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Books in the Advances in Gender Research series

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  • by Vasilikie Demos

    Gender can be rendered invisible when the gendered nature of institutions is ignored or when the genders of participants in events or movements are not identified. The genders of non-binary and gender-diverse individuals can be erased when gender is conceived of as binary. From an intersectional perspective, genders of people of various classes, castes, races, ethnicities, ages, occupations, or other specific characteristics may be absent from data, erased from public view or rendered invisible by stereotypes or policy decisions.Gender Visibility and Erasure offers a unique way of focusing on gender by identifying the multiple contexts in which issues of visibility, invisibility, and erasure manifest. It is a consideration of who is seen and who is ignored, who has voice and who is silenced, who has agency and who is controlled. Social, cultural, and political factors associated with gender and visibility are also discussed throughout the work. International in perspective, further considerations are made around how gender visibility may change over time in varying contexts such as migration, a program for recruiting lower income girls into STEM fields, academia, government family planning policy, and domestic violence.This 33rd volume of the Advanced Gender Research series, Gender Visibility and Erasure is the ideal work for those studying and researching the in/visibility aspects regarding gender and how this currently and may continue to impact society.

  • - Positionalities and Discourses in the Global South

    In the global South there is potential for politics to marginalize the diverse perspectives of subaltern communities. Exploring ongoing and new feminist dialogues in the global South, this book examines the ways in which dominant epistemologies are challenged, unique identities formed, and the implications for the global feminist agenda.

  • - Critical Insight from Asia, Africa and Latin America

    What progress has been made to achieve SDG5? Bridging the academic and policymaking spaces, this edited collection offers a critical insight and evaluation of the public policies targeted at improving the condition of women living in developing countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

  • - The Legacy of Sandra L. Bem

    This edited collection examines the significance of Sandra L. Bem's research for current debates on gender and gender roles in the social sciences, with contributions that question how the institution of gender has been, and remains, deeply contested.

  • - Global Perspectives on Being a Woman

    This innovative collection puts forward how women are able to challenge oppression through circumventing rules, roles, obligations and prejudice through a powerful agency. Chapters cover the experiences of women in different global settings related to education, political activism, corporeal violence, identity, sexuality, and poverty.

  • - From Production to Consumption and After

    Volume 22 explores the complex relationships between gender and food in a variety of locations and time periods using a range of research methods. Gender inequality as it affects the struggle for access to land, the affordability of food, and its nutritional value is identified as a major social policy issue.

  • - Feminism, social science and knowledge

    This volume reflects on how the study of gender has changed and how studying gender has affected our research methods and our knowledge of the world around us. The interdisciplinary nature of gender studies and the cross-pollination of theoretical perspectives are illustrated as is the globalization of gender theory, research and policies.


    This volume offers understandings of the relationship between violence and gender from the global to the domestic level. Authors trace the history of feminist antiviolence efforts, theorize the reproduction of symbolic gender violence, and show how violence might be re-conceptualized in comparative and intersectional perspectives.


    Social Production and Reproduction at the Interface of Public and Private Spheres


    Addresses questions about how feminist scholars conceptualize gender and view it in relationship to other attributes of individuals and of social systems. This book strives for intersectional analyses broadening that approach beyond the gender, race and class paradigm to include sexuality, employing a variety of methodologies.


    Includes articles that examine the intersection of gender with other characteristics in a variety of settings including factory floors and corporate offices, welfare offices, state legislatures, the armed forces, universities, social clubs and playing fields.

  • - Theory, Research, and Action

    Containing nine papers, this title discusses theory, research and action tied to gender and geographic location. Examining gender and its implications for feminist action, it represents a variety of cultures from diverse countries.


    This volume examines exercise of power at the intersection of gender and sexuality. The collected articles offer insights into some of the ways in which gender can be used to challenge the exercise of sexual power, as well as the ways that it can reify patriarchal, heteronormative sexual relations.


    This volume offers papers touching on four inter-related themes: a critique of the European Enlightenment as a basis for the production of knowledge; the use of "gender" as a concept; problems in feminist theories of development; and the place of feminism in the production of knowledge.

  • - Local and Global

    Documents the types of work in which women engage, and gender equity issues they face. The papers in this title show both the importance of considering the uniqueness of cultural contexts for understanding and resolving problems and how global interdependence affects local gender realities.

  • - Key Themes

    Offers a critique of biomedical approaches to personal and public health, and calls for more sociological input, qualitative research and an intersectional approach to help us understand various aspects of health and illness. This volume is about gender, health and medicine broadly defined.


    This series is aimed at presenting current methodological and theoretical research in the area of gender studies. This first volume explores the subjects of gender, race and class, examining sexual roles in marriage and African-American gender relationships.


    Illuminates the encounter of feminist activism with scholarship in political science, cultural studies, sociology, ethnic studies, and economics. This volume gives a genealogical account of various different kinds of feminisms. It offers various dimensions on the relationships across time and place among activisms and scholarships.


    Presents contributors who refine ideas that have been part of the conceptual toolkit of gender scholarship from its inception, identifying challenges to and applications for the concepts of the public/private dichotomy and of patriarchy.


    Intends to present methodological and theoretical research in the area of gender studies. This title discusses such topics as gender labour markets and social policy, women and families in Costa Rica, and economic development, patriarchy, and intrahousehold dynamics.


    Offers feminist perspectives on the social, cultural and medical aspects of women as sexual beings and of their fertility, pregnancy and child bearing. The seven essays included here, raise questions about control and agency asking who decides if, when and how fertility should be controlled and the circumstances under which birth takes place.

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