How do I download my ebook? Digitally watermarked

Please follow the steps beneath to successfully download your ebook: 

Once you have ordered your e-book and completed the purchase, your e-book will be sent directly to you via email.

  1. Log in to your burger at or find your order confirmation, which is delivered from Tales directly to your email.

    You can also download your e-book from your order confirmation or find it via your order page, which you can find by logging in to your user at here:

    Then click on “Profile” in the right corner of the screen, then click on “My Orders”. You can find all your purchased orders here and download your e-book.

  2. When you click on the download link or “download” button, the ebook will automatically begin to download in your web browser window. 

    Please notice: If you are downloading the ebook to an Ipad, it might ask which program you wish to download the ebook to – please choose Safari. 

  3. The web browser will often show an empty website – or the latest open website – while the ebook is being downloaded in the background.

  4. When you click on the arrow and then Safari will ask which app you wish to open your ebook on. Here you will have to choose the app Books or iBooks. 

    The ebook is now successfully downloaded and is ready for reading. 🙂

Published: 14. August 2020 Updated: 17. September 2020
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