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Books published by De Gruyter

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  • by Degruyter

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  • - 3rd Century Bce - 8th Century Ce
    by Susanne Luther

    Travel and pilgrimage have become central research topics in recent years. Some archaeologists and historians have applied globalization theories to ancient intercultural connections. Classicists have rediscovered travel as a literary topic in Greek and Roman writing. Scholars of early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have been rethinking long-familiar pilgrimage practices in new interdisciplinary contexts. This volume contributes to this flourishing field of study in two ways. First, the focus of its contributions is on experiences of travel. Our main question is: How did travelers in the ancient world experience and make sense of their journeys, real or imaginary, and of the places they visited? Second, by treating Jewish, Christian, and Islamic experiences together, this volume develops a longue durée perspective on the ways in which travel experiences across these three traditions resembled each other. By focusing on "experiences of travel," we hope to foster interaction between the study of ancient travel in the humanities and that of broader human experience in the social sciences.

  • - Narrating the Past for the Present and Future
    by Kerstin Barndt

    In response to systemic racism and institutions' implications in histories of colonialism, nationalism, and exclusion, museum curators have embraced new ways of storytelling to face entangled memories and histories. Critical museum practices have consciously sought to unsettle established forms of representation, break with linear narratives of progress, and experiment with new modes of multivocal, multimedia, and subjective storytelling. The volume features analyses of narratives and narration in museums and heritage institutions today, as well as visions for future museum practices on a local, regional, national, transnational, and global scale. It is divided into three sections: Narrative Theory and Temporality, Ruptures and Repair, and Difficult Memories and Histories. Essays from a variety of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences examine museum practices in history, memorial, anthropological, and art museums across six continents. They develop narratological categories, reflect on immersive and virtual narratives, challenge colonial violence and hegemonic forms of representation, query the performance of heritage, parse exhibition design, and unearth techniques to express narratives of social justice.

  • - Poetologie und Werkpolitik
    by Katja Holweck

    Sasa Stanisic zählt zu den wichtigsten Stimmen der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. Kritik wie Publikum feiern den Autor gleichermaßen und die Liste seiner Auszeichnungen und Preise ist beeindruckend. Seine Texte haben Aufnahme in die Schulcurricula gefunden, Universitäten laden ihn zu Poetikdozenturen und auch die Literaturwissenschaft setzt sich mit seinem Werk auseinander: Erstmals wird seinem OEuvre ein Sammelband gewidmet, der neue Perspektiven auf Stanisics Texte und seine Autorpersona vorlegt. In den Fokus rücken bislang unerforschte Aspekte des Werks, wie u.a. Stanisics frühe Prosa, sein Schreiben im Netz, auktoriale Inszenierungspraktiken oder seine Arbeit am Kanon. Die Beiträge liefern so Impulse zu einer weiteren Differenzierung der Forschungsdiskussion um den Autor, seine Texten und seine Rolle im Literaturbetrieb und mögen damit nicht zuletzt dazu anregen, übergreifenden ästhetischen Tendenzen und Praktiken im literarischen Feld der Gegenwart nachzugehen. Mit einer umfangreichen Bibliografie der bisher vorliegenden Forschungsbeiträge zu Sasa Stanisic.

  • - Intersections of Text and Performance in Ancient Greek Drama
    by Stuart Douglas Olson

    Our knowledge of the ancient theatre is limited by the textual and iconographic character of the evidence available to us: we cannot watch or otherwise experience an Athenian tragedy or comedy. These essays, by a distinguished group of international scholars, bridge the gap between the surviving literary and iconographic evidence and the realities of performance on the ancient Greek stage. This ambitious goal is reached by means of a detailed examination of several case-studies: the construction of dramatic space in Sophocles' Antigone; the significance of the use of deictic pronouns in Sophocles' Trachiniae; the theatrical and religious dynamics of the appearance of divine figures on stage; the relationship between the victory celebrations at the end of Aristophanic comedies and their counterparts in the after-performance real world; the investigation of nude or semi-nude female characters in Aristophanes; the staging of Clouds and the opening scene of Acharnians; the meditation on the metapoetics of the use of props in 5th-century comedy; the relationship between performance context and text through a close reading of a number of Aristophanic fragments; the way the scholia vetera on Frogs imagine and use questions of staging practice; and the potential Aeschylean authorship of some of stage-direction traceable in Aeschylus' Eumenides and Diktoulkoi.

