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Books in the Scientia Graeco-Arabica series

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  • - Framing Avicenna's Science of the Soul
    by Tommaso Alpina
    £20.49 - 124.99

    This book offers for the first time a comprehensive study of the reception and reworking of the Peripatetic theory of the soul in the Kitab al-Nafs (Book of the Soul) by Avicenna (d. 1037). This study seeks to frame Avicenna's science of the soul (or psychology) by focusing on three key concepts: subject, definition, and activity. The examination of these concepts will disclose the twofold consideration of the soul in Avicenna's psychology. Besides the 'general approach' to the soul of sublunary living beings, which is the formal principle of the body, Avicenna's psychology also exhibits a 'specific orientation' towards the soul in itself, i.e. the human rational soul that, considered in isolation from the body, is a self-subsistent substance, identical with the theoretical intellect and capable of surviving severance from the body. These two investigations demonstrate the coexistence in Avicenna's psychology of a more specific and less physical science (psychologia specialis) within a more general and overall physical one (psychologia generalis).

  • by Jean-Baptiste Brenet

    This book is an essay - with an annotated translation - about the psychology of Averroes, Aristotle's Commentator, and its influence in Latin philosophy. It specifically addresses his famous doctrine of the intellect, long deemed scandalous, and its critical defence by one of his epigones, the English XIVth century theologian Thomas Wylton, also descended from the great scholastics Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus. On new textual bases, the author tackles some of the main noetic questions of Greco-Arabic peripateticism: the relation between soul and body, the status of imagination, the nature of the intellect's power, the autonomy of the thinker, or the theoretical accomplishment of the individual as conjunction with the "agent" intellect. The author argues that Wylton's averroism is a conceptually consistent exegesis, an indiosynchratic combination of various elements found in Ibn Rushd's system, while also, against a depreciatory tradition, contextualizing Averroes and his doctrine in relation to the active field of modern philosophy, within an identical rationality.

  • - A New Edition, English Translation and Commentary of the Kitab al-Madhal of Avicenna's Kitab al-Sifa'
    by Avicenna & Silvia Di Vincenzo

  • - Critical Edition and Translation with an Introduction and Glossaries
    by Corrado la Martire

  • - Introduction, Edition Et Traduction
    by Roshdi Rashed

  • - A Syriac Version of a Lost Greek Text with an English Translation, Introduction, and Glossaries
    by Porphyry & Yury Arzhanov

  • - >Kitāb Al-Maqālāt
    by Ziad Bou Akl

  • by Damien Janos

    This study focuses on the metaphysics of the great Arabic philosopher Avicenna (or Ibn Sina, d. 1037 C.E.). More specifically, it delves into Avicenna's theory of quiddity or essence, a topic which seized the attention of thinkers both during the medieval and modern periods. Building on recent contributions in Avicennian studies, this book proposes a new and comprehensive interpretation of Avicenna's theory of 'the pure quiddity' (also known as 'the quiddity in itself') and of its ontology. The study provides a careful philological analysis of key passages gleaned from the primary sources in Arabic and a close philosophical contextualization of Avicenna's doctrines in light of the legacy of ancient Greek philosophy in Islam and the early development of Arabic philosophy (falsafah) and theology (kalam). The study pays particular attention to how Avicenna's theory of quiddity relates to the ancient Greek philosophical discussion about the universals or common things and Mu'tazilite ontology. Its main thesis is that Avicenna articulated a sophisticated doctrine of the ontology of essence in light of Greek and Bahshamite sources, which decisively shaped subsequent intellectual history in Islam and the Latin West.

  • - Die Tabulae Vindobonenses Und Summaria Alexandrinorum Zu Galens de Sectis
    by Oliver Overwien

    Die Tabulae Vindobonenses und Summaria Alexandrinorum sind Unterrichtswerke aus dem spätantiken Alexandria (5.-7. Jh.). Diese Werke waren als Ergänzung zu den Vorlesungen der alexandrinischen Medizinlehrer gedacht. Sie enthalten zentrale Inhalte aus den Schriften des Lehrplanautors Galen von Pergamon in Form von Begriffsunterteilungen (Dihairesen). Thema der vorliegenden Untersuchung sind die Abschnitte, die sich mit Galens Schrift De sectis (Über die medizinischen Gruppen) beschäftigen. Sie werden ediert, ins Deutsche übersetzt und in den Unterrichtskontext eingebettet.In der Studie werden nicht nur Texte erschlossen, die in der modernen Forschung bisher so gut wie keine Beachtung gefunden haben, sondern auch völlig neue Erkenntnisse über den Aufbau und die Didaktik des alexandrinischen Medizinunterrichtes erzielt. Sie kann außerdem als Ausgangspunkt für weitergehende Forschung über die Auswirkung dieser Lehrwerke dienen. So wurden sie im 9. Jh. ins Arabische übersetzt, wo sie das Genre der "Summaria" (Zusammenfassungen) begründeten und die Dihairesen als Darstellungsweise etablierten, die über lateinische Übersetzungen wiederum in den Westen gelangte und hier im Prinzip bis in die Moderne fortwirkt.

