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At Tales you find a wide variety of children’s books, because we all know that our children deserve the best. In our selection you will find all the classics with the most beloved children’s books characters, but you can also let your child take on an adventure with some new heroes. Either way the world of books is an enchanting place for a child experiencing the magic of a good children’s story for the first time, and what makes the world of children’s books even more magical is the many beautiful and thrilling childrens’ books illustrations. They make the characters come alive. So if you want to introduce your child to the magical world of books let the magic begin here.
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  • by Nicholas Allan

    It's a busy year for the Queen - she has lots of important events to attend. Meanwhile, a little girl is wondering what knickers Her Majesty will choose to wear on a school visit! Will they be her 'at home' knickers - adorned with corgis - or her 'garden party' knickers, or perhaps her woolly Balmoral ones...?Both children and adults will love this very special and endearing insight into a child's imagination, from the best-selling author-illustrator of Father Christmas Needs A Wee and Jesus' Christmas Party.Recently, the Queen visited a nursery in Norfolk and enjoyed a display based on the book:"e;...just to make it special, there was one element that was not quite so traditional: pants. These were not just any pants, either. They were the Queen's Knickers, and at Dersingham Infant and Nursery School, in Norfolk, they were put on special display in honour of their royal visitor"e; ~ Valentine Low, The Times

  • by Kes Gray

    Billy's Bucket is a delightful children's book written by the renowned author Kes Gray. Published in 2004, this book is a must-read for young readers. The story revolves around the imaginative world of a boy named Billy and his extraordinary bucket. The genre of the book is children's fiction, which is a specialty of Kes Gray. His ability to weave stories that captivate the young mind is truly commendable. Published by Penguin Random House Children's UK, a publisher known for its wide range of children's books, Billy's Bucket is a testament to their commitment to quality literature for children. The book is available in English. So, immerse yourself in the magical world of Billy's Bucket, and you will not be disappointed.

  • by Astrid Lindgren

    Her er en samling af de allerdejligste historier af Astrid Lindgren for de 4-8 årige. En lydbog der kan høres igen og igen.Bogen indholder bl.a.:Pippi finder en spunkDragen med de røde øjnePelle flytter til KomfusenboI SkumringslandetJeg vil ikke i seng!Emil og suppeterrinenPontus går i skole (uddrag fra Børnene i Bulderby) Indlæst af Grete Tulinius.

  • by Eric Carle

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Little Learning Library by Eric Carle is a delightful and educational book published in 2009 by Penguin Random House Children's UK. This book is a part of the beloved children's literature genre. It's a charming story of a very hungry caterpillar who eats his way through a wide variety of food before pupating and emerging as a beautiful butterfly. The book is filled with Eric Carle's distinctive collage illustrations and offers the opportunity to learn about numbers, days of the week, and different types of food. This little learning library is an essential addition to every child's bookshelf. It's an engaging and fun way to introduce young readers to the world of reading. Penguin Random House Children's UK has done a fantastic job in maintaining the quality and charm of this classic story.

  • by Vilh. Hansen & Carla

    Rasmus Klumps allerbedste historier er den unikke samling historier om den helt igennem danske bjørn, Klump, og hans venner Pingo, Pelle, Skæg og alle de andre.Historierne er fortalt i børnehøjde - her er ingen ubehagelige overraskelser - intet ondt forstyrrer denne verden af finurlighed og humor.I Rasmus Klumps allerbedste historier er hjælpen og løsningen altid lige rundt om næste hjørne.I bogen finder du historierne omRasmus Klump og den røde bilRasmus Klump redder Prinsesse NannaRasmus Klump laver en filmRasmus Klump og PåskeharenRasmus Klump og pandekageskibetRasmus Klump og drageungenRasmus Klump på kageøenRasmus Klump besøger muldvarperneRasmus Klump og juletræetLydbogen er indlæst af Lars Thiesgaard.

  • by Coralie Bickford-Smith

    Once there was a Fox who lived in a deep, dense forest. For as long as Fox could remember, his only friend had been Star, who lit the forest paths each night. But then one night Star was not there, and Fox had to face the forest all alone.

  • by Eric Carle

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar: A Pull-Out Pop-Up, by Eric Carle, is a delightful and engaging children's book that was published by Penguin Random House Children's UK in 2014. This book, which belongs to the genre of children's literature, takes the reader on a captivating journey of a tiny caterpillar who eats its way through the pages, transforming into a beautiful butterfly by the end. The pull-out pop-up feature of the book adds an element of surprise and makes the reading experience even more fun and interactive. Eric Carle's vivid and imaginative illustrations are a feast for the eyes, making this book a must-have for every child's bookshelf. Grab your copy today and embark on this exciting adventure with the very hungry caterpillar.

