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Books in the Cambridge Library Collection - Mathematics series

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  • by Carl Anton Bjerknes

    Few men in modern mathematics have had as great an impact as the Norwegian Niels Henrik Abel (1802-29), whose discoveries paved the way for several new branches of nineteenth-century mathematics. Tragically, Abel's short life was dominated by poverty and his scientific achievements were not fully recognised until after his death. This work, written by Carl Anton Bjerknes (1825-1903), was the first full biography of Abel. Originally published in 1880 and translated into French in 1885, it became a valuable resource for later Abel biographers and scholars of the history of mathematics. With insight and understanding, Bjerknes charts the progress of the talented young mathematician and gives a detailed account of Abel's work and his correspondence with other contemporary mathematicians. In particular, he examines in depth (from Abel's point of view) the dispute between Abel and his rival Jacobi relating to their discoveries of elliptic functions in the 1820s.

  • - Herausgegeben auf Veranlassung der koeniglich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
    by Jakob Steiner
    £52.49 - 59.49

    Considered by many to be the greatest geometer since Apollonius of Perga, the Swiss mathematician Jakob Steiner (1796-1863) did important work on systemising geometry. This two-volume edition of his collected works in German was edited by Karl Weierstrass (1815-97) and published between 1881 and 1882.

  • by Charles Babbage

    The mathematician Charles Babbage (1791-1871) was one of the most original thinkers of the nineteenth century. In this influential 1830 publication, he criticises the continued failure of government to support science and scientists. In addition, he identifies the weaknesses of the then existing scientific societies, saving his most caustic remarks for the Royal Society. Asserting that the societies were operated largely by small groups of amateurs possessing only superficial interest and knowledge of science, Babbage explores the importance of the relationships between science, technology and society. Exposing the absence of a true scientific culture, he states, 'The pursuit of science does not, in England, constitute a distinct profession, as it does in other countries.' These concerns found favour with many, influencing reforms of the Royal Society and leading to the founding of the British Association.

  • by Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi

    Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (1804-51) was one of the nineteenth century's greatest mathematicians, as attested by the diversity of mathematical objects named after him. His early work on number theory had already attracted the attention of Carl Friedrich Gauss, but his reputation was made by his work on elliptic functions. Elliptic integrals had been studied for a long time, but in 1827 Jacobi and Niels Henrik Abel realised independently that the correct way to view them was by means of their inverse functions - what we now call the elliptic functions. The next few years witnessed a flowering of the subject as the two mathematicians pushed ahead. Adrien-Marie Legendre, an expert on the old theory, wrote: 'I congratulate myself that I have lived long enough to witness these magnanimous conflicts between two equally strong young athletes'. This Latin work, first published in 1829, is Jacobi's pioneering account of the new theory.

  • by Hermann Grassmann

    The Prussian schoolmaster Hermann Grassmann (1809-77) taught a range of subjects including mathematics, science and Latin and wrote several secondary-school textbooks. Although he was never appointed to a university post, he devoted much energy to mathematical research and developed revolutionary new insights. Die lineale Ausdehnungslehre, published in 1844, is an astonishing work which was not understood by the mathematicians of its time but which anticipated developments that took a century to come to fruition - vector spaces, dimension, exterior products and many other ideas. Admired rather than read by the next generation, it was only fully appreciated by mathematicians such as Peano and Whitehead.

  • by Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet

    Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet (1805-59) may be considered the father of modern number theory. He studied in Paris, coming under the influence of mathematicians like Fourier and Legendre, and then taught at Berlin and Gottingen universities, where he was the successor to Gauss. This book contains lectures on number theory given by Dirichlet in 1856-7. They include his famous proofs of the class number theorem for binary quadratic forms and the existence of an infinity of primes in every appropriate arithmetical progression. The material was first published in 1863 by Richard Dedekind (1831-1916), professor at Braunschweig, who had been a junior colleague of Dirichlet at Gottingen. The second edition appeared in 1871; this reissue is of the third, revised and expanded, edition of 1879; a fourth edition appeared as late as 1894. The appendices contain further work by both Dirichlet and Dedekind.

