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  • - Una guia fascinante sobre la primera mujer americana en tener una estatua construida en su honor
    by Captivating History

    Si desea descubrir la cautivadora historia de Hannah Duston, entonces siga leyendo...En una ├⌐poca muy diferente a la nuestra, viv├¡a una mujer que llevaba una vida extraordinaria. El evento m├ís importante de su existencia ha resistido la prueba del tiempo. Su car├ícter, sus acciones, y sus m├ís profundos pensamientos y deseos a├║n se debaten hasta el d├¡a de hoy. Ella se ha convertido en un s├¡mbolo de una ├⌐poca que mucha gente hoy en d├¡a no entiende o comprende.Hannah Duston vivi├│ en un per├¡odo en el que las mujeres estaban destinadas a ser delicadas, d├⌐biles y m├ís compasivas, pero desafi├│ este estereotipo. Se la pod├¡a considerar como la aut├⌐ntica mam├í oso que defend├¡a a sus cachorros y evitaba a todos los que les hicieran da├▒o. O podr├¡a ser vista como el lobo entre los corderos que espera el momento perfecto para atacar. Sus logros en la vida fueron grandes, y su coraje m├ís fuerte que la mayor├¡a de la gente. Sin embargo, su visi├│n moral de la vida era cuestionable. Era m├ís que una mujer; era una luchadora con un agudo sentido de la supervivencia. Mataba para vengar a quienes amaba y nunca se disculpaba por sus acciones, aunque estuvieran equivocadas.En Hannah Duston: Una gu├¡a fascinante sobre la primera mujer americana en tener una estatua construida en su honor, descubrir├í temas como:Ingleses, franceses y nativos americanos: Fren├⌐micos por d├⌐cadasLos comienzos de la vida de HannahEl fat├¡dico asalto a HaverhillLa Hora Cero de HannahLa masacre del r├¡o MerrimackLa reflexi├│n final de HannahMemorias de Hannah DustonEl lado oscuro de HannahCandor pol├⌐mico┬íY mucho, mucho m├ís!┬íObtenga este libro ahora para aprender m├ís sobre Hannah Duston!

  • - How You Can Develop Unstoppable Self-Discipline, Willpower and Success Habits By Adopting A Champion's Mindset and the Principles of Stoicism
    by Gordon Cohen

    If you''ve always wanted to have an unshakable mindset but are often discouraged by failure, criticism, rejection, and mistakes, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book:Mental Toughness: Unlock the Spartan within You and Develop Relentless Self-Discipline, A Champion''s Mindset, Unbeatable Willpower, and Powerful Success HabitsStoicism: Unlock the Secrets to a Stoic Life, Emotional Resilience and an Unshakeable Mindset and Discover Principles, Mindfulness Meditation Techniques and Habits for Bulletproof Calmness in ChaosAre you sick and tired of negative thoughts and events always pulling you down?Have you tried all manner of solutions and hacks that promise to turn things around, yet nothing seems to have any lasting effects?Do you finally want to say goodbye to failure and discover something, which works for you?If so, then you''ve come to the right place.You see, developing the mental toughness you need to achieve your goals doesn''t have to be difficult.Even if you''ve tried all manner of other solutions that didn''t work.In fact, it''s easier than you think.You see, mental toughness is the mindset that people adopt in what they do. It is a personality trait that defines what your mind is made up of and is partly responsible for how you behave or how you react to various situations. Personality is the characteristic pattern of feeling, thinking, and acting of an individual that is inherently different in every person..This book seeks to enlighten you about the little-known power of mental toughness and how some people have used it to achieve great success. If you have been struggling with your ability to think rationally and control your emotions when under pressure, you are in the right place.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:Everything you need to know about mental toughnessHow to differentiate between a strong mentality and a weak mentalityHow to unlock the inner Spartan in you and overcome your fears and insecuritiesHow to identify pitfalls and mistakes that decrease your mental toughnessHow to spot habits that contribute to a weak mentality and tips on how to stop themHow to develop mental toughness when under pressure and respond positively to obstacles in your wayThe 40-percent rule of mental toughness and how to use it to achieve successThe importance of emotional strength and how it affects your success, plus practical tips for developing emotional resilienceHow to acquire self-discipline and willpower for a tougher mindsetSome of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:Everything You Need to be Happy is Found WithinThe Power of Stoicism Philosophy For a Better LifeLearn How to Overcome Self-doubt, Self-Criticism, and Feelings of Inadequacy5 Actionable Mind Training Strategies to Eliminate Self-Defeating ThoughtsMaster the Art of Tranquility with Stoic TechniquesStoic Principles to Smash Creative BlocksDifferentiating Things We Can and Can''t ControlHow to Control Emotions and Minimize Worry with StoicismStoicism and Cognitive Behavioral TherapyInspiring Stories from Popular Stoic FollowersA Complete Stoic Guide for Perfect HealthAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Mental Toughness and Stoicism, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to an Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of England and the Invasions of the Vikings during the 9th Century
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Mercia, then keep reading...The Kingdom of Mercia lasted for more than five hundred years. Such a long period of time brought change to all aspects of Mercian life, and it is the role of history and this book to follow that change through the centuries. But it wasn''t just the kings and queens that changed. The events of the period resonated within social and cultural life, religious beliefs, artistic expression, and trade. Everything evolved under the patronage of Mercia.We are able to understand these changes as they are still ongoing in modern times. The world we are living in is constantly shifting and developing, and as people, we are no different than the Anglo-Saxons from the old times. As such, it is no wonder we show interest in their way of life and the persons who ruled them. In fact, it is almost as if we feel a deep connection with the society of our ancestors, as if we feel there is some familiarity. The distance that separates our time from theirs is what makes this familiarity even more interesting.In Mercia: A Captivating Guide to an Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of England and the Invasions of the Vikings during the 9th Century, you will discover topics such asThe Origins of MerciaThe Builders of MerciaA New DynastyCourt, Church, Country, and the PeopleThe Vikings Are ComingThe Rise of WessexThe Last Queen of MerciaMercia the EarldomAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Mercia, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Una fascinante guia de la historia de la Carta Magna y su influencia en la Inglaterra medieval y el resto del mundo
    by Captivating History

