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Here you will find exciting books about Animals. Below is a selection of over 24.371 books on the subject.
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  • by DK

    Capture the delicate beauty of the great outdoors with this enchanting collection of stickers.Page after page of this book is packed with beautiful vintage drawings of creatures that soar, flutter, and glide.Get creative! Adorn your personal items with more than a thousand bird- and insect-themed stickers, create gorgeous artwork and stationery, or simply enjoy this book as an exquisite keepsake.

  • by Lise Bang Hansen

    • Bør min hund kastreres?• Hvad skal min kat have at spise?• Skal kæledyr ikke vaccineres hvert år længere?• Kan allergi helbredes?• Hvad er homøopati – og hvordan bruges det til dyr?"Giv din hund og kat et sundt liv" henvender sig til enhver med kærlighed til dyr og interesse for deres sundhed og velfærd. Dyrlæge Lise Bang Hansen sætter fokus på, hvordan vi giver vores hunde og katte en sund livsstil, og giver samtidig et fyldestgørende indblik i de mange behandlingsmuligheder til dyr – både traditionelle og alternative.Bogen er det eneste sted, du kan læse på dansk om de nye vaccinationsvejledninger for hund og kat.

  • - The UK's No.1 Dog Training Book
    by Steve Mann

    Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy is an engaging book written by the acclaimed author, Steve Mann. Published by Bonnier Books Ltd in 2019, this book has quickly become a favorite among readers. This book falls under the genre of pet care, specifically focusing on puppies. Steve Mann, a professional dog trainer and behaviorist, shares his wisdom and innovative training tips in this comprehensive guide. The book is filled with practical advice and step-by-step instructions that make training your puppy seem 'easy peasy'. It is a must-read for all new puppy parents and those considering getting a puppy. The book is written in English and is a testament to Mann's expertise and love for dogs.

  • by Dixon Dougal

    Features 1000 dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures, with 2000 specially commissioned artworks, maps and photographs. Each entry has detailed information on topics including appearance, life cycle, muscle and bone structure.

  • by Anders Hallgren

    Hvad skal man gøre for at få sin hund både lykkelig og lydig? Denne bog præsenterer en træningsform, som bygger på forståelse, kærlighed, passende krav og kontakt. Med den rette form for træning og aktivering i hverdagen får du en hund, der fungerer overalt. En glad og tillidsfuld hund, der passer ind i familiens liv, og som kan omgås andre mennesker og hunde. En hund, der er føjelig i såvel bymiljø som på landet. En lykkelig hund, der kan lide at være lydig. Alle hunde har behov for konsekvent og kærlig omgang med deres familie - ikke bare at være i familien - men at deltage i den. ”At være sammen” er et meget vigtigt begreb for så sociale dyr som hunde, men hvis de skal få lov til at være med og deltage i familiens aktiviteter, skal de også kunne finde sig i de krav, vi stiller, og de grænser, som vi sætter. Træning giver en fordybet kontakt med hunden og en harmonisk hund - naturligvis under forudsætning af, at træningen bygger på venlighed og respekt. Anders Hallgren vil med ”Lykkelige lydige hunde” øge forståelsen hos dig som hundeejer, om hvordan hunden fungerer under træning. Desuden vil han understrege, hvor vigtig hverdagslydighed er. Hverdagslydighed er det grundlag, som alle hunde skal have for at kunne fungere godt sammen med os mennesker, selv om konkurrencelydigheden stadig er den aktivitet, der får størst opmærksomhed i den etablerede kursusvirksomhed. Bogen udkom første gang på svensk i 1974. Den er ikke tidligere udkommet på dansk. Dette er en oversættelse af den seneste svenske, reviderede udgave fra 2010.

  • by George Monbiot

    Regenesis is a captivating book penned by the acclaimed author, George Monbiot. Published in 2023 by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this masterpiece is a must-read for those who are intrigued by innovative thoughts and ideas. The genre of the book is not specifically mentioned, but Monbiot's works usually revolve around environmental and political themes. Regenesis, like his other works, is likely to challenge your perspectives and provoke thought. It's a book that promises to take you on a journey, exploring new dimensions of understanding. So, if you are looking for a book that is compelling and intellectually stimulating, Regenesis by George Monbiot is the one for you.

  • - Choose the Perfect Dog For You
    by DK

    Choose the top dog for your familyFrom spaniels to sheepdogs, The Complete Dog Breed Guide will help you choose the perfect companion for your family. Fully illustrated and featuring over 400 of the world's best-loved breeds, this is the only breed guide you'll ever need.Q&A selector charts help you choose the right dog for your lifestyle plus expert guidance on caring for your dog, understanding its behaviour and training tips ensure that he'll soon becomes everyone's best friend.The Complete Dog Breed Guide is a one-stop manual to helping you become the owner of a happy, healthy, well-behaved dog.

