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Books in the Lucky Duck Books series

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  • - PSHE Activities for 4-8 Year-Olds to use in Circle Time
    by Margaret Collins

    Visit the author''s own website here!From the author of our best-selling Circle Time for the Very Young comes another practical and exciting resource. Using the Circle Time framework Margaret has developed active ways to deliver elements of the PSHE and citizenship curriculum.Using her ingenious format the author has presented four themes:" personal education" health education" social education" citizenship.Each theme has 10 topics to cover the entire school year, and at two age levels on facing pages.This delightfully illustrated and practical book will not be left lying around in the staff-room it is a pick-up-and-use publication!Margaret Collins is a former headteacher of infant and first schools. She is now Senior Visiting Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Southampton. She researches children''s perceptions of health education topics, writes teaching materials for children, books and articles on PSHE.

  • - Effective Anti-Bullying Intervention
    by Barbara Maines

    This brand new CD-Rom and facilitator's manual provides all the resources needed to run training sessions, ensuring participants not only know how to use the No Blame/Support Group Approach method but also understand the underpinning research and philosophy.

  • - An Emotional Literacy Course for High School Students
    by Tina Rae

    Thank you, Thank you. I have been looking for months for an EL course for secondary pupils. This book is fantastic' - Anne Sinar, Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator, Beacon Hill High School, BlackpoolThere is an increasing demand for resources to support teachers in developing young peoples emotional literacy. The 20 lessons explore a range of feelings and provide facilitator notes and activities to help young people:" recognise their emotions in order to be able to label or define them" manage their emotions in order to develop and sustain positive relationships.The 20 lessons include:" introduction to an emotion and warm-up" questions for Circle Time and activities" take home tasks and reinforcement" ideas for a plenary session.Includes photocopiable resources and printable worksheets on the CD.As with all Tinas books this is a practical resource which will engage young people.

  • - A Six Lesson Citizenship Programme for 8 to 11 Year Olds
    by Maggie Biddlestone

    A book and CD-ROM pack devised to teach young people about bullying in school and social settings. A team sports model is used to encourage a co-operative atmosphere where children can work together to stop bullying. The pack includes teacher notes, resources for six lessons and ideas for a culminating school assembly celebrating the work done by the children.

  • - (Book w/CD)
    by Margaret Winter

    This book written by two practitioners is the culmination of 18 years work in Kirklees. It started as a co-operative learning project and developed into a wonderful resource for all those who not only want to Push Back the Furniture to do Circle Time but are looking to extend and develop their ideas.The notes are comprehensive and explicit to promote the development of:" Confidence and responsibility" Roles and responsibilities as citizens" A healthy lifestyle" Good relationshipsAs well as 25 lessons there are:" Themes on self, others, responsibilities and non-verbal communication." A resource section with 29 co-operative games and activities" Photocopiable resources also provided on CD-ROM.This is an exciting and inspiring resource written by practitioners for practitioners in primary schools. The material demonstrates the authors blend of real experience with fresh enthusiasm from Circle Time.

  • - Activities to Promote Self-acceptance and Self-esteem in Young People aged 12 to 18 years
    by Anne Betts

    'The worksheets...save valuable time for busy professionals. Overall, this package provides good value at £17.99' - British Journal of Special Education 'Teachers comfortable with developmental group-work, and able to adapt material and tailor it to pupils' responses, will find this a valuable resource' - Adrian King, Times Educational Supplement, Special Needs Extra'The book with its CD-ROM is accessible and provides a structure for staff working in places such as learning support units, withdrawal groups in mainstream schools or special schools. It could also be valuable to youth workers and those working in children's services and CAMHS... this package provides good value as it includes photocopiable self-esteem assessment scales and worksheets as well as a programme structure' - British Journal of Special EducationThis is a programme to encourage positive self-esteem by recognising the 'me' in each individual. It is aimed at children aged 12 years and older.The book supports professionals working with young people who have demonstrated difficulties in achievement and behaviour by providing innovative and creative activities and exercises, which help to reduce behaviours common in those with low self-esteem.This practical programme uses Lucky Duck's B/G-steem self-esteem scale as an assessment tool to evaluate the success of the programme. All the activity sheets and assessment forms needed are supplied on a CD-rom.Anne works in association with schools and the Children's Fund project in Devon.