  • - Psychoanalysis and the Problem of Control
    by Luca M Possati

    What does humankind expect from AI? What kind of relationship between man and intelligent machine are we aiming for? Does an AI need to be able to recognize human unconscious dynamics to act for the "best" of humans-that "best" that not even humans can clearly define? Humanizing AI analyses AI and its numerous applications from a psychoanalytical point of view to answer these questions. This important, interdisciplinary contribution to the social sciences, as applied to AI, shows that reflecting on AI means reflecting on the human psyche and personality; therefore conceiving AI as a process of deconstruction and reconstruction of human identity. AI gives rise to processes of identification and de-identification that are not simply extensions of human identities-as post-humanist or trans-humanist approaches believe-but completely new forms of identification. Humanizing AI will benefit a broad audience: undergraduates, postgraduates and teachers in sociology, social theory, science and technology studies, cultural studies, philosophy, social psychology, and international relations. It will also appeal to programmers, software designers, students, and professionals in the sciences.

  • - Identité Ecclésiale Et Langage Paulinien de la Croix
    by Sébastien Dehorter

    L'objectif de cet ouvrage est de préciser la fonction et la signification du langage de la Croix en 1Corinthiens et 1-4 et Galates et de montrer que la modalité si abjecte de la mort de Jésus ne dit pas seulement quelque chose de la méprise totale dont le Christ a été l'objet mais qu'elle est également significative pour l'Église et son identité.L'argumentation se déploie en trois moments. Tout d'abord, un chapitre sur la perception antique de la crucifixion en regard du recours paulinien à cette terminologie est suivi d'une revue de la littérature consacrée à l'identité des premières Églises. La deuxième partie met en valeur la fonction ecclésiologique du langage de la Croix. Elle situe ce dernier à l'intérieur de l'argumentation globale déployée en 1Co 1-4 et Ga avant de ressaisir les découvertes dans les catégories de la théorie de la mémoire sociale. Enfin, pour préciser ce que la Croix dit aux Eglises, trois études textuelles exploitent les ressources de l'intertextualité scripturaire.La force de la démonstration tient à la pluralité et au croisement des méthodes utilisées. Le langage de la Croix apparaît comme la réponse que Paul présente à ses correspondants pour les aider à surmonter les crises de croissance qui les menacent.

  • - The Role of Images and Design in the Magical Practice of Late Antiquity
    by Jay Johnston

    A pioneering interdisciplinary study of the art, production and social functions of Late Antique ritual artefacts. Utilising case studies from the Graeco-Egyptian magical papyri and the Heidelberg archive it establishes new approaches, provides a holistic understanding of the multi-sensory aspects of ritual practice, and explores the transmission of knowledge traditions across faiths.

  • by Catherine Whittaker

    Watchfulness shapes many Chicanxs' and other People of Color's everyday lives in San Diego. Experiencing racist discrimination can lead to becoming vigilant, which frames their subjectivity. Focusing particularly on Chicanxs, we show how they seek to intervene against structural inequalities and threats in their lives, such as by re-claiming space, consciousness raising, participating in protests, and healing practices. We argue that contestations surrounding belonging create particularly watchful selves and that this is a significant aspect of borderland lifeworlds more broadly. The book advances the Anthropology of borders, coloniality, subjectivity, and race, as well as contributing to Chicano and Latino Studies, and Urban Studies. Pushing the boundaries of conventional approaches, this book is methodologically innovative by including team fieldwork, digital ethnography, and illustrative work by a local artist. It fills a gap in Security Studies by examining peer-to-peer vigilance beyond top-down surveillance and bottom-up "sousveillance," and expanding previous understandings of watchfulness as an ambivalent practice that can also express care and contribute to community building, as well as representing a "way of life."

