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This volume presents recent research, challenging problems and solutionsin Intelligent Systems- covering the following disciplines: artificial andcomputational intelligence, fuzzy logic and other non-classic logics,intelligent database systems, information retrieval, information fusion,intelligent search (engines), data mining, cluster analysis, unsupervisedlearning, machine learning, intelligent data analysis, (group) decision supportsystems, intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, knowledge-based systems,imprecision and uncertainty handling, electronic commerce, distributed systems,etc. The book defines a common ground for sometimes seemingly disparateproblems and addresses them by using the paradigm of broadly perceived intelligentsystems. It presents a broad panorama of a multitude of theoretical andpractical problems which have been successfully dealt with using the paradigmof intelligent computing.
The book reports on the latest advances and applications of nonlinearcontrol systems. It consists of 30contributed chapters by subject experts who are specialized in the varioustopics addressed in this book. The special chapters have been brought out inthe broad areas of nonlinear control systems such as robotics, nonlinear circuits, powersystems, memristors, underwater vehicles, chemical processes, observer design,output regulation, backstepping control, sliding mode control, time-delayedcontrol, variables structure control, robust adaptive control, fuzzy logiccontrol, chaos, hyperchaos, jerk systems, hyperjerk systems, chaos control,chaos synchronization, etc. Special importance was given to chapters offeringpractical solutions, modeling and novel control methods for the recent researchproblems in nonlinear control systems.This book will serve as a reference book for graduate studentsand researchers with a basic knowledge of electrical and control systemsengineering. The resulting design procedures on the nonlinear control systemsare emphasized using MATLAB software.
This book demonstratesthe success of Ambient Intelligence in providing possible solutions for the dailyneeds of humans.
Algorithms and topics include the overviewand history of nature-inspired algorithms, discrete firefly algorithm, discretecuckoo search, plant propagation algorithm, parameter-free bat algorithm,gravitational search, biogeography-based algorithm, differential evolution,particle swarm optimization and others.
This book reports on the latest advances andapplications of chaotic systems. Itconsists of 25 contributed chapters by experts who are specialized in thevarious topics addressed in this book. The chapters cover a broad range oftopics of chaotic systems such as chaos, hyperchaos, jerk systems, hyperjerksystems, conservative and dissipative systems, circulant chaotic systems,multi-scroll chaotic systems, finance chaotic system, highly chaotic systems,chaos control, chaos synchronization, circuit realization and applications ofchaos theory in secure communications, mobile robot, memristors, cellularneural networks, etc. Special importance was given to chapters offeringpractical solutions, modeling and novel control methods for the recent researchproblems in chaos theory.This book will serve as a reference book for graduatestudents and researchers with a basic knowledge of chaos theory and controlsystems. The resulting design procedures on the chaotic systems are emphasizedusing MATLAB software.
This bookcovers recent advances in Complex Automated Negotiations as a widely studiedemerging area in the field of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
This editedvolume provides the reader with a fully updated, in-depth treatise on the emergingprinciples, conceptual underpinnings, algorithms and practice of ComputationalIntelligence in the realization of concepts and implementation of models ofsentiment analysis and ontology -oriented engineering.The volume involves studies devotedto key issues of sentiment analysis, sentiment models, and ontologyengineering. The book is structured into three main parts. The first partoffers a comprehensive and prudently structured exposure to the fundamentals ofsentiment analysis and natural language processing. The second part consists ofstudies devoted to the concepts, methodologies, and algorithmic developmentselaborating on fuzzy linguistic aggregation to emotion analysis, carrying outinterpretability of computational sentiment models, emotion classification,sentiment-oriented information retrieval, a methodology of adaptive dynamics inknowledge acquisition. The third part includes a plethora of applicationsshowing how sentiment analysis and ontologies becomes successfully applied toinvestment strategies, customer experience management, disaster relief,monitoring in social media, customer review rating prediction, and ontologylearning.This book isaimed at a broad audience of researchers and practitioners. Readers involved inintelligent systems, data analysis, Internet engineering, ComputationalIntelligence, and knowledge-based systems will benefit from the exposure to thesubject matter. The book may also serveas a highly useful reference material for graduate students and seniorundergraduate students.
