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Books published by Deborah Quick

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  • by Mish Ancker Bush

  • by S Norman Gee

    غَالِبًا مَا يَتُمُّ فَهْمُ الوَاقِعِ وَالحَقِيْقَةِ بِأَنَّهُمَا يَنْقُلَانِ المَعْنَى نَفْسَهُ، وَلَكِنْ بِدِقَّةِ التَّعْرِيفِ لَيْسَ كَذَلِكْ! الوَاقِعُ مَوْجُوْدٌ، بَيِنَمَا الحَقِيْقَةُ مُثْبَتَةٌ. الوَاقِعُ لَهُ حَيِّزٌ وَوُجُوْدٌ! لِهَذَا، فَالوَاقِعُ مُسْتَقِلٌّ عَنْ مُؤَثِّراتِ المُحِيْطِ وَنَادِرًا مَا يَتَأثَّرُ بِالعَوَامِلِ الخَاِرجِةِ عَنْه. بيْنَمَا مَا يُسَمَّى حَقِيْقَةً هُوَ شَيْءٌ يَعْتَمِدُ عَلَى مُسَلَّمَاتٍ مَوْرُثَةٍ مُكْتَسَبَةٍ وَأخْرَى جَدِيْدةٍ مُكْتَشَفَةٍ، تَتَغَيِّرُ مَفَاهِيْمُهَا وِفْقًا لِإدْرَاكِ أو تَصَوُّرِ الشَّخْصِ المُرَاقِبِ، وَالقِيَمُ التِّي يُؤْمِنُ بِهَا... يَتُمُّ إثْبَاتُ الحَقِيْقَةِ أيْضًا بِنُقْطَةٍ أو نُقَاطٍ أَوْ نَظَرِيَّةٍ عِلْمِيَّةٍ ثَابِتَةٍ، وَمَرْجَعِيَّةٍ عَقْلَانِيَّةٍ صَادِقَةٍ، فِي حَقَبَةٍ زَمَنِيَّةٍ مُعَيَّنَةٍ يُدْرِكُهَا البَاحِثُ أَو المُرَاقِبُ! لِهَذَا السَّبَبِ، قَدْ تَخْتَلِفُ الحَقِيْقَةُ مِنْ شَخْصٍ لِآخَر وَمِنْ حَالَةٍ إلَى أُخْرَى! وَهَذَا مَا يَجْعَلُ الحَيَاةَ، حَيَاةً! وَلَمْ نَعْرِفُ حَقِيْقَةَ الحَيَاةِ إلَّا بِالمَوتِ! وَلِذَا قِيلَ (مَعْرِفَةُ الأَشْيَاءِ بِأَضْدَادِهَا). فَطَبِيعَةُ المَعْرِفَةِ تُحَتِّمُ عَلَى العَقْلِ القِيَامَ بِهَذِهِ المُقَابَلَةِ أَوِ المُقَارَنَةِ أَوِ المُمَاثَلَةِ أوْ المُوَازَنَةِ لِرَسْمِ الحُدُودِ الفَاصِلَةِ بَيْنَ الشَّيْءِ وَضِدِّهِ. فَحَتَّى تَعْرِفَ النُّورَ لاَبُدَّ أَنْ تَعْرِفَ الظَّلَامَ، وَلَا يُمْكِنُ اقْتِرَاحُ وَسِيلَةٍ أُخْرَى; لِأَنَّ النُّورَ إِمَّا أَنْ يَكُونَ هُوَ الظَّلَامَ، وَهَذَا مُسْتَحِيلٌ، وَإِمَّا أَنْ يَكُونَ النُّورُ هُوَ غَيْرَ الظَّلَامِ، وَفِي هَذِهِ الحَالَةِ إِمَّا أَنْ يَكُونَ مُبَايِنًا لَهُ بِالمُطْلَقِ، وَإِمَّا مُبَايِنًا لَهُ فِي بَعْضِ الوُجُوهِ. هَكَذَا يَحْصُرُ العِلْمُ وَالعَقْلُ كُلَّ الإِحْتِمَالَاتِ المُمْكِنَةِ لِأيِّ مُقَابَلَةٍ كَمَا ذَكَرْنَا آنِفًا. فَكُلَّمَا زَادَتِ المَعْرِفَةُ تَبْرُزُ إمْكَانِيَّةُ الوُصُولِ إلى الحَقَائِق. وَالإِنْسَانُ عِنْدَمَا يُفَكِّرُ فِي الأَشْيَاءِ يُفَكِّرُ ضِمْنَ هَذِهِ المَسَارَاتِ المُحَدَّدَةِ، وَهَذَا مَا نُسَمِّيهِ بِمَنْطِقِ الفِكْرِ، وَمَا لَيْسَ بِمَنْطِقٍ؛ لَا يَكُونُ فِكْرًا. فَلَو كَانتِ الحَقِيْقَةُ رَاكِدَةً صَلْدَةً، غَيْرَ مُتَطَوِّرَةٍ وَثَابِتَةً لَأصْبَحَ العَيْشُ مَمَ