    Si quiere descubrir la cautivadora historia de la Carta Magna, siga leyendo...La Carta Magna es reconocida como uno de los documentos más importantes de la historia de la humanidad. Es la principal fuente de derecho constitucional en todo el mundo, y ofrece a las personas libertades y protección frente al poder arbitrario del gobierno.Sin embargo, es también un conjunto de promesas extraídas a mala fe de un rey no comprometido, y esas promesas lidiaban con los problemas de la aristocracia del siglo XIII. Entre asuntos ordinarios referidos a tasas, aduanas y leyes sobre la tierra, en el documento también encuentran su lugar las más importantes ideas revolucionarias capaces de cambiar el mundo.No obstante, en 1215 estas eran escasas, se mencionaban por aquí y por allá, y en la forma de altos ideales, más que en la de una ley.Aún hoy se citan algunas partes de la Carta Magna, como aquellas cláusulas que tratan sobre la justicia entre iguales, la protección ante encarcelamientos ilegales, la libertad de la Iglesia, etc. Sin embargo, en la época medieval, estas cláusulas no tenían el mismo significado que hoy en día. La Carta Magna se ha mostrado como un documento flexible con ideas que pueden acomodarse y transformarse para adaptarse a las necesidades de los nuevos tiempos.En Carta Magna: Una fascinante guía de la historia de la Carta Magna y su influencia en la Inglaterra medieval y el resto del mundo, descubrirá temas como:El rey JuanEl camino a RunnymedeLa Carta MagnaEl fracaso de la Carta MagnaLa GuerraEl Regente y el Final de la Primera Guerra de los BaronesEnrique III y la Carta MagnaLa Segunda Guerra de los Barones y Eduardo IEl Período Medieval Tardío y los TudorEl Renacimiento de la Carta MagnaEl Nuevo Mundo y la Carta Magna¡Adquiera este libro libro ahora y aprenda más sobre la Carta Magna!

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    - How to Dominate Your Niche in 2019 with Your Small Business and Personal Brand Using Instagram Influencers, YouTube, Facebook Advertising, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter
    by Matt Golden

    If you want to discover how to dominate your niche in 2019 using social media marketing, then keep reading...It is no secret that social media is massive and the influence that it has over people is just as large.If you want to expand your business rapidly and develop new channels of income for your brand, you need to get on social media and start using it in alignment with the marketing trends that are currently dominant, as well as the ones that will rise in 2019.If you are ready to discover how to use social media in 2019 and build a massive, influential presence for your brand online, then this book is for you!This will instantly become your ultimate pocket guide for marketing all year long, helping you navigate everything from how to set goals for your brand to how to dominate on the 6 biggest platforms on the internet in 2019.In this book, you will learn valuable tools such as:How to create social media marketing goals for your brandPicking the right platforms for your goalsGenerating a presence in front of your target niche audienceLearning how to navigate the 6 major social media networksDeveloping strategies for each of these networksIncorporating social media into your sales funnelsLeveraging Instagram influencers properly to grow your brandUsing Facebook advertisements to grow and convert your audienceBranding your platforms effectivelyAnd more!If you want to learn more about Social Media Marketing, then scroll up and click “add to cart”!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Conflicts That Began Between the United Kingdom and France During the Rule of Napoleon Bonaparte and How They Stemmed from the French Revolution
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Napoleonic Wars, then keep reading...The Napoleonic Wars, which took place between 1803 and 1815, were spearheaded by probably France’s best tactician and military strategist to date, General Napoleon Bonaparte. His tactics and strategies were so grounded that it has served as the basis for many major warfare campaigns and maneuvers, both during his lifetime as well as after his demise. Even France’s sworn enemy for most of the medieval era, the British, acknowledged his ingenuity despite his ultimate defeat at the hands of the British army at the end of life.In this book, we will take an interesting journey through the annals of history to inspect the Napoleonic Wars: why they started in the first place, a glimpse into the life of the legendary commander Napoleon Bonaparte, the course of events and some of the major players on the board, and the stories of the last glimmer of France’s military greatness. While the French Army did play a crucial role in both World Wars, they pale in comparison to the army of France, which was led by one of the most brilliant military minds in history, during the country’s last great military campaign against its greatest rival, Britain. In this captivating book on the Napoleonic Wars and the French Revolution, we will examine Napoleon’s role in the war not only as a military genius but also as a politician, ruler, and social reformer, and perhaps uncover some of the more dubious aspects of the legend that is Napoleon Bonaparte. In The Napoleonic Wars: A Captivating Guide to the Conflicts That Began Between the United Kingdom and France During the Rule of Napoleon Bonaparte and How They Stemmed from the French Revolution, you will discover topics such asThe French Revolution and Post-Revolution FranceThe French Revolutionary Wars: A Divided EuropeThe Political Rise of Napoleon BonaparteThe Rise of Bonapartism: An Alternative Monarchy Readying for the Napoleonic WarsThe Beginning of the Napoleonic WarsThe Napoleonic Wars, Part 1The Napoleonic Wars, Part 2The French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars from a British Socio-Political PerspectiveWhat Led to the Fall of NapoleonAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Napoleonic Wars, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Una Guia Fascinante sobre la Historia afroamericana y la Revolucion haitiana
    by Captivating History

    2 manuscritos completos en 1 libroHistoria Afroamericana: Una Guía Fascinante para entender los eventos y personas que moldearon la Historia de los Estados Unidos (Libro en Español/African American History Spanish Book Version)Revolución haitiana: Una guía fascinante de la abolición de la esclavitudLa historia de los Afroamericanos es una larga crónica de eventos trágicos. Aquellos que tuvieron el coraje de rebelarse en contra de esta crueldad del sistema y de esta opresión eran normalmente brutalmente asesinados por este motivo. Este hecho ha creado una larga tradición de atrevidos líderes y seguidores que han sido los verdaderos motores de la evolución del pensamiento en los Estados Unidos de América.La primera parte de este libro incluye:Harriet TubmanMartin Luther King, Jr.Malcolm XRosa ParksFrederick DouglassY muchos más…Los Primeros Africanos en AméricaEl Trato a los EsclavosContribuciones Afroamericanas a la Literatura, Música y ArteLa Lucha por la IndependenciaLeyes contra Esclavos FugitivosEl Alzamiento de Gabriel ProsserEl Alzamiento de Denmark VeseyEl Fin de la EsclavitudLos Movimientos y Manifestaciones, y la Guerra CivilLa Continuación de la Opresión y la Lucha por la IgualdadEl Éxodo desde el Sur y la Lucha por la Educación en el SurLos Afroamericanos se OrganizanLa Construcción de una Identidad a través del dolor y la expresión propiaIntegración y el Movimiento por los Derechos CivilesLos Luchadores por los Derechos Inalienables en un País que los negabasegunda parte de este libro, usted:La riqueza de Saint-DomingueEl principio del fin de la colonia francesaComienza la revoluciónLa revolución se extiendeCúmulo de eventos en EuropaLa abolición de la esclavitud y la respuesta británicaLa llegada al poder de Toussaint LouvertureLa derrota de Inglaterra y el respeto internacionalEl ascenso de Napoleón y su efecto inicial en Saint-DomingueEl fin de la revoluciónEfectos duraderos – Más allá de la islaHaití en la actualidadHaiti Today¡Y mucho más!¡Adquiere ahora el libro y aprende más sobre la historia Afroamericana y Revolución haitiana!

