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Here you will find exciting books about Entrepreneurship. Below is a selection of over 9.033 books on the subject.
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  • - The #1 New York Times Bestseller
    by Marie Forleo

  • - Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence
    by Stephen A. Schwarzman

    This story literally has what it takes: the anecdotes, the insights and, most of all,the values to guide the next generation of entrepreneurs. Mark Carney The real story of what it takes from a man who could turn dreams into realities.Ray Dalio Candid, funnyand real, Steve offers wisdom and the gift ofmuch-needed common sensechapter by chapter and experience by experience.A great read! John KerryFrom Blackstone chairman, CEO and co-founder Stephen A. Schwarzman, a long-awaited book that uses impactful episodes from Schwarzmans life to show readers how to build, transform and lead thriving organisations. Whether you are a student, entrepreneur, philanthropist, executive or simply someone looking for ways to maximise your potential, the same lessons apply. People know who Stephen Schwarzman is he's the man who took $400,000 and co-founded Blackstone, the investment firm that manages over $500 billion (as of January 2019). He's the CEO whose views are sought by heads of state. He's the billionaire philanthropist who founded Schwarzman Scholars, this century's version of the Rhodes Scholarship, in China. But behind these achievements is a man who has spent his life learning and reflecting on what it takes to achieve excellence, make an impact, and live a life of consequence. Folding handkerchiefs in his father's linen shop, Schwarzman dreamed of a larger life, filled with purpose and adventure. After starting his career in finance at a financial firm called DLJ, Schwarzman began working at Lehman Brothers where he ascended to run the mergers and acquisitions practice. He eventually partnered with his mentor and friend Pete Peterson to found Blackstone, where Schwarzman's simple mantra don't lose money has helped Blackstone become a leading private equity and real estate investor, and manager of alternative assets for institutional investors globally. Schwarzman is also an active philanthropist, having given away more than a billion dollars. His gifts have ranged from creating a new College of Computing at MIT for the study of artificial intelligence, to establishing a first-of-its-kind student and performing arts centre at Yale, to founding the Schwarzman Scholars fellowship programme at Tsinghua University in Beijing the single largest philanthropic effort in China's history from international donors. From deal-making to investing, leadership to entrepreneurship, philanthropy to diplomacy, Schwarzman has lessons for how to think about ambition and scale, risk and opportunities, and how to achieve success through the relentless pursuit of excellence.

  • - Tiltræk de kunder, du gerne vil have, og styrk deres tillid, så de køber af dig igen og igen
    by René Hjetting

    Denne bog lærer dig at tiltrække de kunder, du gerne vil have, og styrke deres tillid, så de køber af dig igen og igen. – Og ikke på den anmassende og ‘supersælgende’ facon, som kendetegner traditionel marketing, men uden på nogen måde at være irriterende. Tværtimod vil dine kunder værdsætte det, du tilbyder, og du vil have det godt med dig selv imens. Opbyg dit publikum er en håndbog i markedsføring for selvstændige. Med udgangspunkt i det, du allerhelst vil arbejde med, og de kunder, du allerhelst vil have, lærer du at tiltrække netop de kunder, så de køber af dig igen og igen. Bogen er et idékatalog, propfyldt med tips, tricks og vejledninger i de forskellige faser af din markedsføring, så du kan udvælge lige de områder, du har brug for hjælp til. Samtidig er bogen en generel indføring i tillidsbaseret markedsføring. Du lærer, hvordan du opbygger det helt rigtige publikum uden at være påtrængende, og hvordan du skaber sammenhæng i din markedsføring. Trin for trin lærer du, hvordan du får dine drømme-kunder ind i din forretning og skaber langtidsholdbare relationer til gavn for såvel dig som dine kunder.

  • - Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success
    by Gary Vaynerchuk
    £12.99 - 18.99

  • - Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths
    by Mariana Mazzucato

  • - Sådan skaber du en succesfuld abonnementsforretning
    by Andreas Dirksen
    £10.99 - 14.49

    Skab en succesfuld abonnementsforretning i 20 enkle trin. SIGN UP er Andreas Dirksens udførlige guide til, hvordan du skaber en succesfuld forretning med abonnements fordele. Bogen giver dig gode råd og gennemgår de 20 vigtigste trin, som ruster dig til at kaste dig ud i et abonnementseventyr. Samtidig er SIGN UP historien om, hvordan det lykkedes for Andreas Dirksen at få succes med millionforretningen Plusbog, en nyskabende bogklub, som ruskede op i den danske bogbranche.

