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Bread & Cakes

Here you will find exciting books about Bread & Cakes. Below is a selection of over 3.726 books on the subject.
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  • by Emil Braun

  • by Charles Apell

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    by Sandee Krause

    "...Krauses have grown their Fraser Valley estate into 200 acres devoted to mixed produce, four kitchens, a market, a bakery, a waffle bar, an ice-cream shop, and an award-winning winery. Year after year, close to half a million visitors make their way to Krause Berry Farms to revel in a day of family fun and feast on tasty home cooking, leaving with baskets of berries and lifelong memories. Now, some of their most beloved recipes are available for all in The Krause Berry Farms Cookbook. Inside this book you'll find recipes for every meal, snack, and celebration that a cook or baker of any skill level could tackle."--

  • by Aleksandra Piekarz

    "Ksi¿ga Tortów: Rozkoszuj si¿ S¿odkimi Kreacjami i Cukrowymi Majstersztykami" to podró¿ kulinarnej przyjemnöci pe¿nej kreatywnöci i s¿odkich rozkoszy. Ta ksi¿¿ka kulinarna jest Twoim przewodnikiem do tworzenia wykwintnych tortów i wypieków, które zachwyc¿ zmys¿y.Aleksandra Piekarz, pasjonatka pieczenia i mistrzyni w dziedzinie s¿odköci, dzieli si¿ swoj¿ mi¿öci¿ do wypieków za pomoc¿ autentycznych i innowacyjnych przepisów. Od klasycznych tortów po finezyjne babeczki i eleganckie desery, nauczysz si¿ jak przyrz¿dzä smakowite wypieki, które s¿ prawdziwym dzie¿em sztuki."Ksi¿ga Tortów: Rozkoszuj si¿ S¿odkimi Kreacjami i Cukrowymi Majstersztykami" to nie tylko zbiór przepisów; to höd z¿öony radöci z pieczenia i radöci dzielenia si¿ s¿odköciami.Ta ksi¿¿ka jest dla kädego, kto pragnie cieszy¿ si¿ sztuk¿ wypieku i sprawiä sobie i innym radö¿ poprzez smakowite kulinaria.

  • by Lara Krasniqi

    Për të gjithë dashamirësit e kuzhinës së ëmbël, "Tortat e Magjisë" është një udhërrëfyes i paparë që do t'ju udhëzojë në një botë të pazbuluar të kreativitetit dhe shijesh në kuzhinën tuaj. Lara Krasniqi, një pasionante e artit të gatimit, sjell një koleksion të përzgjedhur tortash për të sjellë ngjyrë dhe shijë në çdo kohë dhe ngjarje.Libri është një udhëzues praktik për të krijuar torta të mrekullueshme të ndryshme me përzierje të shijshme dhe dekorime të veçanta. Nga tortat klasike dhe të thjeshta deri te krijimet e avancuara dhe moderne, Lara Krasniqi ju tregon mënyrat e përdorimit të ingredientëve për të krijuar kryevepra të bukura dhe të shijshme."Tortat e Magjisë" nuk është vetëm një libër recetash, por një udhëzues i gatimit që ju frymëzon të eksperimentoni dhe të krijoni mrekullira të vërteta në kuzhinën tuaj. Libri është i shkruar me pasion dhe dashuri për gatimin, duke i bërë këto receta të përjetshme dhe të përshtatshme për çdo rast.Përjetoni lumturinë e krijuarjes së tortave të ëmbëla dhe të artit të tyre në këtë udhërrëfyes të rrallë "Tortat e Magjisë" nga Lara Krasniqi.