  • - Resource Bank for Setting Targets and Rewarding Pupil Progress at Key Stage 1 & 2
    by Claire Watts

    - Contains 296 printable worksheets on a CD-ROM!These resources aim to encourage teachers, parents or carers and children to work in partnership in setting appropriate targets which will promote positive attitudes to learning and behaviour within the classroom and school context. Children are encouraged to see themselves as learners in a positive way, enhancing their self-image and in turn affecting their learning and behaviour. The resources can be used to reinforce positive learning patterns and behaviour in all children, but they are particularly useful for work with children who exhibit learning and emotional and behavioural difficulties. There are facilitator notes on how to use the 12 sections, which include: . target book covers . daily reward sheets . weekly reward sheets . playtime reward charts . reward charts for home and school.

  • - Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills Training for Disaffected and Difficult Children aged 7-11
    by Janine Koeries

    Problem Postcards presents a series of social dilemmas for young people to discuss and find positive outcomes. The style is engaging because it follows the example of letters sent to an agony aunt with the young people having to compose suitable responses. There are also worksheets for written work.

  • - Teaching Positive Relationships To Young Children
    by Margaret Collins

    Bullying establishes itself as soon as young children begin to engage in social groups - someone is left out. Using research findings from over 400 children's views, this book looks at: name-calling; teasing; excluding; physical aggression; verbal harm; and, taking and breaking.

  • - Games to Promote Social and Emotional Resilience for Children aged 4 - 14
    by Robyn Hromek

    Including a CD-ROM, this title contains games that are useful for those working with small groups of young people who find it difficult to behave and co-operate with their peers. It addresses socio-emotional development, such as: social and friendship skills; anger management; coping with teasing; coping in the playground; and paying compliments.

  • - An Emotionally Literate Approach to Supporting Excluded and Disaffected Students at Key Stage 2, 3 and 4
    by Brian Marris

    SHORT LISTED FOR TES/NASEN TEACHING AND LEARNING BOOK AWARD 2004`Brian Marris and Tina Rae must be congratulated on producing a very accessible and well thought through programme of work' - Debate`A useful programme for any secondary school looking for a framework to support anger management and problem solving with groups of at risk pupils' - Special Needs Information PressAn emotionally literate approach to supporting excluded and disaffected students at Key Stage 2, 3 and 4.This 15 session programme was initially devised to support excluded pupils at the Hillingdon Tuition Centre. It has been adapted to assist students who are disaffected and at risk of exclusion.The ESCAPE programme covers the following Key skills of Emotional Literacy:} awareness of feelings} self-assurance} authenticity} flexibility} personal insights} self-regulation} accountability} self-motivation.Each session provides comprehensive teacher notes, activities and worksheets and concludes with a co-operative group game. Use is made of Brief Therapy interviews and a suggested weekly individual tutorial session where progress can be monitored and targets set for the next meeting.A resource that will help young people function in a reflective way, helping them to: } cope more effectively with their feelings } learn and practise better ways to behave.

  • - A Behaviour Curriculum: Lesson Plans for Small Group Delivery (Key Stages 3 & 4)
    by Julie Casey

  • - (Book w/CD)
    by George Robinson

    Sometimes you just need to vary the activities or spring a surprise to re-motivate the group or diffuse a difficult situation. This copiable resource contains three different sets of materials that can be reproduced onto paper for a one-off activity, or copied onto card for frequent use. " Image cards a set of neutral symbol pictures. " Feelings cards a set of cards with words and pictures to illustrate a feeling. " Sentence completion cards a set of sentence beginnings.The publication includes ideas for how to use the materials in a variety of different ways, all consistent with the aims and objectives of Circle Time.

