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Volume 38 of Reviews in Mineralogy provides detailed reviews of various aspects of the mineralogy and geochemistry of uranium. We have attempted to produce a volume that incorporates most important aspects of uranium in natural systems, while providing some insight into important applications of uranium mineralogy and geochemistry to environmental problems. The result is a blend of perspectives and themes: historical (Chapter 1), crystal structures (Chapter 2), systematic mineralogy and paragenesis (Chapters 3 and 7), the genesis of uranium ore deposits (Chapters 4 and 6), the geochemical behavior of uranium and other actinides in natural fluids (Chapter 5), environmental aspects of uranium such as microbial effects, groundwater contamination and disposal of nuclear waste (Chapters 8, 9 and 10), and various analytical techniques applied to uranium-bearing phases (Chapters 11-14).This volume was written in preparation for a short course by the same title, sponsored by the Mineralogical Society of America, October 22 and 23, 1999 in Golden, Colorado, prior to MSA's joint annual meeting with the Geological Society of America.
Volume 21 of Reviews in Mineralogy treats a short course on the rare earth elements to about 80 participants in San Francisco, California, December 1-3, 1989, just prior to the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Contents:Cosmochemistry of the Rare Earth Elements: Condensation and Evaporation ProcessesRadiogenic Isotope Geochemistry of Rare Earth ElementsPartitioning of Rare Earth Elements between Major Silicate Minerals and Basaltic MeltsAn Approach to Trace Element Modeling Using a Simple Igneous System as an ExampleRare Earth Elements in Upper Mantle RocksRare Earth Elements in Metamorphic RocksRare Earth Elements in Sedimentary Rocks: Influence of Provenance and Sedimentary ProcessesAqueous Geochemistry of Rare Earth ElementsRare Earth Elements in Lunar MaterialsCompositional and Phase Relations among Rare Earth Element MineralsEconomic Geology of Rare Earth MineralsCathodoluminescence Emission Spectra of Rare Earth Element Activators in Minerals
Environmental Mineralogy and Bio-Geochemistry of Arsenic provides a comprehensive understanding of arsenic geochemistry in the near-surface environment. Topics covered include the mineralogy, thermodynamics, geochemistry, analysis, microbiology, and bioavailability of arsenic, with emphasis on implications for arsenic toxicity, geochemistry in natural ground waters, and mine-associated impacts and possible mitigation options. This volume is useful for those seeking to understand arsenic geochemistry and biological interactions in the near-surface environment, Clay Minerals does not use an online manuscript tracking/submission system. as well those working for mining companies, the chemicals industry, NGO's or government bodies concerned with reducing the impact of arsenic on the environment.
Volume 43 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry follows the 1986 Reviews in Mineralogy (Vol. 16) in approach but reflects significant changes in the field of Stable Isotope Geochemistry. In terms of new technology, new sub-disciplines, and numbers of researchers, the field has changed more in the past decade than in any other since that of its birth. Unlike the 1986 volume, which was restricted to high temperature fields, this book covers a wider range of disciplines. However, it would not be possible to fit a comprehensive review into a single volume. Our goal is to provide state-of-the-art reviews in chosen subjects that have emerged or advanced greatly since 1986. This volume was prepared for Short Course on Stable Isotope Geochemistry presented November 2-4, 2001 in conjunction with the annual meetings of the Geological Society of America in Boston, Massachusetts.
Volume 61 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry presents an up-to-date review of sulfide mineralogy and geochemistry. The crystal structures, electrical and magnetic properties, spectroscopic studies, chemical bonding, thermochemistry, phase relations, solution chemistry, surface structure and chemistry, hydrothermal precipitation processes, sulfur isotope geochemistry and geobiology of metal sulfides are reviewed. Where it is appropriate for comparison, there is brief discussion of the selenide or telluride analogs of the metal sulfides. When discussing crystal structures and structural relationships, the sulfosalt minerals as well as the sulfides are considered in some detail.