  • - Una Guia Fascinante sobre la Antigua Roma, que incluye la Republica romana, el Imperio romano y el Imperio bizantino
    by Captivating History

    3 manuscritos completos en 1 libroLa República Romana: Una Fascinante Guía del Ascenso y la Caída de la República Romana, SPQR, y los Políticos Romanos, como Julio César y Cicerón (Libro en Español/The Roman Republic Spanish Book)El Imperio Romano: Una Guía Fascinante sobre el Ascenso y la Caída del Imperio Romano que incluye las historias de Emperadores como Augusto Octavio, Trajano, y Claudio (Libro en Español/Roman Empire)El Imperio bizantino: Una guía fascinante de Bizancio y cómo el Imperio romano del este fue gobernado por emperadores como Constantino el Grande y JustinianoEn este libro, veremos más de cerca el comienzo de la civilización romana, la fundación de la ciudad y el Senado, la expansión de la República romana, su gloria, y su final.La primera parte de este libro incluye:l Pasado que lo Hizo Posible: La Fundación de Roma entre Mito e Historia Abajo los Reyes: El Pasado que lo CausóLos Comienzos de la RepúblicaLogros Militares de los Comienzos de la República: Tomar ItaliaEn Medio de la República: Las Guerras Púnicas y el Dominio del MediterráneoEl Dominio Militar versus el Dominio Cultural: La Civilización Romana ante el Mundo GriegoPoder Ilimitado y el Comienzo del Fin: El período final de la RepúblicaLa era de los Generales: Pompeyo, Craso y Césarsegunda parte de este libro, usted:De la República al Imperio: El Ascenso de OctavioLa Era de AugustoLa Dinastía Julio - Claudia después de Augusto: Desde Tiberio hasta NerónLa Guerra Civil y el Año de los Cuatro Emperadores (AD 68–69)Dinastía FlaviaLa Dinastía Antonina: Los Cinco Emperadores Buenos (y un par no tan buenos)lgunos Emperadores NuevosCrisis, Guerras Civiles, y Divisiones: El Declive Lento y DolorosoLos Dos Imperios: Este y Oeste¡Todo esto y mucho más que no puedes perderte!Tercera parte de este libro, usted:Explorar una historia de poder y gloria, anarquía y orden, paganismo y cristianismo, guerra y paz, Occidente y Oriente Familiarizarse con las raíces de las grandes controversias que definieron la historia de Europa y la totalidad de la civilización occidental: el conflicto entre las iglesias católica y ortodoxa, y el que existe entre el cristianismo y el islamDescubrir historias de emperadores extraordinarios de los que nunca ha oído hablar y de la asombrosa valentía de héroes grecorromanos como Constantino Dragases, que resistió a los otomanos hasta el final, y Belisario, que luchó contra los persas para reconquistar lo que solía ser el Imperio OccidentalAprender más sobre toda la era llamada el Imperio bizantino más rápido que leyendo libros aburridos¡Obtenga este libro ahora para aprender más sobre el Historia de Roma!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the First American Woman to Have a Statue Built in Her Honor
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Hannah Duston, then keep reading...In a time very different from our own, there lived a woman that led an extraordinary life. The single most important event in her existence has stood the test of time. Her character, her actions, and her deepest thoughts and desires are still debated to this day. She has become a symbol of an era that many people today do not understand or comprehend. Hannah Duston lived in a period when women were meant to be delicate, feeble, and more compassionate, but she defied this stereotype. She could be thought of as the ultimate mama bear defending her cubs and warding off all who would harm them. Or she could be seen as the wolf among the lambs that waits for the perfect moment to strike. Her accomplishments in life were great, and her courage stronger than most people. Yet her moral outlook on life was questionable. She was more than just a woman; she was a fighter with a keen sense of survival. She killed to avenge who she loved and never apologized for her actions, even if they were wrong. In Hannah Duston: A Captivating Guide to the First American Woman to Have a Statue Built in Her Honor, you will discover topics such asEnglish, French, and Native Americans: Frenemies for DecadesHannah’s Early LifeThe Fateful Raid on HaverhillHannah’s Zero HourMerrimack River MassacreHannah’s Final ReflectionHannah Duston MemorialsThe Ugly Side of HannahControversial CandorAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Hannah Duston, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Emergence of Modern Science During the Early Modern Period, Including Stories of Thinkers Such as Isaac Newton and Rene Descartes
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Scientific Revolution, then keep reading...Ancient cultures have been looking up at the stars for thousands of years, wondering about their place in the universe. What were those glowing spots in the black cover of night? Just how far away was the moon? These and other questions hounded humanity through the millennia until, finally, relative economic stability allowed for a number of people to examine their world more closely. Slowly, knowledge and understanding accumulated generation by generation until the conditions were ideal enough for a revolution to occur in thinking, experimentation, worldview, and natural philosophy.It was the Scientific Revolution, the time period when Western theologians had more and better tools to measure and make sense of the things around them. With careful measurements, precise data collection, and an unwavering sense of curiosity, humankind stepped into the future. The truly magnificent feature of this time period, besides, of course, the scientific discoveries themselves, was the kinship between philosophers, scientists, and experimental hobbyists throughout Europe. Hundreds, if not thousands, of letters between great intellectuals such as Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Robert Hooke, and Tycho Brahe have been preserved, demonstrating how these men (and a few women) worked in cooperation with one another in order to better their own research. In The Scientific Revolution: A Captivating Guide to the Emergence of Modern Science During the Early Modern Period, Including Stories of Thinkers Such as Isaac Newton and René Descartes, you will discover topics such asScience: A Definition and Brief PrehistoryThe Early Western SciencesParacelsusNicolaus CopernicusLuigi AnguillaraAndreas VesaliusIgnazio DantiTycho and Sophia BrahePaul WittichSethus CalvisiusJoseph GoedenhuyzeGiordano BrunoConrad GessnerJohannes KeplerDaniel SennertGalileo GalileiWilliam HarveyRené DescartesRobert BoyleAntonie van LeeuwenhoekIsaac NewtonRobert HookeMaria Sibylla MerianMaria Winckelmann-KirchWilliam and Caroline HerschelMary SomervilleAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Scientific Revolution, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Una guia fascinante de la abolicion de la esclavitud
    by Captivating History

