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Tales' category of mythology contains some of the oldest written texts in history. The mythology books will take you on adventurous journeys through ancient worlds of brave heroes and great gods of the past. Our collection covers myth from all around the world. You can find stories about the Vikings’ Norse gods and sorceresses, but you can also dive into the legendary and heroic tales of Ancient Greece. You can also get wiser on Ancient Egypt and it’s gods and pharaohs. Finally you will find mythology books about Ancient Japan with descriptions of its traditions and customs. Get ready to be inspired by the stories of the past.
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  • by C. M. Rosens

    Katy is the thirteenth child of a thirteenth child in a family of eldritch horrors. Her eventual metamorphosis will change her into a creature that hungers for her family's flesh.

  • by Lisa Schneidau

    A collection of traditional folk tales, including history, folklore and nature observations about the coasts and seas of England

  • by Melissa K. Roehrich

    Shadows always return to the darkness

  • by Genoveva Dimova

    The Witcher meets Naomi Novik in this fast-paced fantasy rooted in Slavic folklore, from an assured new voice in genre fiction.

  • by Dr Ajay Kumar

    When a mighty lion finds himself in trouble, the last creature he would expect to be his saviour is a little brown mouse.

  • by Meihan Boey

    Miss Cassidy is no ordinary governess. She can tutor the most wayward child, tell stories in multiple languages and fix any household crisis. But she also deals with problems of a far more dark and dangerous kind. Arriving in 1890s Singapore, this formidable, flame-haired Scotswoman soon finds herself (among other things) ridding a house of a bloodthirsty demon and raising a spirit from the dead. But when she is hired by the wealthy Chinese widower Mr Kay, whose family is suffering from a terrible curse, she must battle forces far more ancient and powerful than any she has encountered - not to mention the unexpected impulses of her own heart... An irresistible brew of magic, romance and mystery The Formidable Miss Cassidy invites you to embark on a thrilling supernatural adventure alongside an unforgettable heroine.

  • by Stephen Fry

    New book from Penguin, Michael Joseph coming soon.

  • by Laura Jayne Ayres

    A fabulously clever and creative puzzle book for all fans of fantasy, with 100 mysteries to challenge, inspire, and entertain.

  • by Sian (Author Hughes

    Marianne is eight years old when her mother goes missing. Left behind with her baby brother and grieving father in a ramshackle house on the edge of a small village, she clings to the fragmented memories of her mother's love; the smell of fresh herbs, the games they played, and the songs and stories of her childhood. As time passes, Marianne struggles to adjust, fixated on her mother's disappearance and the secrets she's sure her father is keeping from her. Discovering a medieval poem called Pearl and trusting in its promise of consolation, Marianne sets out to make a visual illustration of it, a task that she returns to over and over but somehow never manages to complete. Tormented by an unmarked gravestone in an abandoned chapel and the tidal pull of the river, her childhood home begins to crumble as the past leads her down a path of self-destruction. But can art heal Marianne? And will her own future as a mother help her find peace?

  • by Sav R. Miller

    She's the sweetest sin he's ever committed...Doctor Kal Anderson assumes his heart worked at some point. But at thirty-two years old, the organ in his chest seems to play a mechanical role at best. His cold, emotionless existence gives him an edge as a fixer and in-house physician for the Mafia, while his judgment is impartial and complication-free.Until Elena Ricci, his boss's twenty-year-old daughter.After admiring the heartless doctor from afar most of her life, Elena catches him in a moment of weakness, and the pair shares a night of passion as they attempt to work each other from their systems. Only, the night seems to have the opposite effect. Elena is no longer a simple temptation to Kal, but a necessity.An obsession.One he won't let anyone stand in his way of-even if that means crashing her wedding to another man, forcing her hand in marriage, and stealing her away to the corrupt island he resides on.Alone with the man of her nightmares, Elena starts to chip away at the layers of ice surrounding his hardened heart. But the warmth and depravity from her new husband may not be worth the secrets unveiled, or the lives that will forever be altered.From USA Today bestselling author Sav R. Miller comes a dark and twisted romance inspired by the Hades and Persephone myth.