  • - Introduction, Edition Et Traduction
    by Pauline Koetschet

  • - Studies and Texts on Avicennian and Post-Avicennian Readings of Aristotle's >Categories
    by Alexander Kalbarczyk

    In Predication and Ontology A. Kalbarczyk provides the first monograph-length study of the Arabic reception of Aristotle¿s Categories. Its focus lies on the critical reappraisal of that treatise by Ibn S¿n¿ (Avicenna, d. 428 AH/1037 AD) and on subsequent developments in Arabic and Islamic philosophy.

  • - Introduction, Edition, and Glossaries
    by Rüdiger Arnzen

  • - Early Translation and al-Mahani / al-Harawi's Version
    by Roshdi Rashed & Athanase Papadopoulos

  • by Manfred Ullmann

    The series Scientia Graeco-Arabicais devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs it provides access to the topics of inquiry in which ancient science presented itself and developed over time in a continuous tradition between Antiquity and the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes. Languages of publication are English, German, French and Italian.

  • - Aristote et Averroes entre physique et metaphysique
    by Cristina Cerami

    Die Reihe Scientia Graeco-Arabicawidmet sich grundlegenden Texten der Wissenschaft und Philosophie der Antike und der islamischen Welt, die arabisch uberliefert sind. Durch Bereitstellung kritischer Textausgaben und mongraphischer Untersuchungen werden der Forschung diejenigen Themenbereiche zuganglich gemacht, in denen sich die Wissenschaft zwischen der Antike und der Moderne kontinuierlich dargestellt und entwickelt hat. Die Textausgaben werden von Ubersetzungen begleitet und durch inhaltliche Erlauterungen und philologische Anmerkungen erschlossen. Publikationssprachen sind Englisch, Deutsch, Franzosisch und Italienisch.

  • by Roshdi (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Cnrs) in Paris France) Rashed

    This is the first comprehensive treatment of the history of the angle from Euclid to classical Arabic mathematics. The volume presents critically edited texts, with translations and commentaries, of Greek and Arabic philosophers and mathematicians including Euclid, Simplicius, al-Nayr¿z¿, Avicenna, Ibn al-Haytham, al-T¿s¿, al-Sh¿r¿z¿, and al-F¿ris¿.

  • - Greek Sources and Arabic Innovations
    by Andreas Lammer
    £33.49 - 154.99

    Die Reihe Scientia Graeco-Arabicawidmet sich grundlegenden Texten der Wissenschaft und Philosophie der Antike und der islamischen Welt, die arabisch uberliefert sind. Durch Bereitstellung kritischer Textausgaben und mongraphischer Untersuchungen werden der Forschung diejenigen Themenbereiche zuganglich gemacht, in denen sich die Wissenschaft zwischen der Antike und der Moderne kontinuierlich dargestellt und entwickelt hat. Die Textausgaben werden von Ubersetzungen begleitet und durch inhaltliche Erlauterungen und philologische Anmerkungen erschlossen. Publikationssprachen sind Englisch, Deutsch, Franzosisch und Italienisch.


    Avicenna (Ibn S¿n¿) greatly influenced later medieval thinking about the earth and the cosmos, not only in his own civilization, but also in Hebrew and Latin cultures. The studies presented in this volume discuss the reception of prominent theories by Avicenna from the early 11th century onwards by thinkers like Averroes, Fahraddin ar-Razi, Samuel ibn Tibbon or Albertus Magnus. Among the topics which receive particular attention are the definition and existence of motion and time. Other important topics are covered too, such as Avicennäs theories of vacuum, causality, elements, substantial change, minerals, floods and mountains. It emerges, among other things, that Avicenna inherited to the discussion an acute sense for the epistemological status of natural science and for the mental and concrete existence of its objects. The volume also addresses the philological and historical circumstances of the textual tradition and sheds light on the translators Dominicus Gundisalvi, Avendauth and Alfred of Sareshel in particular. The articles of this volume are presented by scholars who convened in 2013 to discuss their research on the influence of Avicennäs physics and cosmology in the Villa Vigoni, Italy.

