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Books published by Blurb

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  • by Daniel Nana Kwame Opare

    The main motive of this book is to draw believers' attention from false doctrines concerning Holy Spirit baptism, water baptism, salvation and prayer. This book will enable believers to know their identity and heritage as children of God. This book also talks about the personality of Jesus Christ, His baptism and the importance of His death. This book will also enable believers to know some of the Bible prophecies concerning the events of the end time. The Bible says, "For lack of knowledge my people perish. This book contains light to direct you. Read it to be wiser.

  • - A Country Preacher's Life Story
    by Johnny Woodard DD

    From the little community of Morgan's Bluff, located on the very banks of the Sabine River near Orange, Texas, to Israel, the land where our Lord Jesus Christ came into this world to redeem fallen mankind from their sinful condition. This is an amazing story of how God can use anyone He chooses to spread His Word. This book will bring laughter at the funny stories that took place in the fishing, hunting, boating, fast cars and student pranks that were done in my school years. There are humorous accounts of shoplifters being caught and terrorized by store managers, as well as amazing accounts of how God provided time and time again for a simple ministry that has grown to a world-wide ministry, reaching billions with God's Word. You can read many recent real life testimonies of students who have suffered great persecution at the hands of the enemy and also be blessed to read how God has used this ministry to transform their lives through His Word. This book is my life story from the humble beginnings in Orange, Texas, to now, President Of The Bread Of Life International Bible Correspondence Institute. But even more than that, it is a testimony of how God can use anyone who is willing to allow Him to lead and direct their lives and trust in His ability to do so, and not their own abilities. To God be the glory how He continues to reach down to fallen man with His love through simple men and women who are not afraid to live by faith.

  • - Take Steps to Full Recovery
    by Emmanuel O Afolabi

    The realities of life is that it has its challenges and nobody is excluded from its vicissitude as Isaiah through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit prophesied (putting it succinctly) in "when (not 'if') you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you." And King Nebuchadnezzar, it was in Daniel chapter 3 verse 24 who observed in practical terms what Isaiah prophesied. There is no accident in this life (i.e things just don't happen), nothing happens without God knowing about it, He either directs or permits it, hence the need to factor Him in, in whatsoever situations or circumstances you are expecting recovery from and this is what this book is about. The book is about how the Almightiness of God can be brought to bear on any given unpleasantries in your life and is, therefore, a must read, and a good resource tool for every sincere and serious minded Christian.

  • by Michael P Wright

    The Next Great Crusade of Our Time is about the crusade and events between the Christians and the Muslims that have been happening since 1980 until today. All the events in this book have already taken place and what this could lead up to. Also describes how history is repeating itself with the current affairs in the world right now. Tells about the Third Crusade and what took place over 800 years ago while comparing it to the present day. I believe this book has been written at the right time for the times that we are living in right now.

  • - Illustrations of nature and animals to color for kids age 3+
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Embark on a delightful journey through the world of animals with this coloring book! Grab your favorite coloring tools and let your imagination run wild as you bring these charming creatures to life with a splash of color. Filled with cute animals, this book is sure to bring joy and creativity to the kids.

  • - My Correspondence with the Crossdressing Cannibal
    by John F George

    In his debut book, true-crime author John F. George offers readers a first-hand look into the mind of convicted murderer and accused cannibal, Hadden Irving Clark. The book features artwork and letters from the so-called "Crossdressing Cannibal," in addition to the author's experiences interviewing Clark by letter, phone, and in an in-person interview inside Clark's Maryland prison.

  • - Ilustrácie prírody a zvierat na vyfarbenie pre deti vo veku 3+
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Vydajte sa na nádhernú cestu svetom zvierat s touto omaľovánkou! Chopte sa svojich obľÃºbených nástrojov na farbenie a popustite uzdu svojej fantázii, keď tieto očarujúce stvorenia ozivíte farebnou dávkou. Táto kniha plná roztomilých zvieratiek určite prinesie deťom radosť a kreativitu.

  • - 3+ yaş çocuklar için renklendirilecek doğa ve hayvan çizimleri
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Bu boyama kitabıyla hayvanların dünyasında keyifli bir yolculuğa çıkın! En sevdiğiniz boyama araçlarını alın ve bu büyüleyici yaratıklara renk katarak hayat verirken hayal gücünüzü serbest bırakın. Sevimli hayvanlarla dolu bu kitabın çocuklara neşe ve yaratıcılık katacağı kesin.