  • by Mark H. McCormack

    The bestselling business classic by the sports management legend.

  • by Andrew Chen

  • by Alex Hormozi

  • by Rory Smith

  • - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship
    by Mj Demarco

    WHAT IF LIFE WASNT ABOUT DECADES OF WAGE-SLAVERY, PAYING BILLS, AND THEN DYING?Today's contemporary slavery is an implied social contract whereas a gilded cage is exchanged for voluntary indebtedness and lifelong toil, a price sacrificed by a non-redeemable fifty-years of Monday through Friday, a willful servitude in which freedom is only promised by the dawn of lifes fading twilight.' ~ MJ DeMarco HAS AN INVISIBLE SCRIPT HIJACKED YOUR LIFE?UNLOCK YOUR TRUTH. UNLEASH YOUR DREAM.Tired of sleepwalking through a mediocre life bribed by mindless video-gaming, redemptive weekends, and a scant paycheck from a soul-suffocating job? Welcome to the SCRIPTED club where membership is neither perceived or consented.The fact is, ever since you've been old enough to sit obediently in a classroom, you have been culturally engineered for servitude, unwittingly enslaved into a Machiavellian system where illusionary rules go unchallenged, sanctified traditions go unquestioned, and lifelong dreams go unfulfilled. As a result, your life is hijacked and marginalised into debt, despair, and dependence. Lifes death sentence becomes the daily curse of the trivial and mundane. Fun fades. Dreams die. Dont let lifes consolation prize become a car and a weekend.Recapture what is yours and make a revolutionary repossession of life-and-liberty through the pursuit of entrepreneurship. A paradigm shift isnt neededthe damn paradigm needs to be thrown-out altogether.The truth is, if you blindly follow conventional wisdom pushed by conventional people living conventional lives, can you expect to be anything but conventional? Rewrite life's script: ditch the job, give Wall Street the bird, and escape the insanity of trading your life away for a paycheck and an elderly promise called retirement.UNSCRIPT today and start leading life instead of life leading you.

  • - Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
    by Gary Vaynerchuk
    £12.99 - 18.49

    Gary Vaynerchuk has captured attention with his multi-faceted approach to personal branding and business. After utilizing traditional advertising techniques to build his family's local wine business into a national industry leader, Gary leveraged social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to promote Wine Library TV, his video blog.

  • by Noah Kagan

    It's time to leapfrog the only hurdle between you and a million-dollar company.More people than ever want to be their own boss, but venturing forward with your own business can be hugely intimidating. Are you investing effort in ideas that have no basis in customer demand? Are you shying away from even considering starting your own business? Noah Kagan knew this feeling all too well, but has since discovered how to banish the one simple thing holding aspiring entrepreneurs back, to become a 7-figure founder.MILLION DOLLAR WEEKEND offers an into-the-deep-end process for overcoming fear and perfectionism and making the business of your dreams a reality. Step-by-step, Noah shows what it takes to oust fear and build the "ask muscle", and shares practical advice that every entrepreneur needs to master. By demystifying what it takes to start a business, turning risk into realistic action and fear into fun, this is the beginning of your journey to successful entrepreneurship.And the best part? You can kickstart this process in a weekend.

  • - From Crisis to Opportunity
    by Scott Galloway
    £9.49 - 18.49

  • - The Art and Science of Creating Good Luck
    by Dr Christian Busch

  • - The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork
    by Dan Sullivan

    Make a mindset shift that will open the door to incredible growth and limitless possibility in your business and your life - just by asking the right question. By mastering the Who Not How philosophy, you will learn how billionaires and successful entrepreneurs build incredible businesses and personal freedom, along with massive success.

  • - Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You
    by John Warrillow

  • - 24 Steps to a Successful Startup
    by Bill Aulet

    24 Steps to Success! Disciplined Entrepreneurship will change the way you think about starting a company. Many believe that entrepreneurship cannot be taught, but great entrepreneurs aren t born with something special they simply make great products.

  • - Paradokser i spil
    by Torben Bager, Suna Løwe Nielsen, Kim Klyver & et al.

