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Books in the Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series series

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  • - From State to Market
    by Norway) Maximova-Mentzoni & Tatiana (University of Nordland
    £43.49 - 136.49

  • by UK) Morrison & Claudio (University of Warwick

    Based on factory-level fieldwork research, this book charts the experiences of a textile enterprise in Russia during the 1990s, analyzing post-Soviet management and managerial practices in order to illuminate the content, nature and direction of industrial restructuring in the Russian privatized sector during the years of economic transition.

  • - The Growing Influence of Western Rightist Ideas
    by Thomas Parland
    £40.49 - 126.99

    This book examines the nature of the extreme right in contemporary Russia.

  • by Geraldine Fagan
    £52.49 - 136.49

    Presents an overview of religion in Russia since the end of the communist regime, exposing many of the ambiguities and uncertainties about the position of religion in Russian life. This book discusses the nature of everyday religious life in Russia, contrasting the internal life of faith communities with the public discourse of their leaders.

  • - Essays in Honour of Edmund Mokrzycki
    by Sven Eliaeson

    Explores the idea of civil society and how it is being implemented in Eastern Europe. Relating the concept of civil society in Eastern Europe to sociological theories, this book makes international comparisons where appropriate. It also discusses particular aspects of civil society, and examines the difficulties of establishing civil society.

  • by Lena Jonson
    £43.49 - 146.49

  • - Challenges, (Mis)Perceptions and Responses
    by UK) Golunov & Serghei (Durham University
    £47.49 - 141.49

  • - The Ideological Origins of Early Soviet State Violence
    by James Ryan
    £53.99 - 146.49

  • - Politics, Culture and Greater Russia
    by Germany) Richters & Katja (University of Erfurt
    £54.99 - 141.49

  • by Sergiusz Trzeciak
    £45.49 - 136.49

  • by Alicja Curanovic
    £50.49 - 141.49

  • - From Regional Supremacy to Global Lead
    by Russia) Panibratov & Andrei (St Petersburg State University
    £40.49 - 136.49

  • - Privatisation and the Limits of Transformation
    by UK) Glazunov & Mikhail (University of Hertfordshire
    £40.49 - 136.49

  • by USA) Bennett & Brian P. (Niagara University
    £50.49 - 146.49

  • by Stephen K. Wegren
    £40.49 - 146.49

  • - Landscape, Religion and Knowledge in Motion
    by Germany) Halemba & Agnieszka (Max Planck Institute for Social Research
    £50.49 - 146.49

    Explores the religion and world outlook of the Telengits of Altai. This book provides an account of the Altai, its peoples, clans and political structures, focusing particularly on the Telengits, whilst also considering the different elements of religious belief exhibited among these native peoples.

  • by Janina Sleivyte
    £43.49 - 136.49

    Analyses Russian-European interaction, including Russia's relations with the Baltic States. This book discusses the development of Russia's approach to the security architecture in Europe resulting from the enlargement of both the EU and NATO, and assesses the prospects for greater Russian engagement in European security frameworks.

  • by Liubov Denisova
    £40.49 - 146.49

    Presents the history of Russian peasant women in the 20th century in English. This book offers a comprehensive overview of regulations concerning rural women: their employment patterns; marriages, divorces and family life; and, issues with health and raising children.

  • by David Betz
    £49.49 - 126.99

    This work examines how civil-military relations have been transformed in Russia, Poland, Hungary and Ukraine since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact in 1991. It shows how these countries have worked to reform their obsolete armed forces.

  • - Exploring and Rethinking Subcultural Lives
    by Hilary Pilkington, Al'bina Garifzianova & Elena Omel'chenko
    £52.49 - 136.49

    Provides an examination of the phenomenon of skinheads, explaining its nature and its significance, and assessing how far Russian skinhead subculture is the 'lumpen' end of the extreme nationalist ideological spectrum. This book also provides a practical example of how to investigate youth subculture over an extended period.

  • by Frederik Coene

    Presents a comprehensive introduction to the Caucasus. This title covers the geography and the historical development of the region, economics, politics and government, population, religion and society, culture and traditions, and conflicts and international relations. It is written in an accessible style and requires no prior knowledge.

  • - Primetime Drama and Comedy
    by Los Angeles, David (University of California & USA) MacFadyen
    £39.99 - 40.49

    Examining the role of dramatized narratives in Russian television, this book stresses the ways in which the Russian government under Putin use primetime television to express an understanding of what it means to be Russian, answering key questions of national identity for modern Russians in dealing with their history: What really happened to us?

  • by UK) Clarke & Simon (University of Warwick
    £44.49 - 141.49

    Provides a comprehensive survey of the development of capitalism in Russia from the collapse of the Soviet economic system. This book includes the results of substantial research on the state of a range of Russian enterprises. It discusses the wider theoretical implications of the Russian experience for other transitional economies.

  • - A Failed Exercise in Defence Decision Making
    by Carolina Vendil Pallin
    £44.49 - 146.49

    Examines reform of the Russian military since the end of the Cold War. This book argues that Putin's policies of bolstering central control has left untouched many key problems, including infighting between different forces, lack of transparency over defence spending, and absence of consensus on the main threats.

  • by University of London, UK) Ishkanian & Armine (London School of Economics and Political Science
    £43.49 - 141.49

    Considers the challenges of democracy building in post-Soviet Armenia, and the role of civil society. This book explores how the growth of civil society depends on a country's historical and socio-cultural context; and how far foreign aid, provided with conditions which encouraged the promotion of civil society, had an impact on democratization.

  • - Putin's Foreign Policy Towards the CIS Countries
    by Sweden) Nygren & Bertil (University of Stockholm
    £43.49 - 136.49

    Describes the strategies used by President Putin from 2000 onwards to recreate 'Greater Russia', that is a Russia that controls most of the territory of the former Soviet Union. This title shows the subtlety of the means of control, often through creating economic dependencies in the 'near abroad'.

  • - The Thaw and Post-Thaw Periods

    This book explores the portrayal of women in Soviet films of the 1950s to 1970s, during which time a large number of films featured complex female characters who went beyond the stereotypical women of Soviet realism.


    This book explores the function of the ¿everyday¿ in the formation, consolidation and performance of national, sub-national and local identities in the former socialist region. It demonstrates how the study of mundane practices is a meaningful way of understanding the socio-political processes of identity formation at every level of a sta


    Contemporary Russia and other post-Soviet states have become increasingly hostile towards the LGBT community with the introduction of laws restricting their rights and an increase in homophobic violence. This book explores how this has happened and provides a wealth of detail on this subject whilst also assessing how LGBT subjects are responding.

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