  • - Ibn Baggas Theorie der Potenz als Grundlegung der Psychologie
    by David Wirmer

    Die bisher gangige Trennung zwischen blo kommentierenden naturphilosophischen und originellen intellekttheoretischen Schriften hat zu einem verzerrten Bild der Philosophie des andalusisch-arabischen Denkers Ibn Bagga (gest. 1139) gefuhrt. Insbesondere seine vielbeachtete Seelenlehre, durch deren entscheidenden Einfluss auf seinen Nachfolger, den Kommentator Averroes, Ibn Bagga auch auf die abendlandische Philosophie gewirkt hat, kann nur unter Berucksichtigung des Gesamtwerkes angemessen verstanden werden. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt im Ausgang vom editorisch wesentlich verbesserten Text seines De anima-Kommentars, Kitab al-nafs, mittels einer durch das gesamte A uvre hindurchgehenden Analyse des zentralen Begriffs der Potenz bzw. des Vermogens, dass Ibn Bagga die Psychologie im Sinne des Aristoteles konsequent als Naturwissenschaft konzipiert und auf naturphilosophischen Prinzipien aufbaut. Gleichzeitig erweist er sie als Fundamentalwissenschaft, die aufdeckt, dass und wie diese Prinzipien auf den Intellekt als auf ein ubergeordnetes Prinzip bezogen sind. Indem er sie vollendet, begrundet der reine Akt des Intellekts die naturlichen Prinzipien und Potenzen. So geht die Erkenntnis den Weg vom Denken der Natur zur Natur des Denkens.

  • - Band 1: Prolegomena
    by Carlo Scardino

    The series Scientia Graeco-Arabicais devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs it provides access to the topics of inquiry in which ancient science presented itself and developed over time in a continuous tradition between Antiquity and the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes. Languages of publication are English, German, French and Italian.

  • - Texte und Materialien zur Begriffsgeschichte von suwar aflatuniyya und muthul aflatuniyya
    by Rüdiger Arnzen

    The series Scientia Graeco-Arabicais devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs it provides access to the topics of inquiry in which ancient science presented itself and developed over time in a continuous tradition between Antiquity and the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes. Languages of publication are English, German, French and Italian.

  • - Edition, Translation and Commentary

    Presents the oldest commentary on Aristotle written in Arabic, a compendium of De Generatione et Corruptione. This book sheds light both on the Greek tradition. It makes extensive use of Alexander's lost commentary - and on the formative period of Shi'ism.

  • by Apollonius de Perge

    With the fifth book of the Konika ancient mathematics reached a climax. In it Apollonius presents the first known theory of the maxima and minima lines, which was taken up again by mathematicians in the early 10th century, and above all in the 17th century. As is the case for books 6 and 7, the original Greek text of this book is lost, and it is only known from an Arabic translation made in Baghdad in the 9th century. This volume presents the reader with a truly critical edition of the fifth book of Apollonius¿ Konika, an exact translation that follows the original wording closely, as well as a broad and detailed historical and mathematical commentary, as befits the edition of such an important text.


    The series Scientia Graeco-Arabicais devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs it provides access to the topics of inquiry in which ancient science presented itself and developed over time in a continuous tradition between Antiquity and the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes. Languages of publication are English, German, French and Italian.

  • - D'Abu Kamil A Fermat
    by Roshdi (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Cnrs) in Paris France) Rashed

    This is the first study of the history of Diophantine analysis and the theory of numbers from Abu Kamil to Fermat (9th-17th century). It thus offers an elaborate and detailed overview on a fundamental chapter on classical mathematical thought and its relation to algebra and Diophantus' Arithmetica.

  • - Lecture Historique Et Mathematique
    by Christian Houzel & Roshdi (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Cnrs) in Paris France) Rashed

  • - Commentaire Sur Le Traite Des Coniques d'Apollonius de Perge (Livres I-IV)

    The series Scientia Graeco-Arabicais devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs it provides access to the topics of inquiry in which ancient science presented itself and developed over time in a continuous tradition between Antiquity and the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes. Languages of publication are English, German, French and Italian.


    Book VI of the Konika is essentially devoted to the question of the identity and similarity of two conic sections, or two parts of conic sections. In Book VII Apollonius deals with the various relationships between the lengths of diameters and conjugate diameters. The results are applied to the exposition of a number of problems, as well as to some problems which Apollonius indicates will be demonstrated and solved in Book VIII, which was lost in Antiquity. Books VI and VII have only survived in an Arabic translation, and are presented here in a critical edition, together with a faithful translation and a historical-mathematical commentary.

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