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Books in the Advances in Experimental Medic series

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  • by Joseph C. Lamanna, International Society on Oxygen Transpor & Edwin M. Nemoto

  • by Henry Weiner & International Workshop on the Enzymology

  • by Laurence S Baskin

  • by International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue

  • by Jouni Uitto

  • by Symposium on Flavonoids in the Living System

    Flavonoids in the Living System: An Introduction; J.A.Manthey, B.S. Buslig. Flavonoids and Arbucular-Mycorrhizal Fungi; H. Vierheilig, et al the Role of Glycosylation in Flavonol-Induced Pollen Germination; L.P. Taylor, et al. Expression of Genes for Enzymes of the Flavonoid Biosynthetic Pathway in the Early Stages of the Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis; H.I. McKhann, et al. Prospects for the Metabolic Engineering of Bioactive Flavonoids and Related Phenylpropanoid Compounds; R.A. Dixon, et al. Flavonoid Accumulation in Tissue and Cell Culture; Studies in Citrus and other Plant Species; M.A. Berhow. Flavonoids of the Orange Subfamily Aurantioideae; J.A. Manthey, K. Grohmann. Citrus Flavonoids: A Review of Past Biological Activity Against Disease: Discovery of New Flavonoids from Dancy Tangerine Cold Pressed Peel Oil Solids and Leaves; A. Montanari, et al. Differentiation of Soy Sauce Types by HPLC Profile Pattern Recognition: Isolation of Novel Isoflavones; E. Kinoshita, et al. Induction of Oxidative Stress by Redox Active Flavonoids; W.F. Hodnick, et al. Flavonoids in Foods as in Vitro and in Vivo Antioxidants; J.A. Vinson. 7 Additional Chapters. Index.

  • by Symposium on Drugs of Abuse Immunomodulation and AIDS

    Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Modulation of the Immune System by Drugs of Abuse; S.L. Chang, et al. Immunomodulation of Macrophage Functions by Opioids; R. Gomez-Flores, R.J. Weber. Morphine Accelerates the Progression of Sepsis in an Experimental Sepsis Model; S. Roy, et al. Morphine Depresses Macrophage Numbers and Function in Mouse Spleens; T.K. Eisenstein, et al. Morphine Depresses Macrophage Numbers and Function in Mouse Spleens; T.K. Eisenstein, et al. Centrally-Mediated Opioid-Induced Immunosupression: Elucidation of Sympathetic Nervous System Involvement; W.J. Brinkman, et al. The Expression of Interleukin-1beta Converting Enzyme (ICE) in Rat is Decreased Following Chronic Exposure to Morphine; Gao-de Wu, et al. Opioid Receptor Gene Expression in the Porcine Immune System; M.S. Pampusch, et al. The Effects of Interaction Between Morphine and Interleukin-1 on the Immune Response; S.L. Chang, et al. Morphine Alters the Immune Response to Influenza Virus Infection in Lewis Rats; M.E. Coussons-Read, et al. Orphan Opioid Receptor Oligonucleotide Inhibit HIV-1 Expression in Human Brain Cells; C.C. Chao, et al. Opiate Effects on in Vitro Human Retroviral Infection; S.B.Nyland, et al. FIV: A Lentivirus Model for Opiate Effects on Disease; J.-N. Billaud, T.R. Phillips. 21 Additional Articles. Index.

  • by Axford

  • by Fondazione Internazionale Menarini

    Session I: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Structural Aspects and Mechanisms.- 1. Relations of Left Ventricular Geometry and Function to Prognosis in Hypertension.- 2. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Arterial Compliance, and Aging.- 3. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Arterial Blood Pressure in Experimental Models of Hypertension.- 4. Regulation and Role of Myocardial Collagen Matrix Remodeling in Hypertensive Heart Disease.- 5. Ultrasonic Reflectivity of the Heart: A Measure of Fibrosis?.- 6. Local Angiotensin II and Myocardial Fibrosis.- 7. Left Ventricular Anatomy and Function in Primary Aldosteronism and Renovascular Hypertension.- Session II: Pathophysiological and Molecular Aspects.- 8. Hypertension Differentially Affects the Expression of the Gap Junction Protein Connexin43 in Cardiac Myocytes and Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells.- 9. Modulation of Cardiac Hypertrophy by Estrogens.- 10. Salt Sensitivity and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.- 11. Volume Overload, Atrial Natriuretic Peptide, and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.- 12. The Renin-Angiotensin System Gene Polymorphism and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.- 13. Renin-Angiotensin System Gene Polymorphisms and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: The Case against an Association.- Session III: Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Aspects.- 14. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Arterial Hypertrophy.- 15. Relationship between Cardiac Hypertrophy and Microalbuminuria.- 16. Physiological versus Pathological Hypertrophy: The Athlete and the Hypertensive.- 17. Bradykinin and Cardiac Protection.- 18. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Sympathetic Activity.- 19. Hypertension, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, and Heart Rate Variability.- 20. Comparison of Meta-Analyses of Therapeutic Studies on Regression of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.- 21. Comparison of Therapeutic Studies on Regression of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.- 22. Prognostic Significance of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Regression.- Session IV: Myocardial Ischemia.- 23. Hypertension and Coronary Microvascular Disease.- 24. Myocardial Perfusion in Hypertensive Patients with Normal Coronary Arteries.- 25. Endothelial Dysfunction in Hypertension.- 26. Endothelial Dysfunction in Hypertensives: An Uncertain Association.- 27. Hypertension, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, and Coronary Flow Reserve.- 28. Hypertensive Heart Disease, Ventricular Dysrhythmias, and Sudden Death.- 29. Hypertension and Heart Failure.- Speakers.