    Explore cómo se liberaron los esclavos en la Revolución haitianaLa Revolución haitiana fue una rebelión de esclavos que comenzó en 1791 en la colonia francesa de Saint-Domingue, conocida ahora como Haití. En esta pequeña isla los tiranos fueron los dueños de esclavos, gente que no solo privaba de libertad a sus esclavos, sino que también pensaba que estaba justificado quitarles la vida. La Revolución haitiana empezó a cambiar la imagen de los esclavos en el mundo. Aunque costó otros 100 años erradicar la esclavitud en occidente, era imposible ignorar el paralelismo entre lo que los americanos y los franceses hicieron a los esclavos. La Revolución haitiana fue el primer y único caso en el que una rebelión de esclavos desembocó en la creación de un nuevo estado. Algunos de los temas incluidos en este libro son:La riqueza de Saint-DomingueEl principio del fin de la colonia francesaComienza la revoluciónLa revolución se extiendeCúmulo de eventos en EuropaLa abolición de la esclavitud y la respuesta británicaLa llegada al poder de Toussaint LouvertureLa derrota de Inglaterra y el respeto internacionalEl ascenso de Napoleón y su efecto inicial en Saint-DomingueEl fin de la revoluciónEfectos duraderos – Más allá de la islaHaití en la actualidadHaiti Today¡Y mucho más!¡Consiga su libro ahora para aprender sobre la Revolución haitiana!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Barbarians of Iranian Origins and How These Ancient Tribes Fought Against the Roman Empire, Goths, Huns, and Persians
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Sarmatians and Scythians, then keep reading...Masters of the horse, the Scythians and Sarmatians opened the Eurasian Steppe to nomadic civilizations like it had never seen before. For the first time, a group of tribes sharing a common culture called the Steppe their home, adapting themselves to its harshness. Born out of this environment, a very particular way to live was adopted and later spread to peoples of Central Asia—the pastoral nomadic lifestyle. It would be the bane of organized armies of great empires, as the excellent mobility granted by their superior horse-riding skills were no match compared to the slow, organized infantry.The tale of the Scythians and Sarmatians have lasted through history, and although they had not one written historical record of their own, their presence was registered by dozens of classical historians. More importantly, though, their precious burial tombs still retained some of the civilizational remains of this extraordinary group of peoples.In Sarmatians and Scythians: A Captivating Guide to the Barbarians of Iranian Origins and How These Ancient Tribes Fought Against the Roman Empire, Goths, Huns, and Persians, you will discover topics such asOrigins of the Scythians and SarmatiansArt, Culture, and ReligionEconomy and SocietyWarfare and ConquestEnd of the Scythians and SarmatiansAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Sarmatians and Scythians, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Una guia fascinante de Bizancio y como el Imperio romano del este fue gobernado por emperadores como Constantino el Grande y Justiniano
    by Captivating History