Volume 18 of Reviews in Mineralogy provides a general introduction to the use of spectroscopic techniques in Earth Sciences. It gives an Introduction To Spectroscopic Methods and covers Symmetry, Group Theory And Quantum Mechanics; Spectrum-Fitting Methods; Infrared And Raman Spectroscopy; Inelastic Neutron Scattering; Vibrational Spectroscopy Of Hydrous Components; Optical Spectroscopy; Mossbauer Spectroscopy; MAS NMR Spectroscopy Of Minerals And Glasses; NMR Spectroscopy And Dynamic Processes In Mineralogy And Geochemistry; X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy: Applications In Mineralogy ind Geochemistry; Electron Paramagnetic Resonance; Auger Electron And X-Ray Photelectron Spectroscopies and Luminescence, X-Ray Emission and New Spectroscopies. The authors of this volume presented a short course, entitled "Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy and Geology", May 13-15, 1988, in Hunt Valley, Maryland.
Volume 30 of Reviews in Mineralogy introduces in understanding the behavior of magmatic volatiles and their influence on a wide variety of geological phenomena; in doing this it also becomes apparent that there remain many questions outstanding. The range of topics we have tried to cover is broad, going from atomisticscale aspects of volatile solubility mechanisms and attendant effects on melt physical properties, to the chemistry of volcanic gases and the concentrations of volatiles in magmas, to the global geochemical cycles of volatiles. The reader should quickly see that much progress has been made since Bowen voiced his concerns about Maxwell demons, but like much scientific progress, answers to old questions have prompted even greater numbers of new questions. The Voltiles in Magmas course was organized and transpired at the Napa Valley Sheraton Hotel in California, December 2-4, 1994, just prior to the Fall Meetings of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.
Volume 29 of Reviews in Mineralogy provides an updated silica review which focuses on the most recent developments. This book describes the crystal structures and phase transitions of silica and its stuffed derivatives; bridges the relationship between the microstructural character of real silica minerals and the behavior of silica in the geological environment; covers Quantum mechanical considerations of the Si-O bond; shows how calculations based upon first-principles theory can explain and predict silica transitions at high temperatures and pressures; covers spectroscopic analyses of silica and how they reveal vibrational behaviors in response to variations in temperature, pressure, and composition and finally details the uses of silica for industrial purposes.
Volume 28 of Reviews in Mineralogy provides some of the necessary tools for the researcher interested in this area of interdisciplinary research. The chapters present several of the important problems, concepts, and approaches from both the geological and biological ends of the spectrum. These two extremes are partially integrated throughout the book by cross-referencing between chapters. Chapter 1 also presents a general introduction into the ways in which these two areas overlap. However, many of the areas ripe for the interdisciplinarian will become obvious after reading the various chapters. The final chapter of this book discusses some of the regulatory aspects of minerals. Ultimately, the regulatory arena is where this type of interdisciplinary approach can make an impact, and hopefully better communication between all parties will accomplish this goal. A glossary is included at the end of this book, because the complexity of scientific terms in the two fields can thwart even the most enthusiastic of individuals. This volume represents the proceedings of a course by the same title held at Harbor House Resort and Conference Center on Nantucket Island off the coast of Massachusetts, October 22-24, 1993.
Volume 27 of Reviews in Mineralogy provides a background to the TEM as a mineralogical tool, to give an introduction to the principles underlying its operation, and to explore mineralogical applications and ways in which electron microscopy can augment our knowledge of mineral structures, chemistry, and origin. Much time will be devoted to mineralogical applications. It provides sufficient information to allow mineralogists and petrologists to have an informed understanding of the data produced by transmission electron microscopy and to have enough knowledge and experience to undertake initial studies on their own. The opening chapters cover the principles of electron microscopy and chemical analysis using the TEM; while the following chapters consider mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical applications and their implications, for both low- and high-temperature geological environments. The Mineralogical Society of America sponsored a short courses in conjunction with their annual meetings with the Geological Society of America, and this volume represents the proceedings of the eighteenth in the sequence. This TEM course was convened October 23-25, 1992, at Hueston Woods State Park, College Comer, Ohio.
Volume 26 of Reviews in Mineralogy provides a multidisciplinary review of our current knowledge of contact metamorphism. As in any field of endeavor, we are provided with new questions, thereby dictating future directions of study. Hopefully, this volume will provide inspiration and direction for future research on contact metamorphism.The Mineralogical Society of America sponsored the short course on Contact Metamorphism, October 17-19, 1991, at the Pala Mesa Resort, Fallbrook, California, prior to its annual meeting with the Geological Society of America.
