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Music speaks directly to your feelings and comes in many forms. For that reason Tales have selected some of the finest music books just for you. You can for example find a biography of your favorite music idol, but you can also find music theory books that will help you become your own musician. Whether you like rock, pop, musicals or classical music we have the books for you. Find your inner melody with a music book from Tales.
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  • - Advanced Studies
    by Erik Højsgaard

    In Rhythm. Advanced Studies, Erik Højsgaard, composer and professor of aural training at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, provides a detailed guide to reading and understanding advanced use of rhythm. The 451 exercises and their corresponding notes allow those professionally involved with music to further develop their technical and practical skills in this specific area. The book also includes exercises aimed at developing modern composition techniques. Danish professor and composer Per Nørgård writes: The many aspects of aural training in this book by Erik Højsgaard have been inspired by his deep insight into western music and its thousand-year-old traditions. Written with clarity that allows for rhythm and polyphony to be presented in an understandable form, Højsgaard's book is both musical and entertaining. There is no doubt that one gains new insights and musical joys after working through the book's exercises.

  • by The Who

    Allows readers to take over from John Entwistle and play with British rock modsters. This work features the Who's classic songs, transcribed from the original recordings for guitar, in standard notation and tablature with melody line and chord symbols.

  • by Jeffery Kite-Powell

    Revised and expanded, A Performer's Guide to Seventeenth Century Music is a comprehensive reference guide for students and professional musicians. The book contains useful material on vocal and choral music and style; instrumentation; performance practice; ornamentation, tuning, temperament; meter and tempo; basso continuo; dance; theatrical production; and much more. The volume includes new chapters on the violin, the violoncello and violone, and the trombone-as well as updated and expanded reference materials, internet resources, and other newly available material. This highly accessible handbook will prove a welcome reference for any musician or singer interested in historically informed performance.

  • by Mick Goodrick

  • - en bog om musik og bevidsthed
    by Peter Bastian

    Peter Bastians klassiker og meget personlige bog om musikformidling, der siden udgivelsen i 1987 har solgt mere end 100.000 eksemplarer i seks forskellige udgaver, bliver nu også udsendt som en udvidet e-bog. Videoklip, lydspor og forfatterkommentarer vil hele vejen igennem e-bogen ”illustrere”, understøtte og udvide Peter Bastians sprudlende, betagende og sindsopløftende tekst.Bogens i mange retninger strittende emner er superaktuelle den dag i dag, og bliver fornemt suppleret af videoklip af Peter Bastian, hvor han forklarer, spiller på fagot og sugerør, lydklip med indspilninger af hans læremester og gode ven Sergiu Celibidache, lydklip med Ravel, Mozart, Bruckner-musik fra de fineste pladeselskaber – i alt mere end 80 indslag.

  • by Poul Blak

    I sommeren og efteråret 2010 så Bamse og Poul Blak en del til hinanden. De var venner gennem et langt liv og havde besluttet i fællesskab at lave bogen:Flemming BAMSE Jørgensen fortæller sit liv til Poul Blak.Biografien om Bamse rummer en liv og tegner et portræt af en bredt favnende, folkelig kunstner, der livet igennem kæmpede for det, han mente var hans livsopgave. At sprede kærlighed, sang og glæde til alle, der havde lyst til at lytte og være med. Det var ikke let, selvom det så sådan ud.I bogen lykkes det Poul Blak at komme helt ind bagved og forstå, hvordan musikken og sangene satte Bamse i en tilsyneladende trådløs forbindelse til det fællesskab, der tog ham til hjertet. Flemming "Bamse" Jørgensen, Danmark, Randers, adoption, Bamses Venner, musik, pop, popmusikere, orkestre, sangere, rock, rockmusikere, Melodi Grand Prix, erindringer, 1900-1999, 2000-2009

  • by Ruth Crawford Seeger

  • - Krautrock and the Building of Modern Germany
    by David (Associate Editor) Stubbs

    the endless winding of Autobahns.Faust, Neu!, Cluster, Ash Ra Tempel, Amon Duul II, Can, Kraftwerk -- the influence of these groups' ruminative, expansive compositions upon Western popular music is incalculable.

