udover virket som forfatter arbejdede Shakespeare som skuespiller, og han er endvidere en af Englands allerstørste digtere nogensinde. Han står bag 39 skuespil, 154 sonetter og flere andre digte.

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    by William Shakespeare

    Love, sex and death are the components in this story of the love of two young people which reaches across the barriers of family and convention. It encompasses great love, high drama, low comedy and a tragic ending.

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    by William Shakespeare

    This edition features an attractive bonded-leather binding, distinctive gilt edging and decorative endpapers.

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