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Books in the Geophysical Monograph Series series

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  • - A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay
    by Malone

    Explores how two coastal ecosystems are responding to the pressures of human expansionThe Northern Adriatic Sea, a continental shelf ecosystem in the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, and the Chesapeake Bay, a major estuary of the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States, are semi-enclosed, river-dominated ecosystems with urbanized watersheds that support extensive industrial agriculture.Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay presents an update of a study published two decades ago. Revisiting these two ecosystems provides an opportunity to assess changing anthropogenic pressures in the context of global climate change. The new insights can be used to inform ecosystem-based approaches to sustainable development of coastal environments.Volume highlights include:* Effects of nutrient enrichment and climate-driven changes on critical coastal habitats* Patterns of stratification and circulation* Food web dynamics from phytoplankton to fish* Nutrient cycling, water quality, and harmful algal events* Causes and consequences of interannual variabilityThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about this book from this Q&A with the editors

  • - A Practical Programming Guide
    by Rebekah B. (University of Maryland Esmaili

    Learn basic Python programming to create functional and effective visualizations from earth observation satellite data setsThousands of satellite datasets are freely available online, but scientists need the right tools to efficiently analyze data and share results. Python has easy-to-learn syntax and thousands of libraries to perform common Earth science programming tasks.Earth Observation Using Python: A Practical Programming Guide presents an example-driven collection of basic methods, applications, and visualizations to process satellite data sets for Earth science research.* Gain Python fluency using real data and case studies* Read and write common scientific data formats, like netCDF, HDF, and GRIB2* Create 3-dimensional maps of dust, fire, vegetation indices and more* Learn to adjust satellite imagery resolution, apply quality control, and handle big files* Develop useful workflows and learn to share code using version control* Acquire skills using online interactive code available for all examples in the bookThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about this book from this Q&A with the Author

  • by F Vetere

    Explores the complex physico-chemical processes involved in active volcanism and dynamic magmatismUnderstanding the magmatic processes responsible for the chemical and textural signatures of volcanic products and igneous rocks is crucial for monitoring, forecasting, and mitigating the impacts of volcanic activity.Dynamic Magma Evolution is a compilation of recent geochemical, petrological, physical, and thermodynamic studies. It combines field research, experimental results, theoretical approaches, unconventional and novel techniques, and computational modeling to present the latest developments in the field.Volume highlights include:* Crystallization and degassing processes in magmatic environments* Bubble and mineral nucleation and growth induced by cooling and decompression* Kinetic processes during magma ascent to the surface* Magma mixing, mingling, and recharge dynamics* Geo-speedometer measurement of volcanic events* Changes in magma rheology induced by mineral and volatile contentThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

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    - A Multidisciplinary Approach
    by F Castillo

    An authoritative volume focusing on multidisciplinary methods to estimate the impacts of climate-related extreme events to societyAs the intensity and frequency of extreme events related to climate change continue to increase, there is an urgent need for clear and cohesive analysis that integrates both climatological and socioeconomic impacts. Extreme Events and Climate Change provides a timely, multidisciplinary examination of the impacts of extreme weather under a warming climate. Offering wide-ranging coverage of the methods and analysis that relate changes in extreme events to their societal impacts, this volume helps readers understand and overcome the methodological challenges associated with extreme event analysis.Contributions from leading experts from across disciplines describe the theoretical requirements for analyzing the complex interactions between meteorological phenomena and the resulting outcomes, discuss new approaches for analyzing the impacts of extreme events on society, and illustrate how empirical and theoretical concepts merge to form a unified plan that enables informed decision making. Throughout the text, innovative frameworks allow readers to find solutions to the modeling and statistical challenges encountered when analyzing extreme events. Designed for researchers and policy makers alike, this important resource:* Discusses topics central to understanding how extreme weather changes as the climate warms* Provides coverage of analysis methods that relate changes in extreme events to their societal impacts* Reviews significant theoretical and modeling advances in the physical aspects of climate science* Presents a comprehensive view of state of the science, including new ways of using data from different sourcesExtreme Events and Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach is an indispensable volume for students, researchers, scientists, and practitioners in fields such as hazard and risk analysis, climate change, atmospheric and ocean sciences, hydrology, geography, agricultural science, and environmental and space science.

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    - Theory and Applications
    by M Moorkamp

    Reliable and detailed information about the Earth s subsurface is of crucial importance throughout the geosciences. Quantitative integration of all available geophysical and geological data helps to make Earth models more robust and reliable.