  • by Pernille Westh

    I en hverdag, hvor børnene ofte kommer hjem til hunden før forældrene kommer fra arbejde er det vigtigt, at børnene kan præge hunden og være den, der bestemmer. Det er derfor vigtigt, at også børnene lærer at opdrage hunden.Denne bog lærer børn at lære hunde en masse sjove tricks og nyttige lege som f.eks. ´spille død´, ´give me five´, ´rulle rundt´, ´finde godbidden´ samt de helt nødvendige, grundlæggende lydighedsøvelser som ´sit´, ´dæk´, ´stå´ og ´kom´.Desuden er der her gode råd om, hvordan man generelt omgås hunde, hvordan man møder fremmede hunde, hvordan man giver sin hund fred og ro og meget andet.Pernille Westh er wildlife-fotograf og har arbejdet med dyr, bl.a. som dyretræner for film og tv. Hun har også været dyreekspert på TV2 og TV3 og opdrættet border collies samt trænet hyrdehunde. Hun har skrevet flere artikler og bøger om dyr og holder foredrag om emnet.

  • - A Natural History
    by Norman Platnick

    Spiders of the World explores the huge diversity of spider species and their fascinating traits, with profiles of over 100 families accompanied by expert commentary and beautiful photographs.

  • - Inside their Secret World
    by DK

    Chris Packham is a top television naturalist and an award-winning conservationist, photographer, and author. From the moment he could crawl, he was fascinated by wildlife and as he grew, so too did his menagerie and knowledge. As a young scientist, he studied kestrels, shrews, and badgers, both in his teens and undergraduate days at the zoology department of Southampton University. His TV career began with the award-winning Really Wild Show. His more recent BBC series include the critically acclaimed global series Secrets of our Living Planet, and he is co-presenter of the BBC's Springwatch, Autumnwatch, and Winterwatch. His 2017 memoir Fingers in the Sparkle Jar is a no.1 Sunday Times bestseller.

  • - Cats in Art
    by Caroline Roberts

    Cool and quirky collection of images

  • - A Surprising Exploration Into the Wonder of Consciousness
    by Sy Montgomery

    The Soul of an Octopus is a fascinating exploration by acclaimed author Sy Montgomery. Published by Simon & Schuster Ltd in 2016, this book delves into the mysterious world of the octopus, a creature that has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Montgomery, a celebrated naturalist, uses her unique storytelling ability to bring the octopus to life in all its complexity. The book is a journey into the soul of the octopus, but it is also a journey into our own souls, as Montgomery forces us to question what it truly means to think, feel and understand. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the natural world, and it stands as a testament to Montgomery's standing as one of the leading voices in nature writing today. Dive in and discover the soul of an octopus with Simon & Schuster Ltd's remarkable publication.

  • by Barbara Sykes

    A practical guide to training your Border Collie. With step-by-step photography and training case studies throughout, it covers: breed variants and temperaments; diet, puppy training and bringing new dogs home; simple commands, boundaries and socialization; the 'Chill Mat' - a safe territory to keep your collie calm; and, lead and recall training.

  • by Isabelle Halvarsson
    £4.99 - 4.49

    „Vil du gerne prøve at gå i skole, Molly?“ spørger Maries lærer.„Vuf,“ siger Molly straks, for det vil hun gerne.I skolen lærer Molly en masse sjove ting: at lytte til spøgelseshistorier, tælle grankogler og køre på skateboard. Hun kommer også med på udflugt til et gammelt slot, hvor en elev forsvinder dybt nede i fangekælderen, og et spøgelse pludselig dukker op.Det er heldigt for klassen, at de har Molly!Masser af fine illustrationer.Molly går i skole er 5. bog i serien om den glade lille terrier Molly

  • by Henning Kørvel

    Den ultimative danske håndbog om jagt på råvildt i en ny udgave. Både erfarne og nye jægere vil finde inspiration og vejledning i bogen. Bogen fortæller om råvildtets oprindelse, udbredelse, biologi og adfærd. På alle områder fremlægges den nyeste viden. I afsnittet om jagten gennemgås bl.a. valget af riffel og ammunition samt forskellige jagtformer -pyrschjagt, anstandsjagt, trykjagt, drivjagt og støverjagt. Forfatter Henning Kørvel beskriver både jagt i Danmark og i udlandet og kommer også ind på behandlingen af jagttrofæer.

  • by Sosuke Natsukawa

    A charming and heartwarming Japanese tale about the importance and magic of books, for all who love reading them.

  • by Toshimitsu Matsuhashi

    A delightful treasure trove of tips on how to hold animals without hurting them.

  • - The Ultimate Reference Source and Identifier for 1600 Birds, Profiling Habitat, Plumage, Nesting and Food
    by David Alderton

    A comprehensive visual catalog of the birds of the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australasia and the Polar regions, fully illustrated with more than 1800 detailed artworks, maps and photographs, capturing the beauty of both rare and familiar birds.

