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This volume is dedicated to the eminent Georgian mathematician Roland Duduchava on the occasion of his 70th birthday. It presents recent results on Toeplitz, Wiener-Hopf, and pseudodifferential operators, boundary value problems, operator theory, approximation theory, and reflects the broad spectrum of Roland Duduchava's research.
The aim of this volume is to collect original contributions by the best specialists from the area of proof theory, constructivity, and computation and discuss recent trends and results in these areas.
Thiscollection presents significant contributions from an international network project on mathematicalcultures, including essays from leading scholars in the history and philosophyof mathematics and mathematics education. Mathematicshas universal standards of validity.
In this innovative title, the authors describe unique patient populations affected by stigma and prejudice and the prevalence of these issues to all healthcare providers. Each chapter covers the forms of prejudice and stigma associated with minority statuses, including religious minorities, the homeless, as well as those stigmatized by medical serious medical conditions, such HIV/AIDS, obesity, and substance misuse disorders. The chapters focus on the importance of recognizing biological differences and similarities within such groups and describes the challenges and best practices for optimum healthcare outcomes. The text describes innovative ways to connect in a clinical setting with people of diverse backgrounds. The text also covers future directions and areas of research and innovative clinical work being done.Written by experts in the field, Stigma and Prejudice is an excellent resource for psychiatrist, psychologists, general physicians, social workers, and all other medical professionals working with stigmatized populations.
The first of a two volume set on novel methods in harmonic analysis, this book draws on a number of original research and survey papers from well-known specialists detailing the latest innovations and recently discovered links between various fields. Along with many deep theoretical results, these volumes contain numerous applications to problems in signal processing, medical imaging, geodesy, statistics, and data science. The chapters within cover an impressive range of ideas from both traditional and modern harmonic analysis, such as: the Fourier transform, Shannon sampling, frames, wavelets, functions on Euclidean spaces, analysis on function spaces of Riemannian and sub-Riemannian manifolds, Fourier analysis on manifolds and Lie groups, analysis on combinatorial graphs, sheaves, co-sheaves, and persistent homologies on topological spaces. Volume I is organized around the theme of frames and other bases in abstract and function spaces, covering topics such as:The advanced development of frames, including Sigma-Delta quantization for fusion frames, localization of frames, and frame conditioning, as well as applications to distributed sensor networks, Galerkin-like representation of operators, scaling on graphs, and dynamical sampling.A systematic approach to shearlets with applications to wavefront sets and function spaces.Prolate and generalized prolate functions, spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis functions, and radial basis functions.Kernel methods, wavelets, and frames on compact and non-compact manifolds.
This volume consists of invited lecture notes, survey papers and original research papers from the AAGADE school and conference held in Bedlewo, Poland in September 2015. The contributions provide an overview of the current level of interaction between algebra, geometry and analysis and demonstrate the manifold aspects of the theory of ordinary and partial differential equations, while also pointing out the highly fruitful interrelations between those aspects. These interactions continue to yield new developments, not only in the theory of differential equations but also in several related areas of mathematics and physics such as differential geometry, representation theory, number theory and mathematical physics.The main goal of the volume is to introduce basic concepts, techniques, detailed and illustrative examples and theorems (in a manner suitable for non-specialists), and to present recent developments in the field, together with open problems for more advanced and experienced readers. It will be of interest to graduate students, early-career researchers and specialists in analysis, geometry, algebra and related areas, as well as anyone interested in learning new methods and techniques.
This book focuses on cartilage defects and new mesenchymal stem cell-based treatments for their repair and regeneration. Cartilage Regeneration focuses on the biology of MSCs and their possible applications in cartilage reconstruction, with the goal of bringing new insights into regenerative medicine.
This volume presents original research articles and extended surveys related to the mathematical interest and work of Jean-Michel Bismut.
This book combines the current knowledge on the role of lipids in stem cell pluripotency and differentiation.
This book presents a collection of expository and research papers on various topics in matrix and operator theory, contributed by several experts on the occasion of Albrecht Boettcher's 60th birthday.
These include integral inequalities, differential inequalities and difference inequalities, which play a crucial role in establishing (uniform) bounds, global existence, large-time behavior, decay rates and blow-up of solutions to various classes of evolutionary differential equations.
Topics covered include demographics of cancer in the reproductive age male, fertility conditions which predispose to cancer development, the role of assisted reproduction for fertility management, as well as fertility preservation strategies for the male and female cancer patients.
This book offers a detailed review of perturbed random walks, perpetuities, and random processes with immigration.
