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Books in the Synthesis Lectures on Data Management series

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  • by Jeffrey Xu Yu

    It has become highly desirable to provide users with flexible ways to query/search information over databases as simple as keyword search like Google search. This book surveys the recent developments on keyword search over databases, and focuses on finding structural information among objects in a database using a set of keywords. Such structural information to be returned can be either trees or subgraphs representing how the objects, that contain the required keywords, are interconnected in a relational database or in an XML database. The structural keyword search is completely different from finding documents that contain all the user-given keywords. The former focuses on the interconnected object structures, whereas the latter focuses on the object content. The book is organized as follows. In Chapter 1, we highlight the main research issues on the structural keyword search in different contexts. In Chapter 2, we focus on supporting structural keyword search in a relational database management system using the SQL query language. We concentrate on how to generate a set of SQL queries that can find all the structural information among records in a relational database completely, and how to evaluate the generated set of SQL queries efficiently. In Chapter 3, we discuss graph algorithms for structural keyword search by treating an entire relational database as a large data graph. In Chapter 4, we discuss structural keyword search in a large tree-structured XML database. In Chapter 5, we highlight several interesting research issues regarding keyword search on databases. The book can be used as either an extended survey for people who are interested in the structural keyword search or a reference book for a postgraduate course on the related topics. Table of Contents: Introduction / Schema-Based Keyword Search on Relational Databases / Graph-Based Keyword Search / Keyword Search in XML Databases / Other Topics for Keyword Search on Databases

  • by Venkatesh Ganti

    Data warehouses consolidate various activities of a business and often form the backbone for generating reports that support important business decisions. Errors in data tend to creep in for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include errors during input data collection and errors while merging data collected independently across different databases. These errors in data warehouses often result in erroneous upstream reports, and could impact business decisions negatively. Therefore, one of the critical challenges while maintaining large data warehouses is that of ensuring the quality of data in the data warehouse remains high. The process of maintaining high data quality is commonly referred to as data cleaning. In this book, we first discuss the goals of data cleaning. Often, the goals of data cleaning are not well defined and could mean different solutions in different scenarios. Toward clarifying these goals, we abstract out a common set of data cleaning tasks that often need to be addressed. This abstraction allows us to develop solutions for these common data cleaning tasks. We then discuss a few popular approaches for developing such solutions. In particular, we focus on an operator-centric approach for developing a data cleaning platform. The operator-centric approach involves the development of customizable operators that could be used as building blocks for developing common solutions. This is similar to the approach of relational algebra for query processing. The basic set of operators can be put together to build complex queries. Finally, we discuss the development of custom scripts which leverage the basic data cleaning operators along with relational operators to implement effective solutions for data cleaning tasks.

  • by Lei Chen

    Due to measurement errors, transmission lost, or injected noise for privacy protection, uncertainty exists in the data of many real applications. However, query processing techniques for deterministic data cannot be directly applied to uncertain data because they do not have mechanisms to handle data uncertainty. Therefore, efficient and effective manipulation of uncertain data is a practical yet challenging research topic. In this book, we start from the data models for imprecise and uncertain data, move on to defining different semantics for queries on uncertain data, and finally discuss the advanced query processing techniques for various probabilistic queries in uncertain databases. The book serves as a comprehensive guideline for query processing over uncertain databases. Table of Contents: Introduction / Uncertain Data Models / Spatial Query Semantics over Uncertain Data Models / Spatial Query Processing over Uncertain Databases / Conclusion

  • by Divyakant Agrawal

    Cloud computing has emerged as a successful paradigm of service-oriented computing and has revolutionized the way computing infrastructure is used. This success has seen a proliferation in the number of applications that are being deployed in various cloud platforms. There has also been an increase in the scale of the data generated as well as consumed by such applications. Scalable database management systems form a critical part of the cloud infrastructure. The attempt to address the challenges posed by the management of big data has led to a plethora of systems. This book aims to clarify some of the important concepts in the design space of scalable data management in cloud computing infrastructures. Some of the questions that this book aims to answer are: the appropriate systems for a specific set of application requirements, the research challenges in data management for the cloud, and what is novel in the cloud for database researchers? We also aim to address one basic question: whether cloud computing poses new challenges in scalable data management or it is just a reincarnation of old problems? We provide a comprehensive background study of state-of-the-art systems for scalable data management and analysis. We also identify important aspects in the design of different systems and the applicability and scope of these systems. A thorough understanding of current solutions and a precise characterization of the design space are essential for clearing the "e;cloudy skies of data management"e; and ensuring the success of DBMSs in the cloud, thus emulating the success enjoyed by relational databases in traditional enterprise settings. Table of Contents: Introduction / Distributed Data Management / Cloud Data Management: Early Trends / Transactions on Co-located Data / Transactions on Distributed Data / Multi-tenant Database Systems / Concluding Remarks