  • - With Original Illustrations
    by William Morris
    £21.99 - 34.49

  • - Podróż do serca nordyckich mitów, aby odkryc bogów, bohaterów i potwory kultury nordyckiej
    by Mitologia Kosmiczna

    Odkryj tajemniczy i urzekający świat Mitologia nordycka w tej obszernej książce, która zabierze Cię w gląb starożytnych legend, ujawniając bogów, bohaterów, potwory i bitwy, które uksztaltowaly nordycką wyobraźnię.Od ciemności Ginnungagap do tragicznego zmierzchu Ragnarök, każda historia jest zanurzeniem się we wszechświecie, w którym magia ociera się o codziennośc, gdzie wojowniczy bogowie spotykają się z ludzką slabością. Ta książka nie jest po prostu zbiorem odizolowanych mitów, ale raczej bogato utkanym gobelinem opowieści, które razem oferują kompleksową i urzekającą wizję nordyckiej kosmologii.Co odkryjesz w tej książce: Początki nordyckiego kosmosu: Podróż przez tajemniczą pustkę Ginnungagap i odkrycie, jak świat zostal stworzony i jak ma się skończyc.Panteon nordyckich bogów i bogiń: Poznaj zlożonośc glównych bóstw, takich jak Odyn, Thor, Loki, Freyja i Frigg. Dowiedz się o ich pragnieniach, bitwach i roli we wszechświecie.Mityczne nordyckie stworzenia: Poznaj przerażające potwory i magiczne stworzenia zamieszkujące światy, od przerażającego Jörmungandra po tajemniczego Krakena.Heroiczne sagi: Zanurz się w przygodach legendarnych nordyckich bohaterów, takich jak Sigurd i Beowulf, którzy walczyli ze smokami i demonami.Przepowiednie Ragnarök: Zmierz się z ostatecznym losem bogów w apokaliptycznej bitwie, która obiecuje zmienic wszechświat.Magia run: Odkryj moc i mądrośc zawartą w starożytnym alfabecie runicznym, systemie wróżenia i narzędziu do zrozumienia siebie i świata.Istota mitologii skandynawskiej leży nie tylko w poznaniu jej mitów i legend, ale także w zrozumieniu światopoglądu i wartości starożytnego spoleczeństwa nordyckiego. Epickie opowieści, niezlomna odwaga w obliczu przeciwności losu oraz wspólistnienie brutalności i piękna świadczą o bogactwie kulturowym tej epoki.Oprócz mitologicznych opowieści, książka ta oferuje również wgląd w Eddy i Sagi, starożytne źródla literackie, które stanowią okno na mitologiczną i historyczną przeszlośc ludów nordyckich. Teksty te nie są tylko opowieściami, ale portalami do zrozumienia etosu, estetyki i światopoglądu starożytnych Skandynawów poprzez nordyckie mity."Mitologia nordycka" to niezbędny przewodnik dla osób zainteresowanych historią starożytną, mitologią i epickimi opowieściami, które przez wieki wplywaly na literaturę, film, gry i sztukę. Oferuje czytelnikom wyjątkową i inspirującą podróż przez czas i ducha niezwyklej cywilizacji.Nie przegap okazji, by stac się posiadaczem tego urzekającego dziela, będącego skarbem dla każdej osobistej biblioteki. Zanurz się w dziedzictwie bogów i bohaterów i daj się porwac tajemnicom Mitologia nordycka. Kup swój egzemplarz już teraz i rozpocznij najbardziej niezwyklą przygodę swojego życia

  • by Edgar Allan Poe
    £20.99 - 25.99

    " La vie d'Edgar Allan Poe n'est plus à raconter: ses derniers traducteurs français, s'inspirant des travaux définitifs de son nouvel éditeur J.H. Ingram, l'ont éloquemment vengé des calomnies trop facilement acceptées sur la foi de son ami et exécuteur testamentaire, Rufus Griswold. En dépit de ses mensonges, Edgar Poe reste pour nous et restera pour la postérité, de plus en plus admiratrice de son génie, ce que l'a si bien défini notre Baudelaire: Ce n'est pas par ses miracles matériels, qui pourtant ont fait sa renommée, qu'il lui sera donné de conquérir l'admiration des gens qui pensent, c'est par son amour du Beau, par sa connaissance des conditions harmoniques de la beauté, par sa poésie profonde et plaintive, ouvragée néanmoins, transparente et correcte comme un bijou de cristal, - par son admirable style, pur et bizarre, - serré comme les mailles d'une armure, - complaisant et minutieux, - et dont la plus légère intention sert à pousser doucement le lecteur vers un but voulu, - et enfin surtout par ce génie tout spécial, par ce tempérament unique, qui lui a permis de peindre et d'expliquer d'une manière impeccable, saisissante, terrible, l'exception dans l'ordre moral. - Diderot, pour prendre un exemple entre cent, est un auteur sanguin; Poe est l'écrivain des nerfs, et même de quelque chose de plus - et le meilleur que je connaisse. Ajoutons que ce fut une bonne fortune exceptionnelle pour Edgar Poe de rencontrer un traducteur tel que Baudelaire, si bien fait par les tendances de son propre esprit pour comprendre son génie, et le rendre dans un style qui a toutes les qualités de son modèle. "

