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Books in the Advances in Financial Economics series

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    Advances in Financial Economics publishes peer reviewed quality manuscripts on any aspects of financial economics including corporate finance, financial institutions and markets and microeconomics.

  • - Financial Perspectives


  • by Mark Hirschey

    Focuses on corporate governance, broadly defined as the system of controls that helps corporations and other organizations effectively manage, administer, and direct economic resources. This book focuses on: the impact of deregulation and corporate structure on productive efficiency; and the effectiveness of the fraud triangle and SAS.


    Provides an overview of the rise and fall of Europe's new stock markets (the German Neuer Markt, the French Nouveau Marche, the Italian Nuovo Mercato and Nasdaq Europe). This book contains twelve papers which investigate the characteristics, the ownership structure and the market performance of companies in the short and long run.


    The valuation of Internet companies, effects of firm size in takeover studies, and long-run performance of mergers in the telecommunications industry are all seen as riddles for the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. This volume focuses on pricing puzzles in investments. It also features studies describing innovations in corporate finance.

  • - A Global Perspective

    Presents papers which focus on corporate governance defined as the system of control that helps corporations manage, administer, and direct economic resources. They show how corporate control mechanisms within the firm have evolved around the world to allocate decision authority to that person or organization best able to perform a given task.


    Discusses such topics as the global variation in financial ratios, trading costs of target firms around corporate takeovers, and economic activity measures in nonlinear asset pricing.


    Contains fourteen research papers with theoretical and empirical treatment of important financial aspects of corporate governance. These papers cover major corporate governance issues such as the role of the board of directors, ownership structure, ownership concentration, and the influence of outside blockholders.

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