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Learning is in itself a very simple subject, it is after all about learning. The site largely consists of books for children, because they are able to obtain information so much faster. That's why we’ve made a sublime collection of several books that picks up on many different aspects of life, which are not only limited to children. We do also have educational books for younger people, about nature and academic books. Find your next informative journey here!
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  • - og andre mundtlige eksamensformer med skriftligt materiale
    by Peter Stray Jørgensen & Helle Hvass

    Hæftet giver konkrete råd og vejledning for den type eksamener, der er en kombination af mundtligt og skriftligt, fx:synopsiseksamenermundtlig fremstilling af materiale, fx tekster, reklamer, statistiske data, projekter, undervisningsmaterialeforsvar for hele opgaver og specialerHæftet rummer forslag til udformningen af den skriftlige del og det mundtlige oplæg samt til at få en hensigtsmæssig dialog efterfølgende. Der er mange instruktive oversigter og kommenterede eksempler fra forskellige fag. Desuden er der råd om gruppeeksamen.

  • - A Unique Step-by-Step Visual Guide
    by Carol Vorderman

    A simple, visual guide to helping children understand English from Carol VordermanReduce the stress of studying English and help your child with their homework by following Help Your Kids with English, a unique visual guide that demystifies the subject for everyone.Carol Vorderman uses clear, accessible pictures, diagrams and easy-to-follow step-by-steps to cover all the important areas including punctuation, grammar, spelling, and communication skills, so you can approach even the most complex English concepts with confidence. Includes cross-references throughout to show links between language ideas and a glossary of key terms.Help Your Kids with English is the perfect guide for every frustrated parent and desperate child, who wants to understand English and put what they've learnt into practice.

  • by Svend Brinkmann, Lene Tanggaard & Thomas Aastrup Rømer
    £24.49 - 20.49

    I “Sidste chance” sætter Svend Brinkmann, Thomas Aastrup Rømer og Lene Tanggaard spørgsmålstegn ved, hvordan vi fortsat kan værne om begrebet “dannelse” til fordel for effektmåling og mere synlig læring. Bogens titel “Sidste chance” hentyder til, at mange begreber i dag uddør, og at det er ved at være sidste chance for at redde begrebet “dannelse”. En lang række af mere og mindre kendte danskere giver i bogen deres bud på, hvordan dannelse i dag kan forstås, og hvad vi i praksis kan gøre for, at begrebet ikke skal gå til grunde.Bogen er inddelt i kapitler skrevet af de forskellige deltagende: Svend BrinkmannThomas Aastrup RømerLene TanggaardHanne Leth AndersenMette FrederiksenHenrik JensenNiels Jakob PasgaardKåre Egholm PedersenIben Benedikte Valentin JensenLea KorsgaardCarolina Magdalene MaierMerete RiisagerKnud RomerRasmus Kolby RahbekKeld SkovmandMarianne Stidsen“Sidste chance” beskriver både selve dannelsesprocessen, og hvad den egentlig betyder, og sætter fokus på, hvorfor det er så vigtigt at bevare netop dannelse i vores målstyrede samfund. Svend Brinkmann er uddannet professor i psykolog og er kendt for alternative selvudviklingsbøger og at sætte samfundsproblematikker på spidsen.

  • - En billedbog med tekst af Thomas Winding
    by Thomas Winding

    For ca. 450 år siden gik Pieter Bruegel i gang med at male alle de fantastiske billeder, som vi kan blive ved med at kigge på og undre os over. Nogle af dem er lette at forstå. De illustrerer historier fra Biblen eller fortæller om bøndernes liv, men andre af billederne er mystiske, fyldt med symboler og mærkelige væsener, og Bruegel fortalte aldrig, hvad de handlede om. Derfor kan man digte sine egne historier, mens man kigger på dem, og det er netop, hvad Thomas Winding har gjort i denne bog.

  • by Dr. Seuss

    In this hilarious tale of mishap and misadventure, Dr. Seuss reminds us just how lucky we are.

