About In The Trenches II
Remember, tomorrow is always a new day, and victory,
in many cases, is there for the taking.
And, in the midst of all of this,
may HOPE be your constant companion!
By telling my story, it is hoped that this book will tell people about my war, and help people who are fighting obesity, glucose control, High Blood Pressure or, perhaps something else. This may help them understand that they are not alone, and that there is hope, that tomorrow can be new day, and that victory, in many cases, is there for the taking.
If there is a central theme to this story, it is hope!
We want to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have encouraged us along the way. The power of people is simply amazing, and we are in their debt. During the early part of this journey, the encouragement played a large role in staying the course and building resolve. The temptation to go back to old habits was very strong. Our thanks go to these people, some of whom are recent advocates.
Blessings to all of you!
Gary Colby
Randy Cress
Kent Cress
Karen Shidler
Ron & Mary Ann Scher
Dean & Patsy Spear
Jaime Kinsey
Nina Lynch
Will & Nancy and Warren Pennie
Albert Leazenby
Dan and Mindy Gehle
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