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Tales' category of mythology contains some of the oldest written texts in history. The mythology books will take you on adventurous journeys through ancient worlds of brave heroes and great gods of the past. Our collection covers myth from all around the world. You can find stories about the Vikings’ Norse gods and sorceresses, but you can also dive into the legendary and heroic tales of Ancient Greece. You can also get wiser on Ancient Egypt and it’s gods and pharaohs. Finally you will find mythology books about Ancient Japan with descriptions of its traditions and customs. Get ready to be inspired by the stories of the past.
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  • by Lance Kerrigan
    £16.99 - 29.99

  • by Marie Long

    Take a hot-tempered guitarist, a mischievous drummer, and a kickass bassist, and you get VanAesir, one of the hottest underground Viking death metal bands in Seattle. But the road to the top is an endless struggle, especially for Tor Hagen, lead guitarist of VanAesir and walking disaster for all electronics. Getting through a set without a hitch is a challenge for Tor, whose uncontrollable lightning abilities are amplified through his uniquely crafted guitar, Myollnir. A few days before one of the largest metal events in the country, Tor wakes up to find his beloved Myollnir has been stolen. With a little help from his friends Frida Winters and Luca Ingram, Tor must do whatever it takes to get it back-even if gaffs and corsets are involved. A hilarious and snarky contemporary retelling of the Norse mythology story The Lay of Thrym from Poetic Edda.

  • by Ja Huss

    Welcome to Savage Falls, where the men have horns, doors have agendas, and the God of Love will never fall in love. Hate is his soulmate. His soulmate is hate. Love. When mutual, it's Heaven on Earth. When one-sided, it can tear you apart.There is no greater weapon than the heartsick soul. That is the power I wield, for I am the God of Love. No one has power like me. No one can poison a heart and pollute a mind the way I can. That is why the gods kicked me out. That is why they made me fall.But then a door appears on the side of my hill. The opportunity to ruin kings and destroy gods is mine once more. I can crush the whole wicked world if I can just get back the power I lost.But this magic of mine requires sacrifice.>Savage Rage of Fallen Gods is a story of a broken man. It is a tale of regret, promises, and how revenge can darken a god's soul. It is a new start of a spinoff series by New York Times bestselling author, JA Huss, writing as KC Cross.

  • by Rosalind Kerven

    A fascinating collection of classic Celtic fairy tales, with additional commentary on their history.

  • by James Sprenger, Anthony Uyl & Henricus Institor
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  • by Bruce Jackson

    Celebrates over a half-century of the work of one of America's greatest folklorists.

  • by Hispanic Society of America & Elsie Worthington Clews Parsons
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  • by Katherine Neville Fleeson
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  • by James Scarth Gale, Pang Im & Yuk Yi
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  • by Abigail Graham

    "Transcending conventional script-based approaches to rituals, readers are guided into an accessible and diverse realm of embodied religious experiences. Cognitive and sensory approaches connect mind (cognition) and body (senses), exploring a variety of ritual experiences (pagan & Christian) in the Roman world"--

  • by Zachary Hamby

    Tales of brave heroes appear in every culture around the globe, and this collection of Reader's Theater script-stories showcases ten of the most thrilling hero stories from world mythology.

  • by The Hope Seeker

    Don't Be Sad is an absolute must-read for all people. It is full of practical advice on how to replace sadness with happiness. All proceeds are donated to Huntington's research. The author wrote this book after his little girl died from Huntington's disease. The author shines a light on why happiness is so elusive for many of us and shows you where to find your greatest joy. The author wrote this book for anyone who is searching for happiness or who is living through pain and grief or who has been afflicted with a hardship that results in sadness and restless nights.

  • by Luna Lewis
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  • by Alma Martinez

    Explore the unique intersection of Christianity and witchcraft in Alma Martinez's illuminating guide, "The Christian Witch." This groundbreaking book, aimed at those who feel a call to blend the Christian faith with witchcraft practices, provides a rich foundation of knowledge, rituals, and personal reflection. The text delves into the reconciliation of these seemingly disparate paths, offering a fascinating exploration of the possibilities when they are woven together. Alma Martinez providesinsightful details on the elements of Christian witchcraft such as the role of Christian symbols, the relevance of saints and angels, and the incorporation of biblical texts. The book also goes over setting up and consecrating your altar and tools and techniques for prayer, meditation, visualization and ritual work. "The Christian Witch" invites you to explore, learn, and grow on your unique spiritual journey, empowering you to weave the threads of Christianity and witchcraft into a practice that resonates deeply with your faith and your magic.

  • by E. Kenny

    The lives of the settlers of Passwater are flipped upside down as their island is attacked by a foreign king. Nine young survivors flee across the sea to find safety. But, what they end up stumbling upon leaves their past feeling more like a lie and their future a nightmare.

  • by Horst-Dieter Radke

    Graubünden birgt einen reichen Schatz an Volkserzählungen. Sagen, Legenden und Märchen gibt es in großer Zahl. Eine Auswahl ist in diesem Buch zu finden, thematisch geordnet und mit informativen Kommentaren versehen.