  • by Amit Sheth

    After the traditional document-centric Web 1.0 and user-generated content focused Web 2.0, Web 3.0 has become a repository of an ever growing variety of Web resources that include data and services associated with enterprises, social networks, sensors, cloud, as well as mobile and other devices that constitute the Internet of Things. These pose unprecedented challenges in terms of heterogeneity (variety), scale (volume), and continuous changes (velocity), as well as present corresponding opportunities if they can be exploited. Just as semantics has played a critical role in dealing with data heterogeneity in the past to provide interoperability and integration, it is playing an even more critical role in dealing with the challenges and helping users and applications exploit all forms of Web 3.0 data. This book presents a unified approach to harness and exploit all forms of contemporary Web resources using the core principles of ability to associate meaning with data through conceptual or domain models and semantic descriptions including annotations, and through advanced semantic techniques for search, integration, and analysis. It discusses the use of Semantic Web standards and techniques when appropriate, but also advocates the use of lighter weight, easier to use, and more scalable options when they are more suitable. The authors' extensive experience spanning research and prototypes to development of operational applications and commercial technologies and products guide the treatment of the material. Table of Contents: Role of Semantics and Metadata / Types and Models of Semantics / Annotation -- Adding Semantics to Data / Semantics for Enterprise Data / Semantics for Services / Semantics for Sensor Data / Semantics for Social Data / Semantics for Cloud Computing / Semantics for Advanced Applications

  • by Sergio Greco

    The chase has long been used as a central tool to analyze dependencies and their effect on queries. It has been applied to different relevant problems in database theory such as query optimization, query containment and equivalence, dependency implication, and database schema design. Recent years have seen a renewed interest in the chase as an important tool in several database applications, such as data exchange and integration, query answering in incomplete data, and many others. It is well known that the chase algorithm might be non-terminating and thus, in order for it to find practical applicability, it is crucial to identify cases where its termination is guaranteed. Another important aspect to consider when dealing with the chase is that it can introduce null values into the database, thereby leading to incomplete data. Thus, in several scenarios where the chase is used the problem of dealing with data dependencies and incomplete data arises. This book discusses fundamental issues concerning data dependencies and incomplete data with a particular focus on the chase and its applications in different database areas. We report recent results about the crucial issue of identifying conditions that guarantee the chase termination. Different database applications where the chase is a central tool are discussed with particular attention devoted to query answering in the presence of data dependencies and database schema design. Table of Contents: Introduction / Relational Databases / Incomplete Databases / The Chase Algorithm / Chase Termination / Data Dependencies and Normal Forms / Universal Repairs / Chase and Database Applications

  • by Wenfei Fan

    Data quality is one of the most important problems in data management. A database system typically aims to support the creation, maintenance, and use of large amount of data, focusing on the quantity of data. However, real-life data are often dirty: inconsistent, duplicated, inaccurate, incomplete, or stale. Dirty data in a database routinely generate misleading or biased analytical results and decisions, and lead to loss of revenues, credibility and customers. With this comes the need for data quality management. In contrast to traditional data management tasks, data quality management enables the detection and correction of errors in the data, syntactic or semantic, in order to improve the quality of the data and hence, add value to business processes. While data quality has been a longstanding problem for decades, the prevalent use of the Web has increased the risks, on an unprecedented scale, of creating and propagating dirty data. This monograph gives an overview of fundamental issues underlying central aspects of data quality, namely, data consistency, data deduplication, data accuracy, data currency, and information completeness. We promote a uniform logical framework for dealing with these issues, based on data quality rules. The text is organized into seven chapters, focusing on relational data. Chapter One introduces data quality issues. A conditional dependency theory is developed in Chapter Two, for capturing data inconsistencies. It is followed by practical techniques in Chapter 2b for discovering conditional dependencies, and for detecting inconsistencies and repairing data based on conditional dependencies. Matching dependencies are introduced in Chapter Three, as matching rules for data deduplication. A theory of relative information completeness is studied in Chapter Four, revising the classical Closed World Assumption and the Open World Assumption, to characterize incomplete information in the real world. A data currency model is presented in Chapter Five, to identify the current values of entities in a database and to answer queries with the current values, in the absence of reliable timestamps. Finally, interactions between these data quality issues are explored in Chapter Six. Important theoretical results and practical algorithms are covered, but formal proofs are omitted. The bibliographical notes contain pointers to papers in which the results were presented and proven, as well as references to materials for further reading. This text is intended for a seminar course at the graduate level. It is also to serve as a useful resource for researchers and practitioners who are interested in the study of data quality. The fundamental research on data quality draws on several areas, including mathematical logic, computational complexity and database theory. It has raised as many questions as it has answered, and is a rich source of questions and vitality. Table of Contents: Data Quality: An Overview / Conditional Dependencies / Cleaning Data with Conditional Dependencies / Data Deduplication / Information Completeness / Data Currency / Interactions between Data Quality Issues