  • - Popular Culture, Folklore, and the Folkloresque
    by Jeffrey A Tolbert

    Möbius Media explores the interplay of popular and traditional cultures, reminding readers that expressive cultural forms are never mutually exclusive but exist in a state of creative tension and interconnection, merging and (re)defining one another. With this insightful volume, editors Jeffrey Tolbert and Michael Dylan Foster build on their earlier work, The Folkloresque, by considering how folklore is understood and mobilized within a variety of popular discourses and commercial marketplaces. The collection challenges readers to consider the stakes of labeling something as folklore or folk. It demonstrates the rhetorical and political potency of ideas such as traditionality, heritage, and community in storytelling venues (including films, games, and even podcasts), in the construction and policing of genres, and in the selling of commodities. By interrogating popular media and expressions that make use of ideas such as folklore, tradition, authenticity, and heritage, Möbius Media further develops the theoretical applicability of the folkloresque concept and encourages productive interdisciplinary dialogue. Through the lens of the folkloresque, scholars can better see the hidden ideologies that inform the marketplace and influence contemporary modes of communication. This interdisciplinary work will appeal to scholars and students of cultural studies, media studies, popular culture, literature, anthropology, and related areas.

  • - A Collection of Tales and Odes
    by Peta Oakes (Gaelic Mac Dubhdara)

    In the vast tapestry of human imagination, mythology, folklore, and legends intertwine to weave captivating tales that transcend time and culture. From the haunting odes and hymns echoing the deeds of gods and heroes to the enchanting melodies of short stories brimming with magic and wonder, the realm of mythos beckons. Medusa's petrifying gaze, the chilling howl of werewolves under the light of the full moon, and the majestic flight of Pegasus across the heavens are just glimpses into this rich tapestry. Journeying through the sagas of Vikings, where Valhalla awaits the brave and Valkyries guide the fallen, or the heroic feats of Hercules as he grapples with the Nemean Lion and battles the monstrous Hydra, one finds a universe teeming with adventure and marvel. From the lofty peaks of Mount Olympus, where Zeus reigns supreme alongside Hera and Athena, to the depths of Hades ruled by stern Pluto, the pantheon of gods and goddesses commands awe and reverence. Yet, beyond the realms of Greek, Norse, Celtic, and Egyptian mythology, whispers of ancient Mesopotamian epics linger, where the likes of Inanna, Shamash, and Marduk stride alongside towering ziggurats. Amidst the shimmering sands of Egypt, the divine beauty of Isis mingles with the radiant Ra and the fierce Set, while in the depths of the underworld, Osiris presides over the realm of the dead, watched over by Anubis. Across the thunderous skies of Norse mythology, Thor wields his mighty hammer Mjolnir against the cunning schemes of Loki, while Odin, the Allfather, gazes upon the world from his throne in Asgard. Amidst this pantheon of gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines arise, facing daunting challenges and embarking on epic quests, whether it be the valiant Knights pursuing dragons and rescuing maidens or the seekers of ancient treasure braving the haunted depths where ghosts and specters dwell. In every corner of the world, from the dawn of civilization to the present day, the timeless allure of mythological beasts, epic tales, and the enduring power of ancient myths continue to captivate and inspire.

  • - A Beginner's Guide to Pagan Witchcraft
    by Sebastian Berg
    £9.49 - 17.49

    Wicca is the beginning of a beautiful journey between your soul and the world around you.This book explains the foundation of Wicca, the beliefs and practices associated with the religion, and helps a beginner begin practicing Pagan witchcraft safely. If you are curious about Wicca, whether or not you wish to practice it, this book holds only truths about the Wiccan path of witchcraft.

  • by Alex Langstone

    Issue eight of the Cornish Folklore periodical. Published annually every February, each issue contains a wealth of original research, recorded lore and traditional folk narratives from across the ancient land of Cornwall. The journal regularly features some of the leading writers and academics specialising in Cornish culture. Lien Gwerin aims to bring the best in folklore, social history, myth and legend from across the the rugged peninsula.

