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When high-magnitude meteorological hazards impact vulnerable human populations, disasters are the inevitable consequence. Through archaeological and historical evidence, this book investigates how these sudden and unpredictable events affected British medieval populations (AD 1000-1500). Medieval society understood disasters in a practical sense and took steps to minimise risk by constructing flood defences and reinforcing structures damaged by storms. At the same time, natural hazards were widely interpreted through a framework of religious and superstitious beliefs and a wide variety of measures were followed to secure protection against the dangers of the natural world. Disasters, therefore, were interpreted through a duality of understanding in which their occurrence could be the result of spiritual or superstitious triggers but practical solutions were a key component in mitigating their tangible impacts. In evaluating this duality, this book focuses on specific case studies and considers both their diverse historical contexts as well as their consequences for society against the backdrop of significant demographic and climatic change-as a result of the Black Death and the transition to the Little Ice Age.
The Qur'an and the Bible have been called "intertwined scriptures" due to the Qur'an's frequent invocation of biblical narratives and figures. But what is the history of Muslims' exegetical engagement with the biblical text? Through a comprehensive survey of more than 170 Qur'an commentaries, Samuel Ross traces the longitudinal history of the Bible in tafsῑr. Offering detailed case studies and rich in historical context, Ross's narrative culminates in the remarkable late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century biblical turn. Global in scope, this development has not only generated new Muslim views of the Bible but even new interpretations of the Qur'an itself. This monograph has been awarded the annual BRAIS - De Gruyter Prize in the Study of Islam and the Muslim World.
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie hier.
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie hier.
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The late antique and the early medieval periods witnessed the flourishing of bishops in the West as the main articulators of social life. This influential position exposed them to several threats, both political and religious. Researchers have generally addressed violence, rebellions or conflicts to study the dynamics related to secular powers during these periods. They haven't paid similar attention, however, to those analogous contexts that had bishops as protagonists. This book proposes an approach to bishops as threatened subjects in the late antique and early medieval West. In particular, the volume pursues three main goals. Firstly, it aims to identify the different types of threats that bishops had to deal with. Then it sets out to frame these situations of adversity in their own contexts. Finally, it will address the episcopal strategies deployed to deal with such contexts of adversity. In sum, we aim to underline the impact that these contexts had as a dynamiting factor of episcopal action. Thus the episcopal threats may become a useful approach to study the bishops' relationships with other agents of power, the motivations behind their actions and - last but not least - for understanding the episcopal rising power
Though the Heptateuchos is possibly the most organic attempt at poetic rewriting of the Old Testament, attributed to "Cyprian the Gaul" by R. Peiper, the latest editor of the text in CSEL 23 (1891), we do not have a comprehensive analysis of this poem yet that can provide a clear grasp of the poem's compositional logic, show which of its biblical model's content was used, and expound the context and purpose of its versification. It is apparent that in many respects the Heptateuchos is still profoundly unknown. For this reason the UR 4377 of Catholic Theology and Religious Sciences of the University of Strasbourg, notably its ERCAM ("Ãquipe de recherches sur le christianisme antique et médiéval"), with its statutory members and its associate members, is engaged in the publication of a new critical edition of each of the seven books of the anonymous poem of uncertain date, the Heptateuchos, also providing an exhaustive commentary. The essays collected in this volume represent a preliminary work for the upcoming edition and commentary planned by the members of UR 4377 in Strasbourg. Above all, they show how the anonymous author was interested in safeguarding the criterion of the narratio probabilis in the poem, through probable references to Judeo-Hellenistic literature and by refining the exegetical reading of the text with references to classical and Christian poetry.
The studies presented in this volume deal with numerous and often undervalued aspects of multilingualism in Ancient Europe and the Mediterranean. Primarily, but not exclusively, they explore the impact of the great transnational languages, Greek and Latin, on numerous indigenous languages: the latter mostly disappeared apart from a number of written texts, often not well comprehensible, but at the same time provided the dominant languages with loanwords, some of them destined to enduring success. Moreover, Greek and Latin were remarkably affected by their mutual contact, with the complication that Greek was notoriously far from monolithic, and in some areas its different dialects intermingled with each other and with the local languages. The case studies of this volume were conducted in the frame of a European HERA research on Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe, which covered a number of very diverse areas, with an emphasis on Sicily and Southern Italy, Illyria, Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace, Egypt and Asia Minor (also in medieval and modern times). This book makes indispensable reading for anyone with an interest in multilingualism and language contact in Ancient Europe.