  • by Tova Milo

    While classic data management focuses on the data itself, research on Business Processes also considers the context in which this data is generated and manipulated, namely the processes, users, and goals that this data serves. This provides the analysts a better perspective of the organizational needs centered around the data. As such, this research is of fundamental importance. Much of the success of database systems in the last decade is due to the beauty and elegance of the relational model and its declarative query languages, combined with a rich spectrum of underlying evaluation and optimization techniques, and efficient implementations. Much like the case for traditional database research, elegant modeling and rich underlying technology are likely to be highly beneficiary for the Business Process owners and their users; both can benefit from easy formulation and analysis of the processes. While there have been many important advances in this research in recent years, there is still much to be desired: specifically, there have been many works that focus on the processes behavior (flow), and many that focus on its data, but only very few works have dealt with both the state-of-the-art in a database approach to Business Process modeling and analysis, the progress towards a holistic flow-and-data framework for these tasks, and highlight the current gaps and research directions. Table of Contents: Introduction / Modeling / Querying Business Processes / Other Issues / Conclusion

  • by Elisa Bertino

    As data represent a key asset for today's organizations, the problem of how to protect this data from theft and misuse is at the forefront of these organizations' minds. Even though today several data security techniques are available to protect data and computing infrastructures, many such techniques -- such as firewalls and network security tools -- are unable to protect data from attacks posed by those working on an organization's "e;inside."e; These "e;insiders"e; usually have authorized access to relevant information systems, making it extremely challenging to block the misuse of information while still allowing them to do their jobs. This book discusses several techniques that can provide effective protection against attacks posed by people working on the inside of an organization. Chapter One introduces the notion of insider threat and reports some data about data breaches due to insider threats. Chapter Two covers authentication and access control techniques, and Chapter Three shows how these general security techniques can be extended and used in the context of protection from insider threats. Chapter Four addresses anomaly detection techniques that are used to determine anomalies in data accesses by insiders. These anomalies are often indicative of potential insider data attacks and therefore play an important role in protection from these attacks. Security information and event management (SIEM) tools and fine-grained auditing are discussed in Chapter Five. These tools aim at collecting, analyzing, and correlating -- in real-time -- any information and event that may be relevant for the security of an organization. As such, they can be a key element in finding a solution to such undesirable insider threats. Chapter Six goes on to provide a survey of techniques for separation-of-duty (SoD). SoD is an important principle that, when implemented in systems and tools, can strengthen data protection from malicious insiders. However, to date, very few approaches have been proposed for implementing SoD in systems. In Chapter Seven, a short survey of a commercial product is presented, which provides different techniques for protection from malicious users with system privileges -- such as a DBA in database management systems. Finally, in Chapter Eight, the book concludes with a few remarks and additional research directions. Table of Contents: Introduction / Authentication / Access Control / Anomaly Detection / Security Information and Event Management and Auditing / Separation of Duty / Case Study: Oracle Database Vault / Conclusion

  • by Eduard C. Dragut

    There are millions of searchable data sources on the Web and to a large extent their contents can only be reached through their own query interfaces. There is an enormous interest in making the data in these sources easily accessible. There are primarily two general approaches to achieve this objective. The first is to surface the contents of these sources from the deep Web and add the contents to the index of regular search engines. The second is to integrate the searching capabilities of these sources and support integrated access to them. In this book, we introduce the state-of-the-art techniques for extracting, understanding, and integrating the query interfaces of deep Web data sources. These techniques are critical for producing an integrated query interface for each domain. The interface serves as the mediator for searching all data sources in the concerned domain. While query interface integration is only relevant for the deep Web integration approach, the extraction and understanding of query interfaces are critical for both deep Web exploration approaches. This book aims to provide in-depth and comprehensive coverage of the key technologies needed to create high quality integrated query interfaces automatically. The following technical issues are discussed in detail in this book: query interface modeling, query interface extraction, query interface clustering, query interface matching, query interface attribute integration, and query interface integration. Table of Contents: Introduction / Query Interface Representation and Extraction / Query Interface Clustering and Categorization / Query Interface Matching / Query Interface Attribute Integration / Query Interface Integration / Summary and Future Research