  • - A Seven Lesson Programme for 12 to 13 Year Olds
    by Charlie Smith

    Charlie has drawn on her experience of working with secondary pupils to produce this book. It provides a developmental series of lessons providing a wonderful programme.This resource comprises of seven sessions with comprehensive facilitator notes and copiable resources. Topics covered include:" feelings" communication" self-confidence " rights and responsibilities.This book will assist pupils to develop three key areas:" awareness and development of self" development of personal skills" improve understanding of groups and group processes.The process of Circle Time helps meet the requirements of the Citizenship and PSHE curriculum.

  • - A Comprehensive Training Programme Introducing a Peer Buddy System to Support Students Starting Secondary School
    by Charlie Smith

    Peer buddy schemes are gaining popularity as a means of supporting new pupils. Benefits help not only the new pupils but also the supporters.The existence of a peer support system was perceived as beneficial to the school as a whole. Naylor & Cowie 1999.Research into peer buddy systems indicates they:" protect against bullying" promote a caring school" enhance befrienders communication skills" build confidence and trust" provide positive role models.A photocopiable resource containing everything needed to implement, support and evaluate a peer support scheme, comprising:" teacher notes " six training sessions" student handbook.

  • by Anna Richards

    `There is no other text that can inform, educate and involve so effectively about the needs of ADHD children in mainstream classrooms. I would recommend that it is included on reading lists for trainee teachers, and is promoted by Special Needs Co-ordinators in schools. - Jane Spencer, De Montfort University`A remarkable story told with honesty, candour and real strength. It is powerful'' - Rt. Revd. Christopher Herbert, Bishop of St AlbansA fascinating and thought-provoking book written by the mother of an eleven year-old with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This book is cleverly constructed and looks at ADHD from many perspectives.It follows a 22-hour expedition, but it is also a journey of discovery for Anna''s family about how to best help their son.Peppered with humour, irony, laughter, pain, outrage, discussion and reflection, this book shows a way through the maze of ADHD, and provides a reader-friendly but challenging read.

  • - Understanding the Schoolchild with Asperger's Syndrome
    by Clare Sainsbury

    This award winning book illuminates what it means to be a person who has Aspergers Syndrome by providing a window into a unique and particular world.

  • - Taking Circle Time Much Further
    by Teresa Bliss

    `As a teacher who has specialized in supporting "at risk" students I believe the use of Circle Time can be of help bridge the academic/ral divide. The authors, quite rightly, emphasise the Circle Times in not an advice sympathy or therapy group and they also write "pupils who have a positive view themselves are likely to achieve more, both socially and academically, than those pupils whose self-esteem in low' - Simon Wheeler, Suffolk LEA Pupil Behaviour Project OfficerTeresa Bliss and George Robinson explore the impact that Circle Time can have on the development of social behaviours, ethics and morality. Many new activities are added to the original repertoire. The book includes:" a link between Circle Time and the teaching of the moral and spiritual curriculum" a plan for a terms developmental work" ways in which issues starting outside the circle can be supported within the security of an already established circle group" worksheets to increase the range of activities.This book is the answer to teachers who ask for more ideas to extend the Circle Time programme.

  • - Providing Support for Children Aged 7 to 13 Who Have Experienced Loss and Bereavement
    by Lorna Patricia Nelson

    `This book is easy to read and the accompanying computer CD of worksheets to print out is particularly useful' - Bereavement CareAll children experience loss, often a death or a family separation; sometimes a friend moves away or a pet dies. Loss is the inevitable consequence of the positive experience of attachment.In this beautiful book Tina and Lorna offer teachers a resource that will support their understanding of the process and facilitate a range of activities which:- acknowledge the experience of loss- allow the expression of pain, fear, sadness- present the process as a shared experience- encourage communication- facililate recovery. This range of sensitive, positive and emotionally literate activities can be used in whole class, small group or individual settings and sit well in several primary and secondary PSCHE curriculum areas.

  • - Understanding Diversity and Supporting Inclusion in Circle Time
    by Margaret Collins

    Visit the author's own website here!Juan Bornman's series of stories about children with disabilities accompanied by explanations of the nature and causes of their difficulties helps children to improve understanding and relationships with their peers. Stories about a looked after child and an asylum seeker are also included.Margaret Collins has provided accompanying:- information for adults about the disability or difference - Circle Time activities for young people aged 6 to 8 and 8 to 11This book can provide a term's work on inclusion or one story and set of activities can be selected to prepare a class or group for the inclusion of a new member who has a difficulty. The programme also encourages reflection on difference and individuality.Margaret Collins is a former headteacher of infant and first schools. She is now Senior Visiting Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Southampton. She researches children's perceptions of health education topics, writes teaching materials for children, books and articles on PSHE.