  • by Richard Dedekind

    The nineteenth century saw the paradoxes and obscurities of eighteenth-century calculus gradually replaced by the exact theorems and statements of rigorous analysis. It became clear that all analysis could be deduced from the properties of the real numbers. But what are the real numbers and why do they have the properties we claim they do? In this charming and influential book, Richard Dedekind (1831-1916), Professor at the Technische Hochschule in Braunschweig, showed how to resolve this problem starting from elementary ideas. His method of constructing the reals from the rationals (the Dedekind cut) remains central to this day and was generalised by Conway in his construction of the 'surreal numbers'. This reissue of Dedekind's 1888 classic is of the 'second, unaltered' 1893 edition.

  • by Sophie Germain

    Sophie Germain (1776-1831) was one of the first distinguished female mathematicians of the modern era. Largely self-taught, she won the admiration and friendship of Legendre and Gauss (whose work also appears in this series). Germain is best known for her work on number theory, notably Fermat's Last Theorem, but she played an important part in establishing the foundations of elasticity. This book, described by her slightly younger contemporary Navier as 'a work which few men are able to read and which only one woman was able to write', contains her research on the topic, which was awarded a prize by the Paris Academy of Sciences. This work was published in Paris in 1821.

  • by William Burnside

    The British mathematician William Burnside (1852-1927) and Ferdinand Georg Frobenius (1849-1917), Professor at Zurich and Berlin universities, are considered to be the founders of the modern theory of finite groups. Not only did Burnside prove many important theorems, but he also laid down lines of research for the next hundred years: two Fields Medals have been awarded for work on problems suggested by him. The Theory of Groups of Finite Order, originally published in 1897, was the first major textbook on the subject. The 1911 second edition (reissued here) contains an account of Frobenius's character theory, and remained the standard reference for many years.

  • by George Green

    A miller's son, George Green (1793-1841) received little formal schooling yet managed to acquire significant knowledge of modern mathematics, especially French work. In 1828 he published his Essay on the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electricity and Magnetism, the work for which he is now celebrated. Admitted to Cambridge in 1833 as a mature student, Green went on to become a fellow of Gonville and Caius College. His early death, however, cut short a promising career as a mathematical physicist. While English contemporaries saw what he might have achieved, they did not understand what he had actually achieved. Only when William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin) rediscovered Green's first publication and shared it with the French mathematical elite was his greatness truly appreciated. Edited by the Cambridge mathematician Norman Macleod Ferrers (1829-1903) and published in 1871, this collection comprises Green's influential essay and nine further papers.

  • by Hermann Grassmann

    In 1844, the Prussian schoolmaster Hermann Grassmann (1809-77) published Die Lineale Ausdehnungslehre (also reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection). This revolutionary work anticipated the modern theory of vector spaces and exterior algebras. It was little understood at the time and the few sympathetic mathematicians, rather than trying harder to comprehend it, urged Grassmann to write an extended version of his theories. The present work is that version, first published in 1862. However, this also proved too far ahead of its time and Grassmann turned to historical linguistics, in which field his contributions are still remembered. His mathematical work eventually found champions such as Hankel, Peano, Whitehead and Elie Cartan, and it is now recognised for the brilliant achievement that it was in the history of mathematics.

  • by Camille Jordan

    One of the great algebraists of the nineteenth century, Marie Ennemond Camille Jordan (1838-1922) became known for his work on matrices, Galois theory and group theory. However, his most profound effect on how we see mathematics came through his Cours d'analyse, which appeared in three editions. Reissued here is the first edition, which was published in three volumes between 1882 and 1887. While highly influential in its time, it now appears to us a transitional work between the partially rigorous 'epsilon delta' calculus of Cauchy and his successors, and the new 'real number' analysis of Weierstrass and Cantor. The first two volumes follow the old tradition while the third volume incorporates a substantial amount of the new analysis. Ten years later, the even more influential second edition followed the new point of view from its start. Volume 1 (1882) covers differential calculus.