  • by Esther Pacitti

    As an alternative to traditional client-server systems, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems provide major advantages in terms of scalability, autonomy and dynamic behavior of peers, and decentralization of control. Thus, they are well suited for large-scale data sharing in distributed environments. Most of the existing P2P approaches for data sharing rely on either structured networks (e.g., DHTs) for efficient indexing, or unstructured networks for ease of deployment, or some combination. However, these approaches have some limitations, such as lack of freedom for data placement in DHTs, and high latency and high network traffic in unstructured networks. To address these limitations, gossip protocols which are easy to deploy and scale well, can be exploited. In this book, we will give an overview of these different P2P techniques and architectures, discuss their trade-offs, and illustrate their use for decentralizing several large-scale data sharing applications. Table of Contents: P2P Overlays, Query Routing, and Gossiping / Content Distribution in P2P Systems / Recommendation Systems / Top-k Query Processing in P2P Systems

  • by Hweehwa Pang

    In data publishing, the owner delegates the role of satisfying user queries to a third-party publisher. As the servers of the publisher may be untrusted or susceptible to attacks, we cannot assume that they would always process queries correctly, hence there is a need for users to authenticate their query answers. This book introduces various notions that the research community has studied for defining the correctness of a query answer. In particular, it is important to guarantee the completeness, authenticity and minimality of the answer, as well as its freshness. We present authentication mechanisms for a wide variety of queries in the context of relational and spatial databases, text retrieval, and data streams. We also explain the cryptographic protocols from which the authentication mechanisms derive their security properties. Table of Contents: Introduction / Cryptography Foundation / Relational Queries / Spatial Queries / Text Search Queries / Data Streams / Conclusion

  • by Boon Thau Loo

    Declarative Networking is a programming methodology that enables developers to concisely specify network protocols and services, which are directly compiled to a dataflow framework that executes the specifications. Declarative networking proposes the use of a declarative query language for specifying and implementing network protocols, and employs a dataflow framework at runtime for communication and maintenance of network state. The primary goal of declarative networking is to greatly simplify the process of specifying, implementing, deploying and evolving a network design. In addition, declarative networking serves as an important step towards an extensible, evolvable network architecture that can support flexible, secure and efficient deployment of new network protocols. This book provides an introduction to basic issues in declarative networking, including language design, optimization and dataflow execution. The methodology behind declarative programming of networks is presented, including roots in Datalog, extensions for networked environments, and the semantics of long-running queries over network state. The book focuses on a representative declarative networking language called Network Datalog (NDlog), which is based on extensions to the Datalog recursive query language. An overview of declarative network protocols written in NDlog is provided, and its usage is illustrated using examples from routing protocols and overlay networks. This book also describes the implementation of a declarative networking engine and NDlog execution strategies that provide eventual consistency semantics with significant flexibility in execution. Two representative declarative networking systems (P2 and its successor RapidNet) are presented. Finally, the book highlights recent advances in declarative networking, and new declarative approaches to related problems. Table of Contents: Introduction / Declarative Networking Language / Declarative Networking Overview / Distributed Recursive Query Processing / Declarative Routing / Declarative Overlays / Optimization of NDlog / Recent Advances in Declarative Networking / Conclusion

  • by Marina Barsky

    Nowadays, textual databases are among the most rapidly growing collections of data. Some of these collections contain a new type of data that differs from classical numerical or textual data. These are long sequences of symbols, not divided into well-separated small tokens (words). The most prominent among such collections are databases of biological sequences, which are experiencing today an unprecedented growth rate. Starting in 2008, the "e;1000 Genomes Project"e; has been launched with the ultimate goal of collecting sequences of additional 1,500 Human genomes, 500 each of European, African, and East Asian origin. This will produce an extensive catalog of Human genetic variations. The size of just the raw sequences in this catalog would be about 5 terabytes. Querying strings without well-separated tokens poses a different set of challenges, typically addressed by building full-text indexes, which provide effective structures to index all the substrings of the given strings. Since full-text indexes occupy more space than the raw data, it is often necessary to use disk space for their construction. However, until recently, the construction of full-text indexes in secondary storage was considered impractical due to excessive I/O costs. Despite this, algorithms developed in the last decade demonstrated that efficient external construction of full-text indexes is indeed possible. This book is about large-scale construction and usage of full-text indexes. We focus mainly on suffix trees, and show efficient algorithms that can convert suffix trees to other kinds of full-text indexes and vice versa. There are four parts in this book. They are a mix of string searching theory with the reality of external memory constraints. The first part introduces general concepts of full-text indexes and shows the relationships between them. The second part presents the first series of external-memory construction algorithms that can handle the construction of full-text indexes for moderately large strings in the order of few gigabytes. The third part presents algorithms that scale for very large strings. The final part examines queries that can be facilitated by disk-resident full-text indexes. Table of Contents: Structures for Indexing Substrings / External Construction of Suffix Trees / Scaling Up: When the Input Exceeds the Main Memory / Queries for Disk-based Indexes / Conclusions and Open Problems