  • - A Theory and Practice Book
    by Traute Schmidt & Yvonne Müller
    £18.49 - 22.99

  • by David Attenborough
    £10.99 - 18.99

    A new, fully updated edition of David Attenborough's groundbreaking Life on Earth.

  • - The Most Complete Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe
    by Tom Tolman

    The 'Collins Butterfly Guide' is a remarkable work by the renowned author, Tom Tolman. Published in 2009 by HarperCollins Publishers, this book has become a staple for butterfly enthusiasts. The genre of this book is non-fiction, specifically focusing on nature and wildlife. The 'Collins Butterfly Guide' offers an in-depth look into the fascinating world of butterflies. The author's profound knowledge and passion for these delicate creatures are palpably felt in every page of this book. Tom Tolman's lucid writing style makes this guide accessible to everyone, from amateur butterfly watchers to seasoned lepidopterists. The 'Collins Butterfly Guide' is not just a book, but a journey that transports its readers to the vibrant and enchanting world of butterflies. HarperCollins Publishers is proud to have this book as part of their collection, reflecting their commitment to publishing books that educate and inspire readers.

  • by Claire Belton

    Pusheen the Cat is back with a brand-new collection of adorable comics, expert advice, and silly antics featuring Pusheen and all her friends!

  • - Seeking the Snow Leopard in Tibet
    by Sylvain Tesson

    Winner of the Prix Renaudot 2019A New York Times Best Book of 2021`Extraordinarily beautiful¿ a long last loving glance at the planet.¿ Carl Safina, author of Becoming WildThe Art of Patience sees the renowned French adventurer and writer set off for the high plateaux of remotest Tibet in search of the elusive snow leopard. There, in the company of leading wildlife photographer Vincent Munier and two companions, at 5,000 metres and in temperatures of -25ºC, the team set up their hides on exposed mountainsides, and occasionally in the luxury of an icy cave, to await a visitation from the almost mythical beast.This tightly focused and tautly written narrative is simultaneously a dazzling account of an exacting journey, an apprenticeship in the art of patience, an acceptance of the ruthlessness of the natural world and, finally, a plea for ecological sanity.A small masterpiece, it is one of those books that demands to be read again and again.

  • by Malena Demartini-Price

    New Strategies and Plans for Separation AnxietyIt has now been six years since the release of Malena DeMartini-Price''s best selling first book, Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs. Not one to rest on her laurels, Malena has been busy teaching and mentoring dog trainers worldwide to become Certified Separation Anxiety Trainers (CSAT). Working in collaboration with a large network of trainers to collect data and conduct research, new strategies have been developed on many of the key elements of treating separation anxiety. Now, in a completely new book, Malena shares these strategies for the use of current technologies, no absence management, and improved desensitization techniques. Any trainer or guardian dealing with separation anxiety will find this book a valued resource.

  • - A Practical Guide to Creating a Paradise for Pollinators
    by Dave Goulson

    ''Go on, have a flutter! Take a few tips from the new book by biologist Dave Goulson and it''s a safe bet that beautiful butterflies will start gathering in your garden'' Daily MailFrom the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Sting In The Tale comes this practical guide to creating a paradise for pollinators.There are twenty six different species of bumblebees to be found in the UK, of around 250 species worldwide. Bumblebees are among the most important of our insects; these superb pollinators ensure that wildflowers set seed and reappear each year, and that our vegetable and fruit crops give us bountiful harvests. With the decline in the populations of our wild bees, these beloved creatures need looking after more than ever. Gardening for Bumblebees shows you how you can provide a refuge for bumblebees to feed, breed and thrive. No matter how large or small your space is, Dave Goulson shows you how you can make a pollinator-friendly haven. In this book you will learn the best trees, shrubs and flowers for pollinators, how to create the perfect nest and breeding site, and the best ways to control pests. Gardening For Bumblebees will encourage and inspire gardeners and allotmenters alike to make their patch more bee friendly. Praise for Dave Goulson''Ideal for filling the garden with a happy hum''Tiffany Daneff, Country Life''Goulson reminds himself that he ''began studying bumblebees not because they are important pollinators but because they are fascinating, because they behave in interesting and mysterious ways, and because they are rather loveable'' Hannah Rosefield, Literary Review

  • - The new paradigm of kinematics and body awareness
    by Maren Diehl
    £21.99 - 31.99

  • - The Untold Story of a Lost World
    by Steve Brusatte

    Before there were Homo sapiens there were the dinosaurs. A thrilling re-evaluation of the creatures that ruled the earth for 150 million years by one of the world's leading paleontologists.

  • - My Story of Love, Survival and Self-Discovery
    by Miriam Lancewood

    An inspirational story of adventure and bravery, of how one woman learned to dig deep and push the boundaries in order to discover what really matters in life.

  • by Leslie McDevitt

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