  • - A Human History
    by Vaughn Scribner

    People have been fascinated by merpeople and merfolk since ancient times. From the sirens of Homer's Odyssey to Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid and the film Splash, myths, stories, and legends of half-human, half-fish creatures abound. In modern times "mermaiding" has gained popularity among cosplayers throughout the world. In Merpeople: A Human History, Vaughn Scribner traces the long history of mermaids and mermen, taking in a wide variety of sources and using 117 striking images. From film to philosophy, church halls to coffee houses, ancient myth to modern science, Scribner shows that mermaids and tritons are--and always have been--everywhere.

  • by Elise Kova

    A grown up Little Red Riding Hood meets werewolves and witches in an adult fantasy romance that's perfect for fans of Danielle L. Jensen, Sarah J. Maas, and Laura Thalassa.To enter the woods as a human is death... But I am no mere human. They call me 'witch'.As one of the last surviving witches, Faelyn's sole duty is to keep the protective barriers on the forests where the lykin roam. But when she encounters the elusive primordial spirit of the moon, everything changes.Taken to the magical land of Midscape, the Wolf King claims her as his bride - she's essential to his ability to keep his crown. But Faelyn refuses a life of servitude, for both herself and the moon spirit Aurora, underneath the king's cruel rule. As she hatches a dangerous plan for them to escape, help comes from an unlikely ally: Evander, the king's blisteringly handsome knight. But her sworn protector has secrets of his own. Secrets that might change her life forever...A Dawn with the Wolf Knight is a complete, *standalone novel*. For readers who love romantasy novels with second-chance/long-lost love, life-changing female friendships, deep lore, forbidden romance, slow-burn, and a happily ever after. Pre-order now!

  • by Joanne Harris

    Turn the page, and step into a stunning, evocative world where nature, magic and fate are inextricably linked, and one wrong - or right - step can take you from the modern world into one filled with both danger and wonder.This beautiful volume contains the award-winning novellas A Pocketful of Crows, The Blue Salt Road and Orfeia. Fully illustrated by Bonnie Helen Hawkins, with a brand new introduction by the author and three original short stories, this is a landmark collection which gloriously reimagines traditional British folktales into a timely, relevant and powerful new stories.'Perfect reading for a chilly autumn evening' thesenovelthoughts'Stunning and original modern fairytales' calturnerreviews'Thought-provoking and evocative' Tor.com

  • by E. V. Lucas

    ¿Forgotten Tales of Long Ago" is an ancient Fiction, Fairy Tales story book written by E. V. Lucas. Written in an interesting and understandable style for readers of all ages. Provides amusement and cultural enrichment via undying memories. Highlights E. V. Lucas' capability to organize and reinterpret extraordinary stories. Suitable for readers who enjoy illusion literature and are inquisitive about folklore research. A compilation of lesser-recognised memories from various cultures and traditions. History can range from historic to extremely-present day at instances. The diverse topics explored include magic, adventure, and morality. Characters encompass fairies, knights, and magical creatures. Provides perception into oral storytelling practices in various societies.

  • by Quintus Smyrnaeus

    The ancient Greek epic poem "The Fall of Troy" is credited to Quintus Smyrnaeus, who is thought to have lived in the fourth century AD. The poem, which is a continuation of Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey," tells the story of what happens after Hector dies and Troy falls during the Trojan War. The story contains a number of incidents, such as the Greeks' creation of the wooden horse, the horse's penetration of Troy, and the city's subsequent sacking. Quintus Smyrnaeus adds new information and viewpoints while elaborating on the people and events featured in Homer's poems. The poem also has tragic, romantic, and divine intervention themes. "The Fall of Troy" is noteworthy for its attempt to close the gap between later, more contemporary writing and the Homeric epics. The poem connects the classical Greek epics with the Roman and mediaeval traditions, reflecting a continuance of the epic tradition. ¿The Fall of Troy" is an important part of the Trojan War story and has influenced succeeding literary traditions, even though it is not as well-known as Homer's writings.