  • by Selin Kandemir

    "Tatl¿ An¿lar: Kek Mutfä¿ Kitab¿," mutfä¿n¿z¿ tatl¿ bir sihir dünyas¿na dönü¿türecek bir rehberdir. Bu kitap, keklerin enfes dünyas¿nda yarat¿c¿l¿¿¿n¿z¿ ve lezzetinizi sergilemeniz için size ilham sunuyor.Selin Kandemir, lezzet ve tatl¿lar konusundaki derin tutkusuyla tan¿nan bir yazar ve ¿ef olarak, bu kitapta sizlere e¿siz kek tarifleri sunuyor. Döal malzemelerin zarafeti ve yarat¿c¿l¿¿¿n mükemmel birle¿imi olan bu tarifler, her özel an¿n¿za tatl¿ an¿lar katacak."Tatl¿ An¿lar: Kek Mutfä¿ Kitab¿," sadece bir tarif kitab¿ de¿il, ayn¿ zamanda kek yap¿m¿n¿n temellerini ö¿reten bir rehberdir. Farkl¿ türlerde keklerin haz¿rlan¿¿¿n¿ ve sunulüunu anlat¿rken, size unlu mamullerin büyülü dünyas¿n¿ ke¿fetme f¿rsat¿ sunuyor.Bu kitap, hem yeni bälayanlar hem de deneyimli ¿efler için bir kaynakt¿r. Selin Kandemir'in uzmanl¿¿¿ ve ki¿isel dokunülar¿yla harmanlanan bu kitap, mutfä¿n¿z¿ lezzetli ve unutulmaz tatlarla doldurman¿za yard¿mc¿ olacakt¿r.

  • by Isabela Ferreira

    "Delícias da Confeitaria: Receitas Irresistíveis para Amantes de Bolos" é um livro de culinária escrito por Isabela Ferreira. Nesta obra, você será convidado a explorar a doce e apaixonante arte da confeitaria, mergulhando no mundo dos bolos e sobremesas incríveis.Este livro não é apenas um guia de receitas, mas uma jornada que desvenda os segredos da confeitaria. Cada página oferece dicas preciosas e técnicas que vão ajudá-lo a criar bolos que são verdadeiras obras de arte, perfeitos para todas as ocasiões.Isabela Ferreira, uma entusiasta da confeitaria com uma paixão por compartilhar seu conhecimento, apresenta receitas que variam desde os clássicos até os mais criativos e contemporâneos. Com suas orientações, você será capaz de criar bolos que não apenas encantam os olhos, mas também o paladar."Delícias da Confeitaria: Receitas Irresistíveis para Amantes de Bolos" é um convite para experimentar a magia da confeitaria em sua própria cozinha. Com ingredientes simples e técnicas bem explicadas, você terá a chance de criar sobremesas que surpreenderão e encantarão todos ao seu redor.

  • by Lara ¿Ari¿

    Döivite slatke trenutke uz "¿arolija Okusa: Kuharica za Savr¿ene Koläe," ¿arobno djelo autorice Lare ¿ari¿. Ova kuharica donosi neodoljive recepte za koläe koji ¿e ispuniti väu kuhinju slatkim mirisima i vas radosnim okusima.Lara ¿ari¿, strastvena ljubiteljica kulinarske umjetnosti, vodi vas kroz putovanje stvaranja koläa koji su vi¿e od obi¿nih poslastica - to su djela umjetnosti koja osvajaju srca svakog gurmana. Njezine jednostavne i jasne upute omogüit ¿e vam da postignete savr¿enstvo u svakom zalogaju."¿arolija Okusa" nije samo obi¿na kuharica - to je poziv na isträivanje okusa i kreativnost u kuhinji. Bez obzira na väu razinu vje¿tine, ovaj vodi¿ ¿e vas inspirirati da stvorite predivne koläe za sve prigode.Uz Larine recepte, svaki kolä postaje pri¿a za sebe, a svaki zalogaj je putovanje u svijet slatkog üitka. Bez obzira jeste li ljubitelj ¿okolade, vöa ili oräastih plodova, ova kuharica ima recepte za svakog sladokusca.