Over the past roughly two decades, the interconnected concepts of reparation, restitution, and commemorative culture have gained renewed momentum - in academic discourse as much as in activist, artistic, and political contexts. This development insists on a critique of the material and systemic conditions of societies and global relations. In their 2018 report on the restitution of looted cultural artifacts, for example, Bénédicte Savoy and Felwine Sarr discuss restitutions in the light of a new ethics of relations. Individual acts of restitution, but also the processes of material and immaterial reparation that go with them, are viewed as mediators in the by definition irreparable legacy of colonialism and its present repercussions. A new ethics of relations might even go beyond anthropocentrism: The destruction of nature in the Anthropocene and the destruction of humanity that is colonialism both require a fundamental questioning of the premises of western modernity and a radically different relationship to the world. The present volume aims to examine different discourses and practices of reparation, bringing together perspectives from cultural studies, memory studies, post- or decolonial studies as well as literary studies. Chapters from these disciplines are complemented by contributions from the fields of philosophy, art, and literature in order to explore the multiple facets of reparation. With contributions by Kader Attia, Lucia della Fontana, Ibou Coulibaly Diop, Alexandre Gefen, Hannah Grimmer, hn. lyonga, Helena Janeczek, Markus Messling, Clément Ndé Fongang, Aurélia Kalisky, Fabiola Obame, Angelica Pesarini, Aurore Reck, Olivier Remaud, Patricia Oster-Stierle, Sahra Rausch, Igiaba Scego, Ibrahima Sene, Christiane Solte-Gresser, Jonas Tinius.
This collection of articles is an important milestone in the history of the study of time conceptions in Greek and Roman Antiquity. It spans from Homer to Neoplatonism. Conceptions of time are considered from different points of view and sources. Reflections on time were both central and various throughout the history of ancient philosophy. Time was a topic, but also material for poets, historians and doctors. Importantly, the contributions also explore implicit conceptions and how language influences our thought categories.
The issue of leadership is crucial to Polybius' desire to explain the rise of Rome over almost the entire known world and provide benefit and utility to readers who may have to assume positions of responsibility. This book focuses on descriptions of leadership behaviors in the Histories, aiming to identify regularly recurring patterns, motifs, and themes in the relevant passages, which could, precisely because of their persistence, heighten our sensitivity to the subtleties of Polybius' treatment of the subject. Given that the interest in leadership permeates Polybius' work and engages with his main thematic concerns, this study brings the reader face-to-face with questions of power and control, identity and nationality, the role of fortune, narrative strategies, thereby providing a basis for reading the Histories more generally. At the same time, a major concern throughout the book is with the ways Polybius' representation of leadership seems to have been influenced by literary depictions of the conquests of Alexander the Great. Polybius' interplay with his literary context and tradition deepens our understanding of what he is trying to accomplish in the narrative and how he is interacting with the expectations of his audiences.
Liquid multiphase processes represent a promising option for realizing novel, efficient, and sustainable production processes, as required for the transformation towards climate-neutral manufacturing processes. This volume presents the results obtained over twelve years in the DFG-funded collaborative project Transregio 63 "Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems". In an interdisciplinary approach to the design and operation of such processes, essential principles of Green Chemistry are realized, such as using long-chain olefins as model representatives of renewable raw materials, highly effi cient catalysts, and green solvents, linked with process optimization to improve energy and material efficiency. Experts from different fields addressed all steps of the development process, from the description of the reactions on the molecular level via thermodynamics and the design of efficient separation processes to the operation of entire miniplants for liquid multiphase production processes. Thus, the complete development chain from the first reaction-related investigations in the laboratory to the technological realization in miniplants with model-based control is demonstrated. Numerous methodological innovations are proposed and validated using several innovative phase systems (thermomorphic multiphase systems, microemulsion systems, Pickering emulsions) and homogeneously catalyzed reactions. Engineers and chemists from the chemical industry as well as advanced students and researchers will get valuable insights into the physico-chemical phenomena in chemical multiphase processes and benefit from recommendations concerning methods for the selection of phase systems and rapid model-based process development.