  • by Elphinstone Dayrell

    The book ¿Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africä is a Folk tales written by Elphinstone Dayrell. Elphinstone Dayrell, a British colonial administrator, collected and preserved conventional folks tales from Southern Nigeria. "Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa" is a complicated web of oral traditions that captures the spirit of Nigerian tradition. The paintings of literature contain a huge range of folks stories, myths, and legends handed down over ages in Nigeria.Dayrell's paintings are an exquisite useful resource for gaining knowledge of approximately Southern Nigeria's oral literature and cultural records.These human beings's recollections mirror the attitudes, behaviors, and values of numerous Nigerian groups. The testimonies have appealing characters consisting of foxy animals, supernatural beings, and courageous men. Morality, bravery, consciousness, and deception are key topics in these tales, which educate listeners and readers vital instructions. Dayrell efficaciously portrays Southern Nigeria's numerous landscapes and traditions. The work of literature preserves actual folklore, so assisting to preserve Nigeria's cultural historical history for future generations. Each narrative offers insight into the Nigerian humans's ideas and creativity, as well as their many cultural affects.

  • by F. Hadland Davis

    ""Myths & Legends of Japan"" is a captivating exploration of the rich tapestry of Japanese folklore and mythology, penned by F. Hadland Davis. Through a collection of enchanting tales and legendary narratives, Davis unveils the cultural heritage and spiritual beliefs that have shaped Japan's identity throughout history. From the epic adventures of gods and goddesses to the whimsical escapades of legendary creatures, the book offers readers a window into the fantastical world of Japanese mythology. Each story is steeped in symbolism and tradition, reflecting the values, customs, and superstitions of Japanese society. Through the retelling of these myths, Davis illuminates the profound connection between nature, spirituality, and human experience in Japanese culture. ""Myths & Legends of Japan"" serves as a captivating introduction to the enchanting folklore of Japan, inviting readers on a journey of wonder and discovery through the realms of myth and legend.

  • by Edith Parrish

    Sara The Purple Goose And Susan The Black Swan is about a funny looking purple goose and a black swan, who became the very best of friends even though they were so different. They overcame major differences with hard work and lots of teamwork, by themselves and with all the other different animals. Sara, Susan, the cows, horses, geese and swans achieved their dream of a big, red, warm barn for the winter with lots of effort and loads of teamwork. Sara, Susan, and the other animals became the best of friends despite their differences toward the end of their journey.Sara The Purple Goose And Susan The Black Swan uses the words listed below which helps strengthen basic sight word recognition for grades Pre-K through third.the, them, where, always, been, using, use, their, would, its, gave, upon, made, together, bring, carried, her, just, over, think, again, from, once.

  • by Christian Maximilian Habicht

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • by Andrew Lang

    A collection of fairy tales from writer Andrew Lang. These fairy tales have delighted generations of readers around the world. The Langs' Fairy Books are a series of 25 collections of true and fictional stories for children published between 1889 and 1913 by Andrew Lang and his wife, Leonora Blanche Alleyne. The best-known books of the series are the 12 collections of fairy tales also known as Andrew Lang's "Coloured" Fairy Books or Andrew Lang's Fairy Books of Many Colors. In all, the volumes feature 798 stories, besides the 153 poems in The Blue Poetry Book.Leonora Blanche Alleyne (1851-1933) was an English author, editor, and translator. Known to her family and friends as Nora, she assumed editorial control of the series in the 1890s, while her husband, Andrew Lang (1844-1912), a Scots poet, novelist, and literary critic, edited the series and wrote prefaces for its entire run. According to Anita Silvey, "The irony of Lang's life and work is that although he wrote for a profession-literary criticism; fiction; poems; books and articles on anthropology, mythology, history, and travel ... he is best recognized for the works he did not write." The authorship and translation of the Coloured Fairy Books are often and incorrectly attributed to Andrew Lang alone. Nora is not named on the front cover or spines of any of the Coloured Fairy Books, which all tout Andrew as their editor. However, as Andrew acknowledges in a preface to The Lilac Fairy Book (1910), "The fairy books have been almost wholly the work of Mrs. Lang, who has translated and adapted them from the French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, and other languages."