Volume 24 of Reviews in Mineralogy attempted to bring together the basic data and fundamental theoretical constraints on magmatic processes with applications to specific problems in igneous petrology. The Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) sponsored the short course on "Modern Methods of Igneous Petrolgy: Understanding Magmatic Processes" at the Cathedral Hill Hotel in San Francisco, California in December 1990. It was organized by the editors, Jim Nicholls and Kelly Russell, and presented by the authors of this volume to about 80 participants in conjunction with the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
Volume 23 of Reviews in Mineralogy and accompanying MSA short course covers chemical reactions that take place at mineral-water interfaces. We believe that this book describes most of the important concepts and contributions that have driven mineral-water interface geochemistry to its present state. We begin in Chapter 1 with examples of the global importance of mineral-water interface reactions and a brief review of the contents of the entire book. Thereafter, we have divided the book into four sections, including atomistic approaches (Chapters 2- 3), adsorption (Chapters 4-8), precipitation and dissolution (Chapters 9-11), and oxidation-reduction reactions (Chapters 11-14).
Volume 22 of Reviews in Mineralogy is a book exclusively devoted to three minerals: the Al2SiO5 polymorphs - andalusite, sillimanite, and kyanite. It covers a wide variety of topics that must be considered in the analysis of metamorphic systems and illustrates the fact that modern metamorphic petrology demands an awareness of a wide spectrum of geologic variables and processes. This volume is intended to provide a comprehensive review, summarizing the methods, theories and pitfalls of the various contributions on the aluminum silicates. Several sections of this book present the chronological development of research on various topics, giving readers historical perspectives on the development of theories, models and biases on various problems regarding the aluminum silicates.
Volume 20 of Reviews in Mineralogy attempted to: (1) provide examples illustrating the state-of-the-art in powder diffraction, with emphasis on applications to geological materials; (2) describe how to obtain high-quality powder diffraction data; and (3) show how to extract maximum information from available data. In particular, the nonambient experiments are examples of some of the new and exciting areas of study using powder diffraction, and the interested reader is directed to the rapidly growing number of published papers on these subjects. Powder diffraction has evolved to a point where considerable information can be obtained from ug-sized samples, where detection limits are in the hundreds of ppm range, and where useful data can be obtained in milliseconds to microseconds. We hope that the information in this volume will increase the reader's access to the considerable amount of information contained in typical diffraction data.
Volume 13 of Reviews in Mineralogy presents much of our present-day knowledge of micas. Since 1984 was too much material available to attempt to cover all of the hydrous phyllosilicates in one volume, the micas were treated first because of their abundance in nature and the fact that many detailed studies had been carried out on them. The serpentines, kaolins, smectites, chlorites, etc. would have to wait their turn. Now, four years later, that tum has come. Hence the peculiar nature of the title of this volume. We know less about the rest of the phyllosilicates than we do about the micas, primarily because many of them are of finer grain sizes and lower crystallinities than most of the micas. As a result, we have been unable to determine as much detail regarding their structures, crystal chemistries, and origins. One compensating factor that has helped greatly in the accumulation of knowledge about these minerals is that some of them occur in large deposits that are of great economic value and thus stimulate interest. For this reason considerable emphasis in this volume will be related to the occurrence, origin, and petrology of the minerals.
Volume 60 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry assesses the current state of knowledge of lunar geoscience, given the data sets provided by missions of the 1990's, and lists remaining key questions as well as new ones for future exploration to address. It documents how a planet or moon other than the world on which we live can be studied and understood in light of integrated suites of specific kinds of information. The Moon is the only body other than Earth for which we have material samples of known geologic context for study. This volume seeks to show how the different kinds of information gained about the Moon relate to each other and also to learn from this experience, thus allowing more efficient planning for the exploration of other worlds.