  • by Fiona Watt

    A toy and a book in one, this large, chunky board book comes with a wind-up toy steam train. Wind the train up and set in on the embedded track in each page to see it chugging along through the countryside. Each of the four tracks is removable, and together they combine to make one giant train track.

  • by Felicity Brooks

    A vivid introduction to colour, from primary colours and the colour wheel, through to the moods and meanings of different colours. Pages dedicated to each colour are packed full of shades and tones, and an acetate page shows the effects of mixing colours. Introduces the basics of art theory, and specialist words to enrich children's vocabulary.

  • by Kes Gray

    A zany rhyming counting story with laugh-out-loud illustrations from an award-winning team.

  • by Astrid Lindgren

    Pippi er verdens stærkeste og sødeste pige. Hun bor alene i Villa Villekulla med sin hest, sin abe Hr. Nilsson og en taske fuld af guldpenge. Pippi har også to legekammerater, Tommy og Annika, som ofte kommer på besøg.

  • by Anna Llenas

    The Colour Monster is a delightful book penned by the talented Anna Llenas. Published by Templar Publishing in 2016, this book has captured the hearts of many. It belongs to a genre that appeals to the young and the old alike, with its vivid illustrations and heartfelt story. The Colour Monster is a unique exploration of emotions told through the eyes of a colourful monster. As you flip through the pages, you are taken on a journey of self-discovery and emotional understanding. Anna Llenas has masterfully used the medium of storytelling to simplify complex emotions for children. Templar Publishing has done a fantastic job in ensuring the book reaches its audience in the best form. If you haven't yet experienced the magic of The Colour Monster, it's high time you do!

  • by Julia Donaldson
    £8.49 - 11.49

    Poor little monkey! He's lost his mum. Luckily butterfly is nearby to help him find her . . .

  • by Thorbjørn Egner

    'Vi vil ha' wienerbrød, vi vil ha' wienerbrød!' råber de to små bakterietrolde, som bor i Jens' hule tand. De elsker sukker og søde sager og prøver at få Jens til at glemme tandbørsten. De er nemlig meget bange for den store, stride børste… Thorbjørn Egners klassiker om Karius og Baktus blev første gang udgivet i Danmark i 1958, og bogen har siden været at finde på hylden i børneværelset hos flere generationer.Lydbogen er lystigt indlæst af to af Danmarks mest folkekære skuespillere. Man kan nærmest se Dirch Passer og Ove Sprogø for sig, når de folder sig ud som de små muntre men plagsomme tandtrolde i denne klassiske indlæsning af Karius og Baktus.

  • by Katrine Hauch-Fausbøll
    £5.99 - 10.49

    Hver aften inden Bamse skal sove, sidder han i sin bløde lænestol og "læsefortæller" for sig selv, om alle de sjove ting der sker i den hemmelige skov. Hans yndlingsbog hedder SLUT PRUT GODNAT, for sådan siger han altid til sin strikkede Lillebjørn, når en godnathistorie ender... Nu har han læst og optaget sin yndlingsbog på cd.Og ja, det er faktisk lige pramsis den yndlingsbog, du har i hånden! Måske er der én, som elsker Bamse og Kylling og Ællling, der gerne vil have en godnathistorie med udflugt til Bamses hemmelige hule i skoven og alle de rarlige ting, som sker lige der? Og husk bagefter er det SLUT PRUT GODNAT!Lydbogen indeholder 32 godnathistorier, der fortæller om Bamses oplevelser med Kylling, Ælling, Luna og Aske. Lydbogen er indlæst af Bamse (Søren Hauch-Fausbøll).

  • by Bent Solhof

    "For det er Prop og Berta. Den lille tykke mandog så hans ko. De lever livet til hverdag. De hardet skægt, kan du tro."I Prop & Berta på eventyr fortæller legendariske Bent Solhof de første historier om den lille tykke mand Prop, hans talende ko Berta og deres oplevelser i skoven sammen med Tyttebøvserne. Hvordan skal de dog komme af med den berygtede Bukserysterbande, som har overtaget byen? Hvordan skal de få reddet den stakkels mand fra indianerne på Tutikaka øen? Det er ikke så nemt, og Prop, må som altid sætte sig ned og tænke, mens han piller bussemænd.Lydbogen indeholder følgende historier: Pigen der blev væk, Den stjålne politibil, De forsvundne Tyttebøvser, Prop og Berta og Bukserysterbanden, Prop som livredder, Prop og Berta på Indianerøen, Prop og Berta i Tivoli, Prop og Berta i vokskabinettet.

  • by Julia Donaldson
    £7.49 - 11.49

    Join the witch and her animal friends for a broomstick adventure!