  • by Iselin Solberg

    Velkommen til "Søte Vers frå Kakeverkstedet: En Kokebok for Uimotståelige Kreasjoner," skrevet av den talentfulle kakekunstneren Iselin Solberg. Denne kokeboken tar deg med på en deilig reise gjennom kakeverdenen, der du vil oppdage hemmelighetene bak å lage de mest forførende og smakfulle kakene.Iselin Solberg, en ekspert på kakekunst, deler sine lidenskapelige oppskrifter og kreative teknikker som vil inspirere deg til å skape magi i ditt eget kjøkken. Utforsk en rekke spennende smakskombinasjoner, fra klassiske favoritter til innovative nyvinninger, som vil glede både smaksløker og øyne.I "Søte Vers frå Kakeverkstedet" finner du ikke bare oppskrifter, men også dyptgående råd om hvordan du kan mestre kunsten av kakepynting og presentasjon. Boken gir deg innsikt i ulike teknikker, fra enkle dekorasjoner til mer avanserte mønstre, slik at du kan skape kaker som imponerer ved enhver anledning.Enten du er en erfaren kakebaker eller en nybegynner, vil denne kokeboken veilede deg gjennom hvert trinn av kakeprosessen. Ta del i Iselin Solbergs lidenskap for kakekunst og oppdag gleden ved å skape uimotståelige kreasjoner som vil være sentrum for enhver feiring.

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    by Edgaras Ramanauskas

    Led¿ desertai turi asmenyb¿. I¿ ¿aldyto samtelio l¿tai läantis saldus grietin¿l¿ pakei¿ia pyrag¿ ar padä¿, kai tik jis j¿ palie¿ia. Kremas, kuriame gausu sviesto riebal¿, sugeria kvapus ir skon¿ bei nune¿a juos ¿ nos¿. Viskas, kas lie¿iasi su ledais, suvokiama kaip sodresn¿, aromatingesn¿ ir gilesn¿. Be to, ledai skatina b¿ti ¿iuo metu. Jis tirpsta ir kei¿iasi kas sekund¿ - reikia atkreipti d¿mes¿, antraip i¿nyks.¿iuose puslapiuose yra keletas patikim¿ recept¿, kuriuos galite naudoti v¿l ir v¿l ir pritaikyti pagal sezon¿, meniu ar ügaid¿. Kiekvienas desertas yra fenomenalaus skonio ir tekst¿ros, o kiekvienas receptas yra specialiai sukurtas gaminti namuose. Nors netvirtinu, kad kiekvienas receptas ¿ioje knygoje yra greitas ir paprastas (nors j¿ yra daug), noriu pasakyti, kad jie yra kuo paprastesni, o rezultatai yra verti pastang¿. Galite juos patobulinti arba papuöti,priklausomai nuo to, kaip juos patieksite arba kokius ledus patieksite su jais.

  • by Ivy Hope

  • by Anna Kowalska

    Zapraszamy Ci¿ w magiczn¿ podró¿ po ¿wiecie s¿odkich smaków dzi¿ki ksi¿¿ce "Czarowne Wypieki: Ksi¿¿ka z Przepisami na Wyj¿tkowe Ciasta" autorstwa Anny Kowalskiej. Ta inspiruj¿ca ksi¿¿ka cukiernicza przeniesie Ci¿ do krainy aromatycznych i smakowitych wypieków, gdzie kädy k¿s to prawdziwa uczta dla podniebienia.W "Czarownych Wypiekach" Anna Kowalska dzieli si¿ przepisami na rozkoszne ciasta, które zachwyc¿ Twoje zmys¿y i sprawi¿, ¿e käda okazja stanie si¿ wyj¿tkow¿. Od tradycyjnych smaków po innowacyjne kompozycje - ta ksi¿¿ka pomöe Ci odkry¿ tajniki doskonäego cukierniczego rzemios¿a.Je¿li kochasz tworzy¿ w kuchni i chcesz rozpieszczä siebie i swoich bliskich niesamowitymi smakami, "Czarowne Wypieki" s¿ stworzone dla Ciebie. Anna Kowalska podpowie Ci, jak ¿¿czy¿ sk¿adniki i techniki, aby käde ciasto by¿o nie tylko wyj¿tkowe w smaku, ale te¿ pi¿kne w wygl¿dzie.Ta ksi¿¿ka to nie tylko przepisy, to opowie¿¿ o pasji, kreatywnöci i radöci z tworzenia. "Czarowne Wypieki" to höd dla magii, jak¿ niesie ze sob¿ sztuka cukiernicza - niech Ci¿ zainspiruje do eksperymentowania w kuchni i tworzenia niezapomnianych smakowych döwiadcze¿.