  • by Nikos Mamoulis

    Spatial database management deals with the storage, indexing, and querying of data with spatial features, such as location and geometric extent. Many applications require the efficient management of spatial data, including Geographic Information Systems, Computer Aided Design, and Location Based Services. The goal of this book is to provide the reader with an overview of spatial data management technology, with an emphasis on indexing and search techniques. It first introduces spatial data models and queries and discusses the main issues of extending a database system to support spatial data. It presents indexing approaches for spatial data, with a focus on the R-tree. Query evaluation and optimization techniques for the most popular spatial query types (selections, nearest neighbor search, and spatial joins) are portrayed for data in Euclidean spaces and spatial networks. The book concludes by demonstrating the ample application of spatial data management technology on a wide range of related application domains: management of spatio-temporal data and high-dimensional feature vectors, multi-criteria ranking, data mining and OLAP, privacy-preserving data publishing, and spatial keyword search. Table of Contents: Introduction / Spatial Data / Indexing / Spatial Query Evaluation / Spatial Networks / Applications of Spatial Data Management Technology

  • by Leopoldo Bertossi

    Integrity constraints are semantic conditions that a database should satisfy in order to be an appropriate model of external reality. In practice, and for many reasons, a database may not satisfy those integrity constraints, and for that reason it is said to be inconsistent. However, and most likely, a large portion of the database is still semantically correct, in a sense that has to be made precise. After having provided a formal characterization of consistent data in an inconsistent database, the natural problem emerges of extracting that semantically correct data, as query answers. The consistent data in an inconsistent database is usually characterized as the data that persists across all the database instances that are consistent and minimally differ from the inconsistent instance. Those are the so-called repairs of the database. In particular, the consistent answers to a query posed to the inconsistent database are those answers that can be simultaneously obtained from all the database repairs. As expected, the notion of repair requires an adequate notion of distance that allows for the comparison of databases with respect to how much they differ from the inconsistent instance. On this basis, the minimality condition on repairs can be properly formulated. In this monograph we present and discuss these fundamental concepts, different repair semantics, algorithms for computing consistent answers to queries, and also complexity-theoretic results related to the computation of repairs and doing consistent query answering. Table of Contents: Introduction / The Notions of Repair and Consistent Answer / Tractable CQA and Query Rewriting / Logically Specifying Repairs / Decision Problems in CQA: Complexity and Algorithms / Repairs and Data Cleaning

  • by Amarnath Gupta

    With the proliferation of citizen reporting, smart mobile devices, and social media, an increasing number of people are beginning to generate information about events they observe and participate in. A significant fraction of this information contains multimedia data to share the experience with their audience. A systematic information modeling and management framework is necessary to capture this widely heterogeneous, schemaless, potentially humongous information produced by many different people. This book is an attempt to examine the modeling, storage, querying, and applications of such an event management system in a holistic manner. It uses a semantic-web style graph-based view of events, and shows how this event model, together with its query facility, can be used toward emerging applications like semi-automated storytelling. Table of Contents: Introduction / Event Data Models / Implementing an Event Data Model / Querying Events / Storytelling with Events / An Emerging Application / Conclusion

  • by David Toman

    Query compilation is the problem of translating user requests formulated over purely conceptual and domain specific ways of understanding data, commonly called logical designs, to efficient executable programs called query plans. Such plans access various concrete data sources through their low-level often iterator-based interfaces. An appreciation of the concrete data sources, their interfaces and how such capabilities relate to logical design is commonly called a physical design. This book is an introduction to the fundamental methods underlying database technology that solves the problem of query compilation. The methods are presented in terms of first-order logic which serves as the vehicle for specifying physical design, expressing user requests and query plans, and understanding how query plans implement user requests. Table of Contents: Introduction / Logical Design and User Queries / Basic Physical Design and Query Plans / On Practical Physical Design / Query Compilation and Plan Synthesis / Updating Data

  • by Dan Suciu

    Probabilistic databases are databases where the value of some attributes or the presence of some records are uncertain and known only with some probability. Applications in many areas such as information extraction, RFID and scientific data management, data cleaning, data integration, and financial risk assessment produce large volumes of uncertain data, which are best modeled and processed by a probabilistic database. This book presents the state of the art in representation formalisms and query processing techniques for probabilistic data. It starts by discussing the basic principles for representing large probabilistic databases, by decomposing them into tuple-independent tables, block-independent-disjoint tables, or U-databases. Then it discusses two classes of techniques for query evaluation on probabilistic databases. In extensional query evaluation, the entire probabilistic inference can be pushed into the database engine and, therefore, processed as effectively as the evaluation of standard SQL queries. The relational queries that can be evaluated this way are called safe queries. In intensional query evaluation, the probabilistic inference is performed over a propositional formula called lineage expression: every relational query can be evaluated this way, but the data complexity dramatically depends on the query being evaluated, and can be #P-hard. The book also discusses some advanced topics in probabilistic data management such as top-k query processing, sequential probabilistic databases, indexing and materialized views, and Monte Carlo databases. Table of Contents: Overview / Data and Query Model / The Query Evaluation Problem / Extensional Query Evaluation / Intensional Query Evaluation / Advanced Techniques