  • - The Official Story of Glastonbury Festival
    by Emily Eavis

    Title: Glastonbury 50, Author: Emily Eavis, Publication Year: 2019-10-31, Publisher: Orion Publishing Co, Language: eng

  • - The Secret History of Disco
    by Peter Shapiro
    £8.99 - 11.49

    Disco emerged from the fall-out of the Black Power Movement and an almost exclusively gay scene in a blaze of poppers, strobe lights, tight trousers, hysterical diva vocals and synthesized beats in the late sixties.

  • by Bruce Springsteen
    £13.49 - 16.49

    Bruce Springsteen fortæller ærligt om sin næsten 50 år lange karriere i en stærk selvbiografi, der udgives på den samme dag, 27. september, over hele verden. Den ikoniske sanger og musiker Bruce Springsteen har i al hemmelighed skrevet på sin selvbiografi de seneste syv år. Han begyndte at arbejde på den i 2009 efter at have optrådt med The E Street Band til Super Bowl. I Born to Run beskriver han sin opvækst i Freehold i New Jersey imellem ”poesi, fare og mørke”, som det, der har næret hans fantasi. Han fortæller levende om sit stædige behov for at blive musiker – fra hans tidlige dage, hvor han var kongen over alle barmusikere i Asbury Park til dannelsen af The E Street Band. Med hudløs ærlighed taler han også for første gang åbent om de personlige kampe, der har inspireret ham til at skrive sine bedste sange og afslører, hvorfor sangen Born to Run har langt dybere selvbiografiske lag, end man tror. ”Det er noget underligt noget at skrive om sig selv”, skriver Bruce Springsteen i bogen.”Men i et projekt som dette har forfatteren givet læseren et løfte om at vise, hvem han virkelig er. Det løfte har jeg forsøgt at leve op til i denne bog”. Og det er ikke bare tomme ord, at han her viser sig, som han er. Born to Run er en sjældent ærlig og indsigtsfuld selvbiografi, hvor Bruce Springsteen ikke bare tager læseren med gennem sin ikoniske musikalske karriere, der strækker sig over næsten 50 år. Men også gennem en personlig historie fyldt med den form for kærlighed og svigt, tillid og usikkerhed, kampe og succes, som alle kan spejle sig i.

  • - 8 sange for blandet kor, Op. 11
    by Wilhelm Peterson-Berger

    8 sange for blandet kor (SATB), Op. 11. Redigeret af Søren Birch.

  • by Svend Erik Petersen & Peter Sander Andersen

    Danmarks nye Julesang i udgaver for blandet kor SATB og klaver, samt for lige stemmer SSA og klaver. Arrangeret af Phillip Faber.

  • by Paul McCartney
    £17.99 - 55.99

  • - Journals
    by Kurt Cobain

    The first publication of Kurt Cobain's diaries, which were found after his death in 1994. Genuinely moving, provocative and candid, and suprisingly funny, pieces of writing which, as a whole, provide a unique account of the rise and fall of a greatpopular artist and icon.

  • - Music Theory (Book/Online Audio)
    by Tom Kolb

    Guitarists of all levels will find a wealth of practical music knowledge in this special book and CD package. Veteran guitarist and author Tom Kolb dispels the mysteries of music theory using plain and simple terms and diagrams. The accompanying CD provides 94 tracks of music examples, scales, modes, chords, ear training, and much more!

  • - Britpop and my part in its downfall
    by Luke Haines

    Written with wit, brio and no small amount of bile, Luke Haines recounts how it felt to ride a wave of self-congratulatory success in a world with no taste. Funny, honest and ridiculously entertaining, Luke Haines attacks anyone within rifle range, and is more than happy to turn the gun on himself.

  • by Kaare Sørensen & Michael Bundesen
    £14.49 - 15.49

    Han var ”Bonden”, forsangeren for hele Danmarks Shu-Bi-Dua. Men også Michael, der aldrig lod ugebladene komme tæt på.Nu fortæller Michael Bundesen for første gang, hvorfor han i årtier holdt privatlivet for sig selv og ikke inviterede danskerne ind bag hækken i villaen nord for København. Dette er den ufortalte historie om bagsiden af berømmelsen. Og om den dag i 2011, da to blodpropper tog Michael Bundesen væk fra de danske scener og sluttede eventyret Shu-Bi-Dua.Michael Bundesens selvbiografi er dog først og fremmest en begejstret beretning om tiden i 70’erne, 80’erne, 90’erne og 00’erne med vanvittig, eksploderende energi i drengeklubben Shu-Bi-Dua. Nationalbandet, der skabte nogle af vores mest elskede sange, mens de bag scenen flere gange var på randen af totalt kollaps. Det er en bog om en nørdet knægt fra Taarbæk, der altid vidste, at lige præcis han skulle være Danmarks Elvis. Om at perfektionere kunsten at læse publikum og give dem præcis, hvad de ønsker. Om at blive det bedst sælgende band i Danmark nogensinde. Om at stå på scenen i Tivoli i voksenble og grine dybt i maven. Om at have svært ved at stoppe det hele. Og om de forbandede blodpropper, der tvang ham til det.

