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Books in the English Укр& series

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  • by William Wymark Jacobs

    the soldier calmly regarded the youthنظر الجندي بهدوء إلى الشابnazar al-jandi bahdoua elly chabb"I've had my wishes," he said, quietly"لقد حصلت على أمنياتي" ، قال بهدوء"luqud hoslat ola amniati", qal bahdouaand his blotchy face turned a grave whiteوتحول وجهه المبقع إلى قبر أبيضwathol wajha al-mubaqa elly qabar abid"And did you really have the three wishes granted?""وهل حصلت حقا على الأمنيات الثلاث؟""wahl hoslat haka ola al-amniat el-thulath""I had my wishes granted," confirmed the sergeant-major"لقد تحققت رغباتي" ، أكد الرقيب الرائد"luqud tahaqat raghabati", akad al-raqib al-raed"And has anybody else wished?" asked the old lady"وهل رغب أي شخص آخر؟" سألت السيدة العجوز"wahl raghab ei shakhs akhrej" salt sayedah al-ajwaz"The first man had his three wishes," was the reply"الرجل الأول كان لديه أمنياته الثلاث" ، كان الرد"al-rajel al-awal can ladih amnyate al-thalath", can al-rad"I don't know what the first two wishes were""لا أعرف ما هي أول أمنيتين""la aaraf ma he ol amnitin""but the third wish was for death""لكن الأمنية الثالثة كانت للموت""lakin al-omaniya al-thaltha kant lemout""That's how I got the monkey's paw""هكذا حصلت على مخلب القرد""hekida hoslat ola makhlab al-qard"His tones had gotten very graveأصبحت نغماته خطيرة للغايةasbaht naghmath khatira leghayaa dark hush fell upon the groupسقط صمت مظلم على المجموعة

  • by Mark Twain

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsवह कहती है कि वे सेब नहीं थे, बल्कि इसके बजाय कि वे चेस्टनट थे।I said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsमैंने कहा कि मैं निर्दोष हूं क्योंकि मैंने कोई चेस्टनट नहीं खाया था।but the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningलेकिन सर्प ने उसे सूचित किया कि "चेस्टनट" का एक आलंकारिक अर्थ भी हो सकता है।she says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeवह कहती है कि एक शाहबलूत एक वृद्ध और सांचे वाला मजाक हो सकता है।I turned pale at this definitionमैं इस परिभाषा पर पीला पड़ गया।I was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myselfमैं यह स्वीकार करने के लिए बाध्य था कि मैंने खुद के साथ एक मजाक किया था।although I did not make the joke aloudहालांकि मैंने मजाक को जोर से नहीं बनायाthis was the joke I was thinking to myself: यह वह मजाक था जो मैं खुद से सोच रहा था I was thinking about the waterfallsमैं झरनों के बारे में सोच रहा था।"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!""यह देखना कितना अद्भुत है कि पानी का वह विशाल शरीर वहां गिर जाता है!Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headफिर एक पल में एक उज्ज्वल विचार मेरे दिमाग में उभरा।"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!""झरने पर पानी गिरते हुए देखना बहुत अद्भुत होगा!I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke looseमैं हंसने से मरने ही वाला था कि सारी प्रकृति टूट गई।

  • by Mark Twain

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsتقول إنها لم تكن تفاحا ، ولكن بدلا من ذلك كانت كستناءI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsقلت إنني بريء لأنني لم آكل أي كستناءbut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningلكن الثعبان أخبرها أن "الكستناء" يمكن أن يكون له أيضا معنى مجازيshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeتقول إن الكستناء يمكن أن يكون مزحة قديمة ومتعفنةI turned pale at this definitionتحولت شاحب في هذا التعريفbecause I have made many jokes to pass the weary timeلأنني قدمت العديد من النكات لتمضية الوقت المرهقand some of them my jokes could have been of the chestnut varietyوبعضها كان من الممكن أن تكون نكاتي من صنف الكستناءthis was the joke I was thinking to myself: كانت هذه هي النكتة التي كنت أفكر فيها لنفسي I was thinking about the waterfallsكنت أفكر في الشلالات"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!""كم هو رائع أن نرى هذا الجسم الشاسع من الماء ينهار هناك!"Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headثم في لحظة تومض فكرة مشرقة في رأسي"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!""سيكون من الرائع رؤية المياه تنهار فوق الشلال!"I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke looseكنت على وشك الموت من الضحك عندما انفجرت كل الطبيعة