  • - Ilustraciones de naturaleza y animales, colorear para niños a partir de 3 años
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    ¡Embárcate en un encantador viaje por el mundo de los animales con este libro para colorear! Coge tus herramientas para colorear favoritas y deja volar tu imaginación mientras das vida a estas encantadoras criaturas con un toque de color. Lleno de lindos animales, este libro seguramente traerá alegría y creatividad a los niños.

  • - Ilustracije narave in zivali za barvanje za otroke, stare 3+
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Podajte se na čudovito potovanje skozi zivalski svet s to pobarvanko! Zgrabite svoje najljubse pripomočke za barvanje in pustite domisljiji prosto pot, ko ta očarljiva bitja ozivite s kančkom barv. Ta knjiga, polna ljubkih zivali, bo otrokom zagotovo prinesla veselje in ustvarjalnost.

  • - Ilustrații cu natură și animale, colorat pentru copii cu vârsta peste 3 ani
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Pornește într-o călătorie încântătoare prin lumea animalelor cu această carte de colorat! Ia instrumentele de colorat preferate și lasa imaginația să zboare în timp ce aduci la viață aceste creaturi fermecătoare cu o pată de culoare. Plină de animale drăguțe, această carte iți va aduce cu siguranță bucurie și creativitate.

  • - Ilustrações de natureza e animais para colorir para crianças a partir de 3 anos
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Embarque em uma deliciosa viagem pelo mundo dos animais com este livro para colorir! Pegue suas ferramentas de colorir favoritas e deixe sua imaginação correr solta enquanto dá vida a essas criaturas encantadoras com um toque de cor. Cheio de animais fofos, este livro certamente trará alegria e criatividade para as crianças.

  • - Lustracje natury i zwierząt do kolorowania dla dzieci w wieku od 3 lat
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Wyrusz w cudowną podróż po świecie zwierząt dzięki tej kolorowance! Chwyc swoje ulubione narzędzia do kolorowania i puśc wodze fantazji, ożywiając te urocze stworzenia odrobiną koloru. Ta książka, pelna uroczych zwierzątek, z pewnością przyniesie dzieciom radośc i kreatywnośc.

  • - #2378: IMIRAGEmagazine

    IMIRAGEmagazine Issue: #2378. Newsstand Softcover edition. More than just an 'other' picture book.

  • - Natura u annimali għall-kulur għal tfal minn 3 snin 'il fuq
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Imbarka għal vjaġġ sabiħ fid-dinja tal-annimali b'dan il-ktieb tal-kulur! Aqbad l-għodda tal-kulur favoriti tiegħek u ħalli l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek taħdem selvaġġa hekk kif tagħti l-ħajja lil dawn il-kreaturi charming bi daqqa ta' kulur. Mimli b'annimali ħelwin, dan il-ktieb żgur li jġib ferħ u kreattività lit-tfal.

  • - Natuur en dieren kleurplaten voor kinderen vanaf 3 jaar
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Ga op een heerlijke reis door de wereld van dieren met dit kleurboek! Pak je favoriete kleurgereedschap en laat je fantasie de vrije loop terwijl je deze charmante wezens tot leven brengt met een vleugje kleur. Dit boek, boordevol schattige dieren, zal de kinderen zeker vreugde en creativiteit brengen.

  • by François Lavergne

    Le chimio ralentit mais ne soigne pas. Et guérit encore moins sans chirurgie. On joue sur les mots, soigner c'est traiter. Cela ne signifie pas résoudre mais éventuellement limiter ou contenir. Dans l'attente de ?

  • - Természet és állatok, színező oldalak 3 éves kortól
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Menj egy kellemes utazásra az állatvilágban ezzel a kifestőkönyvvel! Ragadd meg kedvenc színezőeszközeidet, és engedd szabadjára a fantáziádat, miközben színfoltokkal kelti életre ezeket a bájos lényeket. Egy aranyos állatokkal teli könyv biztosan örömet és kreativitást okoz a gyerekeknek.

  • - Natur an Déieren ze faarwen fir Kanner vun 3+
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Gitt op eng herrlech Rees duerch d'Welt vun den Déieren mat dësem Faarfbuch! Gräift Är Liiblingsfaarwinstrumenter a loosst Är Fantasi wëll lafen wéi Dir dës charmante Kreaturen mat engem Splash vu Faarf lieweg bréngt. Gefëllt mat léiwen Déieren, dëst Buch ass sécher Freed a Kreativitéit fir d'Kanner ze bréngen.