  • by Beatrix Busse

    This book is a collection of the ICAME41 conference proceedings covering a range of topics in corpus linguistics. Busse et al. Explore contemporary trends and new directions in the field. Papers focusing on historical linguistics include Bohmann et al's study on the passive alternation in 19th and 20th century American English whilst Iyeiri and Fukunaga investigate negation in 19th century American missionary documents. Bohmann's emphasis is on the Contrastive usage profiling method to represent online discourse data. Empirical studies on discourse analysis include Brooks' analysis of how the UK press portrays obesity, Coats generating ASR transcripts to look at dialect data from YouTube, and Gonzalez-Cruz's pragmatic considerations of Anglicisms entering Canarian-Spanish digital headlines. Schneider use statistical models to look at language comprehension in an eye-tracking corpus.

  • - An Introduction
    by L W C Van Lit

    In pre-modern religions in the geographical context of Asia we encounter unique scripts, number systems, calendars, and naming conventions. These can make Western-built technologies - even tools specifically developed for digital humanities - an ill fit to our needs. The present volume explores this struggle and the limitations and potential opportunities of applying a digital humanities approach to pre-modern Asian religions. The authors cover Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism and Shintoism with chapters categorized according to their focus on: 1) temples, 2) manuscripts, 3) texts, and 4) social media. Thus, the volume guides readers through specific methodologies and practical examples while also providing a critical reflection on the state of the field, pushing the interface between digital humanities and pre-modern Asian religions into new territory.

  • - Gassendi, Il >De Rerum Natura
    by Enrico Piergiacomi

    Many scholars have studied the dialogue between the Epicurean tradition and Pierre Gassendi. However, no one so far has ever attempted to conduct a full analysis of the latter's specific reception of Lucretius. The book attempts to show that Gassendi was the first to discuss almost the whole De rerum natura, as part of an ambitious project. He sought to provide a Christianized version of Lucretius' theory or to develop an atomistic worldview "freed" from the many dangerous errors that were often imputed to atomism (impiety, debauchery, and irrationality). In particular, Gassendi developed a dialectical strategy that led him to recover a providential atomism, an Epicurean psychology that saves the immortality of the soul, and a Christian hedonism from the De rerum natura. The last goal was especially important. Gassendi here emerges as the culmination of a tradition of Christian philosophers, like Lorenzo Valla and Erasmus of Rotterdam, who have tried to merge Epicurean hedonism with the Christian religion. The volume could therefore attract both scholars of Antiquity and Renaissance/modern philosophy. It is also a rewarding reading for scholars of the reception of Latin poetry from a philosophical perspective.

  • by Christian Weise

    Der zehnte Band der Christian-Weise-Gesamtausgabe enthält zwei Stücke aus Weises frühen Jahren als Gymnasialprofessor in Weißenfels: Das Lustspiel Das dreyfache Glücke (1673) funktioniert als allegorisch verschlüsselte Darstellung der Entwicklung der Stadt Leipzig. Die Complimentir-Comoedie entstammt dem Lehrbuch Politischer Redner (1677). Beispielhaft für Weises praktische Didaktik, leitet das Stück dort zu gewandtem Sprechen und Auftreten an.

  • - Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity
    by Konstantin M Klein

    When Emperor Constantine triggered the rise of a Christian state, he opened a new chapter in the history of Constantinople and Jerusalem. In the centuries that followed, the two cities were formed and transformed into powerful symbols of Empire and Church. For the first time, this book investigates the increasingly dense and complex net of reciprocal dependencies between the imperial center and the navel of the Christian world. Imperial influence, initiatives by the Church, and projects of individuals turned Constantinople and Jerusalem into important realms of identification and spaces of representation. Distinguished international scholars investigate this fascinating development, focusing on aspects of art, ceremony, religion, ideology, and imperial rule. In enriching our understanding of the entangled history of Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity, City of Caesar, City of God illuminates the transition between Antiquity, Byzantium, and the Middle Ages.