  • by Camille Jordan

    One of the great algebraists of the nineteenth century, Marie Ennemond Camille Jordan (1838-1922) became known for his work on matrices, Galois theory and group theory. However, his most profound effect on how we see mathematics came through his Cours d'analyse, which appeared in three editions. Reissued here is the first edition, which was published in three volumes between 1882 and 1887. While highly influential in its time, it now appears to us a transitional work between the partially rigorous 'epsilon delta' calculus of Cauchy and his successors, and the new 'real number' analysis of Weierstrass and Cantor. The first two volumes follow the old tradition while the third volume incorporates a substantial amount of the new analysis. Ten years later, the even more influential second edition followed the new point of view from its start. Volume 2 (1883) covers the theory of integrals.

  • by Camille Jordan

    One of the great algebraists of the nineteenth century, Marie Ennemond Camille Jordan (1838-1922) became known for his work on matrices, Galois theory and group theory. However, his most profound effect on how we see mathematics came through his Cours d'analyse, which appeared in three editions. Reissued here is the first edition, which was published in three volumes between 1882 and 1887. While highly influential in its time, it now appears to us a transitional work between the partially rigorous 'epsilon delta' calculus of Cauchy and his successors, and the new 'real number' analysis of Weierstrass and Cantor. The first two volumes follow the old tradition while the third volume incorporates a substantial amount of the new analysis. Ten years later, the even more influential second edition followed the new point of view from its start. Volume 3 (1887) covers the integration of differential equations and the calculus of variations.

  • by Augustus De Morgan

    From the end of antiquity to the middle of the nineteenth century it was generally believed that Aristotle had said all that there was to say concerning the rules of logic and inference. One of the ablest British mathematicians of his age, Augustus De Morgan (1806-71) played an important role in overturning that assumption with the publication of this book in 1847. He attempts to do several things with what we now see as varying degrees of success. The first is to treat logic as a branch of mathematics, more specifically as algebra. Here his contributions include his laws of complementation and the notion of a universe set. De Morgan also tries to tie together formal and probabilistic inference. Although he is never less than acute, the major advances in probability and statistics at the beginning of the twentieth century make this part of the book rather less prophetic.

  • by Augustus De Morgan

    In the preface to this work, mathematician Augustus De Morgan (1806-71) claims that 'The most worthless book of a bygone day is a record worthy of preservation.' His purpose in writing this catalogue, published in 1847, was to provide an accurate record of the early history of publishing on arithmetic, but describing only those books which he had examined himself. He surveyed the library of the Royal Society, works in the British Museum, the wares of specialist booksellers, and the private collections of himself and his friends to compile a chronological list of books from 1491 to 1846 (the final book being a work of his own), giving bibliographical details, a description of the contents, and sometimes comments on the mathematics on display. De Morgan's Formal Logic and a Memoir of Augustus De Morgan by his widow are also reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection.

  • by Nicolas de Condorcet

    A central figure in the early years of the French Revolution, Nicolas de Condorcet (1743-94) was active as a mathematician, philosopher, politician and economist. He argued for the values of the Enlightenment, from religious toleration to the abolition of slavery, believing that society could be improved by the application of rational thought. In this essay, first published in 1785, Condorcet analyses mathematically the process of making majority decisions, and seeks methods to improve the likelihood of their success. The work was largely forgotten in the nineteenth century, while those who did comment on it tended to find the arguments obscure. In the second half of the twentieth century, however, it was rediscovered as a foundational work in the theory of voting and societal preferences. Condorcet presents several significant results, among which Condorcet's paradox (the non-transitivity of majority preferences) is now seen as the direct ancestor of Arrow's paradox.

  • by Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet

    The Belgian polymath Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet (1796-1874) was regarded by John Maynard Keynes as a 'parent of modern statistical method'. Applying his training in mathematics to the physical and psychological dimensions of individuals, his Treatise on Man (also reissued in this series) identified the 'average man' in statistical terms. Reissued here is the 1839 English translation of his 1828 work, which appeared at a time when the application of probability was moving away from gaming tables towards more useful areas of life. Quetelet believed that probability had more influence on human affairs than had been accepted, and this work marked his move from a focus on mathematics and the natural sciences to the study of statistics and, eventually, the investigation of social phenomena. Written as a summary of lectures given in Brussels, the work was translated from French by the engineer Richard Beamish (1798-1873).

