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Books published by Erik Istrup Publishing

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  • - niviarsissap autistiusup 17-inik ukiullip oqaluttuaa
    by Franciska Nielsen

    Franciska Nielsen, Sagamik taaguutilik, tassaavoq inuk autistiusoq “piginnaasaqarluartoq” (tassa nalinginnaasumik silaqassusilik), autistiulluni innarluuteqarnera eqqarsaatigigaanni inuusoq ajasoornartumik piumassusilik sapiissusilillu. Teknisk gymnasiami atuarnermi saniatigut qaraasiakkut nittartakkamik ingerlataqarpoq, tassuuna allat immisut innarluutillit ilaqutaallu tassuuna siunnersugarisarlugit. Maannalu ilungersorluni atuakkiorsimalerpoq, tassuuna nassuiarniarlugu autistiulluni qanoq nammineq misigisassaanersoq. Atuagaq anaanaasumit siulequtserneqarsimavoq, taassuma “Sagamut” attaveqarnermigut nammineq qitornami autistiusup qanoq ittuunera paasisaqarfigilersimavaa eqqarsaatersornikkut eqqoriaaniartartunit pissarsiarisimanngisaminik. Pernaammik inummik autistiusumik danskisut allattoqarpoq. Qanoq utoqqaassuseqarnera apeqqutaatinnagu tamanna immini ajasoornartuuvoq, qularnanngitsumillu atuartussaq paasisaqarlunilu pissarsiaqassaaq immikkut ilisimasallit ilinniusiallu tunniussinnaanngisaannik.

  • by I. B. Fander

  • by Eriqa Queen

    This second book in the series brings more pieces to the puzzle, to connect already-placed pieces scattered on the table-top we call ‘the human experience’. When the Christ Consciousness was prepared around 630BC, a celestial order of teachers and supporters named The Crimson Council was formed. In parallel, a human group got together on Earth and the colour crimson was used to identify individuals in the Crimson Circle. Over the years, the collective consciousness of this group has become an entity of its own and may be perceived as a crimson dragon named Shaumbra! Luzi works with two students to discover true historical events and meet this crimson dragon. It turns out that Shaumbra has quite a personality and, together with the white dragon, Loong, the Elven woman, Josela, Quan Yen, Gaya, Merlin, Nikola Tesla, Saint Germain and others, they gain information from the past and future. What they find is not commonly accepted, but it fits with hidden and not-so-hidden knowledge dismissed by established society. Luzi’s unborn daughter brings light into everyone’s hearts and plays a major role in balancing a broken family. All end up having a different view on life.

  • by Erik Istrup

    The man, Yadar works among other things as a dream walker in the land of Alt, known as Atlantis. As dream walker, he prepares and assist a person from this life to get safely to the other side after death. Yadar gets experiences in dreams and meditations that shows him that he has had other lives. To his great surprise, he also experiences glimpses of events in possible future lives. He even experiences lives on other planets, and it becomes increasing difficult for him to keep track of who he is. However, he can get help from friends in his other world. There is also help to gain, from his other I’s that he meets in dreams and meditations. The author uses his own experiences from this and other lives as the basis for the book.

  • - an unusual story
    by Marguerite Jalving

    Marguerite Jalving, is a person with both feet on the ground. With her high heels and elegant style, she stands with her strong temperament, firm in her own opinions. She gives vent to spontaneous anger as well as enthusiasm and sometimes less humble thoughts to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, when she thinks, He goes too far. At the same time, she feels the deepest affection and humble surrender for the divine, which is this book´s paradox. You will find the book both humorous and deeply devotional; a picture of a human being´s dialogue with the divine, with its dreams and heavenly visions.