    Si usted quiere descubrir historias fascinantes de personas y eventos del Imperio bizantino, siga leyendo...El Imperio bizantino fue fundado durante el caótico siglo III. Era el momento en que las revueltas y las guerras civiles eran comunes, y los emperadores romanos tan solo duraban un año.A pesar de ser uno de los períodos históricos más impresionantes de todos los tiempos, el Imperio bizantino es uno menos conocido y es raro encontrar información sobre el tema. Pero eso está por cambiar. En este nuevo libro de historia fascinante, usted podrá...Explorar una historia de poder y gloria, anarquía y orden, paganismo y cristianismo, guerra y paz, Occidente y OrienteFamiliarizarse con las raíces de las grandes controversias que definieron la historia de Europa y la totalidad de la civilización occidental: el conflicto entre las iglesias católica y ortodoxa, y el que existe entre el cristianismo y el islamDescubrir historias de emperadores extraordinarios de los que nunca ha oído hablar y de la asombrosa valentía de héroes grecorromanos como Constantino Dragases, que resistió a los otomanos hasta el final, y Belisario, que luchó contra los persas para reconquistar lo que solía ser el Imperio OccidentalAprender más sobre toda la era llamada el Imperio bizantino más rápido que leyendo libros aburridos¡Obtenga este libro ahora para aprender más sobre el Imperio bizantino!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the American Indian Wars, Battle of Little Bighorn and Wounded Knee Massacre
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Indian Wars, then keep reading...Tree captivating manuscripts in one book: American Indian Wars: A Captivating Guide to a Series of Conflicts That Occurred in North America and How They Impacted Native American Tribes, Including Events Such as the Sand Creek Massacre The Battle of the Little Bighorn: A Captivating Guide to One of the Most Significant Actions of the Great Sioux War and How Custer's Last Stand Impacted the Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes The Wounded Knee Massacre: A Captivating Guide to the Battle of Wounded Knee and Its Impact on the Native Americans after the Final Clash between Federal Troops and the SiouxToday, the United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. Comprised of fifty states, this huge nation is filled with diverse topography, as well as a variety of flora and fauna. Not only that, but the USA is also home to a huge population with diverse ethnic backgrounds, including Hispanic, African American, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Polish, and many more.A vast number of the white population are the descendants of the European colonists and settlers who ultimately conquered the land, dominating the Native Americans who were the original inhabitants of the land.This was very similar to the way the British conquered the Indian subcontinent, except for the fact the British conquerors didn't make the Indian subcontinent their permanent home while the early American colonists shed sweat and blood to make the untamed American wilderness their new homeland.But, in order to do so, the Americans waged wars against the Native Americans who had roamed the lands for thousands of years, driving them away from their homes in a brutal and horrific manner. Part of the blame lay on the Native Americans as well since their retaliation on the newcomers trespassing their lands were often brutal and horrific.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include: The Foreign Colonization of America The American-Indian Wars During the Colonial Period (1609-1774) Beginning of the American Indian Wars in the East of the Mississippi: The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) American-Indian Wars East of the Mississippi after the American Revolutionary War Part 1: The Northwest Indian War American-Indian Wars East of the Mississippi after the American Revolutionary War Part 2: The Cherokee-American Wars American Indian Wars in the West of the Mississippi Conflicts Part 1: Tecumseh, the Creek War, the War of 1812, and Other Conflicts American Indian Wars in the West of the Mississippi Conflicts Part 2: Wars in the Pacific Northwest, Southwest, California, the Great Basin, and the Great Plains And much, much more! Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include: The Great Sioux War George Custer, Sitting Bull, and Crazy Horse The Battle of the Little Bighorn Underlying Factors of Custer's Loss in the Battle of the Little Bighorn And much, much more! Some of the topics covered in part 3 of this book include: A Short Introduction of the Lakota Tribe and the Ghost Dance Movement And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Indian Wars, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to Armenian History, Starting from Ancient Armenia to Its Declaration of Sovereignty from the Soviet Union
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Armenia, then keep reading...The tale of Armenia has its beginnings as a glorious ancient kingdom, one that commanded the respect of nations as mighty as Egypt and Babylonia. As its history takes a turn for the darker, each chapter reads like a roll call of the most famous of figures: Antony and Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Frederick Barbarossa. Armenia saw ancient Rome rise to power; it knew Egyptian pharaohs, the Golden Horde, the Soviet Union, and saw the first invasion of the first Muslim army. For a long and ugly part of its history, Armenia struggled under the yokes of one empire after another: the Roman, Parthian, Persian, Byzantine, Timurid, Mongolian, and Ottoman Empires, to name just a few.Yet through it all, Armenia, time and time again, emerged as a nation with a powerful identity, one that caused much grief over the years, but one that still remains a pillar of strength to its people in good times and in bad. There is much sorrow held within these pages; much oppression, much persecution, and even the most terrible evil of them all-genocide. The reading is made easy by one single gleaming light, a golden thread running through every word and chapter, and that light is the Armenian people themselves.Their story is tragic, but their survival is incredible. And that is what makes their tale so inspiring.In History of Armenia: A Captivating Guide to Armenian History, Starting from Ancient Armenia to Its Declaration of Sovereignty from the Soviet Union, you will discover topics such as The Home of Eden The Rise and Fall of Urartu A Conquered Armenia An Empire in its Own Right Caught in the Crossfire Illumination Immortals and War Elephants An Armenian Emperor Crusader State Conquered The First Deportation Genocide Freedom at Last A Study in Velvet And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the History of Armenia, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the War Between the United States of America and Spain along with The Philippine-American War that Followed
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Spanish-American War, then keep reading...Two captivating manuscripts in one book: The Spanish-American War: A Captivating Guide to the Armed Conflict Between the United States of America and Spain That Took Place after the U.S. Intervened in the Cuban War of Independence The Philippine-American War: A Captivating Guide to the Philippine Insurrection That Started When the United States of America Claimed Possession of the Philippines after the Spanish-American WarThe Spanish-American War really only lasted about ten weeks (the buildup and decision to go to war took longer than the war itself), but a peace treaty was not signed until December of 1898.This was an event that was the tipping point for the end of the Spanish Empire and the rise of the US as a formidable player on the world stage. Not all Americans were happy with the change, with famous Americans like Mark Twain speaking out about the US occupation of the lands that it was meant to save. This breach was seen as being as antithetical to American ideals as bowing to the English crown would have been seen during the American Revolution. Still, the isolationist's view of the country was no longer popular, and more Americans wished to play a larger part in the world. The ideology of the country was not entirely different than it had been, but it was moving more toward the superpower it eventually became by the end of World War II. America had finally taken strides to match the might and power of the other Western countries, and it was increasingly more difficult to ignore the events around the world once they had lands to protect so far from the mainland.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include: Spain's Waning Influence America - A Country Itching to Break out of Isolationism Building Tensions America's Sensationalized Sympathy with Cuba Remember the Maine! - An Excuse for War A Brief War with Huge Implications Rough Riders - The Beginning of the Legend of Theodore Roosevelt How the Smoked Yankees Ensured Roosevelt's Success The Price of Peace The Anti-Imperialist League The Foraker Act of 1900 and New Territories The Tense Relationship between Cuba and the US Half-Way around the World - The Philippine-American Relationship A Changed World And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include: A Quick Overview The World After Rome Ending a Dynasty - Pepin, Charles, and Carloman The Conquests of Charles In the Name of Religion Pope Leo III and the Founding of an Empire The Carolingian Renaissance - The Empire under Charlemagne The Rule of Louis the Pious Familial Strife and the Decay of the Empire The Division Effectively Ending the Empire Echoes of the Roman Empire - How Outside Forces Picked Apart the Carolingian Empire Lasting Effects and Hope of Reunification And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of the Spanish-American War and Philippine-American War, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Age of Reason, Including the Lives of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Mary Somerville
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Age of Enlightenment, then keep reading...The life of an eminent scientist during the Scientific Revolution and the ensuing Enlightenment was not easy. Ambitious people were killed in the name of the Catholic Church for their scientific and philosophical works, which were often viewed as heretical. As time went on, however, and the truths of scientific research and exploration showed themselves time and time again, the collective perspective of the population began to shift away from religious dogma toward the logical scientific method.The Enlightenment gained traction in the 17th century, and more emphasis was given to scientific techniques in the schools, as well as to the separation of religious and scientific data. Religious philosophies also became less rooted in the exact words of the Catholic Church, as papal authority gave way in many European countries to splinter groups of Christianity, such as the Calvinists, Lutherans, and other types of Protestants.Major figures of the Enlightenment period include Voltaire, Isaac Newton, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant, and Thomas Jefferson. These and many other great thinkers of the era influenced mass social upheaval in pursuit of equality and human rights, and many historians consider the culmination of these efforts to have been the French Revolution of 1789.In Age of Enlightenment: A Captivating Guide to the Age of Reason, Including the Lives of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Mary Somerville, you will discover topics such as The Republic of Letters Michel de Montaigne Francis Bacon Marie de Gournay René Descartes Bathsua Makin Anna Maria Van Schurman Dorothy Moore Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia Robert Boyle John Locke Isaac Newton England's Civil War The Royal Society of London Marie du Moulin Conflict in the Royal Society Charles-Louis de Secondat (Montesquieu) Benjamin Franklin David Hume Adam Smith The Boston Tea Party Thomas Paine The American Revolution François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) Mary Sommerville And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Age of Enlightenment, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Battle of Wounded Knee and Its Impact on the Native Americans after the Final Clash between Federal Troops and the Sioux
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Wounded Knee Massacre, then keep reading...The Wounded Knee Massacre is often glossed over in textbooks, talking about the event in a generalized manner. But such a generalized representation undermines the real impact and significance of the events that happened on that fateful day, making it one of the most tragic events in Native American history.To establish the facts of what occurred, most of the details taken into account in this book while analyzing and discussing the events of the Wounded Knee Massacre are taken from the records of the American participants of the war, as well as from military records of the investigation into what happened and the subsequent trial of one of the participants of the massacre. In this book, we aim to provide the reader with a more in-depth look at the factors and major players that played a role in the Wounded Knee Massacre, as well as the significance of its aftermath.In The Wounded Knee Massacre: A Captivating Guide to the Battle of Wounded Knee and Its Impact on the Native Americans after the Final Clash between Federal Troops and the Sioux, you will discover topics such as A Short Introduction of the Lakota Tribe and the Ghost Dance Movement A Brief Overview of the Relationship between the US Government and the Native American Population of America A Brief Overview of the Key Players of the Wounded Knee Massacre Prelude to the Wounded Knee Massacre The Wounded Knee Massacre and the Truth behind the Events The Military Investigation of the Wounded Knee Massacre and the Medal of Honor Debacle And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Wounded Knee Massacre, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Armed Conflict Between the United States of America and Spain That Took Place after the U.S. Intervened in the Cuban War of Independence
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Spanish-American War, then keep reading...The Spanish-American War really only lasted about ten weeks (the buildup and decision to go to war took longer than the war itself), but a peace treaty was not signed until December of 1898.This was an event that was the tipping point for the end of the Spanish Empire and the rise of the US as a formidable player on the world stage. Not all Americans were happy with the change, with famous Americans like Mark Twain speaking out about the US occupation of the lands that it was meant to save. This breach was seen as being as antithetical to American ideals as bowing to the English crown would have been seen during the American Revolution. Still, the isolationist's view of the country was no longer popular, and more Americans wished to play a larger part in the world. The ideology of the country was not entirely different than it had been, but it was moving more toward the superpower it eventually became by the end of World War II. America had finally taken strides to match the might and power of the other Western countries, and it was increasingly more difficult to ignore the events around the world once they had lands to protect so far from the mainland.In The Spanish-American War: A Captivating Guide to the Armed Conflict Between the United States of America and Spain That Took Place after the U.S. Intervened in the Cuban War of Independence, you will discover topics such as Spain's Waning Influence America - A Country Itching to Break out of Isolationism Building Tensions America's Sensationalized Sympathy with Cuba Remember the Maine! - An Excuse for War A Brief War with Huge Implications Rough Riders - The Beginning of the Legend of Theodore Roosevelt How the Smoked Yankees Ensured Roosevelt's Success The Price of Peace The Anti-Imperialist League The Foraker Act of 1900 and New Territories The Tense Relationship between Cuba and the US Half-Way around the World - The Philippine-American Relationship A Changed World And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Spanish-American War, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Emergence of Modern Science During the Early Modern Period and the Life of Galileo Galilei
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Scientific Revolution, then keep reading...Two captivating manuscripts in one book: The Scientific Revolution: A Captivating Guide to the Emergence of Modern Science During the Early Modern Period, Including Stories of Thinkers Such as Isaac Newton and René Descartes Galileo Galilei: A Captivating Guide to an Italian Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer and His Impact on the History of ScienceAncient cultures have been looking up at the stars for thousands of years, wondering about their place in the universe. What were those glowing spots in the black cover of night? Just how far away was the moon? These and other questions hounded humanity through the millennia until, finally, relative economic stability allowed for a number of people to examine their world more closely. Slowly, knowledge and understanding accumulated generation by generation until the conditions were ideal enough for a revolution to occur in thinking, experimentation, worldview, and natural philosophy.It was the Scientific Revolution, the time period when Western theologians had more and better tools to measure and make sense of the things around them. With careful measurements, precise data collection, and an unwavering sense of curiosity, humankind stepped into the future. The truly magnificent feature of this time period, besides, of course, the scientific discoveries themselves, was the kinship between philosophers, scientists, and experimental hobbyists throughout Europe. Hundreds, if not thousands, of letters between great intellectuals such as Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Robert Hooke, and Tycho Brahe have been preserved, demonstrating how these men (and a few women) worked in cooperation with one another in order to better their own research.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include: Science: A Definition and Brief Prehistory The Early Western Sciences Paracelsus Nicolaus Copernicus Luigi Anguillara Andreas Vesalius Ignazio Danti Tycho and Sophia Brahe Paul Wittich Sethus Calvisius Joseph Goedenhuyze Giordano Bruno Conrad Gessner Johannes Kepler Daniel Sennert Galileo Galilei William Harvey René Descartes Robert Boyle Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Isaac Newton Robert Hooke Maria Sibylla Merian Maria Winckelmann-Kirch William and Caroline Herschel Mary Somerville And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include: A Stargazer Is Born Galileo Studies with Florentine Monks The University of Pisa Galileo Calculates the Location of Hell Professor at the University of Pisa University of Padua The Catholic Inquisition Kepler's Star Galileo and Johannes Kepler The Starry Messenger Galileo Meets Pope Paul V The Inquisition Visits Again Discourse on the Tides A Meeting with Pope Urban VIII The Assayer Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Trial and Imprisonment Final Work and Death And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Scientific Revolution and Galileo Galilei, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to an Italian Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer and His Impact on the History of Science
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating life of Galileo Galilei, then keep reading...Galileo Galilei's contributions to modern science were so fundamental to a variety of fields that even though he died almost 400 years ago, his name retains international acclaim. This 17th-century natural philosopher is often credited with the invention of the telescope thanks to his many discoveries using that specific instrument, and though he was not, in fact, its inventor, the myth still persists. Indeed, Galileo was responsible for a series of upgrades to astronomy's brand-new tool during the early part of the 1600s, and it was largely his innovative techniques that changed a somewhat mediocre magnifying glass into a revolutionary device.He was also the first to use his powerful telescope to look at the Moon, planets, and stars and discover just how much there truly was out there beyond the realm of ocean, land, and clouds. His observations of the solar system were the first of their kind, and they helped cement a theory that had been appearing and disappearing from European philosophy for centuries: that the Earth was not the center of the universe.Galileo published his theories regardless of the danger and struggled to deal with the repercussions of doing so. His amazing career was characterized by a tenuous balance between publishing the truth of his discoveries and maintaining good relationships with the people in power. Like so many other great people of that age, Galileo was born not far from Florence, Italy, making him a product of the continent's foremost trendsetter during the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution.In Galileo Galilei: A Captivating Guide to an Italian Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer and His Impact on the History of Science, you will discover topics such as A Stargazer Is Born Galileo Studies with Florentine Monks The University of Pisa Galileo Calculates the Location of Hell Professor at the University of Pisa University of Padua The Catholic Inquisition Kepler's Star Galileo and Johannes Kepler The Starry Messenger Galileo Meets Pope Paul V The Inquisition Visits Again Discourse on the Tides A Meeting with Pope Urban VIII The Assayer Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Trial and Imprisonment Final Work and Death And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Galileo Galilei, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to a Series of Conflicts That Occurred in North America and How They Impacted Native American Tribes, Including Events Such as the Sand Creek Massacre
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the American Indian Wars, then keep reading...Today, the United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. Comprised of fifty states, this huge nation is filled with diverse topography, as well as a variety of flora and fauna. Not only that, but the USA is also home to a huge population with diverse ethnic backgrounds, including Hispanic, African American, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Polish, and many more.A vast number of the white population are the descendants of the European colonists and settlers who ultimately conquered the land, dominating the Native Americans who were the original inhabitants of the land.This was very similar to the way the British conquered the Indian subcontinent, except for the fact the British conquerors didn't make the Indian subcontinent their permanent home while the early American colonists shed sweat and blood to make the untamed American wilderness their new homeland.But, in order to do so, the Americans waged wars against the Native Americans who had roamed the lands for thousands of years, driving them away from their homes in a brutal and horrific manner. Part of the blame lay on the Native Americans as well since their retaliation on the newcomers trespassing their lands were often brutal and horrific.In American Indian Wars: A Captivating Guide to a Series of Conflicts That Occurred in North America and How They Impacted Native American Tribes, Including Events Such as the Sand Creek Massacre, you will discover topics such as The Foreign Colonization of America The American-Indian Wars During the Colonial Period (1609-1774) Beginning of the American Indian Wars in the East of the Mississippi: The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) American-Indian Wars East of the Mississippi after the American Revolutionary War Part 1: The Northwest Indian War American-Indian Wars East of the Mississippi after the American Revolutionary War Part 2: The Cherokee-American Wars American Indian Wars in the West of the Mississippi Conflicts Part 1: Tecumseh, the Creek War, the War of 1812, and Other Conflicts American Indian Wars in the West of the Mississippi Conflicts Part 2: Wars in the Pacific Northwest, Southwest, California, the Great Basin, and the Great Plains And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the American Indian Wars, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Una guia fascinante de un periodo de la historia de Europa con eventos como la guerra de los Treinta Anos y la caza de las brujas de Salem
    by Captivating History