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    - Anatomy, Architecture, and Physico-Chemical Processes
    by M Masotta

    A comprehensive picture of the architecture of crustal magmatic systemsThe composition of igneous rocks - their minerals, melts, and fluids - reveals the physical and chemical conditions under which magmas form, evolve, interact, and move from the Earth's mantle through the crust. These magma dynamics affect processes on the surface including crustal growth and eruptive behaviour of volcanoes.Crustal Magmatic System Evolution: Anatomy, Architecture, and Physico-Chemical Processes uses analytical, experimental, and numerical approaches to explore the diversity of crustal processes from magma differentiation and assimilation to eruption at the surface.Volume highlights include:* Physical and chemical parameterization of crustal magmatic systems* Experimental, theoretical and modelling approaches targeting crustal magmatic processes* Timescales of crustal magmatic processes, including storage, recharge, and ascent through volcanic conduitsThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about this book in a Q&A with the Editors.

  • by R Moretti

    Explores the many facets of redox exchanges that drive magma's behavior and evolution, from the origin of the Earth until todayThe redox state is one of the master variables behind the Earth's forming processes, which at depth concern magma as the major transport agent. Understanding redox exchanges in magmas is pivotal for reconstructing the history and compositional make-up of our planet, for exploring its mineral resources, and for monitoring and forecasting volcanic activity.Magma Redox Geochemistry describes the multiple facets of redox reactions in the magmatic realm and presents experimental results, theoretical approaches, and unconventional and novel techniques.Volume highlights include:* Redox state and oxygen fugacity: so close, so far* Redox processes from Earth's accretion to global geodynamics* Redox evolution from the magma source to volcanic emissions* Redox characterization of elements and their isotopesThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

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    - Space Weather Effects and Applications
    by AJ Coster

    Examines how solar and terrestrial space phenomena affect sophisticated technological systemsContemporary society relies on sophisticated technologies to manage electricity distribution, communication networks, transportation safety, and myriad other systems. The successful design and operation of both ground-based and space-based systems must consider solar and terrestrial space phenomena and processes.Space Weather Effects and Applications describes the effects of space weather on various present-day technologies and explores how improved instrumentation to measure Earth's space environment can be used to more accurately forecast changes and disruptions.Volume highlights include:* Damage and disruption to orbiting satellite equipment by solar particles and cosmic rays* Effects of space radiation on aircraft at high altitudes and latitudes* Response of radio and radar-based systems to solar bursts* Disturbances to the propagation of radio waves caused by space weather* How geomagnetic field changes impact ground-based systems such as pipelines* Impacts of human exposure to the space radiation environmentThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about the Space Physics and Aeronomy collection in this Q&A with the Editors in Chief

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    - Magnetospheres in the Solar System
    by Maggiolo

    Überblick über den aktuellen Wissensstand und künftige Forschungsrichtungen in der MagnetosphärenphysikIn den sechs Jahrzehnten seit der Einführung des Begriffs ?Magnetosphäre? sind über den magnetisierten Raum, der jeden Körper in unserem Sonnensystem umgibt, viele Theorien entstanden und viele Erkenntnisse gewonnen worden. Jede Magnetosphäre ist einzigartig und verhält sich doch entsprechend den universellen physikalischen Vorgängen.Der Band ?Magnetospheres in the Solar System? enthält Beiträge von Experten für Experimentalphysik, theoretische Physik und numerische Modellierung, die einen Überblick über verschiedene Magnetosphären vermitteln, von der winzigen Magnetosphäre des Merkur bis zu den gewaltigen planetarischen Magnetosphären von Jupiter und Saturn.Das Werk bietet insbesondere:* Einen kompakten Überblick über die Geschichte der Magnetosphäre, ihre Grundsätze und Gleichungen* Eine Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Prozesse in der Magnetospährenphysik* Instrumente und Techniken zur Untersuchung von Prozessen in der Magnetosphäre* Eine besondere Schwerpunktsetzung auf die Magnetosphäre der Erde und ihre Dynamik* Eine Darstellung der planetaren Magnetfelder und Magnetosphären im gesamten Sonnensystem* Eine Definition der künftigen Forschungsrichtungen in der MagnetosphärenphysikDie Amerikanische Geophysikalische Vereinigung fördert die wissenschaftliche Erforschung der Erde und des Weltraums zum Wohle der Menschheit. In ihren Publikationen werden wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse veröffentlicht, die Forschern, Studenten und Fachkräften zur Verfügung stehen.