  • by Larissa Kohen

    In a worn binder filled with crinkled pages, a culinary journey of love and memories unfolds. Tucked amidst recipes tried and imagined, this cherished collection carries the essence of family gatherings and heart-warming meals. From generations-old enchiladas to the scent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls, every dish is a testament to the power of love. As a new chapter begins with a fresh binder and modern app, the legacy of flavors lives on, reminding us that in every recipe, love is the secret ingredient that makes every meal truly special.

  • - 105 Delicious Pita Bread Recipes
    by Pit Brerec

    Welcome to Pita Perfection: 105 Delicious Pita Bread Recipes! This cookbook provides a comprehensive collection of recipes showcasing the versatility and flavor of pita bread. From the classic pita sandwich to creative recipes for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you will find something for every occasion and taste. Pita Perfection: 105 Delicious Pita Bread Recipes will show you how to make the perfect pita every time. Learn how to make homemade pita dough from scratch with a variety of flavors; from classic Herb-Spiced Pita to Zesty Garlic Pita. Not only will you learn how to bake pita, you'll also learn how to use pita for creative recipes. Fill pita pockets with fresh vegetables and herbs for Pita Gyros or turn them into a classic dining favorite with homemade Pita Pizza. This cookbook includes 105 recipes that take full advantage of the airy texture and flavor of pita, each recipe developed to highlight its unique culinary appeals. From wraps and salads to sandwiches and more, you'll find plenty of delicious meals to add to your repertoire. Additionally, you'll find plenty of helpful tips and techniques to demystify the pita making process. Whether you're just learning to make pita or a seasoned chef, Pita Perfection: 105 Delicious Pita Bread Recipes will provide you with an engaging and interactive experience. Learn how to make delicious pita recipes, discover exciting new ways to use it and become an expert in the versatile, flavorful realm of pita bread cooking.

  • - Homemade buttercream cookbook for cakes and cupcakes
    by David Kane

    Every cake's icing is topped with the fantastic flavor of buttercream. Buttercream is what makes cakes and cupcakes so unique and delicious. You can make buttercream in different ways and flavors depending on your preferences. If you want your buttercream to pipe perfectly fine, you will enjoy every recipe in this cookbook. It's essential to have foolproof recipes for buttercream because you don't want your cake to be ruined. These recipes are easy to make, with clear instructions, and most importantly, easily piped onto cakes and cupcakes for a truly decadent and rich dessert. They will taste delicious and unique and look showstopping and fascinating. In this book, you will find flavors starting from the classic ones to the richest and decadent ones like: - Vanilla buttercream- Chocolate buttercream- Caramel buttercream- Fruit-inspired buttercream recipes and so many more No matter which flavor you choose, I am sure you will enjoy these decadent and rich flavors as much as we in our home do.

  • - Book 3, for Beginners Made Easy Step by Step
    by Susan Sam

    - This Sourdough Cookbook: For Beginners Made Easy Step by Step.- Contains a variety of traditional Sourdough recipes.- Each recipe has a simple step that can be easily followed.- You will find Sourdough cooking interesting and happy.- Your hands will make a deep impression on your family and friends.- Sourdough is a bread made by the fermentation of dough using wild lactobacilli and yeast. Lactic acid from fermentation imparts a bitter taste and improves keeping qualities.- The preparation of sourdough will get started with a pre-ferment (the "starter"), a fermented mix of flour and water to drink, containing a nest of organisms including wild candida and lactobacilli. The purpose of the beginner is to make a vigorous leaven and develop the taste of the breads. The starter must become fed 4 to 12 hours before being added to dough, by merging flour and water to the starter.

  • by Raul Daniel Medina Moncada

    El Flammkuchen es un plato simple, crujiente y delicioso que puede disfrutarse en cualquier ocasión. El Flammkuchen es amado a lo largo de la frontera entre Francia y Alemania. Te confesamos que cuando nosotros descubrimos el Flammkuchen intentamos hacerlo en casa y desde ese entonces como tradición, cada viernes lo preparamos y lo disfrutamos en familia o con visita.En este libro nosotros te brindamos un método para preparar Flammkuchen en casa y 33 recetas fáciles, deliciosas y con ingredientes accesibles para la preparación de Flammkuchen salados y dulces. Esperamos lo disfrutes!