  • by Matilda Leyser

    What happens when our oldest stories fail us? When all the rules have changed? The classic myth of Persephone - reimagined for a modern-day reader.Persephone spends six months under the ground with her husband, king of the dead, and six months on earth with her mother, goddess of the harvest. It has been this way for nine thousand years. But when she emerges this spring, something is different. Rains lash the land, crops grow out of season or not at all, there are people trying to build a road through the woods, and her mother does not seem able to stop them. The natural world is changing rapidly and even the gods have lost control. While Demeter tries to regain her powers and fend off her daughter's husband, who wants to drag his queen back underground for good, Persephone finally gets a taste of freedom. But what will this mean for her mother, her husband, and for the new shoots of life inside her?

  • by Tricia Mingerink
    £13.99 - 18.49

  • by Charles de Coster

    C'est dans la langue de Rabelais que M. Charles De Coster a écrit ses Légendes flamandes. Ces sortes de pastiches demandent beaucoup d'étude, une connaissance approfondie du vieux langage français, aux diverses époques, pour ne pas confondre l'une avec l'autre, et une sorte de familiarité de longe date avec les écrivains de ces temps là. En ces labyrinthes philologiques il est facile d'errer. Balzac, dans ses Contes drôlatiques, commet à chaque instant des fautes graves et montre qu'il connaît assez mal la langue et l'orthographe anciennes qu'il a prétendu reproduire.

  • by Charles de Coster

    La Légende d'Ulenspiegel (titre complet : La Légende et les Aventures héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d'Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au pays de Flandres et ailleurs) est un roman de 1867 de l'auteur belge Charles De Coster. Basé sur la figure littéraire de Till l'Espiègle, il raconte les aventures allégoriques du farceur flamand, Thyl Ulenspiegel, juste avant et pendant la révolte néerlandaise contre la domination espagnole des Pays-Bas.

  • by Charles de Coster

    Domburg est un petit bourg bâti sur la côte occidentale de l'île de Walcheren. Il fut entre tous ses frères, les villages de Zélande, si éprouvés par les mouvements de terrain et les inondations, l'un des plus infortunés et des plus éprouvés. Un horrible incendie le dévora un jour tout entier ; à peine renaissait-il de ses cendres que la mer se rua sur lui et engloutit la moitié de ses maisons : elles dorment maintenant sous le sable ; Domburg alors fit retraite derrière les dunes et là fut de nouveau rebâti ; ce que l'on voyait de lui en mil huit cent cinquante-sept, c'étaient de coquettes habitations de briques alignées dans une longue grande rue et dont les portes, les volets, les montants et les traverses des croisées sont peints pittoresquement en gris, en vert et en rouge...

  • by John Pirillo

    EIGHT EXCITING SHERLOCK HOLMES URBAN FANTASY MYSTERIES 1.A Case of Mistaken Identity -- a case of more thantwo legs to deal with 2. Baffled and Bedazzled -- Same old story. Boy meetsgirl. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl eats boy. Period. 3. A Matter of Taste -- Brotherly love that goes too far. 4. Case of the Missing Death -- Sometimes death rides thesame train as us. 5. Case of the Elegant Lady -- Maybe, she is not whatshe seems. 6. Empire and Domain -- Twisted purposes lead to twistedpower. 7. The Case of Constable Evans Fancy -- Constable Evansfalls in love. 8.The Case of the Coughing Man -- Evil intent can be asdark as sorcery. Don't miss out on the latest Double Holmes and all the wonderful Urban Fantasy mysteries inside!

  • by Mari Silva

    4 manuscritos completos en 1 libro:Magia celta: Desvelando el druidismo, la magia de la tierra, el chamanismo irlandés, la magia de los árboles y el paganismo escocésPaganismo irlandés: Desvelando las prácticas paganas y el druidismo en Irlanda junto con la brujería galesa y la espiritualidad celtaLa Morrigan: Prácticas celtas secretas, rituales de devoción, adivinación y hechizos de magia(k)Brígida: Desvelando la magia de la diosa celta de la adivinación, la sabiduría y la curaciónLa naturaleza puede ser un aliado muy poderoso en la magia. Desde la antigüedad, los celtas han sabido desvelar los secretos de este mundo y del reino más allá. Con la ayuda de su magia, usted puede aprender a hacer lo mismo.Esta segunda parte se centra principalmente en la historia y el legado del sistema de creencias paganas. Discute cómo este sistema fue practicado en Irlanda y Gales y esboza el papel de los druidas en la fe. También informa al lector sobre las deidades, cuentos y mitos clave para entender el papel del paganismo en la historia celta y galesa.Brígida puede ayudar a cualquiera, incluso en los tiempos que corren. Solo necesita invocarla con oraciones y ofrendas, y ella acudirá en su ayuda. Si desea honrarla a diario o solo en ocasiones especiales, esto dependerá enteramente de usted.En este libro, usted:Familiarizarse con las tradiciones celtas antiguas y modernasComprender las ideas fundamentales del chamanismo irlandés y del paganismo escocésDescubrir la relación entre la magia de los árboles y las letras OghamAprender qué es el paganismo irlandésDescubrir quiénes son los druidasAprender las diferentes ramas de la brujería celtaComprender los distintos componentes de los espíritus y deidades irlandesasComprender las múltiples facetas de la Morrigan de los antiguos mitos celtasFamiliarizarse con todos los animales y símbolos que representan a esta poderosa diosaVer cómo los poderes de la Morrigan como diosa de la fertilidad pueden ayudarle a atraer la prosperidad a su vidaComprender cómo los cuentos de Brígida dieron forma a la cultura celtaDominar su práctica con sus símbolos sagrados, incluida la cruz de BrígidaCelebrar su vida en imbolc o conmemorar su muerte en el día de santa Brígida