  • - Mine unge år
    by Jens Andersen
    £16.99 - 20.49


  • by Elsebeth Egholm
    £16.99 - 20.49

    Koncertpianisten Malou Beck mister på samme tid både sin mor og sin musik. Under oprydning i morens lejlighed finder Malou og hendes søster en gammel lakplade – en Chopin-indspilning fra 1930’erne med en fransk pianist, Sophie Costeau, indspillet på et helt særligt flygel. Musikken er magisk, og da hun ser fotoet på omslaget, ser hun, at Sophie ligner hende selv. Har deres mor holdt på en familiehemmelighed?For at finde sandheden om Sophie og finde flyglet til sin ven, instrument- samleren Elias, tager hun til Lorraine i Frankrig. Men sproget driller. Som tolk hyrer hun derfor Cody Blake, en amerikaner med en dyster fortid, som bor på en husbåd ved Moselfloden. Han er guitarist i et coverband, for i musikken kan han glemme sig selv. For Cody er Malou den, der kan gøre ham hel. For Malou er han den, der kan vise vej tilbage til det, hun har mistet. Men der er hensyn, der vejer tungere end kærligheden.

  • by Jennifer Otter Bickerdike

    A ROUGH TRADE, MOJO, UNCUT & LOUDER THAN WAR BOOK OF THE YEARA redemptive, myth-shattering biography of one of the twentieth century's most underestimated creative and artistic forces.'Here is the Odyssey of Nico . . . a scholarly and detailed chronicle of this brilliant artist, who was spurned and tortured for her trouble.'IGGY POP'At last, a comprehensive and compelling book about Nico.'VIV ALBERTINE'Absorbs from start to finish.'OBSERVERThe real story of Nico is one of determination, self-destruction and belief in one's artistic vision, at any cost . . .You Are Beautiful and You Are Alone is an empowering reappraisal of an underappreciated icon. Drawing upon new interviews and rare archival material Bickerdike defies the sexist casting of Nico's life as the tragedy of a beautiful woman losing her youth and fame, and instead cements her legacy as one of the most vital artists of her generation.'Gripping.' THE TIMES'[This] book gets closer to understanding Nico than most.' GUARDIAN'Deserves to sit with the great biographies.' RECORD COLLECTOR'A compassionate portrait of a musician whose artistry has often been overlooked.' MOJO'Valuable . . . Bickerdike gives Nico her due as an artist.' THE SPECTATOR'Entertainingly written and insightful.' INDEPENDENT'The best music book you will read this year.' LOUDER THAN WAR

  • by Tina Dickow

    TÆL TIL TINA Tina Dickow er en af Danmarks største og mest folkekære sangerinder, der med sin musik og sine tekster har tryllebundet sit publikum igennem næsten 20 år. 'Tæl til Tina' er en personlig fortælling om Tina Dickows liv med og midt i musikken indtil nu; fra den spæde start ved klaveret i Åbyhøj til de store internationale scener. Fra kunstnerlivet i London til familielivet på Island. Det er historien om "Pigen fra Åbyhøj" med et søgende og rastløst sind, på jagt efter lykken ude i den store verden med en akustisk guitar på ryggen.Med sine sange som rød tråd fortæller hun om sangskrivning, turnéliv og rampelys, tvivl og svære stunder i studiet og på scenen, om angst og fristelser og om hendes higen efter række ud efter og røre sit publikum. Og ikke mindst om den store kærlighed ... 'Tæl til Tina' er en fortælling i to spor: et nutidsspor, hvor Tina er alene på turné i Tyskland og beskriver turnélivet i alle dets facetter, og et retrospektivt spor, der fortæller om hendes karriere med ekstra fokus på tiden omkring hendes gennembrudsalbum 'Count To Ten', der har 10-års jubilæum i år.