  • by Mark Twain

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsВона каже, що це були не яблука, а каштаниI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsЯ сказала, що я невинна, бо не їла каштанівbut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningале Змій повідомив їй, що слово каштан може мати і переносне значенняshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeВона каже, що каштан може бути зістареним і запліснявілим жартомI turned pale at this definitionЯ зблід від цього визначенняShe asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastropheВона запитала мене, чи не жартував я якось під час катастрофиI was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myselfЯ був змушений визнати, що пожартував сам із собоюalthough I did not make the joke aloudхоча я не жартував вголосthis was the joke I was thinking to myself: Ось про що я думав сам I was thinking about the waterfallsЯ думав про водоспади"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!"- Як чудово бачити, як там падає ця величезна водойма!Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headІ раптом в голові промайнула світла думка"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!"- Було б набагато прекрасніше побачити, як вода падає вгору по водоспаду!I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke loose

  • by George Orwell

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""मुझे नहीं पता कि विद्रोह कब आएगा""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""कुछ भी नहीं कहता कि यह अब से एक सप्ताह में नहीं हो सकता है""or it could come in a hundred years""या यह सौ साल में आ सकता है""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""मैं इसे स्पष्ट रूप से देख सकता हूं क्योंकि मैं अपने पैरों के नीचे तिनका देखता हूं।"sooner or later justice will be done""जल्द या बाद में न्याय किया जाएगा""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""उस लक्ष्य पर अपनी आँखें ठीक करो, साथियों""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""इसे अपने जीवन के सभी छोटे शेष हिस्सों के लिए याद रखें!"And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""और सबसे बढ़कर, मेरे इस संदेश को यहाँ मरने न दें""pass this message on to those who come after you""इस संदेश को उन लोगों तक पहुंचाओ जो आपके बाद आते हैं""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""तब आने वाली पीढ़ियां संघर्ष जारी रखेंगी""they will fight on until our kind is victorious""वे तब तक लड़ते रहेंगे जब तक कि हमारी तरह की जीत नहीं हो जाती"

  • by George Orwell

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come"Я не знаю, коли прийде це повстання"nothing says it can't be in a week from now"Ніщо не говорить про те, що цього не може бути через тиждень"or it could come in a hundred years"Або це може статися через сто років"I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet"Я бачу це так само ясно, як і солому під ногами"sooner or later justice will be done"Рано чи пізно справедливість відбудеться"Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades"Зосередьтеся на цій меті, товариші"remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!"Пам'ятай про це на весь короткий залишок свого життя!"And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here"І, перш за все, не дайте цьому моєму посланню згаснути тут"pass this message on to those who come after you"Передай це послання тим, хто прийде після тебе"then future generations shall carry on the struggle"Тоді майбутні покоління продовжать боротьбу"they will fight on until our kind is victorious"Вони боротимуться доти, доки наш рід не переможе

  • by George Orwell

    "What then must we do to free ourselves?"Что же мы должны сделать, чтобы освободиться?"we must work night and day, body and soul"Мы должны работать день и ночь, телом и душой"we must dedicate everything to the overthrow of the human race!"Мы должны посвятить все для уничтожения рода человеческого!"That is my message to you, comrades: Rebellion!"Вот мое послание вам, товарищи восстание!"I do not know when that Rebellion will come"Я не знаю, когда наступит это восстание"nothing says it can't be in a week from now"Ничто не говорит о том, что это не может произойти через неделю"or it could come in a hundred years""Или это может произойти через сто лет""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet"Я вижу это так же ясно, как я вижу солому под ногами"sooner or later justice will be done"Рано или поздно справедливость восторжествует"Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades"Устремите свой взор на эту цель, товарищи