  • by D W Patterson

    Remembered Earth Short Stories Volume 1: A CollectionUS Tugs: A Cislunar Short Story: Book 1 When robots become as smart as humans, will we be smart enough to help them?Jax is new on the job and alone in flight control at US Tugs when one of the orbiting spacecraft has trouble. And then another, and another. But no matter what Jax does, the only response he could get from the robots was, "Need help".He couldn't figure it out and he thought it would cost him his job.He didn't know it could lead to a national security crisis. Prototype: A Cislunar Short Story: Book 2 The next story in the volume, Prototype, finds James finally working in Earth orbit. It's where he always wanted to be and he thought the hard work of getting there was behind him. But when you are responsible for a hundred million dollar prototype, the hard work may just be ahead.A glitch, or something, had stopped the robotic inspection of the build site for the first fuel depot in space. James was alone, it was downtime for the build crew and his supervisor had gone to a meeting. James had been distracted when the spider-bot had its problem and now it wouldn't communicate. He was sure the bot was more important to the company than him and that he would be terminated and sent back to Earth if he couldn't get it going. But without a link he would have to go out there, and out there was not like being up here, with the station walls surrounding.What do you do when your only choice is between your dreams and a nightmare?The author's near-future universe and series, Remembered Earth: Cislunar Series, features adventure stories and the possiblities of the science and technology of the next one hundred years.Hard Science Fiction - Old School.

  • by Leslie E Porter

    This dreamy, meditative collection explores experiencing the natural world, the present moment, and memories with mindfulness, attention, and care. The poems are accompanied by whimsical illustrations and photographs.

  • by Donnie Tehonatake Fadden

    She never expected to be saved by a wild animal in NYC. Nor discover the partner she never knew she needed... Homicide Detective Sunny McGraw is determined to prove herself. Unable to shake the grief of her father's unsolved murder, the detective dedicates her life to his memory. Attacked on a routine jog, Sunny is sure she's going to die until a gorilla comes to her rescue...in New York City. Shape-shifter Camille Teeyeehogrow Smoke is hiding out after being falsely accused of murder. When he finds ways to help others, like rescuing a woman from assault, he uses his powers without hesitation. But the relentless detective not only discovers all of his secrets, but she revives his long-dead hope of walking back into his family's lives without paws. As Sunny leans on Camille's powers to solve a string of brutal murders, she can't resist trusting her new larger-than-life secret partner. And though she's struggling to discover the truth behind his murder charges, the deep pockets behind Camille's downfall are guilty of far more than his imprisonment. Can they solve the murders, shine light on Camille's dark past, and stay alive? West Side Predators is the action-packed first book in the Indigenous Shifter Superhero Series. If you like fiercely determined detectives, complex murder mysteries, dangerous showdowns, and going places you've never been, then you'll love Sunny McGraw's journey into the unknown.