    Explore la fascinante historia de la temprana Europa ModernaEl principio de la Edad Moderna europea fue un tiempo de confusión, agitación, sospecha, esperanza, desesperación e ideas nuevas. Fue un momento en el que se produjeron grandes cambios durante apenas unos pocos siglos formando un mundo completamente diferente al periodo anterior.Este libro incluye información detallada de la transición entre la Edad Media a la temprana Edad Moderna, donde Europa sufrió cambios importantes a lo largo de todo el continente. Se considera al periodo entre la guerra de los Treinta Años y el siglo XIX como una transición entre la temprana y la actual era moderna. La inquietud que comenzó al final de la Edad Media explotó tras la guerra de los Treinta Años, y supuso el cambio a muchos de los razonamientos aceptados hoy en día.En La temprana Europa Moderna: una guía fascinante de un periodo de la historia de Europa con eventos como la guerra de los Treinta Años y la caza de las brujas de Salem, descubrirá temas como: El mundo anterior a la Edad Moderna La dinámica del poder europeo La era de los descubrimientos geográficos Piratería legal - El gobierno de alta mar Corrupción y revueltas religiosas La Inquisición La Reforma protestante La guerra de los Treinta Años Cazas de brujas, incluido el infame juicio de las brujas de Salem El Renacimiento italiano Johannes Gutenberg: un invento que cambió el mundo La lenta transición a la actualidad ¡Y mucho, mucho más!¡Consiga este libro ahora para aprender más sobre la temprana Europa Moderna!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Celts, Vandals, Gallic Wars, Sarmatians and Scythians, Goths, Attila the Hun, and Anglo-Saxons
    by Captivating History