  • - En musiker finder fred i eget hus
    by Peter Bastian
    £6.99 - 8.49

    "Efter at Mesterlære udkom i 2011, er der sket mange afgørende ting i mit liv. Jeg kan se, hvordan forestillingen om det gode, det højere og den bedste udgave af mig selv har været en drivkraft, men også hvordan den forestilling har skabt fjendskab i mit eget liv. Bogen handler om, hvordan jeg er kommet til forsoning med mig selv – fred i eget hus. Og om efter et langt liv at have fundet et nyt syn på kærlighed." Peter Bastian, den 20. marts 2017 Sådan skrev musikeren Peter Bastian, en uge før han døde efter flere års sygdom, 73 år gammel. Ordene faldt som en indledning til denne bog, der gengiver Bastians begejstring og forundring over at være nået frem til en tro på at være altid allerede elsket. Et tankevækkende indblik i et menneskes inderlige længsel efter kærlighed. Bogen blev til ved en samtale på Arresødal Hospice, hvor forfatteren Tor Nørretranders var på besøg 11 dage før Peter Bastians død. De to venner talte sig gennem alt det, Peter Bastian havde på hjerte. En let redigeret båndudskrift blev til bogens tekst. Bogens billeder er udvalgt af Lars H.U.G. blandt tegninger og malerier udført af Peter Bastian gennem et langt liv.

  • - A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
    by Julia Cameron
    £16.49 - 19.99

    'I love it. A practical, spiritual, nurturing book.' - Russell BrandTHE MULTI-MILLION-COPY WORLDWIDE BESTSELLERSince its first publication, The Artist's Way has inspired the genius of Elizabeth Gilbert, Tim Ferriss, Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington and millions of readers to embark on a creative journey and find a deeper connection to process and purpose. Julia Cameron guides readers in uncovering problems and pressure points that may be restricting their creative flow and offers techniques to open up opportunities for growth and self-discovery.A revolutionary programme for personal renewal, The Artist's Way will help get you back on track, rediscover your passions, and take the steps you need to change your life. 'Each time I've learned something important and surprising about myself and my work ... Without The Artist's Way, there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love' ELIZABETH GILBERT

  • by Schuster & To Be Confirmed Simon
    £9.99 - 23.99

  • by Søren Genefke

    ALT OM VINYL er bogen til pladeelskere og alle, der er nysgerrige på at lære mere om vinylpladens verden. Bogen er en 280 sider lang kærlighedserklæring til det analoge format og alle de sære, spøjse og fantastiske anekdoter, der knytter sig til det. Den er spækket med hundredevis af flotte farvefotos og krydret med interviews med en lang række danske pladeentusiaster. Bogen tager dig med helt ind i studiet og ­presseriet, hvor ­pladen bliver født, og fortæller om de mange ­pladeselskab­er og deres mest legendariske udgivelser. Bliv klogere på vinylpladens historie, få ny viden om produktionen i Danmark og find ud af at afkode de mange skjulte budskaber, der gemmer sig i pladernes udløb. ALT OM VINYL lærer dig alt, der er værd at vide, om originaludgaver, covertyper, genoptryk og genudgivelser og hjælper dig med at gøre gode køb på vinylmarkedet og ikke mindst til at passe godt på din egen vinylsamling.

  • - Volume I Sixth Edition (C Instruments)

    The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time. Since the 1970s, musicians have trusted these volumes to get them through every gig, night after night. The problem is that the books were illegally produced and distributed, without any regard to copyright law, or royalties paid to the composers who created these musical masterpieces. Hal Leonard is very proud to present the first legitimate and legal editions of these books ever produced. You won't even notice the difference, other than that all of the notorious errors have been fixed: the covers and typeface look the same, the song list is nearly identical, and the price for our edition is even cheaper than the original! Every conscientious musician will appreciate that these books are now produced accurately and ethically, benefitting the songwriters that we owe for some of the greatest tunes of all time! Includes 400 songs: All Blues * Au Privave * Autumn Leaves * Black Orpheus * Bluesette * Body and Soul * Bright Size Life * Con Alma * Dolphin Dance * Don't Get Around Much Anymore * Easy Living * Epistrophy * Falling in Love with Love * Footprints * Four on Six * Giant Steps * Have You Met Miss Jones? * How High the Moon * I'll Remember April * Impressions * Lullaby of Birdland * Misty * My Funny Valentine * Oleo * Red Clay * Satin Doll * Sidewinder * Stella by Starlight * Take Five * There Is No Greater Love * Wave * and hundreds more!