  • - BIT-modellens anvendelse i socialfaglig forhandling
    by Anne Brorson

    Mange kommuner oplever stigninger i antallet af personer, der har brug for støtte fra socialområdet og servicelovens paragraffer, og dermed også et stigende økonomisk pres. I forhandlingen med leverandører har kommunerne pligt til at sikre, at der foretages individuelle vurderinger i alle borgersager, som serviceloven foreskriver. Derfor er forhandling ikke blot et spørgsmål om at nedbringe udgifter for at imødegå en økonomisk udfordring. Forhandling skal, for at være fagligt og juridisk velfunderet, være socialfagligt funderet. Bogen er skrevet til rådgivere, ledere og studerende indenfor socialområdet og giver en grundlæggende indføring i den socialfaglige forhandling, og hvordan den ud fra BIT-modellen (behov, indsats, takst) kan praktiseres sådan, at det understøtter både lovgivning, faglighed og økonomi. Den retter sig direkte på den daglige praksis og indeholder anonymiserede eksempler fra konkrete forhandlingssager. BIT-modellen kan benyttes på tværs af aldersgrupper og målgrupper. Det vil sige, at den socialfaglige forhandling kan udføres på børne- og familieområdet så vel som voksenområdet, selvom der i bogen tages udgangspunkt i det specialiserede voksenområde.

  • by Sarah Simblet

    Sarah Simblet unveils the extraordinary construction of the human body and celebrates its continuing prominence in Western Art today.

  • by George Orwell
    £8.49 - 19.99

    One of the BBC's '100 Novels that Shaped the World''Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past' Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, symbolic head of the Party. In his longing for truth and liberty, Smith begins a secret love affair with a fellow-worker Julia, but soon discovers the true price of freedom is betrayal.George Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four is perhaps the most pervasively influential book of the twentieth century.

  • by Chris Ferrie

    Chris Ferrie is a physicist, mathematician, and father of three budding young scientists. He believes it is never too early to introduce small children to big ideas!

  • by Julia Donaldson
    £11.49 - 22.49

    The bestselling picture book, available in large format!

  • - Hours Of Minecraft-Filled Fun
    by MC Steve

  • by Chris Ferrie

    Help your future genius become the smartest baby in the room by introducing them to robotics with the next installment of the Baby University board book series!

  • by Chris Ferrie

    Help your future genius become the smartest baby in the room by introducing them to Bayesian probability with the next installment of the Baby University board book series!

  • - God's Redemptive Story

    Introducing 'The Action Bible', a remarkable piece of literature that was published in 2020. This book is a creation of the renowned David C Cook Publishing Company. The Action Bible is an exceptional book that brings biblical stories to life in a way that is both captivating and enlightening. The author has done an excellent job of crafting a narrative that is not only engaging but also deeply insightful. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring biblical stories in a new and exciting way. The Action Bible is more than just a book; it's an experience that leaves you wanting more. Don't miss out on this incredible book from David C Cook Publishing Company.

  • by Cara Florance

    It only takes a small spark to ignite a child's mind.

  • by Dr. Seuss
    £7.49 - 7.99

  • by Heather Amery

    A bi-lingual Japanese/English word book that features a thousand everyday words illustrated with busy scenes and labelled pictures to help children learn key Japanese vocabulary.

  • by Emily Bone

    Look Inside Our World, a captivating book penned by Emily Bone, invites readers on a fascinating journey of discovery. Published in 2014 by Usborne Publishing Ltd, this book has been enthralling readers since its release. Dive into the genre of educational literature with this book, which skillfully combines learning with entertainment. Emily Bone, renowned for her ability to engage young minds, takes the reader on an exciting exploration of our world. The book is a testament to Usborne Publishing Ltd's commitment to publishing high-quality educational books. If you're looking to add a book to your collection that is both informative and engaging, Look Inside Our World by Emily Bone is an excellent choice.

  • by Chris Ferrie

    A new book in the bestselling series with simple explanations of complex ideas for your future genius!

  • by Elsa Beskow
    £7.49 - 11.49

    Delightful verses and delicate, playful illustrations take young children through the special joys of each month of the year.

  • by C. S. Lewis
    £7.49 - 13.49

    The Narnia Chronicles, first published in 1950, have been and remain some of the most enduringly popular children's books ever published. The best known, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, has been translated into 29 languages! "e;It's a magic wardrobe. There's a wood inside it, and it's snowing! Come and see,"e; begged Lucy. Lucy has stumbled upon a marvellous land of fauns and centaurs, nymphs and talking animals. But soon she discovers that it is ruled by the cruel White Witch, and can only be freed by Aslan, the great Lion, and four children... This is the second adventure in the exciting Chronicles of Narnia.