  • by H Yuan

    A multidisciplinary update on continental plate tectonics and plate boundary discontinuitiesUnderstanding the origin and evolution of the continental crust continues to challenge Earth scientists. Lithospheric Discontinuities offers a multidisciplinary review of fine scale layering within the continental lithosphere to aid the interpretation of geologic layers. Once Earth scientists can accurately decipher the history, internal dynamics, and evolution of the continental lithosphere, we will have a clearer understanding of how the crust formed, how plate tectonics began, and how our continents became habitable.Volume highlights:* Theories and observations of the current state of tectonic boundaries and discontinuities* Contributions on field observations, laboratory experiments, and geodynamic predictions from leading experts in the field* Mantle fabrics in response to various mantle deformation processes* Insights on fluid distribution using geophysical observations, and thermal and viscosity constraints from dynamic modeling* Discontinuities associated with lithosphere and lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary* An integrated study of the evolving physical and chemical processes associated with lithosphere asthenosphere interactionWritten for academic and researchgeoscientists, particularly in the field of tectonophysics, geophysicists, geodynamics, seismology, structural geology, environmental geology, and geoengineering, Lithospheric Discontinuities is a valuable resource that sheds light on the origin and evolution of plate interaction processes.

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    by Q Zong

    Exploring the processes and phenomena of Earth's dayside magnetosphereEnergy and momentum transfer, initially taking place at the dayside magnetopause, is responsible for a variety of phenomenon that we can measure on the ground. Data obtained from observations of Earth's dayside magnetosphere increases our knowledge of the processes by which solar wind mass, momentum, and energy enter the magnetosphere.Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions outlines the physics and processes of dayside magnetospheric phenomena, the role of solar wind in generating ultra-low frequency waves, and solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling.Volume highlights include:* Phenomena across different temporal and spatial scales* Discussions on dayside aurora, plume dynamics, and related dayside reconnection* Results from spacecraft observations, ground-based observations, and simulations* Discoveries from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission and Van Allen Probes era* Exploration of foreshock, bow shock, magnetosheath, magnetopause, and cusps* Examination of similar processes occurring around other planetsThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about this book from this Q&A with the editors

  • - Tectonics, Volcanics, and Glacial Features
    by Tamie J. (Berry College Jovanelly

    Finalist for the 2021 PROSE Award for Earth Science!Explore the dramatic forces that have shaped the Icelandic landscape over 30 million yearsIceland's formation and ongoing evolution offers a masterclass in geophysical processes. Iceland: Tectonics, Volcanics, and Glacial Features presents a regional guide to the landscape of this unique island.Accessible to academics, students, novice geologists, and tourists alike, chapters reflect the most popular way to explore the island, beginning in the southwest region and ending in the northwest.Volume highlights include:* An overview of Iceland's geologic history* Exploration of the dynamic tectonic setting that has shaped the island* Descriptions of landscape features of active and extinct volcanoes* Discussion of the impact of glaciation in the past and present* Techniques for monitoring geologic hazards* Developments in harnessing geothermal energyThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about this book from this Q&A with the editors

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    by C Manning

    This book is Open Access. A digital copy can be downloaded for free from Wiley Online Library.Explores the behavior of carbon in minerals, melts, and fluids under extreme conditionsCarbon trapped in diamonds and carbonate-bearing rocks in subduction zones are examples of the continuing exchange of substantial carbon between Earth's surface and its interior. However, there is still much to learn about the forms, transformations, and movements of carbon deep inside the Earth.Carbon in Earth's Interior presents recent research on the physical and chemical behavior of carbon-bearing materials and serves as a reference point for future carbon science research.Volume highlights include:* Data from mineral physics, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, and geodynamics* Research on the deep carbon cycle and carbon in magmas or fluids* Dynamics, structure, stability, and reactivity of carbon-based natural materials* Properties of allied substances that carry carbon* Rates of chemical and physical transformations of carbonThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

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    - Upper Atmosphere Dynamics and Energetics
    by Wang