This book covers several aspects of perinatal tissue-derived stem cells, from theoretical concepts to clinical applications. Topics include functions and different sources, immunomodulatory properties, translational point of view, GMP facility design and manufacturing for clinical translation, therapeutic potentials, and finally ethical considerations. The text provides a brief review of each type of perinatal stem cells and then focuses on their multi- or pluripotent properties, regenerative capacity, and future therapeutic potential in regenerative medicine. Additionally, the book discusses GMP compliance in stem cell facilities and the manufacture of stem cells for clinical translation. The chapters are authored by world-renowned experts in the perinatal stem cell field. Perinatal Tissue-Derived Stem Cells: Alternative Sources of Fetal Stem Cells, part of Springer's Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine series, is essential reading for basic and clinical scientists, clinicians, and pharmaceutical experts working or conducting research in the fields of stem cell biology, molecular aspects of stem cell research, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and cellular therapy.
This volume will outline how to recreate the tumor microenvironment, to culture primary tumors without the need for developmental priming factors, and to deliver targeted therapeutics in a manner that recapitulates pharmacokinetics in vivo.
Including comprehensive coverage of health disparities commonly encountered in pediatric and adult pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine, Achieving Respiratory Health Equality in the United States provides a definitive reference on this prominent issue.
This book contains a selection of papers presented at the session "Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis" at the 10th ISAAC Congress held in Macau in August 2015. The covered topics represent the state-of-the-art as well as new trends in hypercomplex analysis and its applications.
Attacking these challenging problems of contemporary physics requires highly advanced mathematical methods as well as radically new physical concepts. This book presents different physical ideas and mathematical approaches in this direction.
The book investigates stability theory in terms of two different measure, exhibiting the advantage of employing families of Lyapunov functions and treats the theory of a variety of inequalities, clearly bringing out the underlying theme.
This book is devoted to the study of partial differential equation problems both from the theoretical and numerical points of view. After presenting modeling aspects, it develops the theoretical analysis of partial differential equation problems for the three main classes of partial differential equations: elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic.
The main focus of this book is on the interconnection of two unorthodox scientific ideas, the varying-gravity hypothesis and the expanding-earth hypothesis.
This book presents four survey articles on different topics in mathematical analysis that are closely linked to concepts and applications in physics.
This volume presents a selection of papers by Henry P. McKean, which illustrate the various areas in mathematics in which he has made seminal contributions. Topics covered include probability theory, integrable systems, geometry and financial mathematics.
This book provides an overview of the confluence of ideas in Turing's era and work and examines the impact of his work on mathematical logic and theoretical computer science.
Die Methode der finiten Elemente hat sich heute bei der numerischen Berechnung von Problemen der Elastizitats- und der Plastizitatstheorie mit digitalen Rechenautomaten all gemein durchgesetzt. Ihre Anwendbarkeit auf praktische Ingenieurprobleme hangt in erster Linie von den zur Verfli gung stehenden Computerprogrammen abo Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelte Programm "FEAPS" erlaubt die Berechnung von allgemein begrenzten und allgemein gestlitzten elastischen Platten mit und ohne Rippen. Das Institut flir Baustatik hofft, damit einen nlitzlichen Beitrag zur Berechnung solcher Konstruktionen geleistet zu haben. Die Arbeit wurde von Herrn G. Alberti als Doktordissertation (Referent: Prof. Dr. B. Thlirlimann, Korreferent: Dr. E. Anderheggen) verfasst. Die theoretischen Grundlagen des Verfahrens basieren zum Teil auf Arbeiten und Veroffent lichungen von Herrn Dr. E. Anderheggen, der auch diese Arbeit wissenschaftlich leitete. Eidgenossische Technische Prof. Dr. Bruno Thlirlimann Hochschule - Zlirich Oktober 1971 -8- 1. EINLEITUNG Die Berechnung von Verformungen und Schnittkraften von dlinnen Platten mit analytischen Methoden ist nur in Spezialfallen moglich. Flir allgemeine Plattensysteme werden Naherungsmetho den verwendet, die meistens auf einer Diskretisation aufgebaut sind. Die Methode der endlichen Elemente wurde flir die Berech nung von beliebigen zweidimensionalen, dlinnen, linear-elasti schen Platten und Rippenplatten verwendet. Diese wurde Ende der flinfziger Jahre mit den Pionierarbeiten von Argyris [1,30J, Clough [2,28J, Melosh [29J und Zienkiewicz [3] entwickelt.
PARP Inhibitors for Cancer Therapy provides a comprehensive overview of the role of PARP in cancer therapy. PARP plays a pivotal role in DNA repair and may contribute to the therapeutic resistance to DNA damaging agents used to treat cancer.
This book represents the first systematic attempt to analyse media and public communications published in Britain by people of African and Afro-Caribbean origin during the aftermaths of war, presenting an in-depth study of print publications for the period 1919-1924.
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