  • by Eriqa Queen

    If you think dragons are a myth, you will learn otherwise in this story. Furthermore, you will learn about the elves, and discover a whole world that you didn't know existed right under your nose. In her search for material for an upcoming book, Luzi stumbles upon many secrets and old wisdom, signs of seemingly lost, ancient knowledge. When searching for truth, one may find love and friendship that one has been looking for, even in places abandoned many years ago, or in realms not of this world. The Soul of the White Dragon, the first book in the Luzi Cane series, gives you a unique opportunity to enjoy an incredible adventure. At the same time, you gain so-called lost or hidden knowledge, in a world that desperately tries to wake up from its long slumber but is distracted by the 'noise' from the same world. The dragons are awakening, not to destroy us, but to guide us in our quest for a deeper understanding of our place in creation. Even though the book is a part of a series, it contains a complete story in its own right.

  • by I. B. Fander

  • by I B Fander

    Wie Neale Donald Walsch in „Gespräche mit Gott", gibt uns Kamal, in seinem poetischen Stil, eine seltene Gelegenheit, um einen Blick in die Erlebnisse eines Suchenden im Dialog mit Dem Einen, zu bekommen. Wir werden Zeugen seiner tiefen Liebe und seinem Mitgefühl für die Menschheit und seiner Ehrlichkeit und Hingabe zum Göttlichen. Kamal ist ein Meister darin, das Göttliche in den kleinsten Dingen zu erkennen und erinnert uns daran, dass alles göttlich ist und einen Zweck hat. Er zeigt uns, wo immer wir sind, sind wir am richtigen Ort zur richtigen Zeit. Wir sind gesegnet durch Alles Was Ist, für das, was wir tun und wer wir zu sein glauben.

  • - Your life is as you choose to live it
    by Erik Istrup

    Self-development is very much about getting recognition of what you are a part of. It is about getting an overview and seeing a consistency in your life. This overview removes the frustration of not being able to understand your own situation. When this frustration disappears, you get a larger surplus in life. Overview gives a surplus.

  • - An unusual experience
    by Marguerite Jalving

  • - a modern companion to your journey of sovereign spirituality
    by Kim Seppala

    This book lifts the veils of mystery around embodied spirituality and sovereignty. What happens to our minds, hearts and bodies when we allow the alchemical process of self-realization? How does it affect our lives and relationships, and how can we navigate through the dark night of the Soul into the dawn of enlightenment? These are some of the themes covered in this book. Whilst each path is unique and personal, there are certain tools that can be supportive on this bizarre adventure. In addition to such tools of clarity and inspiration, the book includes in-depth interviews with eight modern masters, awakened humans who are walking their paths of self-realization whilst living very human, 21st century lives. Above all, the purpose of this book is to support the reader in connecting with and embodying their inner voice of wisdom and mastery.

  • by I. B. Fander

  • by I. B. Fander

    Come Neale Donald Walsch in "Conversazioni con Dio," Kamal ci offre, nel suo stile poetico, una rara opportunità di avere, attraverso queste pagine di diario personale, una fugace visione dell'esperienza di un ricercatore nel suo dialogo con l'Assoluto. Assistiamo al suo profondo amore e compassione per l'umanità e alla sua onestà e devozione al divino.Kamal è un maestro nel vedere il sacro, anche nella cosa più minuscola. Questo ci ricorda che tutto è sacro ed ha uno scopo nella vita. Egli ci mostra che ovunque ci troviamo, siamo nel posto giusto al momento giusto, benedetti da Tutto Ciò Che È, per qualunque cosa stiamo facendo e chiunque pensiamo di essere.

  • by I. B. Fander

    Comme Neale Donald Walsch dans Conversations avec Dieu, Kamal nous donne, dans son style poetique, une rare opportunite davoir un aperu de lexperience dun chercheur, travers ces pages dun journal personnel, de son dialogue avec lUn. Nous sommes temoin de son amour profond et de sa compassion pour lhumanite et de son honntete et de sa devotion pour le divin. Kamal est un matre pour voir le sacre mme dans la plus petite chose. Ceci nous rappelle que tout est sacre et a une raison dtre dans la vie. Il nous montre que o que nous soyons, nous sommes la bonne place au bon moment, benis par Tout Ce Qui Est quoi que nous fassions et qui que nous pensions tre.

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