  • - A Seven Lesson Programme for 13 to 14 Year Olds
    by Charlie Smith

    Charlie has drawn on her experience of working with secondary pupils to produce this book. It provides a developmental series of lessons providing a wonderful programme.This resource comprises of seven sessions with comprehensive facilitator notes and copiable resources. Topics covered include:" peer pressure" individuality" disagreements" victimisation.This book will assist pupils to develop three key areas:" awareness and development of self" development of personal skills" improve understanding of groups and group processes.The process of Circle Time helps meet the requirements of the Citizenship and PSHE curriculum.

  • - A Resource Book For Preventive Work
    by George Robinson

    Since 1990 we have joined many schools to help them organise anti-bullying days for pupils. This publication is a collection of activities, processes and programmes that have been put together to help schools organize either a single awareness day or a series of shorter workshop sessions for pupils, which include:" practical aspects of anti-bullying work" ideas for whole-school keynote sessions" facilitators' instructions for group activities" copiable worksheets and overhead foils.The programmes are suitable for secondary and upper primary use. They provide an excellent project for primary/secondary liaison based around Year 6 and 7 joint work during the summer term.

  • - A Series of 12 Sessions for Secondary School Students
    by Tina Rae

    `It is refreshing to find such material that has some of its key objectives in changing staff and teacher perceptions of children with behavioural needs' - Educational Psychology in PracticeThis 12-session course for secondary school pupils teaches skills and strategies for more effective relationships and interactions at home and in school. The pack includes:" teacher notes" worksheets " self-esteem rating scales.Strategies to teach include:" mirror talk" positive thinking" respecting yourself.Young people rate this as a useful pack that manages their learning in a respectful manner and builds relationships with peers and staff.

  • - A Seven Lesson Programme for 11 to 12 Year Olds
    by Charlie Smith

    Charlie has drawn on her experience of working with secondary pupils to produce this book. It provides a developmental series of lessons providing a wonderful programme.This resource comprises of seven sessions with comprehensive facilitator notes and copiable resources. Topics covered include:" listening" friendship" bullying " anger.This book will assist pupils to develop three key areas:" awareness and development of self" development of personal skills" improve understanding of groups and group processes.The process of Circle Time helps meet the requirements of the Citizenship and PSHE curriculum.

  • by Hilde De Clerq

    Sometimes we learn something new through personal experience something which up until now, has not been the subject of research. This book provides a mother''s original process of thinking through detail.We all want an in-depth knowledge of autism and Hilde justifies her approach: by thinking through details I have always been able to explain my sons autism.I have never heard anyone explain the world and life from the point of view of a person with autism as clearly as Hilde. Marie Bristol, Head of American Autism ResearchAutism can be explored in different ways. The person who tries to understand autism through Thinking through details will gain a better understanding of the syndrome and how to deal with it.

  • - Activities for 3 to 7 Year Olds to Do before, During and after Circle Time
    by Margaret Collins

    Suitable for those using Circle Time with 3 to 7 year olds, this book sets out strategies and activities for making the most out of Circle Time sessions. It includes Pre and post-activities, to encourage children to focus on the content of Circle Time as a way of sharing their work, ideas and thoughts.

  • by Graham Davies

    Suitable for teachers committed to Circle Time and for looking for various ideas, this book provides activities and various games including: ice breakers; mixing up games; and, energisers.

  • - Practical Interventions using Identiplay
    by Nicky Phillips

    Through the use of play scripts, this practical guide helps children with autism, and those with specific communication disorders, learn to play.

  • by Tina Rae

    This text provides teachers of children aged 7-14 with structured opportunities to develop their emotional literacy and emotional well-being. It is firmly supported by a wealth of research which links children's mental and physical health to the development of emotional literacy.

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