  • by Apollonius of Perga

    Active in Alexandria in the third century BCE, Apollonius of Perga ranks as one of the greatest Greek geometers. Building on foundations laid by Euclid, he is famous for defining the parabola, hyperbola and ellipse in his major treatise on conic sections. The dense nature of its text, however, made it inaccessible to most readers. When it was originally published in 1896 by the civil servant and classical scholar Thomas Little Heath (1861-1940), the present work was the first English translation and, more importantly, the first serious effort to standardise the terminology and notation. Along with clear diagrams, Heath includes a thorough introduction to the work and the history of the subject. Seeing the treatise as more than an esoteric artefact, Heath presents it as a valuable tool for modern mathematicians. His works on Diophantos of Alexandria (1885) and Aristarchus of Samos (1913) are also reissued in this series.

  • by Charles Babbage

    By the end of the eighteenth century, British mathematics had been stuck in a rut for a hundred years. Calculus was still taught in the style of Newton, with no recognition of the great advances made in continental Europe. The examination system at Cambridge even mandated the use of Newtonian notation. As discontented undergraduates, Charles Babbage (1791-1871) and John Herschel (1792-1871) formed the Analytical Society in 1811. The group, including William Whewell and George Peacock, sought to promote the new continental mathematics. Babbage's preface to the present work, first published in 1813, may be considered the movement's manifesto. He provided the first paper here, and Herschel the two others. Although the group was relatively short-lived, its ideas took root as its erstwhile members rose to prominence. As the society's sole publication, this remains a significant text in the history of British mathematics.

  • by Thomas Heath

    The Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was active in the third century BCE, more than a thousand years before Copernicus presented his model of a heliocentric solar system. It was Aristarchus, however, who first suggested - in a work that is now lost - that the planets revolve around the sun. Edited by Sir Thomas Little Heath (1861-1940), this 1913 publication contains the ancient astronomer's only surviving treatise, which does not propound the heliocentric hypothesis. The Greek text is based principally on the tenth-century manuscript Vaticanus Graecus 204. Heath also provides a facing-page English translation and explanatory notes. The treatise is prefaced by a substantial history of ancient Greek astronomy, ranging from Homer's first mention of constellations to work by Heraclides of Pontus in the fourth century BCE relating to the Earth's rotation. Heath's collection of translated ancient texts, Greek Astronomy (1932), is also reissued in this series.

  • by Bernhard Riemann

    Great mathematicians write for the future and Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (1826-66) was one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Edited by Heinrich Martin Weber, with assistance from Richard Dedekind, this edition of his collected works in German first appeared in 1876. Riemann's interests ranged from pure mathematics to mathematical physics. He wrote a short paper on number theory which provided the key to the prime number theorem, and his zeta hypothesis has given mathematicians the most famous of today's unsolved problems. Moreover, his famous 1854 lecture 'On the hypotheses which underlie geometry' set in motion studies which culminated in Einstein's general theory of relativity. Even Riemann's over-optimistic use of the Dirichlet principle to prove the conformal mapping theorem turned out to be immensely fruitful. The alert reader will further profit from finding here the seeds of modern distribution theory, algebraic topology and measure theory.

  • by Karl Weierstrass

    The German mathematician Karl Weierstrass (1815-97) is generally considered to be the father of modern analysis. His clear eye for what was important is demonstrated by the publication, late in life, of his polynomial approximation theorem; suitably generalised as the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, it became a central tool for twentieth-century analysis. Furthermore, the Weierstrass nowhere-differentiable function is the seed from which springs the entire modern theory of mathematical finance. The best students in Europe came to Berlin to attend his lectures, and his rigorous style still dominates the first analysis course at any university. His seven-volume collected works in the original German contain not only published treatises but also records of many of his famous lecture courses. Edited by Rudolf Rothe (1873-1942), Volume 7 was published in 1927.

  • by Bhascara Acharya

    An important mathematician and astronomer in medieval India, Bhascara Acharya (1114-85) wrote treatises on arithmetic, algebra, geometry and astronomy. He is also believed to have been head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain, which was the leading centre of mathematical sciences in India. Forming part of his Sanskrit magnum opus Siddhanta Shiromani, the present work is his treatise on arithmetic, including coverage of geometry. It was first published in English in 1816 after being translated by the East India Company surgeon John Taylor (d.1821). Used as a textbook in India for centuries, it provides the basic mathematics needed for astronomy. Topics covered include arithmetical terms, plane geometry, solid geometry and indeterminate equations. Of enduring interest in the history of mathematics, this work also contains Bhascara's pictorial proof of Pythagoras' theorem.