  • by Andrew Lang

    A collection of fairy tales from writer Andrew Lang. These fairy tales have delighted generations of readers around the world. The Langs' Fairy Books are a series of 25 collections of true and fictional stories for children published between 1889 and 1913 by Andrew Lang and his wife, Leonora Blanche Alleyne. The best-known books of the series are the 12 collections of fairy tales also known as Andrew Lang's "Coloured" Fairy Books or Andrew Lang's Fairy Books of Many Colors. In all, the volumes feature 798 stories, besides the 153 poems in The Blue Poetry Book. Leonora Blanche Alleyne (1851-1933) was an English author, editor, and translator. Known to her family and friends as Nora, she assumed editorial control of the series in the 1890s, while her husband, Andrew Lang (1844-1912), a Scots poet, novelist, and literary critic, edited the series and wrote prefaces for its entire run. According to Anita Silvey, "The irony of Lang's life and work is that although he wrote for a profession-literary criticism; fiction; poems; books and articles on anthropology, mythology, history, and travel ... he is best recognized for the works he did not write." The authorship and translation of the Coloured Fairy Books are often and incorrectly attributed to Andrew Lang alone. Nora is not named on the front cover or spines of any of the Coloured Fairy Books, which all tout Andrew as their editor. However, as Andrew acknowledges in a preface to The Lilac Fairy Book (1910), "The fairy books have been almost wholly the work of Mrs. Lang, who has translated and adapted them from the French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, and other languages."

Mythology is the foundation of many of today's stories, take for example the stories of King Arthur and Merlin, a well-known story that goes back to the celtic mythologies. It has fascinated many writers all around the world and with good reason. Myths take you on fascinating and sometimes even magical journeys and into the ancient worlds of the past. The mythologies build on folklore and you can learn a lot about the ancient lifestyles by reading mythology books. The themes in mythologies are often built around honor and bravery, but the tales also have their own universal moral message. 

Norse mythology books
In the Nordic countries we have a long and proud history of folk tales and some of them can be traced all the way back to the Middle Ages and even before that, to what we describe as the Norse period, where all the Scandinavian countries were connected as one and not divided into nations. The North was instead formed by many smaller societies, who lived comparatively insulated and connected to nature. Such a life could be hard and created fertile soil for folklore and the belief in supernatural creatures, which are found in many folk tales. Most of the tales were part of an oral tradition and were often handed down through many generations. The mythology tales were first written down and converted into mythology books many years after they were told for the first time. 
We cannot mention the Norse period without the Vikings. Vikings are known all over the world for their strength, ships and sometimes brutal conquests, but the Vikings were defined by so much more than that. They had for example a vivid and intriguing tradition for mythology. To the Vikings they were so much more than myths, it was their religion. The Norse religion referred to as Asatru consists of multiple gods, goddresses, brave heroes and volvas, which were strong female sorcerers and fortune tellers. If you want to find your way to get started in Nordic mythology you can find a good description and overview in Penguin Book of Norse myths - Gods of the Vikings

Greek mythology books
Some of the greatest and most famous myths are found in Ancient Greece. You might have heard about the gods Zeus and Prometheus, the goddesses Athena and Aphrodite, and the heroes Hercules and Achilles? They are just a few of the unique figures of Ancient Greek mythology. They are found in some of the greatest classics of world literature; the Iliad and the Odyssey written by Homer. At Tales you can get them as mythology books in their traditional verse form, but we would also recommend you to take a look at Stephen Fry’s interpretations of the classical tales. Fry takes the timeless classics into modern times by rewriting the mythologies in a modern, easy understandable english, but he still keeps the essence of the Ancient mythologies. You can find Stephen Fry’s Heroes and Mythos in our selection of mythological books. 

Egyptian mythology books
Another world of mythologies is found in Ancient Egypt. Here we come across Ancient gods and goddesses with faces formed as animals. One of the central gods in Egyptian mythology is the sun god Ra. Ra was the incarnation of the sun, which was the foundation of life. In Egyptian mythology we also find mummies. Mummies were the deceased faraos, who were embalmed and covered in gaze to restore them for the afterlife. The god Osiris would then help them on their way through the afterlife. The mummies were placed in their own pyramid, who would show the greatness of the faraos for the times to come. The pyramids still stand in Egypt and show the history of the past. Among our egyptian mythology books you find the book Egyptian Mythology, which has collected all the fascinating tales of Ancient Egypt and all its gods, goddesses and legendary creatures. 

Japanese mythology books 
You can also find japanese mythology books in Tales’ selection. The japanese myths are little known to people, but contain many amazing stories. You can for example find the story behind the samurais, an Ancient collection of warriors in the japanese armies. A samurai had to live up to certain virtues in order to keep his status. A samurai should both be loyal and have a high level of endurance, modesty, and honor. You could learn a lot about a country from its mythology, because it is the foundation of the country’s culture, although a lot of changes have found place since then. If you aren’t familiar with japanese mythology, we recommend you to read the Handbook of Japanese Mythology among our collection of japanese mythology books. 

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