    Bogen præsenterer læseren bredt for fænomenet entreprenørskab. Den sætter fokus på muligheders tilblivelse, evaluering og organisering. Muligheder som kan resultere i nye og selvstændige organisationer eller kan lede til nye projekter og forretningsområder inden for eksisterende virksomheder og i andre organisatoriske kontekster.Teorier om entreprenørskab er fyldt med spændinger og dilemmaer. De præsenteres i bogen som en samling af paradokser. Dette udfordrer forståelsen af entreprenørskab og giver læseren indblik i teoriernes spændingsfyldte natur. Samtidig afspejler paradokserne den usikkerhed og kompleksitet, entreprenører møder i deres hverdag. Læseren udfordres via bogen til at være kritisk og tage stilling til mange af de ofte gådefulde og dilemmafyldte situationer, entreprenører kommer i på deres vej.Hvert kapitel indledes med en konkret entreprenøriel fortælling, som giver appetit på kapitlets emne og det paradoks, der behandles i kapitlet. Læseren møder “virkelighedens entreprenører” på en meget konkret måde. Først herefter inddrages teorier og begreber om entreprenørskab. Hvert kapitel afsluttes med en dobbelt fortolkning af fortællingen, som afspejler paradoksets to sider. Undervejs i kapitlerne stilles en række opgaver, hvor den studerende skal afprøve teori og forholde sig til konkrete problemstillinger, og nogle af disse opgaver løses ved hjælp af e-værktøjer.Bogen har en introducerende karakter. Den kræver ingen specielle forkundskaber, kan bruges af alle studieretninger ved de videregående uddannelser og henvender sig bredt til alle studerende: både dem, der har et ønske om at starte egen virksomhed – eller allerede driver egen virksomhed i studietiden, og dem, som mere generelt ønsker at udvikle en entreprenøriel tankegang og relevante entreprenørielle kompetencer til brug i deres fremtidige karriere.

  • by Walter Isaacson
    £16.99 - 20.49

    Forfatteren af "Steve Jobs" og andre storsælgende biografier går tæt på en af vor tids mest fascinerende og kontroversielle opfindere – Elon Musk, en grænseoverskridende visionær, som har bragt verden ind i en æra af elbiler, privat rumforskning og kunstig intelligens.Walter Isaacson har fulgt Musk og menneskerne omkring ham gennem to år. Resultatet er blevet en fyldestgørende biografi om en excentrisk personlighed, der deler vandene med sin radikale risikovillighed og i sidste ende rejser spørgsmålet: Er Musks dæmoner også en forudsætning for nytænkning og fremskridt?Om forfatteren:Walter Isaacson (f. 1952) er professor i historie, journalist samt forfatter og er især kendt for at være en af vor tids største biografister med fokus på at portrættere visionære og innovative personligheder, der har sat deres præg på verden.

  • - 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon
    by Steve Anderson

    The USA TODAY and WALL STREET JOURNAL bestseller which uses Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' annual shareholder letters to show why, when, and how to take risks and grow your business.

  • - How to Build a Product That Sells Itself
    by Bush Wes

  • - drop 9-5, bo hvor du vil og bliv rig på en ny måde
    by Timothy Ferriss

    Timothy Ferriss stiller i sin bog 4-timers arbejdsuge spørgsmålstegn ved vores tendens til at sætte lighedstegn mellem arbejdsliv og livet i sig selv. Ferriss tænker fremtiden ind i nutiden - er provokerende og innovativ og rammer noget i ethvert moderne stresset menneske, som gerne vil have tid til mere livskvalitet. I bogen får vi Timothy Ferriss´ opskrift på, hvordan han som selvstændig erhvervsdrivende ændrede egne arbejdsvaner, byggede sit firma op på en anderledes måde og fik mere livskvalitet. Det er en manual for mindre firmaer og enmandsfirmaer, der viser, hvordan man kan udlicitere i lighed med globale firmaer.Bogen udkom oprindeligt i 2007, og i 2008 udkom den på dansk på forlaget Borgen.