  • by Angela Bonifati

    Graph data modeling and querying arises in many practical application domains such as social and biological networks where the primary focus is on concepts and their relationships and the rich patterns in these complex webs of interconnectivity. In this book, we present a concise unified view on the basic challenges which arise over the complete life cycle of formulating and processing queries on graph databases. To that purpose, we present all major concepts relevant to this life cycle, formulated in terms of a common and unifying ground: the property graph data model-the pre-dominant data model adopted by modern graph database systems.We aim especially to give a coherent and in-depth perspective on current graph querying and an outlook for future developments. Our presentation is self-contained, covering the relevant topics from: graph data models, graph query languages and graph query specification, graph constraints, and graph query processing. We conclude by indicating major open research challenges towards the next generation of graph data management systems.

  • by Yunjun Gao

    Incomplete data is part of life and almost all areas of scientific studies. Users tend to skip certain fields when they fill out online forms; participants choose to ignore sensitive questions on surveys; sensors fail, resulting in the loss of certain readings; publicly viewable satellite map services have missing data in many mobile applications; and in privacy-preserving applications, the data is incomplete deliberately in order to preserve the sensitivity of some attribute values.Query processing is a fundamental problem in computer science, and is useful in a variety of applications. In this book, we mostly focus on the query processing over incomplete databases, which involves finding a set of qualified objects from a specified incomplete dataset in order to support a wide spectrum of real-life applications. We first elaborate the three general kinds of methods of handling incomplete data, including (i) discarding the data with missing values, (ii) imputation for the missing values, and (iii) just depending on the observed data values. For the third method type, we introduce the semantics of k-nearest neighbor (kNN) search, skyline query, and top-k dominating query on incomplete data, respectively. In terms of the three representative queries over incomplete data, we investigate some advanced techniques to process incomplete data queries, including indexing, pruning as well as crowdsourcing techniques.

  • by Yunyao Li

    The volume of natural language text data has been rapidly increasing over the past two decades, due to factors such as the growth of the Web, the low cost associated with publishing, and the progress on the digitization of printed texts. This growth combined with the proliferation of natural language systems for search and retrieving information provides tremendous opportunities for studying some of the areas where database systems and natural language processing systems overlap.This book explores two interrelated and important areas of overlap: (1) managing natural language data and (2) developing natural language interfaces to databases. It presents relevant concepts and research questions, state-of-the-art methods, related systems, and research opportunities and challenges covering both areas. Relevant topics discussed on natural language data management include data models, data sources, queries, storage and indexing, and transforming natural language text. Under natural language interfaces, it presents the anatomy of these interfaces to databases, the challenges related to query understanding and query translation, and relevant aspects of user interactions. Each of the challenges is covered in a systematic way: first starting with a quick overview of the topics, followed by a comprehensive view of recent techniques that have been proposed to address the challenge along with illustrative examples. It also reviews some notable systems in details in terms of how they address different challenges and their contributions. Finally, it discusses open challenges and opportunities for natural language management and interfaces.The goal of this book is to provide an introduction to the methods, problems, and solutions that are used in managing natural language data and building natural language interfaces to databases. It serves as a starting point for readers who are interested in pursuing additional work on these exciting topics in both academic and industrial environments.

  • by Anastasia Ailamaki

    Data management systems enable various influential applications from high-performance online services (e.g., social networks like Twitter and Facebook or financial markets) to big data analytics (e.g., scientific exploration, sensor networks, business intelligence). As a result, data management systems have been one of the main drivers for innovations in the database and computer architecture communities for several decades. Recent hardware trends require software to take advantage of the abundant parallelism existing in modern and future hardware. The traditional design of the data management systems, however, faces inherent scalability problems due to its tightly coupled components. In addition, it cannot exploit the full capability of the aggressive micro-architectural features of modern processors. As a result, today's most commonly used server types remain largely underutilized leading to a huge waste of hardware resources and energy.In this book, we shed light on the challenges present while running DBMS on modern multicore hardware. We divide the material into two dimensions of scalability: implicit/vertical and explicit/horizontal.The first part of the book focuses on the vertical dimension: it describes the instruction- and data-level parallelism opportunities in a core coming from the hardware and software side. In addition, it examines the sources of under-utilization in a modern processor and presents insights and hardware/software techniques to better exploit the microarchitectural resources of a processor by improving cache locality at the right level of the memory hierarchy.The second part focuses on the horizontal dimension, i.e., scalability bottlenecks of database applications at the level of multicore and multisocket multicore architectures. It first presents a systematic way of eliminating such bottlenecks in online transaction processing workloads, which is based on minimizing unbounded communication, and shows several techniques that minimize bottlenecks in major components of database management systems. Then, it demonstrates the data and work sharing opportunities for analytical workloads, and reviews advanced scheduling mechanisms that are aware of nonuniform memory accesses and alleviate bandwidth saturation.