  • - Cakes and Pies for Every Occasion
    by Philipp Frühwirth

    "Sweet Treats" is a mouth-watering collection of baking tips that will help you create delicious desserts for any occasion. From classic apple pies to decadent chocolate cakes, this book has something for everyone. Learn the secrets to creating the perfect pie crust, the fluffiest sponge cake, and the richest ganache. The Baking Ideas are easy to follow and include step-by-step instructions, making baking a breeze. Whether you're a seasoned baker or a beginner, "Sweet Treats" is the perfect guide to creating show-stopping desserts that are sure to impress your friends and family.

  • - Delicious, Creamy Cheesecake Recipes That Everyone Will Love!
    by Allie Allen

    Almost everybody around the world loves creamy, light, and downright delicious cheesecakes. And if you want to learn how to whip up cheesecakes in your own kitchen, well then, this book is just what you need! Filled with delectable and easy cheesecake recipes, this book has everything you need to prepare the perfect cheesecake at home. From classics like Classic Cheesecake and Chocolate Cheesecake to other flavors like Berry Ricotta Cheesecake and Matcha Cheesecake, this book has something in it for everyone!

  • - Comeback Combos for Your Cheese Bread
    by Tyler Sweet

    If you've had one of those delicious cheese bread slices at restaurants and thought you needed to make them at home, here's your inspiration to do so. The cheese bread we share in these recipes are pretty simple ones that are simply elevated toasts. Except that this time, they contain fewer toppings and focus on cheeses and other essential aromas. We share thirty of them so that you are spoiled for choice. Make them your special creations by mix matching ingredients as you want and having a fun time all the while. We hope they'll bless your servings and excite you. Do come along.


    凍糕和小點心在美觀的小吃和甜點中名列前茅。使用裝在玻璃罐中並用勺子食用的甜味、奶油味、水果夾心小吃或甜點,很難出錯。它們是一樣的嗎?答案是否定的。儘管偶爾會把鬆糕和凍糕混為一談,但這兩種甜點之間還是有一些關鍵的區別。瑣事鬆糕是一種奶油凍或奶油,上面舖有水果,放在蛋糕上,大部分都被酒精浸濕了。傳統上,它在一頓大餐結束時供應。它們曾經是用甜的、煮熟的奶油餡和碎餅乾或曲奇餅製成的。現在它們是用您選擇的任何填充物製成的。Trifles 傳統上是在一個大而深的玻璃碗中製作的,因此您可以看到水果、蛋糕、酒精和果凍的所有層次!凍糕凍糕是一種美味的冷凍甜點。最初,凍糕是用多層冷凍蛋奶凍製成的。在現代,凍糕由多層甜味酸奶或巴伐利亞奶油製成。有時使用格蘭諾拉麥片代替一層蛋糕。遵循巴黎風格,製成的奶油凍泥可以以多種方式鍍層,而不是只能用玻璃杯盛裝。水果傻瓜傻瓜是一道英式甜點。傳統上,水果傻瓜是將煮好的果泥折疊成甜奶油凍製成的。現代傻瓜食譜通常會跳過傳統的奶油凍而使用生奶油。另外,可以添加調味劑例如玫瑰水。

  • - Book 3, for Beginners Made Easy Step by Step
    by Susan Sam

    - This Devil Cake Cookbook: For Beginners Made Easy Step by Step.- Contains a variety of traditional Devil Cake recipes.- Each recipe has a simple step that can be easily followed.- You will find Devil Cake cooking interesting and happy.- Your hands will make a deep impression on your family and friends.- Devil's food cake is unquestionably a moist, rich chocolate layer treat. It is deemed a counterpart to the white or yellow angel foods cake.- This truly is difficult to precisely meet the requirements what differentiates devil's food cake from the more regular tasty chocolate cake. However, this typically has more chocolates when in assessment to a regular chocolate cake, to ensure that it is more dark in color and utilizing a heavier consistency. The dessert is usually normally paired with a rich tasty chocolate frosting.