  • by Anna Milbourne

    The Usborne Complete Shakespeare, written by Anna Milbourne, is a must-have for all literature enthusiasts. Published in 2016 by Usborne Publishing Ltd, this book brings together the entire works of one of the most influential playwrights in history. The genre, as suggested by the title, is a compilation of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, making it a comprehensive resource for students, scholars, and fans alike. Anna Milbourne's remarkable interpretation of Shakespeare's works is not only insightful but also accessible to readers of all ages. This book is a testament to Usborne Publishing Ltd's commitment to bringing quality literature to readers worldwide.

  • by Chris Ferrie

    It only takes a small spark to ignite a child's mind.

  • by Carol Vorderman

    Kids can learn how to make their own games using Python, from mind-bending brainteasers to crazy action games with explosive sound effects and 3D graphics. Ages: 9+

  • - Øvelser, programmer og metoder
    by Marina Aagaard

    Fagbog om alle aspekter af fitness træning, fra opvarmning over styrketræning til udstrækning. Essentiel håndbog for alle med interesse for emnet.Træningsplanlægning gennemgås fra årsplan til programlægning med utallige informationer om valg af øvelser, redskaber, sæt, repetitioner, belastning, hastighed, pauser, rækkefølge, split og restitution. Desuden detaljerede beskrivelser af øvelser og variationer samt træningsteknik og skadesforebyggelse samt træning for særlige målgrupper.Kredsløbstræning, motoriktræning, styrketræning og bevægelighedstræning. Faciliteter, redskaber, forskellige træningsformer i fitnessregi samt trænerrollen og undervisningsmetoder.For instruktører, personlige trænere, fysiske trænere og fysioterapeuter samt idrætslærere og idrætsstuderende i gymnasiet og folkeskolen, på aftenskoler og højskoler, ved skoler, universiteter og seminarier.1. Indledning 82. Basisviden 9 Anatomi 9 Fysiologi 18 Ernæring 21 Doping 24 Spiseforstyrrelser 253. Træningslære 274. Træningsplanlægning 29 Behovsanalyse 31 Kapacitetsanalyse 31 Testning 37 Målsætning 52 Planlægning 53 Årsplan 63 Periodeplan 64 Ugeplan 65 Træningspasplan 67 Træning 70 5. Programlægning 73 Øvelser 75 Belastning 80 Repetitioner 85 Sæt 87 Kontraktionstype 88 Kontraktionstempo 89 Pauser 92 Øvelsesrækkefølge 93 Restitution 956. Programmer 97 Grundprogram 101 Efterfølgende programmer 105 Splitprogrammer 113 Variationsmetoder 1247. Organisation 127 Metoder 127 Træningsudstyr 132 Opstilling 143 Gruppering 144 Udgangsstillinger 1458. Opvarmning 147 9. Konditionstræning 149 Kontinuerlig træning 151 Intervaltræning 152 Træningsintensitet 155 Cardiotræning 163 Aerobic 167 Steptræning 169 Indendørs holdcykling 171 Udendørs kredsløbstræning 17310. Nedvarmning 17511. Koordinationstræning 177 Balancetræning 178 Boldtræning 18012. Muskeltræning 183 Formål og metode 184 Afbalanceret træning 186 Øvelsesvalg 187 Modifikationer 187 13. Smidighedstræning 189 14. Mentaltræning 193 Den mentale kapacitet 193 Mind-body træning 194 Terapi og træning 19515.Træningsteknik 197 Kropsholdning 197 Udgangsstilling 197 Vejrtrækning 199 Øvelsesudførelse 201 16. Træningsinstruktion 207 Øvelsesinstruktion 207 Metodik 208 Notation 211 17. Trænerrollen 21318. Træningsfaciliteter 215 19. Træningsredskaber 21720. Beklædning og udstyr 219 21. Overkropstræning 223 22. Kropsstammetræning 233 24. Hofte- og Bentræning 247 24. Særlige målgrupper 261 Svage målgrupper 262 Overvægtige 264 Ældre 265 Kvinder 266 Gravide 267 Børn og unge 27025. Skader og forebyggelse 271 Anbefalet læsning, Litteratur 274 Appendiks I, Muskeloversigt 276Appendiks II, Styrkeøvelser 296 Appendiks III, Strækøvelser 338Appendiks IV, Variationsmetoder 341 Ordliste 358 Stikordsregister 363Om forfatteren 366Fitnessbøger 367