  • by Rodney S Royal

    What A Day, What A Day!!!The story narrates a day in the life of a young boy, expressing joy and gratitude for various simple moments, from morning routines to school activities and playful encounters. The repetitive phrase " What a day, what a day!" highlights the child's enthusiasm and appreciation for the positive experiences throughout the day, ultimately concluding with a thankful bedtime prayer.A happy little boy lets the world know about his "AMAZING" day!!!

  • by V R Belmont

    This book is about breaking cycles. In "Escapegoat", Bree, a resilient scapegoat in her dysfunctional family, navigates a toxic home environment. Fueled by courage and determination, she embarks on a hero's journey of self-discovery, breaking free from the shackles of hate. The narrative explores themes of healing and transformative power of escaping narcissism in a religious household.

  • by Dixie Lastname Subject2change
    £27.49 - 36.49

  • by Denise Big D Haas

    The Bible has already supplied us with everything we need to live a godly life, but during the Tribulation. The Omega Generation is a handbook for navigating the Tribulation, compiling most of the Last Days Scriptures into one place.

  • by Chelsea Cristoffor

    You are a liar and a truth teller. Chelsea Cristoffor knows this, but do you? Love, Not Love: A Collection of Lies is an act of evisceration that startles with its "honesty" and "bravery." This collection of Chelsea's works haunts with its humor and teems with its transcendence. Through seemingly vulnerable prose and poetry, Chelsea walks you through the parts of her mind that she seeks to shake off like an itchy blanket. She brings light to her own hypocrisy so that you may do the same. Is it an act of love or destruction? Honesty or dishonesty? Are you ready to find out?

  • by Matthew Daddona

    Matthew Daddona's debut novel, The Longitude of Grief, follows Henry Manero and generations of dispirited loners as they navigate inherited trauma in a kaleidoscopic study of the familial bonds that entangle and entrance us all.

  • by Lexington Mowatt

    All Captain Alexander "Phoenix" Medjinn wanted to do was keep a low profile as the skipper of the merchant warship Blood Sky. Traveling in the company of his family and friends, he crisscrossed the post-Vapor Incursion world, fighting off pirates and helping those in need. That changed when he and his crew rescued a contingent of New American politicians from a terrorist known as the Patriot Knight. Instead of celebration and praise, Phoenix was met with threats and false accusations. After fleeing New America and fending off assassins, Captain Phoenix leads Blood Sky back to the Atlantic Ocean, only to discover a warrant is out for his arrest. Every nation across the world, including the neutral Shangri-La, has received the message: Captain Phoenix is to be detained and sent back to New America by any means necessary. The world's oceans suddenly become smaller as every pirate, bounty hunter, civilian, and soldier chases after Blood Sky. This leaves Captain Phoenix with only one choice, which could have disastrous consequences for him and his crew.

  • by Janese Henderson

    Many believers forfeit certain blessings, experience lack, endure unnecessary hardships and live defeated lives due to ignorance. Growing in the Faith is written for believers who want to develop intimacy with God, have a better understanding of the Word of God, have a rewarding faith experience and live a victorious life. Growing in the Faith will help you to live godly, access the promises of God, apply the Word of God to your life, be your best self and have meaningful relations with others. Included in each chapter are a prayer, declarations and scriptures. By faith, boldly pray the model prayers and make the declarations. There are also three prompts to help you reflect on what you have read. May God grant you the desires of your heart. May you flourish like the palm tree and continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • by Mohamed Karim