  • - 101 Delicious Recipes for the Garlic Bread Lover
    by Simply Delicious

    "Garlic bread is one of the most beloved foods to many people around the world. Its flavor and aroma is enough to make your mouth water and bring back memories of family get-togethers and community meals. Many people enjoy garlic bread in many ways - from the delectable crunch of toasted garlic bread, to cheesy garlic bread and a heady blend of butter, garlic, and herbs. Now, with Garlic Bread Heaven: 101 Delicious Recipes for the Garlic Bread Lover, you can treat yourself to a world of garlic bread's bliss! Garlic Bread Heaven is your comprehensive guide to everything that garlic bread has to offer. Written with both the novice home chef and seasoned expert in mind, the book showcases recipes ranging from simple and classic garlic bread variations to more creative and flavorful spins using ingredients like tapenades, sun-dried tomatoes, sundried tomato pesto, parmesan, and more. You'll also find tips and tricks to make the perfect garlic bread; pointers on how to store, cut, and serve it; and fun ideas for serving it as an appetizer, a side, or a main dish. Whether you're looking to make a savory dinner for your friends, a flavorful addition to your lunch or dinner, or a quick and easy way to satisfy your garlic bread craving, you'll find the perfect recipe in Garlic Bread Heaven. Enjoy the delicious flavors of crispy garlic bread with honey-butter dipping sauce, warm garlic bread dip seasoned with herbes de Provence, cheesy garlic bread pizza dippers, and much more. With such an array of tantalizing treats, you'll find yourself savoring every bite of garlic bread heaven! Garlic Bread Heaven is not just a cookbook, but an inspiring guide to crating amazing dishes with the all-time favorite. Discover the range of flavor profiles, textures, and aromas that make each garlic bread dish unique, and start making the perfect garlic bread with each recipe. Once you've tried them all, you'll never think of garlic bread the same again. So get ready to bring the exciting world of garlic bread into your kitchen and experience the ultimate pleasure of Garlic Bread Heaven! With these 101 delicious recipes, you'll be sure to enjoy the pleasures of garlic bread to the fullest!"


    BISCUIT MAGIC - Homemade Biscuits for Every Bakers Attention: Do you love the smell of freshly baked biscuits? Are you on the hunt for the perfect recipe to satisfy your cravings? Look no further than this cookbook, filled with a wide variety of biscuit recipes that are sure to please every palate. Interest: From classic buttermilk biscuits to creative twists like bacon and cheddar or chocolate and hazelnut, this cookbook has it all. With step-by-step instructions and tips for achieving the perfect bake every time, even novice bakers can master the art of biscuit-making. Desire: Imagine sinking your teeth into a warm, flaky biscuit straight from the oven, slathered with butter or jam. Or perhaps you prefer a savory biscuit filled with cheese or herbs, perfect for pairing with a bowl of soup or stew. With this cookbook, you can bring these delicious creations to your own kitchen and impress your family and friends. Action: Order your copy of this biscuit recipe cookbook today and start baking your way to biscuit perfection. With easy-to-follow recipes and mouthwatering photos, this book is a must-have for any biscuit lover. Get ready to experience the joy of homemade biscuits like never before!

  • - The Most Delicious and Divine Cookie Recipes Ever!
    by Allie Allen

    Chewy, chocolatey and just downright delicious, cookies are a beloved baked good, not just in the US, but around the world. With the help of the recipe book, you'll be able to put up 30 kinds of decadent and mouth-watering cookies that'll leave your friends and family impressed! From classic flavors like Chocolate Chip cookies and Peanut Butter Cookies to slightly different ones like Ladyfingers, this book has something for everyone!