  • by Hermann Hesse

    dreams came to him, and a restlessness of the soul came to himसपने उसके पास आए, और आत्मा की एक बेचैनी उसके पास आई।his soul was fuming from the sacrificesबलिदानों से उसकी आत्मा क्रोधित हो रही थी।he breathed forth from the verses of the Rig-Vedaउन्होंने ऋग्वेद की ऋचाओं से सांस ली।the verses were infused into him, drop by dropछंदों को उसमें डाला गया, बूंद-बूंद करके।the verses from the teachings of the old Brahmansपुराने ब्राह्मणों की शिक्षाओं के छंदSiddhartha had started to nurse discontent in himselfसिद्धार्थ ने खुद में असंतोष पैदा करना शुरू कर दिया था।he had started to feel doubt about the love of his fatherउसे अपने पिता के प्यार पर शक होने लगा था।he doubted the love of his motherउसे अपनी माँ के प्यार पर शक था।and he doubted the love of his friend, Govindaऔर उसे अपने दोस्त गोविंदा के प्यार पर शक था।he doubted if their love could bring him joy for ever and everउसे संदेह था कि क्या उनका प्यार उसे हमेशा और हमेशा के लिए खुशी ला सकता है।their love could not nurse himउनका प्यार उसे संभाल नहीं सका।their love could not feed himउनका प्यार उसे खिला नहीं सकता था।their love could not satisfy himउनका प्यार उसे संतुष्ट नहीं कर सका।he had started to suspect his father's teachingsउसे अपने पिता की शिक्षाओं पर शक होने लगा था।perhaps he had shown him everything he knewशायद उसने उसे वह सब कुछ दिखाया था जो वह जानता था।

  • by Hermann Hesse

    his dreams sparked from the stars of the nightأحلامه انطلقت من نجوم الليلhis dreams melted from the beams of the sunذابت أحلامه من أشعة الشمسdreams came to him, and a restlessness of the soul came to himجاءت إليه الأحلام ، وجاء إليه قلق الروحhis soul was fuming from the sacrificesكانت روحه تغضب من الذبائحhe breathed forth from the verses of the Rig-Vedaتنفس من آيات ريج فيداthe verses were infused into him, drop by dropغرست الآيات فيه قطرة قطرةthe verses from the teachings of the old Brahmansالآيات من تعاليم البراهمة القدامىSiddhartha had started to nurse discontent in himselfبدأ سيدهارثا في رعاية السخط في نفسهhe had started to feel doubt about the love of his fatherبدأ يشعر بالشك في حب والدهhe doubted the love of his motherشك في حب والدتهand he doubted the love of his friend, Govindaوشك في حب صديقه جوفينداhe doubted if their love could bring him joy for ever and everكان يشك فيما إذا كان حبهم يمكن أن يجلب له الفرح إلى أبد الآبدينtheir love could not nurse himحبهم لا يمكن أن يرضعهtheir love could not feed himحبهم لا يمكن أن يطعمهtheir love could not satisfy himحبهم لا يمكن أن يرضيهhe had started to suspect his father's teachingsبدأ يشك في تعاليم والدهperhaps he had shown him everything he knewربما أظهر له كل ما يعرفه

  • by Lovecraft

    due to unavoidable oversight cats still went missingbasel hashaga balti nimanat, alett adin nalmoבשל השגחה בלתי נמנעת, חתולים עדיין נעלמוand sounds would be heard after darkvecolot you nashmaim lahar redat hahashikaוקולות היו נשמעים לאחר רדת החשיכהthe loser would lament impotentlyhampsid hea mconnan bhusar unimהמפסיד היה מקונן בחוסר אוניםor they consoled themselvesoh shaham neamoh at esmanאו שהם ניחמו את עצמםand they thanked Fate it was not one of their childrenhom indo lagoral sheza lo hea ekhad mildiamוהם הודו לגורל שזה לא היה אחד מילדיהםthey tried to be glad it was not a child that vanishedham nissim lishmukh sheza lo child shnalmהם ניסו לשמוח שזה לא ילד שנעלםbecause the people of Ulthar were simplecoz anchai olater you pasotimכי אנשי אולתר היו פשוטיםand they didn't know from where cats came fromhom lo yedao maipa adsist alettוהם לא ידעו מאיפה הגיעו חתולים