Volume 17 of Reviews in Mineralogy is based on a short course, entitled "Thermodynamic Modeling of Geological Materials: Minerals, Fluids amd Melts," October 22-25, 1987, at the Wickenburg Inn near Phoenix, Arizona. Contents:Thermodynamic Analysis of Phase Equilibria in Simple Mineral SystemsModels of Crystalline solutionsThermodynamics of Multicomponent Systems Containing Several Solid SolutionsThermodynamic Model for Aqueous Solutions of Liquid-like DensityModels of Mineral Solubility in Concentrated Brines with Application to Field ObservationsCalculation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Species and the Solubilities of Minerals in Supercritical Electrolyte SolutionsIgneous FluidsOre Fluids: Magmatic to SupergeneThermodynamic Models of Molecular Fluids at the Elevated Pressures and Temperatures of Crustal MetamorphismMineral Solubilities and Speciation in Supercritical Metamorphic FluidsDevelopment of Models for Multicomponent Melts: Analysis of Synthetic SystemsModeling Magmatic Systems: Thermodynamic RelationsModeling Magmatic Systems: Petrologic Applications
Volume 16 of Reviews in Mineralogy inroduces to high-temperature stable isotope geochemistry and should provide an entry into the pertinent literature, as well as some understanding of the basic concepts and potential applications.The first three chapters focus on the theory and experimental data base for equilibrium, disequilibrium, and kinetics of stable isotope exchange reactions among geologically important minerals and fluids. The fourth chapter discusses the primordial oxygen isotope variations in the solar system prior to formation of the Earth, along with a discussion of isotopic anomalies in meteorites. The fifth chapter discusses isotopic variations in the Earth's mantle and the sixth chapter reviews the variations in the isotopic compositions of natural waters on our planet. In Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10, these isotopic constraints and concepts are applied to various facets of the origin and evolution of igneous rocks, bringing in much material on radiogenic isotopes as well, because these problems require a multi-dimensional attack for their solution. In Chapters 11 and 12, the problems of hydrothermal alteration by meteoric waters and ocean water are considered, together with discussions of the physics and chemistry of hydrothermal systems and the 18O/16O history of ocean water. Finally, in Chapters 13 and 14, these concepts are applied to problems of metamorphic petrology and ore deposits, particularly with respect to the origins of the fluids involved in those processes.
Volume 15 of Reviews in Mineralogy is written with two goals in mind. The first is to derive the 32 crystallographic point groups, the 14 Bravais lattice types and the 230 crystallographic space group types. The second is to develop the mathematical tools necessary for these derivations in such a manner as to lay the mathematical foundation needed to solve numerous basic problems in crystallography and to avoid extraneous discourses. To demonstrate how these tools can be employed, a large number of examples are solved and problems are given. The book is, by and large, self-contained. In particular, topics usually omitted from the traditional courses in mathematics that are essential to the study of crystallography are discussed. For example, the techniques needed to work in vector spaces with noncartesian bases are developed. Unlike the traditional group-theoretical approach, isomorphism is not the essential ingredient in crystallographic classification schemes. Because alternative classification schemes must be used, the notions of equivalence relations and classes which are fundamental to such schemes are defined, discussed and illustrated. For example, we will find that the classification of the crystallographic space groups into the traditional 230 types is defined in terms of their matrix representations. Therefore, the derivation of these groups from the point groups will be conducted using the 37 distinct matrix groups rather than the 32 point groups they represent.
Volume 14 of Reviews in Mineralogy covers a short course about the relations among the microscopic structure of minerals and their macroscopic thermodynamic properties. Understanding the micro-to-macro relations provides a rigorous theoretical foundation for formulation of energy relations. With such a foundation, measured parameters can be understood, and extrapolation and prediction of thermodynamic properties beyond the range of measurement can be done with more confidence than if only empirical relations are used.The purpose of this course is to consider the microscopic factors that influence the free energy of minerals: atomic environments, bonding, and crystal structure. These factors influence the structural energy and the detailed nature of the lattice vibrations which are an important source of entropy and enthalpy at temperatures greater than 0 K. The same factors determine the relative energy of different phases, and thereby; the relative stability of different minerals. Configurational entropy terms arising from disorder also contribute to the energy and entropy. In transition metal compounds there are additional energy and entropy terms arising from the electronic configurations, leading to additional stabilizations, magnetic ordering, and, incidentally, color.Organized by Sue Kieffer and Alex Navrotsky, the course was presented by the ten authors of this book on the campus of Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland. This was the second of MSA's short courses to be given in conjunction with meetings of the American Geophysical Union.