  • by Sunita Verma

    This is my first book, and I have written this book with energies from the universe and blessings of Maa. Herein I have written my own experiences in a simple language, and this is a very pure book for me. My purpose of writing this book is to bring more and more people toward spirituality. I am a very simple person; if I can go on the path of spirituality, then anyone can. All of us have problems in life. We should not run from them or go here and there or even ask other people to solve them, but we should ourselves move toward spirituality, sit for meditation, and pray to God to help us solve these problems. If we do so, our problems will be solved automatically. I hope you all will like My Journey to Spiritual Healing, so I can get encouraged to write the next book.

Mythology is the foundation of many of today's stories, take for example the stories of King Arthur and Merlin, a well-known story that goes back to the celtic mythologies. It has fascinated many writers all around the world and with good reason. Myths take you on fascinating and sometimes even magical journeys and into the ancient worlds of the past. The mythologies build on folklore and you can learn a lot about the ancient lifestyles by reading mythology books. The themes in mythologies are often built around honor and bravery, but the tales also have their own universal moral message. 

Norse mythology books
In the Nordic countries we have a long and proud history of folk tales and some of them can be traced all the way back to the Middle Ages and even before that, to what we describe as the Norse period, where all the Scandinavian countries were connected as one and not divided into nations. The North was instead formed by many smaller societies, who lived comparatively insulated and connected to nature. Such a life could be hard and created fertile soil for folklore and the belief in supernatural creatures, which are found in many folk tales. Most of the tales were part of an oral tradition and were often handed down through many generations. The mythology tales were first written down and converted into mythology books many years after they were told for the first time. 
We cannot mention the Norse period without the Vikings. Vikings are known all over the world for their strength, ships and sometimes brutal conquests, but the Vikings were defined by so much more than that. They had for example a vivid and intriguing tradition for mythology. To the Vikings they were so much more than myths, it was their religion. The Norse religion referred to as Asatru consists of multiple gods, goddresses, brave heroes and volvas, which were strong female sorcerers and fortune tellers. If you want to find your way to get started in Nordic mythology you can find a good description and overview in Penguin Book of Norse myths - Gods of the Vikings

Greek mythology books
Some of the greatest and most famous myths are found in Ancient Greece. You might have heard about the gods Zeus and Prometheus, the goddesses Athena and Aphrodite, and the heroes Hercules and Achilles? They are just a few of the unique figures of Ancient Greek mythology. They are found in some of the greatest classics of world literature; the Iliad and the Odyssey written by Homer. At Tales you can get them as mythology books in their traditional verse form, but we would also recommend you to take a look at Stephen Fry’s interpretations of the classical tales. Fry takes the timeless classics into modern times by rewriting the mythologies in a modern, easy understandable english, but he still keeps the essence of the Ancient mythologies. You can find Stephen Fry’s Heroes and Mythos in our selection of mythological books. 

Egyptian mythology books
Another world of mythologies is found in Ancient Egypt. Here we come across Ancient gods and goddesses with faces formed as animals. One of the central gods in Egyptian mythology is the sun god Ra. Ra was the incarnation of the sun, which was the foundation of life. In Egyptian mythology we also find mummies. Mummies were the deceased faraos, who were embalmed and covered in gaze to restore them for the afterlife. The god Osiris would then help them on their way through the afterlife. The mummies were placed in their own pyramid, who would show the greatness of the faraos for the times to come. The pyramids still stand in Egypt and show the history of the past. Among our egyptian mythology books you find the book Egyptian Mythology, which has collected all the fascinating tales of Ancient Egypt and all its gods, goddesses and legendary creatures. 

Japanese mythology books 
You can also find japanese mythology books in Tales’ selection. The japanese myths are little known to people, but contain many amazing stories. You can for example find the story behind the samurais, an Ancient collection of warriors in the japanese armies. A samurai had to live up to certain virtues in order to keep his status. A samurai should both be loyal and have a high level of endurance, modesty, and honor. You could learn a lot about a country from its mythology, because it is the foundation of the country’s culture, although a lot of changes have found place since then. If you aren’t familiar with japanese mythology, we recommend you to read the Handbook of Japanese Mythology among our collection of japanese mythology books. 

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