    The canvas of human history is richly colored by the songs of freedom. These melodies, emanating from the deepest wells of human struggle, are not mere musical notes strung together; they are profound expressions of the human spirit in its relentless quest for liberation. Freedom songs, transcending time and borders, have been instrumental in galvanizing movements, nurturing hope, and voicing dissent. However, their role and impact, while significant, invite a critical and multifaceted evaluation.At the heart of freedom songs lies their unifying power. In the throes of the American Civil Rights Movement, songs like "We Shall Overcome" did not just echo in marches and sit-ins; they resonated with the collective aspiration for equality and justice. Similarly, "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika" became a rallying cry against apartheid in South Africa. These songs united diverse individuals under a common cause, serving as a beacon of solidarity.Yet, the question arises: Do these songs merely reflect the zeitgeist of movements, or do they actively shape them? Critics argue that the impact of such songs is often romanticized. While they undeniably create a sense of camaraderie, their direct influence on political outcomes is harder to gauge. Historical scrutiny reveals that the success of liberation movements owes more to strategic planning and tangible actions than to lyrical inspiration.Moreover, the interpretation of freedom songs can be complex and contentious. For instance, the same song may be perceived differently across various cultures and political spectrums. In the context of movements like The Great Reset, this complexity becomes even more pronounced. Here, songs and artistic expressions navigate a landscape where ideas of freedom intersect with global economic and social restructuring. The critical lens through which we view these songs must recognize the nuances in their interpretation and their potential co-option by differing ideologies.Statistics and stories from around the world demonstrate that freedom songs often emerge in times of oppression as voices of the unheard. Yet, their post-liberation life can be paradoxical. Some songs transition into national anthems or cultural staples, losing their revolutionary edge and becoming part of the status quo they once challenged.The essence of freedom songs lies in their ability to encapsulate the struggles, hopes, and dreams of those yearning for liberation. These songs, often birthed in the depths of hardship and resistance, carry with them the power to unite, inspire, and galvanize movements. They are not just melodies; they are the voices of the oppressed, the anthems of movements, and the heralds of change.Consider, for instance, the song "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika" "God Bless Africa", which became synonymous with the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. The song's powerful lyrics, penned by Enoch Sontonga in 1897, are a prayer for God's blessing on the land and its people. The full text of the song, in its original Xhosa version, is as follows: Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrikaMaluphakanyisw' uphondo lwayo, Yizwa imithandazo yethu, Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo.God Bless AfricaRaise high its glory, Hear our prayersGod bless us, your children.>As we explore these songs in the following chapters, we do so with an appreciation of their rich historical and cultural contexts, and with a critical awareness of their multifaceted roles in the ongoing struggles for freedom and justice worldwide.

  • by Kamal Taoube

    الأمثال الشعبية وروافدها هي تعبير عفوي، وبحر لا ينضب من المواقف والأحداث التي جرت في حياة أجيال ذهبت، ولكن تجاربهم وحكمهم تجسدت على شكل أمثال شعبية متوارثة من جيل إلى جيل. ففي عالمنا العربي الأمثال تُورث كما الأرض، ليس بقيمتها الماديَّة؛ إنَّما بقيمتها المعنويــة مــن خــلال الفكر، والحكمة، والخبرة العميقة في حياة امتدت وتجذرت في أعماق التاريخ، لا بل هي مخزون فكري وعقلي ممزوج بطابع ترائي يُنقل من عصر إلى عصر، منها أيضا ما هو مطعم بروح الفكاهة، ومنها ما يكون عكس ذلك تماماً، فتكون معانيه وقصصه جديَّةً، وقد تكون تراجيدية، ولكن مهما يكن فكلُّها تعكس أملًا قد يكون مخفيًّا ولم ننتبه له، فتساعدنا على أن نفهم الحياة بطريقةٍسليمة، وتدفعنا إلى تخطي صعابها وتعقيداتها اليومية التي تتعقد أكثر فأكثر. وأخيرًا وليس آخرا، أتمنى أن أكون قد وفقت في تجميع غيض من فيض الأمثال الشعبية وقصصها التي حتمًا سيستمتع ويستفيد منها القارئ، وللبقيةتتمة، والله ولي التوفيق.