Volume 13 of Reviews in Mineralogy attempts to gather together much of our knowledge of micas, the most abundant phyllosilicate, and to indicate promising areas of future research. Chapters 1-3 lay the foundations of the classification, structures, and crystal chemistry of micas. Chapter 4 treats bonding and electrostatic modeling of micas. Chapters 5 and 6 cover spectroscopic and optical properties. Chapters 7-13, the bulk of the volume, are devoted to geochemistry and petrology. These include phase equilibria and the occurrences, chemistry, and petrology of micas in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, pegmatites, and certain ore deposits. Some treatments are exhaustive. All are at the forefront of our present knowledge, and indicate clearly the practical applications'of the study of micas to ascertaining various parameters of origin and crystallization history, as well as the many problems that still exist. The aim of this type of treatment is to provide a reference volume for teachers and students and to enable researchers to pick more easily those directions and problems for which future research is most needed or is apt to be most productive or most challenging.
Volume 2 of Reviews in Mineralogy displays the Short Course on Feldspar Mineralogy in Salt Lake City in October 1975. The workshops on x-ray single-crystal, powder diffraction methods and electron optical techniques as applied to the study of feldspars are the substance of which became the nine chapters of the first edition of Feldspar Mineralogy.It will be noted by readers experienced with feldspars that there are many new ideas appearing in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 that have neither received scrutiny by review (other than ourselves) nor survived practical tests of time in the research community. There is some danger in this, but the editor decided the greater risk was to produce a review volume soon to be outdated. Inevitably, given the different goals of individual authors in their assigned topics, some repetition of material has occurred, although usually with quite different emphases. Chapters 1, 2, 9 and 10, in which plagioclase structures and diffraction patterns and their Al,Si distributions, phase equilibria and exsolution textures are featured, are notable in this regard.
Volume 5 of Reviews in Mineralogy emphasizes the crystal chemistry and related physical properties of the major rock-forming orthosilicates. Though in some chapters more attention is given to phase equilibria and paragenesis than in others, these are for the most part cursorily treated with references to the more important papers and to review articles (also see Deer, Howie and Zussman, 1962, Rock-forming Minerals, Vol. 1, Ortho- and Ring Silicates).
Volume 10 of Reviews in Mineralogy reviews the use of a powerful probe into metamorphic process: mineral assemblages and the composition of minerals. Put very simply, this volume attempts to answer the question: "What can we learn about metamorphism through the study of minerals in metamorphic rocks?" It is not an encyclopedic summary of metamorphic mineral assemblages; instead it attempts to present basic research strategies and examples of their application. Moreover, in order to limit and unify the subject matter, it concentrates on the chemical aspects of metamorphism and regrettably ignores other important kinds of studies of metamorphic rocks and minerals conducted by structural geologists, structural petrologists, and geophysicists.
Volume 9B of Reviews in Mineralogy is dedicated more to an exploration of the social life of amphiboles and the amphibole personality in real rocks and in the experimental petrology laboratory. The chemical complexity of amphibole, which Robinson et al., refer to as "a mineralogical shark in a sea of unsuspecting elements," permits amphiboles to occur in a very wide variety of rock types, under a large range of pressure and temperature conditions, and in association with an impressive number of other minerals. The description of amphibole petrology and of petrologists' attempts to understand amphibole phase relations are therefore not simple matters, as the length of this volume suggests. Although they do not cover every type of amphibole occurrence, it is hoped that the papers in this volume will provide the amphibole student and researcher with an up-to-date summary of the most important aspects of amphibole petrology. Volume 9B, Amphiboles: Petrology and Experimental Phase Relations, was begun in 1981 in preparation for the Short Course on Amphiboles and Other Hydrous Pyriboles presented at Erlanger, Kentucky, October 29 - November 1, 1981, prior to the annual meetings of the Geological Society of America and associated societies. Unfortunately, only the first chapter was in manuscript form at the time of the short course, and publication was delayed by one year.
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