  • by Jesús Bermejo Tirado

    This volume aims to present an updated portrait of the Roman countryside in Roman Spain by the comparison of different theoretical orientations and methodological strategies including the discussion of textual and iconographic sources and the analysis of the faunal remains. The archaeology of rural areas of the Roman world has traditionally been focused on the study of villae, both as an architectural model of Roman otium and as the central core of an economic system based on the extensive agricultural exploitation of latifundia. The assimilation of most rural settlements in provincial areas of the Roman Empire with the villa model implies the acceptance of specific ideas, such as the generalization of the slave mode of production, the rupture of the productive capacity of Late Iron Age communities, or the reduction in importance of free peasant labor in the Roman economy of most rural areas. However, in recent decades, as a consequence of the generalized extension of preventive or emergency archaeology and survey projects in most areas of the ancient territories of the Roman Empire, this traditional conception of the Roman countryside articulated around monumental villae is undergoing a thorough revision. New research projects are changing our current perception of the countryside of most parts of the Roman provincial world by assessing the importance of different types of rural settlements. In the last years, we have witnessed the publication of archaeological reports on the excavation of thousands of small rural sites, farms, farmsteads, enclosures, rural agglomerations of diverse nature, etc. One of the main consequences of all this research activity is a vigorous discussion of the paradigm of the slave mode of production as the basis of Roman rural economies in many provincial areas. A similar change in the paradigm is taking place, with some delay, in the archaeology of Roman Spain. After decades of preventive/emergency interventions there is a considerable quantity of unpublished data on this kind of rural settlements. However, unlike the cases of Roman Britain or Gallia Comata, no synthesis or national projects are undertaking the task of systematizing all these data. With the intention of addressing this current situation the present volume discusses the results and methodological strategies of different projects studying peasant settlements in several regions of Roman Spain.

  • - Invention, Use and Need in the 19th and 20th Centuries
    by Uri M Kupferschmidt

    In recent years we have become interested in the diffusion of "small" Western technologies in the countries of the Middle East during the 19th and 20th centuries, the era of Imperialism and first globalization. We postulated a contrast between "small" and "big" technologies. Under the latter category we may understand railway systems, electricity grids, telegraph networks, and steam navigation, imposed by foreign powers or installed by connected local entrepreneurs. But many "small" Western technologies, such as sewing machines, typewriters, pianos, eyeglasses, and similar consumer goods, which had been developed and manufactured in Europe and America, were wanted, and willingly acquired by the agency of individual users elsewhere. In a few cases, however, the inventions had to be adapted, or were overstepped, and even delayed. Some were adopted as social markers or status symbols only by elites who could afford them. Processes of adoption and diffusion therefore differed according to cultural settings, preferences, and needs. Social and cultural historians, and social scientists, not only of the Middle East, will find in this collection of essays a new approach to the impact of Western technological inventions on the Middle East.

  • - An Environmental History of the Laki Eruption of 1783 and Its Legacy
    by Katrin Kleemann

    In the summer of 1783, an unusual dry fog descended upon large parts of the northern hemisphere. The fog brought with it bloodred sunsets, a foul sulfuric odor, and a host of other peculiar weather events. Inspired by the Enlightenment, many naturalists attempted to find reasonable explanations for these occurrences. Between 8 June 1783 and 7 February 1784, a 27-kilometer-long fissure volcano erupted in the Icelandic highlands. It produced the largest volume of lava released by any volcanic eruption on planet Earth in the last millennium. In Iceland, the eruption led to the death of one-fifth of the population. The jetstream carried its volcanic gases further afield to Europe and beyond, where they settled as a fog, the origin of which puzzled naturalists and laypersons. "A Mist Connection" is an environmental history that documents the Laki eruption and its consequences for Iceland and the wider world. The book combines methods of historical disaster research, climate history, global history, history of science, and geology in an interdisciplinary approach. Icelandic flood lava eruptions of this scale have a statistical recurrence period of 200 to 500 years; it is crucial to understand their nature so that we can prepare for the next one. An eruption of this magnitude would surely be disastrous for our modern, globalized, and interconnected world.