  • by David Krithevsky

    General Aspects: Nutritionally Related Disorders/Diseases in Africans: Highlights of Half A Century of Research, with Special Reference to Unexpected Phenomena; A.R.P. Walker. The Evolving Epidemiology of Fiber & Heart Disease; C. Humble. Complex Carbohydrates: Overview on Complex Carbohydrates; J. De Vries. Dietary Guidelines and Complex Carbohydrates; B. Schneeman. Soluble Fiber: Soluble Fiber and Hypertension; J.M. Keenan. Soluble Fiber and Energy Regulation: Current Knowledge and Future Directions; S. Roberts. Short Chain Fatty Acids: Butyrate and the Colonocyte: Production, Absorption, Metabolism and Nutrient Utilization; M.J. McBurney. Nutrients Contributing to the Fiber Effect: Resistant Starch-An Update on Its Physiological Effects; N.G. Asp. Health Benefits of Non-Digestible Oligosaccharides; M. Roberfroid. Fiber and Disease: Fiber and Cancer Protection: Mechanisms; D. Klurfeld. Dietary Fiber & Bile Acid Metabolism-An Update; J.A. Story. Workshop Reports: Dietary Guidelines/RDA/Daily Value; B. Schneeman. Soluble Dietary Fiber; J. Marlett. 19 Additional Articles. Index.

  • by International Symposium on the Chemistry and Biology of Serpins

    Introduction: Serpins: From the Way It Was to the Way It Is; J. Travis. Serpins: A Mechanistic Class of Their Own; S.R. Stone, et al. Coagulation: Antithrombin-A Bloody Important Serpin; I. Björk, S.T. Olson. Heparin Cofactor II; D.M. Tollefsen. Neurobiology and Cancer: Regulation of Neurons and Astrocytes by Thrombin and Protease Nexin-l: Relationship to Brain Injury; D.D. Cunningham, F.M. Donovan. Maspin: A Tumor Suppressing Serpin; R. Sager, et al.. Fibrinolysis: The Role of Reactive-Center Loop Mobility in the Serpin Inhibitory Mechanism; D.A. Lawrence. Substrate Specificity of Tissue Type Plasminogen Activator; E.L. Madison. Development and Reproduction: Biology of Progesterone-Induced Uterine Serpins; P.J. Hansen, W.-J. Liu. Serpins from an Insect, Manduca sexta; M.R. Kanost, H. Jiang. Inflammation: Serpins and Programmed Cell Death; G.S. Salvesen. Noninhibitor Serpins: Structure-Function Studies on PEDF: A Noninhibitory Serpin with Neurotropic Activity; S.P. Becerra. Abstracts: Coagulation, Neurobiology and Cancer. Fibrinolysis, Development and Reproduction. Inflammation and Noninhibitor Serpins. 10 Additional Articles. Index.

  • by A F Holstein

    Human Reproduction-The Missing Parts of the Puzzle; B.P. Setchell. Genes, Chromosomes and Fertility: Human Y Chromosome Deletions in Yq11 and Male Fertility; P.H. Vogt. Frequency of Y-Chromosome Microdeletions; (Yq11.22-23) in Men with Reduced Sperm Quality Requesting Assisted Reproduction; A. Bonhoff, et al. Germ Cell Differentiation and Tumorigenesis: Endocrine Control of Germ Cell Proliferation in the Primate Testis: What Do We Really Know?; G.F. Weinbauer, E. Nieschlag. The Role of the Testicular Accessory Cells: Molecular Pathophysiology of the Pituitary-Gonadal Axis; M. Simoni, et al. Compartmentalization, Vascularization and Angiogenesis: Compartmentalization of the Intertubular Space in the Human Testis; A.F. Holstein, M. Davidoff. Post-Testicular Sperm Maturation: The Role of Apocrine Released Proteins in the Post-Testicular Regulation of Human Sperm Function; G. Aumüller, et al. Control of the Male and Female Tracts: Interactions Between Leukocytes and the Male Reproductive System: The Unanswered Question; A.G. Rossi, R.J. Aitken. Gamete Interaction and Fertilization: The Cell Biology of Fertilization; R.J. Aitken. 45 Additional Articles. Index.