  • by Per Sanderhage

    Rasmus Klump er helt alene, og det er tilmed hans fødselsdag.Alle hans venner har vældig travlt med noget meget, meget hemmeligt, og har slet ikke tid til at komme på besøg.Det er alt sammen meget mystisk, men heldigvis er der en god forklaring.Fødselsdagsbogen udkommer i anledning af Rasmus Klumps fødselsdag. Han har 60 års jubilæum.

  • by Carla Hansen & Vilhelm Hansen

    En hvirvelvind fører det gode skib Mary og Rasmus Klump og vennerne i Tivoli. Her er fyldt med sjove forlystelser, musik og balloner. Midt i al virvaret møder de Mille, der ikke kan finde sin onkel, som er ballonsælger i Tivoli. Så er det jo godt, at Klump og vennerne er gode til at hjælpe. Men mon ikke også de selv får brug for hjælp, for hvordan skal de komme hjem?Rasmus Klump har været en kendt og elsket figur blandt børn og barnlige sjæle, siden den første tegneserie om den lille bjørn og hans venner udkom i 1951. Rasmus Klump elsker pandekager og sammen med hans venner Pingo, Skæg og Pelle tager han på eventyr jorden rundt ombord på det gode skib Mary.Carla Hansen (1906-2001) var en dansk forfatter, der sammen med sin mand, tegneren Vilhelm Hansen (1900-1992), skabte den populære tegneserie om Rasmus Klump. Tegneserien startede som en avisstribe, men blev hurtigt så populær, at den udkom i bogform i flere lande. Carla og Vilhelm Hansen nåede at udgive over 40 bøger om den elskede bjørn. Rasmus Klump bor i dag i Tivoli i København.

  • by Bent Solhof

    "For det er Prop og Berta. Den lille tykke mand og så hans ko. De lever livet til hverdag. De har det skægt, kan du tro". Det er de to linjer af omkvædet, som enhver Prop&Berta-fan kan skråle med på af fuld hals, når man igen og igen hører historierne om de to venner. I Prop & Berta på eventyr fortæller legendariske Bent Solhof de første historierne om den lille tykke mand Prop, hans talende ko Berta og deres oplevelser i skoven sammen med Tyttebøvserne, og om pigen, der blev væk, og den stjålne politibil, og om mysteriet om de forsvundne julegaver, om de forheksede blommer, om heksedans på Bloksbjerg, og da Prop forelskede sig, og da Prop og Berta tog til Spanien, og om en tur i Tivoli, om æggetyven og et besøg i cirkus og om Prop og Bertas eventyr på Indianer-øen.Genhør de gode gamle klassikere som er elsket af alle børn i alderen 3 til 6 år.

  • by Jakob Martin Strid

    Livet går sin fredelige gang i Solby, indtil vennerne Mitcho og Sebastian fisker en flaskepost op fra havnen: Er flaskeposten virkelig fra JB, byens forsvundne borgmester? Findes Den Mystiske Ø? Hvad med De Forfærdelige Pirater, Den Frygtelige Sødrage og Det Natsorte Hav? Og ikke mindst:: Hvordan kan den KÆMPESTORE pære hjælpe de to venner? Svarene finder du i Jakob Martin Strids spændende og eventyrlige roman for børn i alle aldre.Den utrolige historie er indlæst af Lars Thiesgaard

  • by Dan Santat

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2019 UKLA BOOK AWARDAfter the fall, Humpty Dumpty is a broken egg. Life is tough: he's so afraid of heights, he can't even bear to climb onto his bed, or reach his favourite cereal on the top shelf at the supermarket.

  • by Dawn McMillan

    The book behind the viral internet sensation of "The Scottish Granny" reading this story to her grandchild. A young boy suddenly notices a big problem - his bum has a huge crack! So he sets off to find a new one. Will he choose an armor-plated bum? A rocket bum? A robot bum? Find out in this silly, quirky tale with hilarious illustrations.

  • by Malala Yousafzai

  • - Vitello #14
    by Kim Fupz Aakeson & Niels Bo Bojesen

    Møgungen William er blevet spejder og måske får han engang en kniv. VITELLO synes det med kniven lyder sejt, så han vil hjælpe med at gøre de gode gerninger spejdere skal gøre. Nu skal de bare finde nogen at gøre gode gerninger på. Vitello er en meget opfindsom dreng, der bor sammen med sin mor i et rækkehus ved ringvejen. Han er hovedperson i den anmelderroste og prisvindende bogserie, som er solgt i over 100.000 eksemplarer. Lyt også til de andre lydbøger, som alle er indlæst af Nicolas Bro. Serien fås også som Lyt&Læs e-bøger.