    A comprehensive overview of the structure and variability of the upper atmosphereEarth's upper atmosphere is an open system that is strongly influenced by energy and momentum inputs from both above and below. New observation and modeing techniques have provided insights into dynamics, energetics, and chemical processes in the upper atmosphere.Upper Atmosphere Dynamics and Energetics presents an overview of key research advances in upper atmospheric physics, and measurement and modeling techniques, along with remaining challenges for understanding the state and variability of the upper atmospheric system.Volume highlights include:* Insights into the interconnections between different areas of upper atmospheric science* Appreciation of the dynamics and complexity of the global upper atmospheric system* Techniques for observing and measuring the upper atmosphere* Responses of the upper atmosphere to external driversThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about the Space Physics and Aeronomy collection in this Q&A with the Editors in Chief

  • - Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications
    by C Huang

    A comprehensive review of global ionospheric research from the polar caps to equatorial regionsIt's more than a century since scientists first identified the ionosphere, the layer of the Earth's upper atmosphere that is ionized by solar and cosmic radiation. Our understanding of this dynamic part of the near-Earth space environment has greatly advanced in recent years thanks to new observational technologies, improved numerical models, and powerful computing capabilities.Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications provides a comprehensive overview of historic developments, recent advances, and future directions in ionospheric research.Volume highlights include:* Behavior of the ionosphere in different regions from the poles to the equator* Distinct characteristics of the high-, mid-, and low-latitude ionosphere* Observational results from ground- and space-based instruments* Ionospheric impacts on radio signals and satellite operations* How earthquakes and tsunamis on Earth cause disturbances in the ionosphereThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about the Space Physics and Aeronomy collection in this Q&A with the Editors in Chief

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    - Solar Physics and Solar Wind
    by Raouafi

    A comprehensive view of our Sun at the start of a new era in solar and heliospheric physicsHumans have been observing and studying our Sun for centuries, yet much is still unknown about the processes that drive its behavior. Thanks to a new generation of space missions and ground telescopes, we are poised to dramatically increase our understanding of the Sun and its environment.Solar Physics and Solar Wind explores advances in solar and heliospheric research over recent decades, as well as the challenges that remain. This comprehensive reference work covers the solar interior, magnetism and radiation, plasma heating and acceleration, the sun's atmosphere, and solar activity.Volume highlights include:* Explanations for processes in the solar interior* New insights on the solar wind* The challenges of measuring the Sun's magnetic field and its radiative output* Description of solar atmospheric phenomena such as spicules and jets* New developments in understanding flares and coronal mass ejections* Ongoing research into how the solar corona is heatedThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.Find out more about the Space Physics and Aeronomy collection in this Q&A with the Editors in Chief

  • - A Driver of Global Environmental and Biotic Changes
    by R Ernst

    This book is Open Access. A digital copy can be downloaded for free from Wiley Online Library.Exploring the links between Large Igneous Provinces and dramatic environmental impactAn emerging consensus suggests that Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and Silicic LIPs (SLIPs) are a significant driver of dramatic global environmental and biological changes, including mass extinctions. Environmental changes caused by LIPs and SLIPs include rapid global warming, global cooling ('Snowball Earth'), oceanic anoxia events, mercury poisoning, atmospheric and oceanic acidification, and sea level changes.Continued research to characterize the effects of these extremely large and typically short duration igneous events on atmospheric and oceanic chemistry through Earth history can provide lessons for understanding and mitigating modern climate change.Large Igneous Provinces: A Driver of Global Environmental and Biotic Changes describes the interactions between the effects of LIPs and other drivers of climatic change, the limits of the LIP effect, and the atmospheric and oceanic consequences of LIPs in significant environmental events.Volume highlights include:* Temporal record of large igneous provinces (LIPs)* Environmental impacts of LIP emplacement* Precambrian, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic case histories* Links between geochemical proxies and the LIP record* Alternative causes for environmental change* Key parameters related to LIPs and SLIPs for use in environmental change modelling* Role of LIPs in Permo-Triassic, Triassic-Jurassic, and other mass extinction eventsThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

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    - Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle and Core
    by Rebecca A. Fischer & Hidenori Terasaki

    Deep Earth: Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle and Core highlights recent advances and the latest views of the deep Earth from theoretical, experimental, and observational approaches and offers insight into future research directions on the deep Earth.