  • by Charles Hutton

    Prior to the advent of computers, no mathematician, physicist or engineer could do without a volume of tables of logarithmic and trigonometric functions. These tables made possible certain calculations which would otherwise be impossible. Unfortunately, carelessness and lazy plagiarism meant that the tables often contained serious errors. Those prepared by Charles Hutton (1737-1823) were notable for their reliability and remained the standard for a century. Hutton had risen, by mathematical ability, hard work and some luck, from humble beginnings to become a professor of mathematics at the Royal Military Academy. His mathematical work was distinguished by utility rather than originality, but his contributions to the teaching of the subject were substantial. This seventh edition was published in 1858 with additional material by Olinthus Gregory (1774-1841). The preliminary matter will be of interest to any modern-day reader who wishes to know how calculation was done before the electronic computer.

  • by Nevil Maskelyne

    Successful long-distance navigation depends on knowing latitude and longitude, and the determination of longitude depends on knowing the exact time at some fixed point on the earth's surface. Since Newton it had been hoped that a method based on accurate prediction of the moon's orbit would give such a time. Building on the work of Euler, Thomas Mayer and others, the astronomer and mathematician Nevil Maskelyne (1732-1811) was able to devise such a method and yearly publication of the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris placed it in the hands of every ship's captain. First published in 1767 and reissued here in the revised third edition of 1802, the present work provided the necessary tables and instructions. The development of rugged and accurate chronometers eventually displaced Maskelyne's method, but navigators continued to make use of it for many decades. This edition of the tables notably formed part of the library of the Beagle on Darwin's famous voyage.

  • by Carl Friedrich Gauss

    Described by one reviewer as 'one of the most perfect books ever written on theoretical astronomy', this work in Latin by the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), the 'Prince of Mathematicians', derived from his attempt to solve an astronomical puzzle: where in the heavens would the dwarf planet Ceres, first sighted in 1801, reappear? Gauss' predicted position was correct to within half a degree, and this led him to develop a streamlined and sophisticated method of calculating the effect of the larger planets and the sun on the orbits of planetoids, which he published in 1809. As well as providing a tool for astronomers, Gauss' method also offered a way of reducing inaccuracy of calculations arising from measurement error; the primacy of this discovery was however disputed between him and the French mathematician Legendre, whose Essai sur la theorie des nombres is also reissued in this series.

  • by Leonard Euler

    In 1770, one of the founders of pure mathematics, Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler (1707-1783), published Elements of Algebra, a mathematics textbook for students. This edition of Euler's classic, published in 1822, is an English translation which includes notes added by Euler's tutor, Johann Bernoulli, and additions by Joseph-Louis Lagrange, both giants in eighteenth-century mathematics, as well as a short biography of Euler. Part 1 begins with elementary mathematics of determinate quantities and includes four sections on simple calculations (adding, subtracting, division, multiplication), and then progresses to compound calculations (fractions), ratios and proportions and algebraic equations. Part 2 consists of 15 chapters on analyses of indeterminate quantities. Here, Euler shows the reader several ways to solve polynomial equations up to the fourth degree. This landmark book showed students the beauty of mathematics, and more significantly, how to do it.

  • by Josiah Willard Gibbs

    Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903) was the greatest American mathematician and physicist of the nineteenth century. He played a key role in the development of vector analysis (his book on this topic is also reissued in this series), but his deepest work was in the development of thermodynamics and statistical physics. This book, Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics, first published in 1902, gives his mature vision of these subjects. Mathematicians, physicists and engineers familiar with such things as Gibbs entropy, Gibbs inequality and the Gibbs distribution will find them here discussed in Gibbs' own words.

  • - From the Time of Newton to that of Laplace
    by Isaac Todhunter
    £40.99 - 41.99

    Published in 1874, this two-volume work by Isaac Todhunter (1820-84), perhaps the greatest Victorian historian of mathematics, takes an important mathematical story from Newton, through the expeditions which settled certain questions in Newton's favour, to the investigations of Laplace which opened a new era in mathematical physics.

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