  • by Vincente Felipo

    Brain Tryptophan Perturbation in Hepatic Encephalopathy: Implications for Effects by Neuropsychoactive Drugs in Clinical Practice; F. Bengtsson, et al. Hepatic Encephalopathy in Acute Liver Failure: Role of the Glutamate System; A. Michalak, et al. Glutamate and Muscarinic Receptors in the Molecular Mechanisms of Acute Ammonia Toxicity and of Its Prevention; M.D. Miñana, et al. Studies on the Pharmacological Properties of Oxindole (2-Hydroxyindole) and 5-Hydroxyindole: Are They Involved in Hepatic Encephalopathy?; F. Moroni, et al. The Involvement of Ammonia with the Mechanisms That Enhance GABA-ergic Neurotransmission in Hepatic Failure; E.A. Jones, A.S. Basile. Direct Enhancement of GABA-ergic Neurotransmission by Ammonia; J.-H. Ha, et al. The Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor and Neurosteroids in Hepatic Encephalopathy; M.D. Norenberg, et al. Ornithine Aminotransferase as a Therapeutic Target in Hyperammonemias; N. Seiler. Sparse-Fur (spf) Mouse as a Model of Hyperammonemia: Alterations in the Neurotransmitter Systems; I.A. Qureshi, K.V.R. Rao. Abnormal Gene Expression Causing Hyperammonemia in Carnitine-Deficient Juvenile Visceral Steatosis (JVS) Mice; T. Saheki, et al. 7 Additional Articles. Index.

  • by Friedrich Haag

    Introduction. Mono(ADP-ribosyl)Transferases and Related Enzymes: Emerging Gene Families; F. Koch-Nolte, F. Haag. Mono-ADP-ribosylation in Prokaryotes. Crystal Structure of Diphtheria Toxin Bound to Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide; C.E. Bell, D. Eisenberg. Molecular Approaches to Eukaryotic Mono(ADP-ribosyl)Transferases. Sequence and Structural Links Between Distant ADp-ribosyltransferase Families; F. Bazan, F. Koch-Nolte. Moni(ADP-ribosyl)Transferases in the Immune System. Regulation of Cytotoxic T Cell Functions by a GPI-anchored Ecto-ADP-ribosyltransferase; J. Wang, et al. Mono-ADP-ribosylation in Other Animal Tissues. An ADP-Ribosyltransferase from Bovine Erythrocytes Apparently Specific for Cysteine Residues; S. van Heyningen, B. Saxty. Physiology of GPI-Anchored Proteins. Cell Surface Dynamics of GPI-anchored Proteins; F.R. Maxfield, S. Mayor. Relationship of ADP-Ribosyltransferases to NAD+ Glycohydrolases and ADP-ribosyl Cyclases. ADp-Ribose in Glycation and Glycoxidation Reactions; E.L. Jacobson, et al. Special Lecture Commemorating the Retirement of Professor Heinz-Günter Thiele. Appendix. 28 Additional Lectures. 24 Poster Reports. Index.

  • by R W Torrance

    Historical Perspectives. Morphology of Chemoreceptors. Re-Examination of the Carotid body Ultrastructure with Paying Attention to the Intercellular Membrane Apposition; H. Kondo, H. Iwasa. Biochemistry of Chemoreceptor Mechanisms. Developmental Aspects of Chemoreceptors. Mechanisms of Carotid Chemoreceptor Resetting After Birth: in vitro Studies; J.L. Carroll, et al. Biophysics of Ionic Channels in Chemoreceptors. Molecular Biology of Chemoreceptors. Evaluation of Gene Expression in the Rat Carotid Body Using the Differential Display Technique; J. Chen, et al. Generation of Chemosensory Activity. transmitters Involved in Chemoreception: Acetylcholine. Release of Acetylcholine from the in vitro Cat Carotid Body; R.S. Fitzgerald, M. Shirahata. Transmitters Involved in Chemoreception: Catecholamines. Dopamine Efflux from the Carotid Body During Hypoxic Stimulation; P. Zapata, et al. Transmiters Involved in Chemoreception: Adenosine and Peptides. Transmitters Involved in Chemoreception: Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide. Chemoreflex Pathways. Coherence of Chemosensor Discharges in Catas' Carotid Nerves. Cooperative Inputs or Redundant Afferences?; J. Alcayaga, et al. Chemoreceptors in Ventilatory Regulation. Chemoreflex Integration and Effectors. 65 Additional Articles. Index.