  • by Goetz Graefe

    Traditional theory and practice of write-ahead logging and of database recovery focus on three failure classes: transaction failures (typically due to deadlocks) resolved by transaction rollback; system failures (typically power or software faults) resolved by restart with log analysis, "e;redo,"e; and "e;undo"e; phases; and media failures (typically hardware faults) resolved by restore operations that combine multiple types of backups and log replay. The recent addition of single-page failures and single-page recovery has opened new opportunities far beyond the original aim of immediate, lossless repair of single-page wear-out in novel or traditional storage hardware. In the contexts of system and media failures, efficient single-page recovery enables on-demand incremental "e;redo"e; and "e;undo"e; as part of system restart or media restore operations. This can give the illusion of practically instantaneous restart and restore: instant restart permits processing new queries and updates seconds after system reboot and instant restore permits resuming queries and updates on empty replacement media as if those were already fully recovered. In the context of node and network failures, instant restart and instant restore combine to enable practically instant failover from a failing database node to one holding merely an out-of-date backup and a log archive, yet without loss of data, updates, or transactional integrity. In addition to these instant recovery techniques, the discussion introduces self-repairing indexes and much faster offline restore operations, which impose no slowdown in backup operations and hardly any slowdown in log archiving operations. The new restore techniques also render differential and incremental backups obsolete, complete backup commands on a database server practically instantly, and even permit taking full up-to-date backups without imposing any load on the database server. Compared to the first version of this book, this second edition adds sections on applications of single-page repair, instant restart, single-pass restore, and instant restore. Moreover, it adds sections on instant failover among nodes in a cluster, applications of instant failover, recovery for file systems and data files, and the performance of instant restart and instant restore.

  • by Laure Berti-Equille

    On the Web, a massive amount of user-generated content is available through various channels (e.g., texts, tweets, Web tables, databases, multimedia-sharing platforms, etc.). Conflicting information, rumors, erroneous and fake content can be easily spread across multiple sources, making it hard to distinguish between what is true and what is not. This book gives an overview of fundamental issues and recent contributions for ascertaining the veracity of data in the era of Big Data. The text is organized into six chapters, focusing on structured data extracted from texts. Chapter 1 introduces the problem of ascertaining the veracity of data in a multi-source and evolving context. Issues related to information extraction are presented in Chapter 2. Current truth discovery computation algorithms are presented in details in Chapter 3. It is followed by practical techniques for evaluating data source reputation and authoritativeness in Chapter 4. The theoretical foundations and various approaches for modeling diffusion phenomenon of misinformation spreading in networked systems are studied in Chapter 5. Finally, truth discovery computation from extracted data in a dynamic context of misinformation propagation raises interesting challenges that are explored in Chapter 6. This text is intended for a seminar course at the graduate level. It is also to serve as a useful resource for researchers and practitioners who are interested in the study of fact-checking, truth discovery, or rumor spreading.

  • by Sergio Greco

    The use of logic in databases started in the late 1960s. In the early 1970s Codd formalized databases in terms of the relational calculus and the relational algebra. A major influence on the use of logic in databases was the development of the field of logic programming. Logic provides a convenient formalism for studying classical database problems and has the important property of being declarative, that is, it allows one to express what she wants rather than how to get it. For a long time, relational calculus and algebra were considered the relational database languages. However, there are simple operations, such as computing the transitive closure of a graph, which cannot be expressed with these languages. Datalog is a declarative query language for relational databases based on the logic programming paradigm. One of the peculiarities that distinguishes Datalog from query languages like relational algebra and calculus is recursion, which gives Datalog the capability to express queries like computing a graph transitive closure. Recent years have witnessed a revival of interest in Datalog in a variety of emerging application domains such as data integration, information extraction, networking, program analysis, security, cloud computing, ontology reasoning, and many others. The aim of this book is to present the basics of Datalog, some of its extensions, and recent applications to different domains.