  • - En samtale med digteren Jens Rosendal om liv og forfatterskab
    by Anne Knudsen & Steen Valgreen-Voigt
    £6.99 - 8.49

    Jens Rosendal fortæller åbent om følelser og livserfaring, om sit forhold til Gud og den missionske opvækst i det nordjyske. Naturen og Vadehavet står stærkt i Jens Rosendals forfatterskab. Han fortæller om at være national og modstander af EU, og han gør sig tanker om fællessangens betydning. Teksten er ledsaget af udvalgte Rosendal-sange og foto fra egnen omkring Ballum, hvor Jens Rosendal har tilbragt det meste af sit liv. I bogen medvirker Rasmus Skov Borring, der har skrevet melodier til en lang række af Jens Rosendals sange og holder foredrag og sangaftner med udgangspunkt i Jens Rosendals sangskat.

Music has that special connection with our feelings. It can both make us happy and sad, help through a crisis and through all the difficult feelings we need to acknowledge. Life is not just about being happy, and music can take you on a journey through all those different feelings. In that way music can function as a form of therapy. Music can comfort you and the lyrics can make you feel embraced and recognized. Some of the songs we love most are those, which have that universal feeling and message in them. Those songs that cover all the different and conflicting feelings of life in a verse. You can learn the secrets behind some of the biggest hits or most beautiful ballads in our selection of music books. 
You could also get to know your biggest idol in our icon books. Some of the music icons have lived an inspiring and sometimes hard life, and you can learn a lot from there stories. We have biographic music books with musicians from different genres, all with their own fascinating story. We have multiple music books about the extremely talented singer Freddie Mercury - the frontman, pianist and songwriter in the legendary band Queen. Freddie Mercury had an amazing career and a magnificent voice, and he was at the same time a huge inspiration for homosexuals and generally everyone, who felt different. The singer must tragically lost his life to AIDS and the world lost one of its biggest stars to date, but you can revisit Freddie Mercury’s amazing talent and read his story in the music books Bohemian Rhapsody - The Definitive Biography of Freddie Mercury, Freddie Mercury - the Biography, Somebody to Love - The Life, Death and Legacy of Freddie Mercury, and many more.

Music books for students
If you are studying the wonderful world of music or just wants to improve your performance you should look at our music theory books. They will help you with all the different techniques no matter the instrument. At Tales you find music books for piano, music books for keyboard and music books for guitar. They will all help you in your musicology study or on your journey to becoming an amazing musician yourself. 
We also have music history books that will take you on a journey with all the greatest from Beethoven and Mozart to Tjajkovskij and Stravinskij. When you travel through the history of music you will also visit different music periods and get a better understanding of why the music sounds so differently throughout history. The music is formed by its time and the historical events of that time. If you are interested in the history of music we will recommend the music history book by Cecil Gray called History of Music. The music book moves in the crossfield between the elementary, educational and tries to give answers to some of the things we do not yet understand. It starts with the Gregorian Chant and moves through investigations of both French, Italian, English, and Russian music. 

If you like to visit the theatre for a musical you can take some of that magic with you home by finding the books, scripts and lyrics of all the biggest hit shows on Broadway and West End. Experiencing a live performance is something unique, but it is over too fast. That is why we recommend you to dive deeper into your favorite musicals with the music books on Tales. You find the lyrics and story behind the world’s nr. 1 hit musical Hamilton that changed the world. The show won The Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2016 and tells the story of one of America’s Founding Fathers Alexander Hamilton. The musical contains an amazing Grammy award winning soundtrack with the most brilliant lyrics telling the story of the American civil war. The man behind it all is the extremely talented Lin Manuel Miranda, who tells the story of American then, but with the sounds and faces of modern times. You can dive into the fascinating story of Alexander Hamilton and the musical in the book Hamilton: The Revolution or you can learn how to perform the amazing songs yourself with the music books Hamilton - Vocal Selections & Piano or Hamilton - Easy Piano Selections

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