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Collecting together the lecture notes of the CIME Summer School held in Cetraro in July 2018, the aim of the book is to introduce a vast range of techniques which are useful in the investigation of complex manifolds.
This book sets out an account of the tools which Frobenius used to discover representation theory for nonabelian groups and describes its modern applications.
The main goal of this book is to provide an overview of the state of the art in the mathematical modeling of complex fluids, with particular emphasis on its thermodynamical aspects.
This three-chapter volume concerns the distributions of certain functionals of Levy processes. The first chapter, by Makoto Maejima, surveys representations of the main sub-classes of infinitesimal distributions in terms of mappings of certain Levy processes via stochastic integration.
These lecture notes provide an introduction to the applications of Brownian motion to analysis and more generally, connections between Brownian motion and analysis.
Presenting a selection of topics in the area of nonlocal and nonlinear diffusions, this book places a particular emphasis on new emerging subjects such as nonlocal operators in stationary and evolutionary problems and their applications, swarming models and applications to biology and mathematical physics, and nonlocal variational problems.
Focusing on special matrices and matrices which are in some sense `near' to structured matrices, this volume covers a broad range of topics of current interest in numerical linear algebra.
Providing an elementary introduction to branching random walks, the main focus of these lecture notes is on the asymptotic properties of one-dimensional discrete-time supercritical branching random walks, and in particular, on extreme positions in each generation, as well as the evolution of these positions over time.
This book contains five of these introductory lectures.The first chapter is a historically motivated introduction to Stochastic Geometry which relates four classical problems (the Buffon needle problem, the Bertrand paradox, the Sylvester four-point problem and the bicycle wheel problem) to current topics.
This 49th volume offers a good sample of the main streams of current research on probability and stochastic processes, in particular those active in France. This includes articles on latest developments on diffusion processes, large deviations, martingale theory, quasi-stationary distribution, random matrices, and many more.
Held during algebraic topology special sessions at the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics (VIASM, Hanoi), this set of notes consists of expanded versions of three courses given by G.
The aim of this monograph is to give a detailed exposition of the summation method that Ramanujan uses in Chapter VI of his second Notebook. This provides simple proofs of theorems on the summation of some divergent series. Finally, in the last chapter, a purely algebraic theory is developed that unifies all these summation processes.
In addition to its further exploration of the subject of peacocks, introduced in recent Seminaires de Probabilites, this volume continues the series' focus on current research themes in traditional topics such as stochastic calculus, filtrations and random matrices.
Taking the Lasso method as its starting point, this book describes the main ingredients needed to study general loss functions and sparsity-inducing regularizers. Examples include the Lasso and group Lasso methods, and the least squares method with other norm-penalties, such as the nuclear norm.
Two classical topics represented are the Concentration of Measure Phenomenon in the Local Theory of Banach Spaces, which has recently had triumphs in Random Matrix Theory, and the Central Limit Theorem, one of the earliest examples of regularity and order in high dimensions.
This book offers a review of the theory of locally convex quasi *-algebras, authored by two of its contributors over the last 25 years. Quasi *-algebras are partial algebraic structures that are motivated by certain applications in Mathematical Physics. They arise in a natural way by completing a *-algebra under a locally convex *-algebra topology, with respect to which the multiplication is separately continuous. Among other things, the book presents an unbounded representation theory of quasi *-algebras, together with an analysis of normed quasi *-algebras, their spectral theory and a study of the structure of locally convex quasi *-algebras. Special attention is given to the case where the locally convex quasi *-algebra is obtained by completing a C*-algebra under a locally convex *-algebra topology, coarser than the C*-topology.Introducing the subject to graduate students and researchers wishing to build on their knowledge of the usualtheory of Banach and/or locally convex algebras, this approach is supported by basic results and a wide variety of examples.
Providing an introduction to isogeometric methods with a focus on their mathematical foundations, this book is composed of four chapters, each devoted to a topic of special interests for isogeometric methods and their theoretical understanding.
This book offers a review of the vibrant areas of geometric representation theory and gauge theory, which are characterized by a merging of traditional techniques in representation theory with the use of powerful tools from algebraic geometry, and with strong inputs from physics.
This milestone 50th volume of the "Seminaire de Probabilites" pays tribute with a series of memorial texts to one of its former editors, Jacques Azema, who passed away in January.
This monograph introduces two approaches to studying Siegel modular forms: the classical approach as holomorphic functions on the Siegel upper half space, and the approach via representation theory on the symplectic group.
The aim of this book is to present different aspects of the deep interplay between Partial Differential Equations and Geometry. It gives an overview of some of the themes of recent research in the field and their mutual links, describing the main underlying ideas, and providing up-to-date references.Collecting together the lecture notes of the five mini-courses given at the CIME Summer School held in Cetraro (Cosenza, Italy) in the week of June 19-23, 2017, the volume presents a friendly introduction to a broad spectrum of up-to-date and hot topics in the study of PDEs, describing the state-of-the-art in the subject. It also gives further details on the main ideas of the proofs, their technical difficulties, and their possible extension to other contexts. Aiming to be a primary source for researchers in the field, the book will attract potential readers from several areas of mathematics.
The author further explores recent trends in the application of operad theory to wiring diagrams and related structures, including finite presentations for the propagator algebra, the algebra of discrete systems, the algebra of open dynamical systems, and the relational algebra.
This book is unique in its attempt to give an overview of dispersal studies across different spatial scales, such as the scale of individual movement, the population scale and the scale of communities and ecosystems.
This volume synthesizes theoretical and practical aspects of both the mathematical and life science viewpoints needed for modeling of the cardiovascular-respiratory system specifically and physiological systems generally.
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