  • by Xin Luna Dong

    The big data era is upon us: data are being generated, analyzed, and used at an unprecedented scale, and data-driven decision making is sweeping through all aspects of society. Since the value of data explodes when it can be linked and fused with other data, addressing the big data integration (BDI) challenge is critical to realizing the promise of big data. BDI differs from traditional data integration along the dimensions of volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. First, not only can data sources contain a huge volume of data, but also the number of data sources is now in the millions. Second, because of the rate at which newly collected data are made available, many of the data sources are very dynamic, and the number of data sources is also rapidly exploding. Third, data sources are extremely heterogeneous in their structure and content, exhibiting considerable variety even for substantially similar entities. Fourth, the data sources are of widely differing qualities, with significant differences in the coverage, accuracy and timeliness of data provided. This book explores the progress that has been made by the data integration community on the topics of schema alignment, record linkage and data fusion in addressing these novel challenges faced by big data integration. Each of these topics is covered in a systematic way: first starting with a quick tour of the topic in the context of traditional data integration, followed by a detailed, example-driven exposition of recent innovative techniques that have been proposed to address the BDI challenges of volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. Finally, it presents merging topics and opportunities that are specific to BDI, identifying promising directions for the data integration community.

  • by Nikolaus Augsten

    State-of-the-art database systems manage and process a variety of complex objects, including strings and trees. For such objects equality comparisons are often not meaningful and must be replaced by similarity comparisons. This book describes the concepts and techniques to incorporate similarity into database systems. We start out by discussing the properties of strings and trees, and identify the edit distance as the de facto standard for comparing complex objects. Since the edit distance is computationally expensive, token-based distances have been introduced to speed up edit distance computations. The basic idea is to decompose complex objects into sets of tokens that can be compared efficiently. Token-based distances are used to compute an approximation of the edit distance and prune expensive edit distance calculations. A key observation when computing similarity joins is that many of the object pairs, for which the similarity is computed, are very different from each other. Filters exploit this property to improve the performance of similarity joins. A filter preprocesses the input data sets and produces a set of candidate pairs. The distance function is evaluated on the candidate pairs only. We describe the essential query processing techniques for filters based on lower and upper bounds. For token equality joins we describe prefix, size, positional and partitioning filters, which can be used to avoid the computation of small intersections that are not needed since the similarity would be too low.

  • by Wei Chen

    Research on social networks has exploded over the last decade. To a large extent, this has been fueled by the spectacular growth of social media and online social networking sites, which continue growing at a very fast pace, as well as by the increasing availability of very large social network datasets for purposes of research. A rich body of this research has been devoted to the analysis of the propagation of information, influence, innovations, infections, practices and customs through networks. Can we build models to explain the way these propagations occur? How can we validate our models against any available real datasets consisting of a social network and propagation traces that occurred in the past? These are just some questions studied by researchers in this area. Information propagation models find applications in viral marketing, outbreak detection, finding key blog posts to read in order to catch important stories, finding leaders or trendsetters, information feed ranking, etc. A number of algorithmic problems arising in these applications have been abstracted and studied extensively by researchers under the garb of influence maximization. This book starts with a detailed description of well-established diffusion models, including the independent cascade model and the linear threshold model, that have been successful at explaining propagation phenomena. We describe their properties as well as numerous extensions to them, introducing aspects such as competition, budget, and time-criticality, among many others. We delve deep into the key problem of influence maximization, which selects key individuals to activate in order to influence a large fraction of a network. Influence maximization in classic diffusion models including both the independent cascade and the linear threshold models is computationally intractable, more precisely #P-hard, and we describe several approximation algorithms and scalable heuristics that have been proposed in the literature. Finally, we also deal with key issues that need to be tackled in order to turn this research into practice, such as learning the strength with which individuals in a network influence each other, as well as the practical aspects of this research including the availability of datasets and software tools for facilitating research. We conclude with a discussion of various research problems that remain open, both from a technical perspective and from the viewpoint of transferring the results of research into industry strength applications.

  • by Jens Teubner

    Roughly a decade ago, power consumption and heat dissipation concerns forced the semiconductor industry to radically change its course, shifting from sequential to parallel computing. Unfortunately, improving performance of applications has now become much more difficult than in the good old days of frequency scaling. This is also affecting databases and data processing applications in general, and has led to the popularity of so-called data appliances-specialized data processing engines, where software and hardware are sold together in a closed box. Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) increasingly play an important role in such systems. FPGAs are attractive because the performance gains of specialized hardware can be significant, while power consumption is much less than that of commodity processors. On the other hand, FPGAs are way more flexible than hard-wired circuits (ASICs) and can be integrated into complex systems in many different ways, e.g., directly in the network for a high-frequency trading application. This book gives an introduction to FPGA technology targeted at a database audience. In the first few chapters, we explain in detail the inner workings of FPGAs. Then we discuss techniques and design patterns that help mapping algorithms to FPGA hardware so that the inherent parallelism of these devices can be leveraged in an optimal way. Finally, the book will illustrate a number of concrete examples that exploit different advantages of FPGAs for data processing. Table of Contents: Preface / Introduction / A Primer in Hardware Design / FPGAs / FPGA Programming Models / Data Stream Processing / Accelerated DB Operators / Secure Data Processing / Conclusions / Bibliography / Authors' Biographies / Index

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