  • by Samuel Sideman

    Molecular Mechanisms of Sarcolemar Excitability: Ion Channels and Pumps in Cardiac Function; H.A. Fozzard, G. Lipkind Molecular Mechanisms of K+ Channel Blockade: 4Aminopyridine Interaction with a Cloned Cardiac Transient K+(Kv1.4) Channel; R.L. Rasmusson Integrative Models and Responses in Cardiac Ischemia; S. Horner, M.J. Lab Intracellular Calcium and Muscle Function-SR and Filaments: Sarcomere Function and Crossbridge Cycling; H.E.D.J. ter Keurs Crossbridge Dynamics in Muscle Contraction; A. Landesberg, et al. Mechanisms of the Frank-Starling Phenomena Studies in Intact Hearts; D. Burkhoff, et al. Molecular Manifestations of Cell Adaptation: Metabolic Oscillations in Heart Cells; B. O'Rourke, et al. Regulation of Adenosine Receptors in Cultured Heart Cells; D. ElAni, et al. Ventricular Remodeling in Heart Failure: The Role of Myocardial Collagen; J.S. Janicki, et al. Analysis and Modeling: From Microstructure to Macroperformance: Mechanisms of Endocardial Endothelium Modulation of Myocardial Performance; P. Mohan, et al. Vascular Gene Therapy; M.Y. Flugelman Closure: Toward Modeling the Human Physionome; J.B. Bassingthwaighte 20 additional articles. Index.

  • by James Banchereau

    Dendritic Cells: Origin and Differentiation: Thymic Dendritic Cells: Surface Phenotype, Developmental Origin, and Function; K. Shortman, et al. Dendritic Cells: Phenotype: Functional CD40 Antigen on B Cells, Dendritic Cells and Fibroblasts; J. Banchereau, et al. Dendritic Cells: Antigen Processing Presentation, Cell Migration: Establishment and Characterization of Antigenpresenting Cell Lines (XS Series) Derived from Newborn Mouse Epidermis; A. Takashima, et al. Follicular Dendritic Cells: Origin, Phenotype, and Maturation: Multiple Lines of Evidence Favoring a Bone Marrow Derivation of Follicular Dendritic Cells (FDCs); A.K. Szakal, et al. Follicular Dendritic Cells: Function: Germinal Center T Cells: Analysis of Their Proliferative Capacity; F. Bouzahzah, et al. Dendritic Cells: Lymphocyte Interactions: Dendritic Cells as Stimulator Cells of MHC Class Irestricted Immune Responses; A. Elbe, G. Stingl Dendritic Cell and HIV: Mechanisms of Retrovirallyinduced Immunosupression Acting via Dendritic Cells; S.C. Knight Dendritic Cells in Transplantation, Allergy, and Oncology: Early Events in Contact Sensitivity; S.I. Katz, et al. 117 additional articles. Index.

  • by Lily C Tang

    Perspective of Neurochemistry in Neurological Disorders.- Selegiline Induces "Trophic-Like" Rescue of Dying Neurons without Mao Inhibition.- Aliphatic Propargylamines, a New Series of Potent Selective, Irreversible Non-Amphetamine-Like MAO-B Inhibitors.- Medical Treatment of Parkinson's Disease.- Neuropharmacological Effects of (-)-Stepholidine and Its Analogues on Brain Dopaminergic System.- Neurotoxicity of MPTP and Uptake of MPPT into Dopamine and Norepinephrine Neurons in Mice.- Linopirdine.- Differential Changes in Regional Brain Ganglioside and Neutral Glycosphingolipid Contents in Alzheimer's Disease.- Action of Organophosphate Anticholinesterases on the Three Conformational States of Nicotinic Receptor.- Purification and Characterization of a Novel Neurotoxin-Kappa Bungarotoxin.- Development of Antidepressant Drugs.- The Identification of Heterogeneity of 5-HT Receptors with [H]Rs-42358-197.- Advances in Clinical Research on Common Mental Disorders with Computer Controlled Electro-Acupuncture Treatment.- The Importance of Glutamate Receptors in Brain Ischemia.- Biochemical Study of the Postischemic Neuronal Damage.- Effects of Ilexonin A on Circulatory Neuroregulation.- Study on Cerebrovascular Disease of the Elderly in China.- Cellular Physiology of Epileptogenic Phenomena.- The Clinical Pharmacology of Antiepileptic Drugs.- Hemodynamic Actions of Huatuo Reconstruction Pill on Anesthetized Animals.- Treatment of Affective Disorders.- Studies of Diagnosis and Pathogenesis of Wilson's Disease.- Evidence for Presynaptic Damage in Myasthenia Gravis.