  • by Lotte Salling

    Lotte Salling har skrevet denne fantastiske Krible Krable bog på rim om alle de små krible krable dyr, som findes i naturen: myrer, bænkebidere, mariehøns, tusindben, lus, larven og mange flere. Smukt illustreret af Lea Letén. På højresiden finder man forslag til aktiviteter, som børnene kan lave enten derhjemme eller i daginstitutionen. Bogen giver bud på dialogisk læsning og motorisk deltagelse i sprogprocessen. For piger og drenge fra 2-6 år.

  • by Peppa Pig

    It is Diwali and Peppa and her family are learning all about this very special celebration!Mummy and Daddy Pig are cooking a feast, and Granny and Grandpa Pig bring everyone special clothes to wear. Then it's time for the party to begin!

  • by Vibeke Manniche

    Babytegn er simpelt og let at lære. Dog samtidig revolutionerende i al sin enkelthed. Babytegn er en stor hjælp for ikke mindst barnet, som takket være simple og lette tegn pludselig bliver forstået. På et tidspunkt, hvor barnet nok forstår, men desværre endnu ikke formår med ord at udtrykke sine ønsker, følelser og behov.Babytegn er særligt værdifuldt for at forebygge konflikter og mobning. Det kan med fordel bruges såvel derhjemme som i dagpasningen.

  • - Bilingual Early Learning & Easy Teaching Shona Books for Kids
    by Aneni S
    £9.99 - 15.49

  • by Jakob Martin Strid

    I den syvende bog om Mimbo Jimbo og hans venner beslutter Mimbo Jimbo sig for at bygge et fyrtårn. Vennerne hjælper med at løse pI roblemerne et efter et. Men hvem har egentlig glæde af et fyrtårn midt inde i landet? Hvad sker der, når Mimbo Jimbo tænder for den kæmpestore elektriske pære? Og hvad er det, der skjuler sig i tågen?

What defines a children’s book you may ask? The first and the most obvious characteristic of a children’s book is the fact that it is written it to children. Secondly is the importance of how the story is told. In children’s books the story is often told from a children's perspective, or the story has a child or an adult addressing a child as the storyteller. Thereby the child reading or hearing the story can identify with the main character or characters in the children’s story making the child more engaged in the plot. 
Another significant characteristic of children’s books is the use of pictures or illustrations. A children’s story is often told through a combination of written words and children’s books illustrations. It can also be in the form of a picture book, where the child creates the story from the pictures he or she sees. In the newest books we also see a frequent use of sound as an extra level of engagement. You can both find sound books and picture books in our selection of children’s books. 

Children’s books can cover a wide range of genres, but there are two main categories. Either we have the lyric kind that covers both children’s songs, rhymes or nonsense poetry, which often have a fun or silly theme that makes the children laugh while singing or rhyming along. The other kind of children’s books is the narrative story. This is the category of the fairytales, the children’s novels and the classical novels told for children. Here we see a frequent use of figurative language, which speaks to the children’s imagination. The plot in these narrative stories can both be set in a fictional or realistic world. 

The Classics 
The world of children’s books contain a lot of beloved classics by all the great children’s authors. Classics that never lose their magic. Classics that make you reflect. Classics that move you, because of all the lovely memories you have with the stories and all the wonderful children’s books characters. You probably remember yourself when your mom or dad read them to you before bedtime and you couldn’t sleep because of the fascination of all the amazing places, characters and action in the books. Then when you fell asleep you would dream the most wonderful dreams where your imagination would build on to the story and you could be the hero of your favorite fairy tale. You could give that same wonderful experience to your children when you read the timeless classics to them and in doing so sharing the magical world with them and thereby creating a unique bond between you and your children.
You can for example choose to travel back to Neverland with your children following the second star to the right with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, or you could take a trip through the mysterious rabbit hole and experience the curious world of Wonderland with Alice and the Mad Hatter.  

Colouring and learning books
If your child is in a creative mood, we also have a selection of children’s colouring books for both toddlers and tweens. Your child can colour everything from famous artworks by Frida Kahlo to all their favorite children’s books characters and magical creatures like unicorns. The colouring books are beautifully illustrated and just waits to be introduced to the world of colour making them even more beautiful. By letting your children colour figures in a children’s colouring book of their own choice you stimulate their creative side and fine motor skills. Colouring also works relaxing on your children given them a break from the busy everyday. 
You can also stimulate your child with the use of learning books. You will find a wide range of children’s learning books in our store. Your child can both learn about animals of all kinds including dinosaurs, but they can also learn how the body works, or get an introduction to the universe. No matter the topic the books are specially developed for children’s minds and are told in a language they can understand. 

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