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    - Accretion and Differentiation
    by J Badro

    The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation provides a multidisciplinary overview of the state of the art in understanding the formation and primordial evolution of the Earth. The fundamental structure of the Earth as we know it today was inherited from the initial conditions 4.56 billion years ago as a consequence of planetesimal accretion, large impacts among planetary objects, and planetary-scale differentiation. The evolution of the Earth from a molten ball of metal and magma to the tectonically active, dynamic, habitable planet that we know today is unique among the terrestrial planets, and understanding the earliest processes that led to Earth's current state is the essence of this volume. Important results have emerged from a wide range of disciplines including cosmochemistry, geochemistry, experimental petrology, experimental and theoretical mineral physics and geodynamics.The topics in this volume include:* Condensation of primitive objects in the solar nebula, planetary building blocks* Early and late accretion and planetary dynamic modeling* Primordial differentiation, core formation, Magma Ocean evolution and crystallizationThis volume will be a valuable resource for graduate students, academics, and researchers in the fields of geophysics, geochemistry, cosmochemistry, and planetary science.

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    by B Faybishenko

    Despite of many years of studies, predicting fluid flow, heat, and chemical transport in fractured-porous media remains a challenge for scientists and engineers worldwide. This monograph is the third in a series on the dynamics of fluids and transport in fractured rock published by the American Geophysical Union (Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol.

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    - Theory, Experiments, and Applications
    by N Grobbe

    Seismoelectric coupling and its current and potential future applicationsThe seismoelectric method--the naturally-occurring coupling of seismic waves to electromagnetic fields--can provide insight into important properties of porous media. With a variety of potential environmental and engineering uses, as well as larger scale applications such as earthquake detection and oil and gas exploration, it offers a number of advantages over conventional geophysical methods.Seismoelectric Exploration: Theory, Experiments, and Applications explores the coupling between poroelastic and electromagnetic disturbances, discussing laboratory experiments, numerical modeling techniques, recent theoretical developments, and field studies. Volume highlights include:* Physics of the seismoelectric effect at the microscale* Governing equations describing coupled seismo-electromagnetic fields* Examples of successful seismoelectric field experiments in different geological settings* Current and potential applications of seismoelectric coupling* Noise removal techniques for seismoelectric field measurementsThe American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

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    - Applications in Modeling, Mapping, and Forecasting
    by G Schumann

    Global Flood Hazard Flooding is a costly natural disaster in terms of damage to land, property and infrastructure. This volume describes the latest tools and technologies for modeling, mapping, and predicting largeΓÇôscale flood risk. It also presents readers with a range of remote sensing data sets successfully used for predicting and mapping floods at different scales. These resources can enable policymakers, public planners, and developers to plan for, and respond to, flooding with greater accuracy and effectiveness. Describes the latest largeΓÇôscale modeling approaches, including hydrological models, 2ΓÇôD flood inundation models, and global flood forecasting models Showcases new tools and technologies such as Aqueduct, a new webΓÇôbased tool used for global assessment and projection of future flood risk under climate change scenarios Features case studies describing bestΓÇôpractice uses of modeling techniques, tools, and technologies  Global Flood Hazard is an indispensable resource for researchers, consultants, practitioners, and policy makers dealing with flood risk, flood disaster response, flood management, and flood mitigation. 

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    - New Insights from Research and Practice
    by D Molinari

    Several scholars across the globe identified the present lack of high quality damage data as the main constraint to efficient risk mitigation. The need for a systematic collection of damage data in the aftermath of flood events come into light, thus the aim being the creation of complete and reliable databases.

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    - Environmental Degradation, Ramifications, and Economic Costs
    by Brian G. Katz

    GEOPHYSICAL MONOGRAPH SERIESNitrogen Overload Environmental Degradation, Ramifications, and Economic Costs Human activities generate large amounts of excess nitrogen, which has dramatically altered the nitrogen cycle. Reactive forms of nitrogen, especially nitrate and ammonia, are particularly detrimental. Given the magnitude of the problem, there is an urgent need for information on reactive nitrogen and its effective management. Nitrogen Overload: Environmental Degradation, Ramifications, and Economic Costs presents an integrated, multidisciplinary review of alterations to the nitrogen cycle over the past century and the wide-ranging consequences of nitrogen-based pollution, especially to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Volume highlights include: Comprehensive background information on the nitrogen cycle Detailed description of anthropogenic nitrogen sources Review of the environmental, economic, and health impacts of nitrogen pollution Recommendations and strategies for reducing humanity's nitrogen footprint Discussion of national nitrogen footprints and worldwide examples of mitigation policies The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

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    - Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact
    by K Dontsova

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