These lecture notes deal with the behavior of elastic bodies subject to small displacement gradients, namely their linearized elastic response. The framework for describing the nonlinear response of elastic bodies is first put into place and then the linearization is carried out to delineate the status of the linearized theory of elasticity. Easy reading for upper-division and first-year engineering students is provided by a balanced combination of mathematical rigor and physical understanding. This lecture note grew out of a course that the author regularly teaches to undergraduate mechanical engineering students.
Situated at the intersection between medical humanities, aging studies, autobiographical studies, disability studies and ethic studies, this book explores the fascination of centenarians' autobiographies for humanites research. It can be argued that the growing presence of centenarians' autobiographies on book markets across the globe may by rooted in the public's desire for positive images of aging, in contrast to the image of inevitable decay.
This volume examines new developments in the fields of premodern Jewish studies over the last thirty years. The essays in this volume, written by leading experts, are grouped into four overarching temporal areas: the First Temple, Second Temple, Rabbinic, and Medieval periods. These time periods are analyzed through four thematic methodological lenses: the social scientific (history and society), the textual (texts and literature), the material (art, architecture, and archaeology), and the philosophical (religion and thought). Some essays offer a comprehensive look at the state of the field, while others look at specific examples illustrative of their temporal and thematic areas of inquiry. The volume presents a snapshot of the state of the field, encompassing new perspectives, directions, and methodologies, as well as the questions that will animate the field as it develops further. It will be of interest to scholars and students in the field, as well as to educated readers looking to understand the changing face of Jewish studies as a discipline advancing human knowledge
Cet ouvrage explore les vastes questions de l'onirologie chinoise dans le domaine de la littérature de divertissement (genres des propos mineurs - xiaoshuo 小說 - et des notes au fil du pinceau - biji 筆記) des 17e et 18e siècles. Au cours de cette période des hauts Qing, les récits de rêve convoquent un imaginaire et des techniques narratives qui relèvent d'une tradition pluriséculaire de littérature onirique. En mettant en valeur le réemploi de certains motifs, l'étude révèle comment les auteurs des Qing réinventent une manière de conter les songes apparue tôt dans l'histoire littéraire chinoise. Toutefois, elle souligne également la façon dont ces auteurs s'affranchissent des considérations les plus courantes du genre - l'imaginaire de l'autre monde et l'interprétation oniromantique - pour se tourner vers des questions plus novatrices - à commencer par celles de la création littéraire elle-même, ainsi que de l'expression de la subjectivité. Le volume intéressera ainsi tout sinologue désireux de s'instruire au sujet des récits littéraires de rêve de la période impériale tardive, autant que toute personne souhaitant découvrir le continent onirique chinois.
Mario Vargas Llosa's intellectual transformations, from socialism to pragmatism, and liberalism, are reflected in his political and historical fiction. From Sartrean anti-authoritarianism in La ciudad y los perros to an increasingly liberal world view in Cinco esquinas, El héroe discreto, or Travesuras de la niña mala, this monograph documents the Peruvian Nobel Prize winner's philosophical and literary journey.
Spirit possession is more commonly associated with late Second Temple Jewish literature and the New Testament than it is with the Hebrew Bible. In Unfamiliar Selves in the Hebrew Bible, however, Reed Carlson argues that possession is also depicted in this earlier literature, though rarely according to the typical western paradigm. This new approach utilizes theoretical models developed by cultural anthropologists and ethnographers of contemporary possession-practicing communities in the global south and its diasporas. Carlson demonstrates how possession in the Bible is a corporate and cultivated practice that can function as social commentary and as a means to model the moral self.The author treats a variety of spirit phenomena in the Hebrew Bible, including spirit language in the Psalms and Job, spirit empowerment in Judges and Samuel, and communal possession in the prophets. Carlson also surveys apotropaic texts and spirit myths in early Jewish literature-including the Dead Sea Scrolls. In this volume, two recent scholarly trends in biblical studies converge: investigations into notions of evil and of the self. The result is a synthesizing project, useful to biblical scholars and those of early Judaism and Christianity alike.