  • by Stephanie R Caffrey

    FIRST IN A NEW SERIES!Graduate student Evelyn Stevenson is on her way to study abroad, and it's her first time away from home. Excited for the adventure of a lifetime, she wasn't planning on running, literally, into someone on her London layover who would change the course of her life. Now on the radar of a notorious crime boss, she must rely on handsome and burly private investigator, Patrick Miller, to protect her. But he seems like he's on a mission for revenge. Will his hard heart melt enough to let her in? If they can survive long enough to try.

  • by Kirsten Reneau

    In unflinching yet hopeful prose, this debut memoir in essays explores the most animal parts of our human nature. Discussions of various creatures in the natural world serve as portals to the painful realities Kirsten Reneau confronts in the process of breaking-and remaking-a home. Honest in their descriptions of sexual assault and its traumatic effects, these essays are at once clinical and lyrical reflections on the ways that desire can permeate our lives for better or worse, as well as how it can be channeled into a lifegiving force for women in a world often hostile to their basic needs. Sensitive Creatures ultimately is a story of darkness, resilience, and the light that still manages to crack through.

  • by Dallas Woodburn

    Emma blames herself when a freak accident at a pool party leaves Hunter, the town's rising track star and her former boyfriend, paralyzed from the waist down. As she struggles with anxiety, loneliness and regret, she begins to obsessively paint portraits of legs and feet-Hunter's legs and feet-and for the first time receives critical acclaim and notice for her artwork.But what started as therapeutic for Emma ends up deepening her guilt. Does creating meaningful art require retreating inward toward self-expression, or striving outward toward recognition-or can it somehow be both?Searching for one whole, authentic identity, Emma grapples with love, ambition, grief, homecoming, and-ultimately-redemption.

  • by Kel Carpenter
    £15.49 - 22.49

  • by Kel Carpenter

    I'm the daughter of the Don, but my life as a mafia princess is far from a fairytale. Trapped in a pretty cage, my family clipped my wings. They keep me dependent on them so that I can fill the role all princesses are tasked: to marry a prince and secure an alliance.Except, the men my father offered me to aren't princes. They're not charming. Hell, I'm pretty sure this is the wrong story altogether. Instead of being swept off my feet, I'm a prize to be won.A trophy for whoever claims the throne to Earth and Emerald.My 'suitors' consist of my demon mate that rejected me, a fae criminal fate decided was my second chance, and a hybrid-shifter whose dark past is entwined with mine.They will decide my future, because dear old dad thinks I don't get a say.There's just one little problem.I'm not a very good princess and I have no intention of playing nice.If fate wouldn't give me my freedom, I was going to take it.I just had to hope I wouldn't lose myself-or my heart-in the process.

  • by David N Alderman

  • by Lucy Lakestone
    £13.49 - 20.49

  • by Mosaic Tree Press

    "Colourful Arabic: 50+ Inspiring Colouring Activities to Discover the Elegance & Beauty of the Arabic Script" offers over 50 captivating colouring activities featuring large, intricate designs of Arabic letters in isolated and joined-up forms. Explore the graceful curves and artistic flourishes of this beautiful script, perfect for young and old learners alike. Immerse yourself in the soothing activity of colouring while learning the shapes and connections of Arabic letters in their joined-up form. Unleash your creativity with vibrant colours, discovering the rich history and cultural significance of Arabic calligraphy (Naskh Style)

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    by Jez Cajiao

    There's a new player in the great game, and the Elders edicts hold no sway over them... Steve and the team hold the ship but only for now. Yet the world is swiftly waking to the new reality, the vultures are circling, and keeping the ship looks to be at least as hard as taking it ever was. Time is never on Steve's side, but the knowledge that he agreed to present himself before the only faction he's not at war with, and the Elders have no patience for delays, only add to his stress. He's out of time, out of tricks, and patience? That's a luxury long gone. But while Steve might be running low on many things, his reservoir of brutality is far from dry. Good thing too, because one of the god-like creators has cast her ominous gaze on him now, and as far as she's concerned, he and all his kind are vermin. What will the vermin do, when the exterminators are called?