  • - The Old Coptic Schmidt Papyrus and Curse of Artemisia in Context Among the Letters to Gods from Egypt
    by Edward O D Love

    Petitioning Osiris re-edits, re-analyses, and re-contextualises the "Old Coptic Schmidt Papyrus" and "Curse of Artemisia" - written petitions to different manifestations of Osiris - among the Letters to Gods in Demotic, Greek, and Old Coptic from Egypt. The textual traditions of the Letters to Gods, to the Dead, and Oracle Questions which evidence that ritual tradition of petitioning deities are contextualised among contemporary textual traditions, such as Letters and Petitions to Human Recipients, and Documents of Self-Dedication, and compared to later ritual traditions such as proactive and reactive curses without and with judicial features (so-called Prayers for Justice) in Greek and Coptic from Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean. As with all other Letters to Gods, the Old Coptic Schmidt Papyrus and Curse of Artemisia evidence not only the struggles and aspirations of their petitioners, but also the way in which they conceptualised that they could bring about desired outcomes in their lived experience by engaging divine agency through a reciprocal relationship of human-divine interaction. Petitioning Osiris therefore provides a starting point and springboard for readers interested in these, or comparable, textual and ritual traditions from the Ancient World.

  • - Metanarrative Reflections and Narrative Paradigms
    by Vasileios Liotsakis

    Plato's contribution to narratology has traditionally been traced in his tripartite categorisation of narrative modes we read of in the Republic. Although other aspects of storytelling are also addressed throughout the Platonic oeuvre, such passages are treated as instantaneous flares of metanarrative speculation on Plato's part and do not seem to contribute to the reconstruction of his 'theory of narrative'. Vasileios Liotsakis challenges this view and argues that the Statesman, the Timaeus/Critias and the Laws reveal that Plato had consolidated in his mind and compositionally put into effect one systematic mode in which to express his thoughts on narratives. In these dialogues Liotsakis recognizes the birth of a proto-narratology which differs in many respects from what we today expect from a narratological handbook, but still demonstrates two key-features of narratology: (a) a conscious focus on certain aspects of narrativity which are vastly discussed by narratologists and pertain to the structuring and reception of narratives; and (b) a schematised mode of interaction between metanarrative reflections and textual bodies which serve as the paradigms through which to explore the interpretive potential of these reflections.

  • - Le Liste Degli Autori Greci Esemplari Dall'antichità a Bisanzio
    by Guglielmo Cavallo

    Manoscritti di età bizantina tramandano liste di autori greci di eccellenza o canoni nei diversi generi letterari e scientifico-filosofici, ma ne è mancata una ricerca su natura, cronologia, origine, formazione, uso. Il volume Παραδείγματα, termine con cui i testi retorici designano i canoni, dà una nuova edizione critica di queste liste come base degli argomenti trattati. Una delle liste, ritenuta finora unitaria, risulta composta da due liste in origine indipendenti e diacroniche, poi congiunte in una sola: una più antica, risalente almeno in parte alla filologia alessandrina, e un'altra forse del V-VI secolo d. C. con aggiunte fino al IX, formatasi tra Alessandria e Costantinopoli. Una più tarda lista di canoni, riferibile al XIII-XIV secolo, si dimostra diversa dalle precedenti riflettendo istanze tutte bizantine in parte intrinseche all'ortodossia di Bisanzio poiché include Padri della Chiesa e teologi, in parte discese da svolte culturali dei secoli XI-XII, in parte ispirate alla Seconda Sofistica. Si sono quindi esaminati gruppi e autori di ciascuna lista richiamando di questi ultimi contesto geo-storico, attività, produzione e tradizione testuale, posto nell'erudizione seriore. Infine, si sono confrontate le liste con i canoni recepiti o riformulati da letterati ed eruditi bizantini. Il volume può riuscire utile a quanti si occupano di canoni letterari e scientifico-filosofici antichi, di storia dell'erudizione, dell'uso dei classici e dei Padri della Chiesa a Bisanzio.