  • by Lal Behari Day

    "Well, little kitty cat, how do you like your present life?""achcha, chott kitty bidal, tomar bartaman jiban kemon legeche?"আচ্ছা, ছোট্ট কিটি বিড়াল, তোমার বর্তমান জীবন কেমন লেগেছে?"Not much, your reverence," answered the cat"khub beshi kichu na, tomar shraddha," bidalti uttar dil."খুব বেশি কিছু না, তোমার শ্রদ্ধা," বিড়ালটি উত্তর দিল।"Why don't you like it?" demanded the sage"tumi ken eta pochondo karo na?" rishi jiggasa korlen."তুমি কেন এটা পছন্দ করো না?" ঋষি জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন।"can you not hold your own against all the cats in the world?""apni ki bishwer samast bidaler biruddhe nijer obosthan dhore rakhte parben na?"আপনি কি বিশ্বের সমস্ত বিড়ালের বিরুদ্ধে নিজের অবস্থান ধরে রাখতে পারবেন না?"Yes, I am strong enough," answered the cat"han, ami yathesht shaktishali," bidalti uttar dil."হ্যাঁ, আমি যথেষ্ট শক্তিশালী," বিড়ালটি উত্তর দিল।"Your reverence has made me a strong cat""apnar shraddha amake ekti shaktishali bidal banies""আপনার শ্রদ্ধা আমাকে একটি শক্তিশালী বিড়াল বানিয়েছে""I am able to cope with all the cats in the world""ami bishwer samast bidaler sathe maniye nite saksham""আমি বিশ্বের সমস্ত বিড়ালের সাথে মানিয়ে নিতে সক্ষম""I do not fear cats anymore"'ami ar bidalke bhoy pai na''আমি আর বিড়ালকে ভয় পাই না'"but I have got a new foe""kintu ami ekti natun shatru peshi""কিন্তু আমি একটি নতুন শত্রু পেয়েছি"

  • by Oscar Wilde

    His Soul called out to himusaki atma ne use pukaraउसकी आत्मा ने उसे पुकारा।"I have dwelt with thee for all these years""main itne saalon se tumhare saath rah raha hoon""मैं इतने सालों से तुम्हारे साथ रह रहा हूँ""and I have been thy servant""aur main tumhara das raha hoon""और मैं तुम्हारा दास रहा हूँ""Don't send me away from thee""mujhe apne se door mat bhejo""मुझे अपने से दूर मत भेजो""what evil have I done thee?""maine tera kya bura kiya hai?"मैंने तेरा क्या बुरा किया है?And the young Fisherman laughedaur yuva machhuara hnsane lagaऔर युवा मछुआरा हँसने लगा।"Thou has done me no evil""tune meri koi burai nahi key""तूने मेरी कोई बुराई नहीं की""but I have no need of thee""lekin mujhe tumhari koi jarurat nahi hai""लेकिन मुझे तुम्हारी कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है"

  • by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve

    "But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?"- Але, скажи мені; Хіба ти не думаєш, що я дуже потворний?"That is true" said Beauty- Це правда, - сказала Красуня"I cannot tell a lie"Я не можу збрехати"but I believe you are very good natured""Але я вважаю, що ви дуже добродушні""I am indeed" said the monster- Справді, - сказало чудовисько"But apart from my ugliness, I also have no sense"Але, крім моєї потворності, я також не маю сенсу"I know very well that I am a silly creature"Я дуже добре знаю, що я дурне створіння"It is no sign of folly to think so" replied Beauty- Так думати - не дурість, - відповіла Красуня"Eat then, Beauty" said the monster- Тоді їж, Красуне, - сказало чудовисько"try to amuse yourself in your palace"Спробуй розважитися у своєму палаці"everything here is yours""Все тут твоє""and I would be very uneasy if you were not happy""І мені було б дуже ніяково, якби ти не був щасливий""You are very obliging" answered Beauty- Ти дуже зобов'язуюча, - відповіла Красуня"I admit I am pleased with your kindness"Зізнаюся, я задоволений вашою добротою"and when I consider this, I hardly notice your deformities"І коли я думаю про це, я майже не помічаю ваших каліцтв

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