This volume gathers the peer reviewed papers which were presented at the 5th edition of the International Workshop "Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-agent Man-ufacturing - SOHOMA'15" organized in November 5-6, 2015 by the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) of the University of Cambridge, UK in collaboration with the CIMR Research Centre in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, the LAMIH Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation Control, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis, France and the CRAN Re-search Centre for Automatic Control, Nancy of the University of Lorraine, France.The book is structured in seven parts, each one grouping a number of chapters de-scribing research in actual domains of the digital transformation in manufacturing and trends in future manufacturing control: (1) Applications of Intelligent Products; (2) Advances in Control of Physical Internet and Interconnected Logistics; (3) Sustaina-bility Issues in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; (4) Holonic and Multi-agent Sys-tem Design for Industry and Services; (5) Service Oriented Enterprise Management and Control; (6) Cloud and Computing-oriented Manufacturing; (7) Smart Grids and Wireless Sensor Networks.These seven evolution lines have in common concepts, methodologies and imple-menting solutions for the Digital Transformation of Manufacturing. The book offers an integrated vision on complexity, big data and virtualization in service- and compu-ting-oriented manufacturing, combining emergent information and communication technologies, control with distributed intelligence and MAS implementation for total
The lastdecades have seen the emergence of Complex Networks as the language with whicha wide range of complex phenomena in fields as diverse as Physics, ComputerScience, and Medicine (to name just a few) can be properly described andunderstood. This book provides a view of the state of the art in this dynamicfield and covers topics ranging from network controllability, social structure,online behavior, recommendation systems, and network structure. This book includes the peer-reviewed list ofworks presented at the 7th Workshop on Complex Networks CompleNet2016 which was hosted by the Université de Bourgogne, France, from March23-25, 2016. The 28 carefully reviewed and selectedcontributions in this book address many topics related to complex networks andhave been organized in seven major groups: (1) Theory of Complex Networks, (2)Multilayer networks, (3) Controllability of networks, (4) Algorithms fornetworks, (5) Community detection, (6) Dynamics and spreading phenomena onnetworks, (7) Applications of Networks.
This editedbook presents scientific results of the 17th IEEE/ACIS InternationalConference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking andParallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2016) which was held on May 30 - June 1,2016 in Shanghai, China.
This book proposes new algorithms to ensure secured communications and prevent unauthorized data exchange in secured multimedia systems. Focusing on numerous applications' algorithms and scenarios, it offers an in-depth analysis of data hiding technologies including watermarking, cryptography, encryption, copy control, and authentication. The authors present a framework for visual data hiding technologies that resolves emerging problems of modern multimedia applications in several contexts including the medical, healthcare, education, and wireless communication networking domains. Further, it introduces several intelligent security techniques with real-time implementation. As part of its comprehensive coverage, the book discusses contemporary multimedia authentication and fingerprinting techniques, while also proposing personal authentication/recognition systems based on hand images, surveillance system security using gait recognition, face recognition under restricted constraints such as dry/wet face conditions, and three-dimensional face identification using the approach developed here.This book equips perception technology professionals with the latest technologies, techniques, and strategies for multimedia security systems, offering a valuable resource for engineers and researchers working to develop security systems.
This book provides a description of advanced multi-agent and artificial intelligence technologies for the modeling and simulation of complex systems, as well as an overview of the latest scientific efforts in this field.
This book commemorates the 65th birthday of Dr. Boris Kovalerchuk, and reflects many of the research areas covered by his work. It focuses on data processing under uncertainty, especially fuzzy data processing, when uncertainty comes from the imprecision of expert opinions. The book includes 17 authoritative contributions by leading experts.
The book offers an integrated vision on Cloud and HPC, Big Data, Analytics and virtualization in computing-oriented manufacturing, combining information and communication technologies, service-oriented control of holonic architectures as well as enterprise integration solutions based on SOA principles. It is structured in eight parts, each one grouping research and trends in digital manufacturing and service oriented manufacturing control: Cloud and Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Manufacturing, Reconfigurable and Self-organized Multi-Agent Systems for Industry and Service, Sustainability Issues in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Holonic and Multi-agent System Design for Industry and Service, Should Intelligent Manufacturing Systems be Dependable and Safe?, Service-oriented Management and Control of Manufacturing Systems, Engineering and Human Integration in Flexible and Reconfigurable Industrial Systems,Virtualization and Simulation in Computing-oriented Industry and Service.p>
This book gathers 14 of the most promising papers presented at the 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2017), which was held on June 26-28, 2017 in Kanazawa, Japan.
This volume is a selected collection of papers presented and discussedat the International Conference "Advanced Computing for Innovation (AComIn 2015)".
Research results about all aspects (theory, applications and tools) of computer and information science, and to discuss the practical challenges encountered along the way and the solutions adopted to solve them.The conference organizers selected the best papers from those papers accepted for presentation at the conference.
This book discusses a number of real-world applications of computational intelligence approaches. Using various examples, it demonstrates that computational intelligence has become a consolidated methodology for automatically creating new competitive solutions to complex real-world problems.