  • by Melandri

    Calcium Homeostasis: Calcium Homeostasis in Skeletal Muscle; E. Ríos. Calcium Ion Fluxes across Plasma Membranes; G. Vassort. Presynaptic Nerve Function: Biochemical Aspects of Presynaptic Function; F. Valtorta, et al. Biophysical Aspects of Presynaptic Activity; R. Fesce. Nervous Control of Muscle Function: Low Molecular Weight Neurotransmitters; M.Z. Wrona, G. Dryhurst. The Electrochemical Signal Transmission by the Acetylcholine Receptor: Single Channel Conductance Events and Oligochannels; E. Neumann, T. Schürholz. Nervous Control of Cardia Function: Modulation of Pacemaker Activity; D. Di Francesco. Excitation-Contraction Coupling: Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Skeletal Muscle; E. Ríos, et al. Muscle Contraction: Contractile Protein Isoforms in Sarcomeric Muscle: Distribution, Function and Control of Gene Expression; S. Schiaffino, P. Moretti. Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes: Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes Applied to Biological Systems: A General Survey; D. Walz. 7 additional articles. Index.

  • by Roberto L Ceriani

    Session I.- Breast Mucin and Associated Antigens in Diagnosis and Therapy.- Peptide Epitopes in Breast Cancer Mucins.- Does a Novel Form of the Breast Cancer Marker Protein, MUC1, Act as a Receptor Molecule that Modulates Signal Transduction?.- Cancer Metastasis Determined by Carbohydrate-Mediated Cell Adhesion.- Experimental Immunotherapy of Breast Cancer Using Alpha Interferon Conjugated to Monoclonal Antibody Mc5.- Circulating and Tissue Markers in the Longitudinal Management of Breast Cancer Patients.- Session II.- Engineering of Antibodies for Breast Cancer Therapy: Construction of Chimeric and Humanized Versions of the Murine Monoclonal Antibody BrE-3.- Humanization of an Anti-Mucin Antibody for Breast and Ovarian Cancer Therapy.- Towards an Immunotherapy for p185HER2 Overexpressing Tumors.- Session III.- Branching N-Linked Oligosaccharides in Breast Cancer.- Specificity of the IgG Response in Mice and Human Breast Cancer Patients Following Immunization Against Synthetic Sialyl-Tn, an Epitope with Possible Functional Significance in Metastasis.- Vaccination Against Breast Cancer - Studies in an Animal Model.- Anti-Idiotype Antibodies as Potential Therapeutic Agents for Human Breast Cancer.- The Simultaneous Expression of c-erbB-2 Oncoprotein and Laminin Receptor on Primary Breast Tumors has a Predicting Potential Analogous to that of the Lymph Node Status.- Multivariate Prognostic Model for Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast in the Axillary Node-Free Patient.- The Use of Monoclonal Antibody Immunoconjugates in Cancer Therapy.- Radioimmunolocalization of Breast Cancer Using BrE-3 Monoclonal Antibody.- Suppression of Human Anti-Mouse Antibody Response to Murine Monoclonal Antibody L6 by Deoxyspergualin: A Phase I Study.- Overview of Radioimmunotherapy in Advanced Breast Cancer Using 1-131 Chimeric L6.- Contributors.

  • by Bronzetti

    Mechanistic Approaches to Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis: Multiple Mechanisms; L.M. De Luca. Inhibition of Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis by Extracellular Mechanisms: Inhibition of Nitrosation; H. Bartsch, et al. Modulation of Metabolism and Blocking of Reactive Species: Organ-Specific Modification of Carcinogenesis by Antitoxidants in Rats; M. Hirose, et al. Modulation of DNA Repair and Control of Gene Expression: Molecular Control of Human Papillomavirus RNA Expression in Neoplasia; J.A. DiPaolo, C.H. Woodworth. Mechanisms of Inhibition of Tumor Promotion, Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis: Mechanisms of Inhibition of Tumor Progression; B.S. Warren, T.J. Slaga. Prospects in Chemoprevention of Mutation and Cancer: Dietary Inhibitors Against Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis; H. Hayatsu, et al. 35 additional articles. Index.

  • by Henk Granzier

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