Previous scholars have largely approached Wisdom and Torah in the Second Temple Period through a type of reception history, whereby the two concepts have been understood as signifiers of independent, earlier "biblical" streams of tradition that later came together in the Hellenistic and Roman eras, largely under the process of a so-called "torahization" of wisdom. Recent studies critiquing the nature of wisdom and wisdom literature as operative categories for understanding scribal cultures in early Judaism, as well as newer approaches to conceptualizing Torah and authorizing-compositional practices related to the Pentateuchal texts, however, have challenged the foundations on which the previous models of Wisdom and Torah rested. This volume, therefore, brings together several essays that aim to reexamine and rethink the ways we can describe the developments of texts categorized as "Wisdom" that proliferated during the Second Temple Period and whose contents point to an engagement with a "Torah" discourse. By asking anew the question of whether "Wisdom" was transformed by/into "Torah" during this period, this volume offers reformulations on the discursive space between Wisdom and Torah through analyzing new identifications, confluences, and transformations.
The alchemist Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Mūsā al-Anṣārī al-Andalusī, known as Ibn Arfaʿ Raʾs (fl. 6th/12th century) is the author of Shudhūr al-dhahab (The Splinters of Gold), one of the most famous poetry collections of Arabic alchemy, which has been the object of no less than thirteen commentaries. The numerous manuscripts of Shudhūr al-dhahab and its commentaries have been read and copied for more than 700 years in various parts of the Islamicate world, from Morocco to India. The very first commentary on Shudhūr al-dhahab was composed by the author Ibn Arfaʿ Raʾs himself. It was transmitted by his disciple Abū l-Qāsim Muḥammad b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Anṣārī under the title Kitāb Ḥall mushkilāt al-Shudhūr (The Unraveling of the Difficulties of 'The Splinters') and is extant in at least 31 manuscripts, of which 27 have been taken into account for this critical edition. This book provides the first edition of Kitāb Ḥall mushkilāt al-Shudhūr, along with an Arabic-English glossary of its alchemical terminology.
This volume sheds light on the social and cultural transformations that accompanied the Covid-19 crisis by looking at health and biopolitics from a philosophical and literary perspective. The biopolitical measures taken globally in response to the crisis have led to previously unheard-of restrictions in liberal societies, resulting in deep and potentially lasting transformations both in social structures and interpersonal relationships. Many researchers have addressed the Covid-19 crisis as a political or epidemiological challenge, but few have paid sufficient attention to the culturally specific reactions and cultural representations of the human beings at the centre of events. Literary analyses capture this human component and give insights into different reactions to, and protests against, the health-political measures addressing the crisis. This book puts the notion of biopolitics, first extensively theorised in the 1970s, to work in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and uses literary case studies as starting points for discussions of contemporary politics, media, and legal and surveillance regimes. It brings together eleven scholars from six countries with the shared aim of combining literary and philosophical expertise to create a better understanding of the changes in society and political attitudes induced by the ongoing pandemic.
The group volume distinguishes itself by its multidisciplinary, comparative approach and by the network of relationships it weaves between the various European languages and cultures. The study takes shape from its different viewpoints and in its diverse contexts, to chart a detailed historical-conceptual map of the basic role theater played in forging the modern European consciousness. The thematic core of 'theatermania' lay in the authentic theatrical passion that manifested itself in different ways from one country to another throughout the 18th century. While the aesthetic, social and political value of theater took a variety of forms, its central feature was the privileged place it gave to collective and individual social revolutions, phenomena that could be defined as upheavals of the collective imagination, which found in theater a source of nourishment, mediation or control. The volume offers not just a series of historical-theatrical studies, but a view of history that foregrounds the passions that were regularly sparked by theater. It adds an essential feature to the profile of the century that redefined the role and importance of theater, and that led to its full re-evaluation in the Romantic age.
What is there to see in invisible artworks, empty books, or blank screens? How do formal absences generate meaning? Constructing an argument by way of montage, this book is an annotated inventory of textual, visual, and conceptual figures of absence. Spanning different media, it reveals a creative tradition that uses absence not as a negative aesthetic category, but as a productive state of radical indeterminacy with its own politics and poetics. Although post-structuralism highlighted the importance of what is offstage, lost, forgotten, hidden or discarded, silent or silenced, the poetics and politics of absence (much like its ethics and aesthetics) have rarely been discussed across media and disciplines. This book proposes the concept of 'radical absence' to describe a certain tradition of resistance to ontology, predication, and representation, contesting their reliance on a metaphysics of presence. Apophatic speech, empty signifiers, and figural voids are some of the figures through which radical absence becomes apparent with unprecedented intensity in twentieth-century theory, literature, film, and the arts. Phantasmatic and outrageous, such figures play with creative strategies of dematerialization, irony, and other forms of discursive undoing. Therefore, absence becomes more than a simple theme; it reflects back on the medium and the meaning-making conditions under which it operates. Elusive and imprecise as an object of study, absence requires more subtle and flexible epistemological frameworks than have been available to date. This monograph proposes we think of it not only as a counter-concept for presence, but also - and perhaps more productively - as infinite spacing, deferral, fragmentation, and displacement.