  • - From the kitchen of Artisan Bread with Steve
    by Steve Gamelin

    You'll be pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to make pizza dough. Just mix... wait... and poof, you have pizza dough. In fact... sometimes we spend more time running around getting a pizza than it takes to make great tasting pizzas. And the cost of the ingredients to make pizza dough is less than $1.What makes this cookbook unique is the technique. I use a process called "degas, pull & stretch" which replaces folding and shaping... a process called "roll to coat" to dust the dough with flour in the mixing bowl. Bottom-line... I can make pizza dough in a glass bowl with a spoon... without ever touching the dough. I call it "hands-free" because you won't touch the dough until you roll it out of the mixing bowl to shape into a pizza which I demonstrate on YouTube in World's Easiest Pizza Dough... ready to bake in less than 2 hours (no-knead "hands-free" technique).And, once you've made your own fresh pizza dough... you'll never go back.Thanks - SteveIntroductory material includes: Quick Note from Steve, Ingredients, Technique & Tips, and Equipment & Bakeware.No-Knead Pizza Dough & Pizza includes... Dough Choices: "Traditional" No-Knead (proof for 8 to 24 hours), "Turbo" No-Knead (proof for 1-1/2 hours), Personal Size, Whole Wheat, and Beer Pizza Dough.Pizza Recipes: Mushroom-Black Olive Pizza, Pepperoni Pizza, Whole Wheat Cheese Pizza, Meatball & Bacon Pizza, Garlic Breadsticks & Nuggets, and Great Galloping Garlic Knots.The Perfect Little 9" Pizza includes... Dough Choices: Small Batch and Small Batch Whole Wheat Pizza Dough.Pizza Recipes: Pepperoni Pizza, Cheese Pizza, Meatball Pizza, Mushroom-Black Olive Pizza, Veggie Pizza, Bacon-Bacon-Bacon Pizza, and Mexican Jalapeño-Chili Fiesta Pizza.No-Knead Mediterranean Olive Focaccia includes...Dough Choices: "Traditional" No-Knead (proof for 8 to 24 hours) and "Turbo" No-Knead (proof for 1-1/2 hours) Mediterranean Olive Dough.Focaccia Recipes: Mediterranean Olive and Perfect Little 9" Mediterranean Olive Focaccia.No-Knead Fougasse includes...Dough Choices: "Traditional" No-Knead (proof for 8 to 24 hours) and "Turbo" No-Knead (proof for 1-1/2 hours) Fougasse Dough.Fougasse Recipes: Herb-Black Olive Fougasse, and Garlic-Herb Fougasse.Restaurant Style Flatbread includes...Dough Choices: "Turbo" No-Knead, "Yogurt" Enhanced, and "No Yeast" Restaurant Style Flatbread Dough.Flatbread Recipes: Classic Cheese Flatbread, Pesto-Black Olive Flatbread, Tomato-Cheese Flatbread, Pepperoni-Bacon Flatbread, Bacon, Bacon, Bacon Flatbread, Mexican Jalapeño-Chili Fiesta Flatbread, Asparagus Flatbread, Fresh Strawberry Flatbread, Fresh Blueberry-Basil Flatbread, and Restaurant Style Pan Grilled Flatbread with Hummus, Pesto, Olive Tapenade Trio.Basic Flatbread includes: Basic Pan Grilled Flatbread.It's a nice selection of No-Knead Pizza, Restaurant Style Flatbread & More.

  • - 100 Delicious Recipes for the Perfect Treat!
    by The Red Hen Uno

    Cinnamon rolls...just the mention of their name can evoke a feeling of sheer joy in so many of us. Whether you've just enjoyed one hot from the oven, you're looking forward to whipping up your next batch, or you've yet to make one and are eager to get baking, one thing is for sure: cinnamon rolls are an undeniably beloved treat. Cinnamon Roll Craze: 100 Delicious Recipes for the Perfect Treat! is the perfect cookbook for anyone looking to indulge in the delightful flavor of cinnamon rolls. Its pages contain 100 scrumptious recipes for a variety of cinnamon roll treats, from traditional classic cinnamon rolls to cream cheese frosting-covered stuffed rolls, spiced-glazed swirls, and cinnamon roll-flavored pancakes. If you're a cinnamon roll novice, this cookbook will provide all the essential information you need to get baking. The Basics chapter covers the fundamentals of baking - from understanding yeast and dough, to arranging the fills. Experienced bakers will appreciate the techniques, tips, and tricks accompanying each recipe that make baking foolproof - and tasty! From breakfast to brunch, snack to dessert, Cinnamon Roll Craze has you covered. Enjoy a swift basic recipe like Cinnamon Roll Scones or go all out with a Butterbeer Cinnamon Roll Cake. There's something for everyone within these pages. As a bonus, recipes include suggested variations, as well as ideas for customizing your own flavors! With so many fantastic recipes on offer, Cinnamon Roll Craze will guarantee loads of sweet and delicious cinnamon roll moments for you - and whoever's lucky enough to get a slice. Your loved ones will surely thank you for your baking skills! So why wait? Let's get baking!

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