This book focuses on new research challenges in intelligent information filtering and retrieval.
This volume comprises a selection of works presented at the Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization (NEO) workshop held in September 2015 in Tijuana, Mexico. The development of powerful search and optimization techniques is of great importance in today's world that requires researchers and practitioners to tackle a growing number of challenging real-world problems. In particular, there are two well-established and widely known fields that are commonly applied in this area: (i) traditional numerical optimization techniques and (ii) comparatively recent bio-inspired heuristics. Both paradigms have their unique strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to solve some challenging problems while still failing in others.The goal of the NEO workshop series is to bring together people from these and related fields to discuss, compare and merge their complimentary perspectives in order to develop fast and reliable hybrid methods that maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of the underlying paradigms. Through this effort, we believe that the NEO can promote the development of new techniques that are applicable to a broader class of problems. Moreover, NEO fosters the understanding and adequate treatment of real-world problems particularly in emerging fields that affect us all such as health care, smart cities, big data, among many others. The extended papers the NEO 2015 that comprise this book make a contribution to this goal.
This book presents the combined peer-reviewed proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC'2016), which was held in Paris, France from October 10th to 12th, 2016. The 23 contributions address a range of topics related to theory and application of intelligent distributed computing, including: Intelligent Distributed Agent-Based Systems, Ambient Intelligence and Social Networks, Computational Sustainability, Intelligent Distributed Knowledge Representation and Processing, Smart Networks, Networked Intelligence and Intelligent Distributed Applications, amongst others.
This book is a collection of extended chaptersfrom the selected papers that were published in the proceedings of Science andInformation (SAI) Conference 2015. It contains twenty-one chapters in the fieldof Computational Intelligence, which received highly recommended feedbackduring SAI Conference 2015 review process.
This book is a remarkable collection of chapters covering a wider range of topics, including unsupervised text mining, anomaly and Intrusion Detection, Self-reconfiguring Robotics, application of Fuzzy Logic to development aid, Design and Optimization, Context-Aware Reasoning, DNA Sequence Assembly and Multilayer Perceptron Networks.
This volume comprises of 21 selected chapters, including two overview chapters devoted to abdominal imaging in clinical applications supported computer aided diagnosis approaches as well as different techniques for solving the pectoral muscle extraction problem in the preprocessing part of the CAD systems for detecting breast cancer in its early stage using digital mammograms. The aim of this book is to stimulate further research in medical imaging applications based algorithmic and computer based approaches and utilize them in real-world clinical applications. The book is divided into four parts, Part-I: Clinical Applications of Medical Imaging, Part-II: Classification and clustering, Part-III: Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Tools and Case Studies and Part-IV: Bio-inspiring based Computer Aided diagnosis techniques.
This volume is a comprehensive collection of extended contributions from the Workshop on Computational Optimization 2015. It presents recent advances in computational optimization. The volume includes important real life problems like parameter settings for controlling processes in bioreactor, control of ethanol production, minimal convex hill with application in routing algorithms, graph coloring, flow design in photonic data transport system, predicting indoor temperature, crisis control center monitoring, fuel consumption of helicopters, portfolio selection, GPS surveying and so on. It shows how to develop algorithms for them based on new metaheuristic methods like evolutionary computation, ant colony optimization, constrain programming and others. This research demonstrates how some real-world problems arising in engineering, economics, medicine and other domains can be formulated as optimization problems.
This edited book presents scientific results of the 15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2016) which was held on June 26- 29 in Okayama, Japan.
On the other hand, they represent the use of such systems modeling tools as generalized nets, optimization and control models, systems analytic models, etc. They concerns a variety of approaches, from pattern recognition, image analysis, education system modeling, biological and medical systems modeling, etc.
This book presents a collection of representative and novel work in the field of data mining, knowledge discovery, clustering and classification, based on expanded and reworked versions of a selection of the best papers originally presented in French at the EGC 2014 and EGC 2015 conferences held in Rennes (France) in January 2014 and Luxembourg in January 2015. The book is in three parts: The first four chapters discuss optimization considerations in data mining. The second part explores specific quality measures, dissimilarities and ultrametrics. The final chapters focus on semantics, ontologies and social networks.Written for PhD and MSc students, as well as researchers working in the field, it addresses both theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge discovery and management.
This edited book presents essential findings in the research fields of artificial intelligence and computer vision, with a primary focus on new research ideas and results for mathematical problems involved in computer vision systems.
This book discusses the effective use of modern ICT solutions for business needs, including the efficient use of IT resources, decision support systems, business intelligence, data mining and advanced data processing algorithms, as well as the processing of large datasets (inter alia social networking such as Twitter and Facebook, etc.).
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