The Qur'an with Cross-References provides for nearly every verse in the Qur'an a selection of other verses which shed light upon, clarify, or explain the verse you are reading. The Qur'an in its printed edition has not yet been cross-referenced, despite the fact that Qur'an commentators realized quite early on the central importance of tafsīr al-Qur'ān bi'l-Qur'ān (interpreting the Qur'an through the Qur'an itself). Even some modern Muslim exegetes claim to follow this method. However, the cross-references they provided are very limited. Perhaps, the most extensive treatment and pioneered work on tafsīr al-Qur'ān bi'l-Qur'ān is that composed by Rudi Paret entitled Der Koran: Kommentar und Konkordanz. Paret's work is certainly very rich, which includes - in addition to possible cross-references - interpretations of and alternate renderings for a given verse or passage. Furthermore, as the term "Konkordanz" may indicate, his Der Koran provides all identical or similar phraseology and usage in different places of the Qur'an, a model that will not be followed in this Qur'an cross-references project. Instead, The Qur'an with Cross-References is based on connection between words, phrases, themes, concepts, events, and characters. One word may occur several times in the Qur'an, but the cross references will be made only where there is connection in meaning between two or more verses or passages. In preparing this cross-references project, several models and methods used for the cross-references of the Bible are consulted. As is well-known, Bible cross-references have been a long-established tradition, while the Qur'an, at least in its printed edition, has not been cross-referenced. The Qur'an with Cross-References is the first of its kind. The field has needed something like this, because in the existing Qur'an there is nothing to indicate that certain passages can shed light upon, clarify, or explain other passages.
This volume is the result of a symposium organised in 2018 by Ãlodie Attia in Aix-en-Provence and offers a cross-sectional view of the production of typologically similar Latin, Greek and Hebrew Bibles during the course of the Middle Ages. It first explores the different ways in which complete Bibles, in one or more volumes from the same production (pandects), were produced in different places and at different times, with an emphasis on their structural complexity. Complete Bibles are rare in all the traditions considered but especially interesting given the technical challenges that their production posed for craftsmen. Partial Bibles represent a different way of transmitting the biblical text, whether they consist of a choice of parts of the Bible, assembled and reassembled in more or less original ways, or in the design of new types (such as the "Pentateuch-Megillot-Haftarot", produced in the Ashkenazi world before 1300). Bibles with commentaries are a very varied category, illustrated here by two examples: first, the pandects produced by Theodulf (+ 821), in which the marginal notes are akin to a critical apparatus; second, Hebrew manuscripts containing systematic exegetical commentaries in sophisticated layouts that also vary according to their areas of production. Finally, the presentation of new fragments of a very ancient scroll of Genesis and Exodus from the Cairo Genizah sheds new light on its insertion into the Masoretic tradition, and to document the existence of partial Bibles in the form of scrolls. This volume shows the value of a comparative approach to ancient Bibles and hopefully represents a further step towards a more comprehensive perception of a history of the Bible.
Ireland possesses an early and exceptionally rich medieval vernacular tradition in which memory plays a key role. What attitudes to remembering and forgetting are expressed in secular early Irish texts? How do the texts conceptualise the past and what does this conceptualisation tell us about the present and future? Who mediates and validates different versions of the past and how is future remembrance guaranteed? This study approaches such questions through close readings of individual texts. It centres on three major aspects of medieval Irish memory culture: places and landscapes, the provision of information about the past by miraculously old eye-witnesses, and the personal, social and cultural impact of forgetting. The discussions shed light on the relationship between memory and forgetting and explore the connections between the past, present and future. This shows the fascinating spatio-temporal identity constructions in medieval Ireland and links the Irish texts to the broader European world. The monograph makes this rich literary sources available to an interdisciplinary audience and is of interest to both a general medievalist audience and those working in Cultural Memory Studies.
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