  • - Why So Many Ideas Fail and How to Make Sure Yours Succeed
    by Alberto Savoia

    The Law of Market Failure: Most new products will fail in the market, even if competently executed.Using his experience at Google, his remarkable success as an entrepreneur and consultant, and insights from his lectures at Stanford University and Google, Alberto Savoia's The Right It offers an unparalleled approach to beating the beast that is market failure.Millions of people around the world are working hard to bring to life new ideas. Some of these ideas will turn out to be stunning successes that will have a major impact on our world and our culture: The next Google, the next Polio vaccine, the next Harry Potter, the next Red Cross, the next Ford Mustang. Others will be smaller, more personal but no less meaningful, successes: A little restaurant that becomes a neighborhood favorite, a biography that does not make the best-seller list but tells an important story, a local nonprofit to care for abandoned pets. At this very same moment, another group of people is working equally hard to develop new ideas that, when launched, will fail. Some of them will fail spectacularly and publicly: like New Coke, the movie ?John Carter?, or the Ford Edsel. Others will be smaller, more private, but no less painful failures: A home-based business that never takes off, a children's book that neither publishers nor children have any interest in, a charity for a cause that too few people care enough about. If you are currently working to develop a new idea, whether on your own or as part of a team, which group are you in? Most people believe that they either are, or will be, in the first group?the group whose ideas will be successful. All they have to do is work hard and execute well. Unfortunately, we know that this cannot be the case. The law of market failure tells us that up to 90 percent of most new products, services, businesses, and initiatives will fail soon after they are launched?regardless of how promising they sound, how much we commit to them, or how well we execute them. This is a hard fact to accept. We believe that other people fail because they don't know what they are doing. Somehow, we believe that this does not apply to us and to our idea?especially if we've experienced victories in the past.Filled with detailed case studies, a lesson on creating your own hard data, a strategy for market engagement, and an introduction to the concept of a pretotype (not a prototype), The Right It is a groundbreaking, entertaining, and highly practical book delivers a proven formula for turning ideas, products, services, and businesses into successful endeavors. As Alberto writes, ?make sure you are building The Right It before you build It right?.

  • - Start, Grow, and Succeed in the Mobile Food Business
    by David Weber

    How to start, grow, and succeed in the food truck business. Food trucks have become a wildly popular and important part of the hospitality industry. Consumers are flocking to these mobile food businesses in droves, inspiring national food truck competitions and even a show dedicated to the topic on The Food Network.

  • by Syd McGee

    Meet Syd and Shea McGee, the powerhouse couple behind Studio McGee, the fastest-growing interior design studio in the country. This uplifting guide, filled with insights and wisdom from Syd and Shea's ongoing journey, shows readers how classic interior design principles can be used to build an authentically beautiful life.

  • by Jim Collins

    ______________________________NEARLY THIRTY YEARS AGO, Stanford University faculty members Jim Collins and Bill Lazier showed you how to turn an entrepreneurial business into an enduring great company.Beyond Entrepreneurship became a leadership staple, particularly among small and early-stage companies. And while Collins would go on to write a series of famous bestsellers that have sold more than ten million copies worldwide, this lesser-known early work remains the favourite of many of his loyal readers.Now, with Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0, Collins re-shares the timeless insights in Beyond Entrepreneurship alongside new perspectives gleaned after decades of additional research into what makes great companies tick. In Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0, you'll learn how to turn your company into the 2.0 version of itself. You'll be challenged to grow your own leadership as your company grows, from 1x to 2x to 5x to 10x. You'll learn Collins's newest reflections on people decisions, insights that extend beyond his seminal "first who" principle about getting the right people on the bus. You'll learn why luck favours the persistent, and what it means to look for "who luck." You'll learn about the origins of the "BHAG" (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), and why even a small business needs a galvanising BHAG to have a complete and inspiring vision. You'll also unlock what Collins calls "The Map." The Map is a road map that pulls together the key concepts developed from thirty years of research and writing into one integrated framework for building a company that delivers superior results, makes a distinctive impact, and achieves lasting endurance.Finally, you'll learn the lessons that Jim Collins himself learned from the most influential mentor in his life, Bill Lazier. Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0 is the ambitious upgrade to a classic. In Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0, you'll discover that the goal to turn your business into an enduring great company is as relevant - and as within your reach - as ever.

  • by Katrine Marcal

  • - The Unexpected Paths to Success From the World's Most Inspiring Entrepreneurs
    by Built-It Productions
    £9.99 - 16.49

    How I Built This will offer invaluable insight, direction and advice to entrepreneurs at every point on their entrepreneurial path.

  • - Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist
    by Brad Feld & Jason Mendelson

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