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Mongol Invasions and Conquests along with the Life of Genghis Khan
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Mongol Invasions, then keep reading...Two captivating manuscripts in one book: The Mongol Conquests: A Captivating Guide to the Invasions and Conquests Initiated by Genghis Khan That Created the Vast Mongol Empire Genghis Khan: A Captivating Guide to the Founder of the Mongol Empire and His Conquests Which Resulted in the Largest Contiguous Empire in HistoryThe Mongols were known to be both merciful as well as tolerant. Moreover, their conquests weren't aimed against civilized life; in fact, they helped connect numerous cultures and facilitated the spread of ideas and knowledge across the continent. Of course, the Mongols themselves were not uncultured brutes, as they had their own civilization, society, and traditions. With all that being said, this does not mean they were innocent for all the destruction they caused. Instead, it is implied that the Mongols weren't like fire, causing annihilation wherever they passed. They were more like water, capable of causing floods and carving mountains while at the same time creating fertile soil and giving life.Like many other topics in history, the Mongol story has more than one side, and this book will try to present as many as possible. It will explore both the bloody history of Genghis Khan and his conquests while showing that he and his fellow Mongols were capable of much more than that. Diving deep inside their culture and society, we'll cast off their barbaric image. They will be exposed for what they actually were, mere humans like any other on this Earth. Hopefully, by the end of this guide of the Mongol conquests, you will get a better understanding of not only the history of the Mongols but of all of humankind as well.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include: Origin of the Mongols Rise of Genghis Khan and the Unification of the Steppes The Mongol Conquest of the East Genghis Khan's Revenge Death and Succession of the Great Khan From Unity to Division - Genghis' Heirs The Last of the Great Khans The Mongol War Machine Mongol State, Society, and Culture And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include: The Mongolian Steppe Temüjin Becoming Genghis Khan Building the Mongol Empire Life in Genghis Khan's Empire Military Genius Innovation Death and Succession The Mongol Empire After Genghis Khan Pax Mongolica The End of an Empire And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Mongol Conquests and Genghis Khan, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to One of the Most Significant Actions of the Great Sioux War and How Custer's Last Stand Impacted the Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Battle of the Little Bighorn, then keep reading...The Battle of the Little Bighorn, which is also commonly referred to by American historians as Custer's Last Stand, is one of the most iconic events during the Great Sioux War that occurred between 1875 and 1876. The war itself became widespread among other tribes within the surrounding regions of the Black Hills territory of present-day South Dakota after conflicts started between the U.S government and the local Lakota and Cheyenne tribes in 1854, which lasted all the way to 1890.Most textbooks and history buffs often romanticized Custer's Last Stand as a modern-day Battle of Thermopylae, often portraying it as the brave last stand of a seasoned warrior, for over half a century after the battle took place, but later archeological finds tend to suggest otherwise. In fact, there have been so many conflicting statements from both American and Native American participants that most of the details of the event are often unclear even to this day.Most of the confusion that remains are of critical nature, for instance, the exact manner in which the battle took place and the timing of the events. In this book, we aim to separate facts from fiction in regards to one of the most iconic battles during the American Indian Wars and provide the reader with a clear and fact-based interpretation of the events that took place prior to and during the Battle of the Little Bighorn, as well as its ensuing impact on both the Americans and the Native Americans.In The Battle of the Little Bighorn: A Captivating Guide to One of the Most Significant Actions of the Great Sioux War and How Custer's Last Stand Impacted the Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, you will discover topics such as The Great Sioux War George Custer, Sitting Bull, and Crazy Horse The Battle of the Little Bighorn Underlying Factors of Custer's Loss in the Battle of the Little Bighorn And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Battle of the Little Bighorn, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Invasions and Conquests Initiated by Genghis Khan That Created the Vast Mongol Empire
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Mongol Conquests, then keep reading...The Mongols were also known to be both merciful as well as tolerant. Moreover, their conquests weren't aimed against civilized life; in fact, they helped connect numerous cultures and facilitated the spread of ideas and knowledge across the continent. Of course, the Mongols themselves were not uncultured brutes, as they had their own civilization, society, and traditions. With all that being said, this does not mean they were innocent for all the destruction they caused. Instead, it is implied that the Mongols weren't like fire, causing annihilation wherever they passed. They were more like water, capable of causing floods and carving mountains while at the same time creating fertile soil and giving life.Like many other topics in history, the Mongol story has more than one side, and this book will try to present as many as possible. It will explore both the bloody history of Genghis Khan and his conquests while showing that he and his fellow Mongols were capable of much more than that. Diving deep inside their culture and society, we'll cast off their barbaric image. They will be exposed for what they actually were, mere humans like any other on this Earth. Hopefully, by the end of this guide of the Mongol conquests, you will get a better understanding of not only the history of the Mongols but of all of humankind as well.In The Mongol Conquests: A Captivating Guide to the Invasions and Conquests Initiated by Genghis Khan That Created the Vast Mongol Empire, you will discover topics such as Origin of the Mongols Rise of Genghis Khan and the Unification of the Steppes The Mongol Conquest of the East Genghis Khan's Revenge Death and Succession of the Great Khan From Unity to Division - Genghis' Heirs The Last of the Great Khans The Mongol War Machine Mongol State, Society, and Culture And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Mongol Conquests, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Founder of the Mongol Empire and His Conquests Which Resulted in the Largest Contiguous Empire in History
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating life of Genghis Khan, then keep reading...Around the year 1162, near the modern capital of Mongolia, a baby boy was born into a fractious and violent world. The birth of this child must have caused quite a stir among the members of the nomadic tribe that he had been born into; word soon traveled that the son of Yesügei, the Borjigin tribal leader, had been born clutching a blood clot in his tiny hand.Mongol folklore hailed this as a sign that the child would grow up to be a great leader of men, but perhaps history would interpret the baby's gruesome prize as a foreshadowing of the bloodshed that would accompany his life and his legacy.The story of Temüjin, and Genghis Khan as he would later be known, is a story about stories. We have few original sources to tell us about his life, and the sources we do have are often contradictory or untrustworthy, so historians have had to piece together the story of Genghis Khan and fill in the blanks.What you will discover in this book is a combination of historical fact, expert conjecture, and myths and legends, filtered through the changing eyes of history and retold through many generations. There are many things we simply do not know about the enigmatic figure of Genghis Khan. There are many things that we think we know that may ultimately prove to be untrue. What is important is the story. Just as the young Temüjin must have sat around a campfire to be regaled by stories of his ancestral wolf heritage, we now sit around this virtual campfire to share the story of Genghis Khan.In Genghis Khan: A Captivating Guide to the Founder of the Mongol Empire and His Conquests Which Resulted in the Largest Contiguous Empire in History, you will discover topics such as The Mongolian Steppe Temüjin Becoming Genghis Khan Building the Mongol Empire Life in Genghis Khan's Empire Military Genius Innovation Death and Succession The Mongol Empire After Genghis Khan Pax Mongolica The End of an Empire And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Genghis Khan, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Una Guia Fascinante sobre el Antiguo Egipto, la Antigua Grecia y la Antigua Roma
    by Captivating History