  • - Gamta ir gyvūnai dazyti 3 metų ir vyresniems vaikams
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Leiskites į nuostabią kelionę po gyvūnų pasaulį su sia spalvinimo knyga! Griebkite savo megstamus spalvinimo įrankius ir paleiskite savo vaizduotę, kai atgaivinsite sias zavias būtybes spalvomis. Si knyga, pripildyta mielų gyvūnų, vaikams tikrai suteiks dziaugsmo ir kūrybiskumo.

  • - Daba un dzīvnieki krāsojami bērniem vecumā no 3 gadiem
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Dodieties apburosā ceļojumā pa dzīvnieku pasauli ar so krāsojamo grāmatu! Paņemiet savus iecienītākos krāsosanas rīkus un ļaujiet vaļu iztēlei, atdzīvinot sīs burvīgās radības ar krāsu uzplaiksnījumu. Sī grāmata, kas ir piepildīta ar jaukiem dzīvniekiem, noteikti sagādās prieku un radosumu bērniem.

  • - Natura e animali da colorare per bambini dai 3 anni in su
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Intraprendi un delizioso viaggio nel mondo degli animali con questo libro da colorare! Prendi i tuoi strumenti da colorare preferiti e lascia correre la tua immaginazione mentre dai vita a queste affascinanti creature con un tocco di colore. Pieno di simpatici animali, questo libro porterà sicuramente gioia e creatività ai bambini.

  • - Náttúra og dýr til að lita fyrir krakka á aldrinum 3+
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Farðu í yndislega ferð um heim dýranna með Þessari litabók! Gríptu uppáhalds litatólin Þín og láttu ímyndunaraflið ráða lausu Þegar Þú vekur Þessar heillandi verur til lífsins með skvettu af lit. þessi bók er full af sætum dýrum og mun örugglega færa krökkunum gleði og sköpunargleði.

  • - Léaráidí dúlra agus ainmhithe le dathú do pháistí 3+
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Tabhair faoi thuras iontach tríd an domhan ainmhithe leis an leabhar dathúcháin seo! Grab na huirlisí dathúcháin is fearr leat agus lig do do shamhlaíocht rith fiáin agus tú ag tabhairt na créatúir fheictear seo ar an saol le splancscáileán dathanna. Lán le hainmhithe gleoite, is cinnte go dtabharfaidh an leabhar seo áthas agus cruthaitheacht duit.

  • - Natur und Tiere zum Ausmalen für Kinder ab 3 Jahren
    by Maryan Ben Kim

    Begeben Sie sich mit diesem Malbuch auf eine entzückende Reise durch die Welt der Tiere! Schnappen Sie sich Ihre Lieblings-Malwerkzeuge und lassen Sie Ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf, während Sie diese bezaubernden Kreaturen mit einem Farbtupfer zum Leben erwecken. Dieses Buch voller niedlicher Tiere wird den Kindern mit Sicherheit Freude und Kreativität bescheren.

  • by Luca Renzulli
    £35.99 - 42.99

    Un poliziotto si risveglia in ospedale senza sapere perché, senza l'uso delle gambe e col suo collega di pattuglia morto. Cosa è successo all'agente Norton? Perché il suo capo risulta molto evasivo alle sue domande? Cosa vorrà quel misterioso rabbino che incontra in ospedale? In un susseguirsi di colpi di scena e scontri mozzafiato, la verità si rivelerà molto più complessa del previsto.

  • by François Lavergne

    La véritable andouille c'est moi. Ils veulent me sécher au bois de hêtre ? Pas encore prêt.

  • - A Girl's Journey of Hope and Imagination
    by Holly Lawson

    Amidst the shadows of a world plagued by darkness, she found solace in the power of her dreams. In her mind, she crafted a place where magic reigned supreme, a realm where wonder and enchantment thrived. It was a world she longed to capture and share with others, a world that could bring light to the darkest of times. With a camera in hand, they embarked on a photographic odyssey, determined to manifest the fantastical world that had taken root in her imagination. From gardens where fairies dance and fly to mystical landscapes, she sought out the hidden corners where magic still danced in the air. In the face of darkness, she had found a way to illuminate the world with the light of possibility. From the dark times, she envisioned and dreamed of a place full of magic and wonder, and now, you are invited you to join them on this photographic journey, where the extraordinary becomes reality.

  • - Rezepte meiner Großmutter
    by Trude Gyss

    Die Rezepte meiner Großmutter aus den 1950-70er Jahren, in Origianl-Kurrentschrift mit Transkription.

  • by Jonathan David Lange
    £33.49 - 40.49

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