  • - The Science Classic
    by Charles Darwin

    A new, deluxe hardcover edition of one of the most important scientific works ever writtenIn December 1831, Charles Darwin boarded the HMS Beagle, accompanying her crew on a five-year journey that crossed the Atlantic Ocean to survey the coasts of South America. As the expedition's geologist and naturalist, Darwin collected evidence from the Galapagos Islands and other locations which prompted him to speculate that species evolve over generations through a process of natural selection. In 1859, Darwin published On the Origin of Species, a work of scientific literature considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. His revolutionary work presented evidence from the Beagle expedition as well as from years of subsequent research and experimentation.Written for non-specialists, Darwin's book gained widespread interest from the scientific community, religious leaders, politicians and the general public. The theory Darwin presented in his book quickly became the subject of heated debate and discussion. Now accepted by the scientific community, Darwin's concepts of evolutionary adaptation via natural selection are central to modern evolutionary theory and form the foundation of modern life sciences. Perhaps the most transformative scientific volume ever published, this volume of the first edition of On the Origin of Species:* Outlines Darwin's ideas, scientific influences and the core of his theory* Details natural selection and address possible objections to the theory* Examines the fossil record and biogeography to support evolutionary adaptation* Features a "Recapitulation and Conclusion" which reviews key concepts and considers the future relevance of Darwin's theoryOn the Origin of Species: The Science Classic is an important addition to the bestselling Capstone Classics series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon. It includes an insightful Introduction from leading Darwin scholar Dr John van Wyhe of the University of Singapore, which presents new research and an offers an original perspective on Darwin and his famous work.This high-quality, hardcover volume is a must-have for readers interested in science and scientific literature, particularly evolutionary theory and life sciences.

  • by The School of Life

    Big Ideas for Curious Minds is a fascinating book authored by The School Of Life. This intriguing work, first published in 2018, invites readers on a journey of intellectual exploration and discovery. The genre of this book is hard to pin down as it defies conventional categories, much like the author itself. It's a book that encourages curiosity, a characteristic trait of the human mind. The School Of Life, renowned for their innovative and thought-provoking content, has outdone themselves with this publication. Released under their own imprint, The School of Life Press, this book stands as a testament to their commitment to spreading knowledge and fostering a love for learning. If you're a curious mind with an appetite for big ideas, this book is a must-read for you.

  • by Torben K. Jensen & Tommy J. Johnsen

    Sundhedsfremme i teori og praksis diskuterer sundhed og sundhedsfremme i dialog mellem praksiserfaring og teori. Med afsæt i dialog mellem interviews, praksisbeskrivelser og teori konstateres det bl.a., at sundhedsfremme ikke er forebyggelse, da fokus vendes fra sygdom over mod sundhed - hvorfor sundhedsfremme kræver at praktikeren gør et stykke menneskearbejde for at forstå, før der kan gøres et stykke ekspertarbejde for at hjælpe.Dialogen mellem praksiserfaring og teori gør bogen velegnet som brugs- og lærebog samt som inspiration for fagfolk, politikere og interesserede i sundhed, forskning, udredning og dokumentation.

  • by Carsten Elbro

    Læsevanskeligheder tilbyder en samlet, forskningsbaseret oversigt over læse- og skrivevanskeligheder, hvad de skyldes, og hvad man kan gøre ved dem. Bogen handler især om ordblindhed, vanskeligheder med sprogforståelse i læsning og sammensatte sproglige vanskeligheder i læsning.

  • by Mama Makes Books

    This BookTrust pick is a high-contrast fold-out board book with mirror for newborns. There are black-and-white illustrations on one side for babies' developing vision, and photographs and a mirror on the other side for older babies who love looking at babies and themselves. Up to 9 months old and printed on FSC paper.

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