    3 manuscritos completos en 1 libro Antiguo Egipto: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Egipto, antiguas pirámides, templos, mitología egipcia y faraones como Tutankamón y Cleopatra Antigua Grecia: Una Fascinante Guía de La Historia Griega, empezando desde la Edad Media Griega hasta el Final de la Antigüedad Antigua Roma: Una Introducción Fascinante a la República Romana, el Ascenso y la Caída del Imperio Romano y el Imperio BizantinoLa primera parte de este libro incluye: ¿Quiénes eran los antiguos egipcios? Sus orígenes, historia y geografía ¿Quién tenía el poder?: La estructura social del antiguo Egipto Reyes y su poder militar Los magníficos faraones del nuevo reino y su imperio La decadencia y fin de la civilización egipcia Un romance, política y tragedia: la historia de Cleopatra VII La religión, la mitología y los rituales de los antiguos egipcios Creencias y rituales funerarios: momificación y vida futura La arquitectura del antiguo Egipto: templos y pirámides ¡Y mucho más!segunda parte de este libro, usted: El amanecer de la Edad Oscura De la Oscuridad a la Democracia Orígenes Olímpicos Grecia Crece de Guerra en Guerra La Lucha por la Democracia La Guerra del Peloponeso Entra Alejandro El Grande Grandes Mentes de la Antigua Grecia Roma Toma el Control Cleopatra y sus Consortes Los Viajes de Adriano Las incursiones Góticas en Grecia El Ascenso del Cristianismo El Fin de la Antigüedad ¡Y mucho más!Tercera parte de este libro, usted: Los siete reyes de las siete colinas: la fundación de Roma y sus primeros gobernantes La República Naciente Las guerras púnicas y la dominación mediterránea: la República Media Decadencia, corrupción y guerras civiles: Finales de la República Cayo Julio César, cruzando el Rubicón y la muerte que sacudió la ciudad El ascenso del primer emperador romano Principios del Imperio romano: Princeps Augustus y Dinastía Julio-Claudia La Dinastía Flavia La Dinastía Antonina Finales del Imperio El imperio de Constantino Dinastía Constantiniana Decadencia y caída del Imperio romano occidental El milenio bizantino ¡Y mucho, mucho más!¡Obtenga este libro ahora para aprender más sobre el Historia Antigua!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Massacre of the Armenians by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Armenian Genocide, then keep reading...During 1915 to 1923, one and a half million Armenian people were deported and killed in the most appalling ways comprehensible. They were ripped from their homes (in a land where they had lived for longer than history can tell, a land so old that many speculate it was the site of the biblical Garden of Eden) and sent off on death marches across the blistering Syrian Desert. They were shot on the thresholds of the houses where they were raising their children. They were butchered with swords in gruesome ways in order to dishearten those left alive.They were starved in concentration camps, they were burned and drowned and beaten to death by the thousands, and then their corpses were stripped naked and left to rot in the open air. They were overdosed with morphine. They were injected with infected blood. They were cast overboard into the frigid Black Sea. They were gassed. They were raped. They were abducted and sold as slaves.In short, the Ottoman Empire under the Three Pashas made every possible attempt to exterminate the Armenian race with such fervor that their actions would inspire the creation of the very word that now defines the greatest crime that can be perpetrated against a civilization: genocide. Yet today, the Armenian Genocide is an event that has melted out of the collective consciousness. It is an event that has repercussions extending to the modern day and is an event that should never be forgotten.In The Armenian Genocide: A Captivating Guide to the Massacre of the Armenians by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire, you will discover topics such as The Armenian Problem The Ottoman Empire The First Massacres The Young Turk Revolution The World Goes to War Red Sunday Death March One Thousand Orphans The Black Sea Runs Red Stolen Children Justice Operation Nemesis Denial Fighting for Freedom And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Armenian Genocide, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

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