  • - Akten Des Internationalen Schleiermacher-Kongresses 25.-29. Mai 2021
    by Christian Berner

    Der vorliegende Band vereinigt die Akten des internationalen Schleiermacher-Kongresses 2021 und nimmt den Philosophen, Theologen, Pädagogen und Übersetzer Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) als Kommunikationstheoretiker in den Blick. Ob als Universitätslehrer, Kanzelredner, als politischer Reformer, Publizist, Salongänger oder Briefeschreiber - Schleiermacher war selbst ein begnadeter Kommunikator und im Begriff der Kommunikation bündeln sich wie in einem Brennglas viele zentrale Aspekte seines Denkens. Seine Philosophie, Theologie und philologische Praxis zeichnen sich durch ihre emphatische Prozesshaftigkeit jenseits starrer Systeme aus. Sich in Sprache manifestierendes Wissen, moralisches Handeln, religiöses Erleben und der Entwurf gemeinschaftlicher Institutionen sind im beständigen Werden und nur im Austausch der miteinander streitenden, sich liebenden und hassenden, Ideen und Sinn entwerfenden und um Gemeinschaft und Individualität ringenden Menschen wirklich. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen Schleiermachers Werk ebenso wie seiner gesellschaftlichen, kirchlichen und philologischen Praxis vor dem Hintergrund ihrer ideengeschichtlichen Verflechtung nach und aktualisieren sein Denken in Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen Positionen der Gegenwart.

  • - Le livre de faiz d'armes et de chevallerie / Buoch von dem vechten und von der ritterschaft
    by Danielle Buschinger

    This volume unites not just the first editions of Christine's de Pizan military and warfare treatise (1410), but also its translation into High Alemannic. As a significant medieval witness to Christine's de Pizan reception in the German-speaking world, the translation - which was transmitted individually and was probably written in Bern in the second half of the fifteenth century - is the special focus of this volume.

  • by Johannes Frimmel

    Das Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (AGB) ist eine zentrale wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für die Buch- und Buchhandelsgeschichte. Das Publikationsprofil des AGB bilden Abhandlungen, Editionen und Berichte zu allen Themen der buchhistorischen Forschung im deutschsprachigen Bereich und darüber hinaus. Dazu gehören medien-, kultur-, sozial- und geistesgeschichtliche wie auch technikgeschichtliche Perspektiven.

  • - Tradition and Allusion in the Love Elegies and Beyond
    by Iris Brecke

    This book investigates the complex reception of Terence in Ovid and a number of allusions to the Terentian comedies in the love elegies and the exilic elegiac epistle Tristia 2. The genres of Latin love elegy and New Comedy are often seen as closely connected in research, and one leading view is that Latin love elegy to a large degree springs out of the comic genre. However, though both genres are strongly rooted in social practise and presents interpersonal relationships in a non-mythological, everyday setting, there are also major differences between them. Marriage, for instance, is the conventional goal for the young lover withing the comic genre, whereas the elegiac lover should avoid it. Taking into account both the similarities and the crucial differences between the comic genre and Latin love elegy, and key elegiac topoi such as seruitium amoris and militia amoris, this book demonstrates an intricate connection between Ovid and Terence, and a complex nexus of allusions that goes straight to the core of Ovid's elegiac authorship. Winner of the Trends in Classics Book Prize 2023

  • by Hartmut Zabel

    The updated edition of the second of three volumes on Medical Physics presents modern physical methods for medical diagnostics. It provides a solid background on imaging techniques that use non-ionizing probes (ultrasound, endoscopy including CLE and OCT, MRI) and imaging techniques that use ionizing radiation (X-ray radiography, CT, SPECT, PET). Radiation sources, interactions of radiation with matter and radiation protection for x-rays, -rays, protons and neutrons are presented. Some of these topics are also relevant to the therapeutic applications presented in Volume 3. NEW: highlighted boxes emphasize specifi c topics; math boxes explain more advanced mathematical issues; each chapter concludes with a summary of the key concepts, questions, a self-assessment of the acquired competence and exercises. The appendix provides answers to questions and solutions to exercises.

  • - Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography
    by Janja Soldo

    Letters are famously easy to recognise, notoriously hard to define. Both real and fictitious letters can look identical to the point that there are no formal criteria which can distinguish one from the other. This has long been a point of anxiety in scholarship which has considered the value of an ancient letter to be determined by its authenticity, necessitating a strict binary opposition of genuine as opposed to fake letters. This volume challenges this dichotomy directly. Rather than defining epistolary fiction as a literary genre in opposition to 'genuine' letters or reducing it down to fixed rhetorical features, it argues that fiction is an inherent and fluid property of letters which ancient writers recognised and exploited. This volume contributes to wider scholarship on ancient fiction by demonstrating through the multiplicity of genres, contexts, and time periods discussed how complex and multifaceted ancient awareness of fictionality was. As such, this volume shows that letters are uniquely well-placed to unsettle disciplinary boundaries of fact and fiction, authentic and spurious, and that this allows for a deeper understanding of how ancient writers conceptualised and manipulated the fictional potential of letters.

  • - Literatur in Wechselwirkung Mit Astronomie, Mikrobiologie, Relativitätstheorie Und Quantenphysik
    by Aura Heydenreich

    Der Band unternimmt eine theoretisch-methodologische Grundlegung der Beziehungen zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Er verbindet kultursemiotische, narratologische und wissenschaftsphilosophische Ansätze und erweitert die Bandbreite vorliegender Perspektiven zum Konnex 'Literatur und Wissenschaft' um einen neuen Zugang: den der zeichen- und erzähltheoretisch informierten und physiktheoretisch refl ektierten Interformation. Untersucht werden Texte von E.T.A. Hoffmann bis Durs Grünbein, von Johannes Kepler bis Albert Einstein.

  • by Jacopo Cavarzeran

    Questa edizione contiene il testo greco degli scholia (vetera e recentiora) e delle glosse all'Andromacha di Euripide con un apparato critico e un apparato di loci similes. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di migliorare l'edizione di Schwartz sia nella recensio che nella costituzione del testo. La recensio coinvolge tutti i testimoni esistenti degli scholia di questa tragedia, dall'antichità al Rinascimento, invece dei tre manoscritti collazionati da Schwartz. L'introduzione si articola in due capitoli: il primo esamina la tradizione manoscritta e il secondo indaga il rapporto tra gli scholia e l'interpretazione critica del testo euripideo nell'antichità. Il volume si conclude con l'edizione degli scholia tricliniani ad Andromacha dal Laur. plut. 32.2.


    Al-Fawāʾid al-sanīyah fī al-riḥlah al-Madanīyah wa al-Rūmīyah by Quṭb al-Dīn al-Nahrawālī (d. 990/1582) is a unique book in its content and history and has been long-awaited to be seen in an edited publication. The present edition is based on the manuscript in Velieddin Efendi's collection of Beyazit Umumi Kütüphanesi in Istanbul. This manuscript is the author's draft of which he was unable to make a fair copy for public readership. This has rendered the editor's task much more challenging, requiring him to consult a corpus of significant historical, geographical and literary sources to finalize the current edition. The book includes historical and literary material relating to some Hijaz events in the mid-tenth century/sixteenth century. It also relates the author's many voyages within the Hijaz region and his trip to the court of Suleiman the Magnificent as an envoy carrying a letter of complaint from the Sheriff of Mecca against the Ottoman governor of Medina, Delü Piri. For an-Nahrawālī, this book was so important that he used to take it with him on all his travels. He expressed deep sorrow when he lost it, and relief when it was recovered through the intervention of the sultan's son Beyazit. Although parts of his travel accounts have been published, this is the first time that the complete work of an-Nahrawālī has been made available to scholars and researchers.

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