  • by Sri Chinmoy

    Spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy writes about the spirituality of India. From the Vedic Seers to the awakeners of modern India, Sri Chinmoy gives an illuminining insight into India's rich spiritual tradition. This includes eight books of Sri Chinmoy on India, including.Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita: the Song of the Transcendental SoulThe Message-Light of the Bhagavad GitaThe core of India's LightThe Upanishads: the Crown of India's SoulThe Vedas: Immortality's First CallThe dance of the cosmic godsMother India's Lighthouse: India's spiritual leadersIndia, my India. Mother India's summit-prides

  • by Luke Richards

    DV-8 lives in a dystopian, totalitarian, Orwellian nightmare...and he loves it! After all, when every single aspect of your life is dictated, it takes a lot of the pressure off you.He never has to worry about making plans for the weekend as he's not allowed to do anything; he never has to worry about making small talk with strangers since any topics outside of party business are outlawed and he never has to worry about meeting someone as he already has a partner assigned to him. He's living the dream.So, when the revolution comes and DV-8 is granted his freedom (and a new name), he finds he has absolutely no idea what to do with it. Eventually he does what we all do when we are scared and clings on to his safe, familiar ways for dear life. While the majority are out enjoying their new found freedom, DV finds himself ostracised for living by the same rules that used to promise him safety, security and a sense of purpose. When DV discovers there are others like him who are not quite ready to give up the old ways, they team up and hatch a plan to put things "right".A twist on a traditional Orwellian tale that will make you say, 'Bring Back Big Brother'.

  • by Keith Halliday

    'The Yukon-noir climate thriller has arrived.' - Grant Redfern In the Yukon Territory's not-too-distant future, after the wildfires and climate refugees... An explosion rips through the night sky at the Northern Lights LNG plant, showering hot metal on protesters at the Winter Solstice climate vigil. Who did it? Eco-terrorists? Or was it a false-flag operation by Freedom activists? Government plans for carbon rationing and phasing out gasoline have polarized Yukoners, pitting the Greens versus the Freedom Movement and sparking escalating tit-for-tat protests and violence. Winter goes through the motions covering the stories for the Yukon Sun, but mostly worries about rebuilding his relationship with his daughter Taiya and recovering from his Oxy and booze addictions. Until Taiya joins the Greens, forcing Winter to drop the journalistic detachment and save his daughter. But first, he has to figure out, from whom? A 'gritty take on future climate fights' The Yukon News 'Ripping action on and off the Whitehorse trails! The dark humour glitters like black ice.' Paul Christensen

  • by Sharron Green

    Willing Words is a collection of poems about the process of writing, finding inspiration and the satisfaction of completing a poem. Amongst other themes it champions the use of poetry forms and rhyming; examines the physical discomfort of writer's block and explores the force that compels poets to poetize.In sum, it is an ode to poetry, and features versions of various forms including the elfchen; golden shovel; rhupunt; sestina; sonnet; than-bauk and zejel."Willing Words is a lyrical tour-de-force: an ingenious approach to redefining the trials and triumphs of being a poet. Sharron's immaculately crafted rhyme combines great insight, elegant imagery, and masterly use of poetic form and structure". Sarah Drury"Willing Words has a gentle humour, at times funny, at times resonant of Pam Ayres. It is also an exposition of what can be conveyed through rhyme and a full use of poetic form." Karen Izod

  • by Andy Darby
    £16.99 - 24.99

  • by Erica L Drayton

    With stories of horror, mystery, suspense, and even fantasy there is something for everyone. And don't worry if you're left unsatisfied by open-ended stories. That's just her way.

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